language and parsing
Notes on publishing and promoting the pep pattern parser language system
"pep" is an open source project which implements a simple but hopefully effective idea. It is a simple language which can recognise and translate/transform/compile languages and text dataformats. It implements a virtual machine which can create LR shift-reduce parsers/translators for some context-free languages.
I would like others to assess and collaborate with this system because I think it can simplify dramatically software development. Hence this current document.
(.) means "already contacted"
larry wall (email .) newsgroupsÑ comp.compilers (.), comp.lang.c (.) The llvm community compiler course instructors- universities fabrice bellard and tinycc community. forth community antlr community lex yacc community flex and bison community javac people Frank DeRemer and Tom Pennello: lalr people r.m.stallman: I wrote an received an email reply. Not enthusiastic d.knuth + students eric s. raymond n.wirth + students rob pike (sam, acme person, go language) dennis ritchie brian kernighan bill joy (tcp person). ruby community python community
university of gottenburg
bnfc project
Benjamin Lyngfelt Professor Akademisk grad: Docent,
Markus Forsberg,
Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey Ullman, compiler book people. alex aiken (stanford compiler course) email
copy core files to sourceforge download. make compiling instructions a debian package etc ? separate pep and ompep (the script viewer debugger)
remove remaining memory bugs wrote pl/0 parser fk pl/0 to python compiler. javascript Machine object for browser testing, then generate