bumble.sf.net language and parsing

plain text

some digital philosophy.

The internet may be a "plain text", decentralised, "distributed database". It has proved to be successful because the barriers to contributing and maintaining the database are not high. Anybody with a text editor and a domain name can do it. But the database has problems. It is difficult to search it, or to do a "database query". Google has provided a reasonably good solution, but not very good. XML was an attempt to organize the database and prevent information being lost. But xml failed because it is not oriented to distributed data and because it does not provide for a transition from "HTML".

The bumble site has one or two aims. To write a virtual machine based scripting language which provides the ability to parse and translate or "compile" [->wikipedia] formal languages. In a sense, this language should be a kind of unix sed for "formal languages" [->wikipedia]. In other words, it should be text based and should consume and "input stream" [->wikipedia] and produce an "output stream" [->wikipedia], thus allowing it to form part of a normal stream pipeline as with other unix tools.

Once this language is written (see the file:/machine directory) an evident extension becomes possible. The language can be used to define a text based "formal grammar" [->wikipedia] language which will be capable of "parsing" [->wikipedia] and translating and compiling. This language would look like this:

    quoted-text -> quote text quote
      "" $2 "";

The first line defined a formal grammar rule and the line or lines withing the braces define the translation, transformation or compilation (depending or the choice of terminology) or the "attributes" of the parsed input stream (as opposed to the tokens). In the case above, the translation is into html. This syntax will be familiar to users of "yacc" [->wikipedia] or other "compiler compilers" [->wikipedia]. the "$2" refers to the attribute of the second token on the right-hand-side of the grammar rule, namely "text". Unlike other compiler compilers this system does not admit programming language statements (for example the "c language" [->wikipedia] in yacc) but rather is based on simple text transformations. However some functions need to be provided, such as an "indent" function which allows for spacing text blocks.

universal naming

Programing languages must incorporate universal naming domains, or "name-spaces" [->wikipedia] in order to overcome problems of code-rewriting and code configuration and installation. Each unit of code should be able to locate all other units of code (functions, objects ...) apon which it is dependent. The most obvious way to achieve this is to mimic the device which has been successful on the web, the use of "domain names" [->wikipedia]. The "java programming language" [->wikipedia] came close to implementing this with it package naming scheme, but fell short. All names within a domain need to be unique. This concept is based on the idea that programming is essentially a process of giving meaningful names to blocks of code, an idea that maybe similar to "Donald Knuth" [->wikipedia]s concept of "literate programming" [->wikipedia]. This concept sustains that programming is a process of communicating with other programmers using systems parsable by digital devices.

An example:

    * en.math.discreet.isPrime;

    function en.math.discreet.factor(integer i)
      if (isPrime(i))
        { return i; }
The line beginning in "*" is a declaration of a "name" and essentially allows the hypothetical compiler to find the name "isPrime". If the first line were omitted the compiler should complain that the name "isPrime" is "unqualified" in the sense that it does not exist within a domain.

Once the "compiler" [->wikipedia] has verified that the name "isPrime" has been declared it can then proceed to find that code unit (in this case a function in "procedural language" [->wikipedia]). It does this firstly by searching in the local file structure of the computer on which the compiler is running. The method that should be used is the same as that implemented in the java language, namely, that it should search for the relevant file in the directory en/math/discreet/ and there if all goes well it should find a file called "isPrime.source" in the same manner as the java compiler. Unlike java, only one "classpath" [->wikipedia] should be allowed, in order to prevent the irritating configuration problems which arise by permitting multiple classpaths.

If however the source file is not found in the correct subdirectory then the compiler should use another strategy, which is the main innovation of the proposed system (although it is an idea which is completely obvious). If the source file ("isPrime...") is not found locally then the compiler should query a local "code domain name server" in an identical manner to which a web-browser queries a normal domain name server to resolve an internet domain into an ip address. However in this case the compiler is querying the cdns in order to resolve a code domain name ("en.math.discreet.isPrime") in order to resolve that name into an internet "URL" [->wikipedia] in order to obtain the source code for the code unit using the normal internet protocols (http, ftp). To be more specific, the cdns will query one or more "root servers" or "dot servers" in order to find the authoritarian server for the ".en" domain. (The "en" code indicates that the code names are in the english language). Once the .en domain server address is obtained (an ip address), that server will be queried to find the authoritarian server for the ".en.math" domain, and so on. Once the relevant URL is obtained for the "isPrime" code unit, then the code can be downloaded and compiled. Note that this process uses "recursion" [->wikipedia], is the sense that the source file for the "isPrime" function may well contain references to other functions (using the same scheme described) which in turn will have to be located, downloaded and compiled. (in the case of the "isPrime" function, it is actually not likely that it would need to call other functions). This naming and compiling scheme means that given a particular valid code name and internet connection, it will always be possible to find and obtain automatically all dependencies for the given code unit.

The system described has a number of benefits. Firstly many of configuration and installation problems which are currently experienced with software will be obviated: given an internet connection and a valid code unit name, the compiler will be able to find, obtain, compile and execute automatically the task. Secondly, using this scheme programmers will be encouraged to always be aware of what code already exists to achieve the task which they are attempted to solve. Because all the available code will be linked using the domain system, search engines will be able to efficiently "spider" and search existing code. Thirdly, the system will facilitate the creation of "aliases" for a given code unit in other languages apart from english (or the language of the programmer). Under this alias scheme there would exist several names for the same code unit (and code units would be ultimately designated with a number rather than a series of characters). For example

would be the same code unit as
(with apologies for bad german). As can be seen, not just the code units but also the domain names would have aliases in different languages. This idea springs from the concept that a program in many ways in a communication between to human beings in a language which is also executable by a logic device. (see "literate programming" [->wikipedia]. And in order to communicate with another human being it is necessary to speak his or her language.

distributed data

A new data format is proposed which has similarities with xml but is focussed more towards distributed non-centralized systems. like html and xml it should be text based. Instead of using the xml "document type declaration" [->wikipedia] system documents will be built up out of "objects". These objects can also be imbedded in "normal" documents or HTML pages. An example

This is an example of a "person" object. this object would have its own "type" definition (in a manner similar to class definitions in "object-oriented programming"). But in addition and using the ideas already described for code domain names above, these objects in the proposed system would be part of a domain and alias system. In other words the object, in order to be properly defined would need to be defined as below
   * en.physical.human.person
     text first-name;
     text second-name;

I have employed a syntax very similar to that used for class declarations in object oriented programming languages, but other syntaxes would be possible. An important idea, is that objects could be included in other objects and reused, since the same universal domain naming scheme would be used as for "code units". For example

    * en.business.company
    * en.physical.human.person

      text name;
      person[] staff;

In the example above the person object (or data format) has been re-used in the company object, thus removing the need to redefine a dataformat for people, and promoting standardization. The above declaration or definition, defines a format as below

   bar rosas

As can be seen the format promoted has some things in common with xml. The advantage of this system is that objects could be placed in HTML pages using the html "#" mechanism. for example, the URL http://www.site.net/employee#person*firstname refers to a specific piece of data which has been rigourously defined (somebodys first name) but which exists within an unrigourous html document.

This system would allow data to be published in an xml style format without losing the ease of use and popularity of html. It also overcomes the problems of transition from html to xml. What xml overlooks is that some data should not be marked up.... to be continued