bumble.sf.net language and parsing

plain text

Parsing Virtual Machine and Script Language


Please note, the home of the documentation for pep/nom is at http://nomlang.org

The source code will continue to be hosted here for the time being.

Download and compile pep


download the pepnomtar.gz (about 1.5 meg)

 wget http://bumble.sf.net/books/pars/download.pepnom.tar.gz

( or just right click and download)

extract the compressed files whereever you like

 tar -xvzf download.pepnom.tar.gz

cd into pepnom folder

 cd pepnom

compile the pep interpreter


try out the pep interpreter (convert arithmetic expression to lisp)

 ./pep -f eg/exp.tolisp.pss -i "3+4/(5.1*7)"

Put the executable in your PATH variable so that you can use it from anywhere.

There are also some bash functions in the helpers.pars.sh for compiling the code with various options,

About the pep


Pep and nom or pep/nom is a virtual machine and script language for parsing text patterns (languages). Pep/nom is designed as an alternative to tools such as Lex, Yacc, Flex, Bison or ANTLR, or recursive decent parsers.

This folder contains various files and folders relating to the pattern-parser virtual machine and script language ("pep" - Parsing Engine for Patterns). This is an experimental, but powerful, and I believe, original approach to parsing context-free languages (text patterns). It may seem an outlandish claim, but this tool could revolutionise the way that software is created, and patterns are recognised.

I will try to make the home of pep/nom at http://www.peptool.org (and later at http://www.pepnom.org ). I have started a blog about pep/nom at http://www.peptool.org/blog/ Please have a read.


You can download a .tar.gz file of the entire system (plain c machine and interpreter - with debugger, translation scripts - in the tr/ and example scripts in the eg/ folder) Current download url: https://bumble.sf. href="net/books/pars/download.pepnom.tar.gz">net/books/pars/download.pepnom.tar.gz


Up-to-date documentation is at http://nomlang.org The pars-book.txt documentation file has not been maintained.

The main documentation file about the machine and language is /books/pars/pars-book.txt (somewhat disorganised). An html version of that document can be seen at /books/pars/pars-book.html which is generated by the "pep" script /books/pars/eg/mark.html.pss . Also the file "pep.c" /books/pars/object/pep.c source code contains documentation. The executable file /books/pars/pep also contains documentation about the machine which can be accessed by using the help commands in interactive mode (the -I switch). For example, the "Com" command in interactive mode, lists and describes all machine commands.


19 feb 2025 I am revisiting this system after almost 3 years of not doing anything on it. It still seems like a remarkably new way of parsing and compiling and worth persuing. I updated the website at peptool.org and improved some example scripts (like exp.tolisp.pss) and created a new text-to-html formatter eg/test.tohtml.pss which is much simpler to maintain than eg/mark.html.pss because it uses a less complex grammar.

28 aug 2022 working on the mark.latex.pss script which now supports most syntax including images. The script is quite complex. It should be straitforward to translate it to other targets such as "markdown", html, man groff etc. 19 aug 2022 Made a magical interpret() method in the perl translator which will allow running of scripts.

Working on a simplified grammar for tr/translate.perl.pss which I hope to use in all the translator scripts. So far so good. Also introducing a new expression grammar for tests eg

 (B"a",B"b").E"z" { ... } 
This allows mixing AND and OR logic in tests. Also, a pep script that extracts all unique tokens from a script would be useful.

17 aug 2022 Looking at ANTLR example grammars, for ideas of simple languages such as "logo", "abnf", "bnf", "lambda", "tiny basic" Reforming grammars of the translators, writing good "unescape" and "escape" functions that actually walk and transform the workspace string. Converting perl translator to a parse method Need an "esc" command to change the escape char in all translators. The perl translator is almost ready to be an interpreter.

13 august 2022 Debugged the tcl translator- appears to be working well except for second generation scripts.

current tasks: finish translators, perl/c++/rust/tcl start translators: lisp/haskell/R (maybe) Write a new command "until" with no arguments.(done in some translators) Make the translators use a "run" or "parse" method, which can read and write to a variety of sources. Make the tape in object/pep.c dynamically allocated. See if begin { ++; } create space for a variable. And use this strategy for variable scope.

28 july 2022 Starting to create date-lists in eg/mark.latex.pss to render lists such as this one. Also, had the idea of a new test

 F:file.txt:"int" { ... }
This would test if the file "file.txt" contain a line starting with "int" and ending with ":" + workspace. This test would allow checking variable types and declarations. It would also allow better natural language parsing, because a list of nouns/adj/verbs etc could be stored in a simple text file and looked up. Also, variable scope could be included in the file eg int.global:x int.fn:x string.global:name string.local:name etc ,,,, Also, another test
 F:name.txt: { ... }
Would check the name.txt for a line which begins with the tape and ends with the workspace.

21 july 2022 A lot of work on the javascript translator tr/translate.js.pss 1st gen tests are working. Working on the rust translator and the eg/sed.tojava.pss translator.

13 july 2022 new ideas: create a lisp parser, create a brainf*** compiler (done) create a "commonmark" markdown translator. This should be not too hard, using the ideas in eg/mark.latex.pss will create a 'date list' format for mark.latex.pss and mark.html.pss 7 july 2022 Started a lisp parser eg/lisp.pss Worked on eg/mark.latex.pss which is now producing reasonable pdf output (from .tex via pdflatex). Also realised that the accumulator could be used to simplify the grammar by counting words. 5 july 2022 Developed a sed to java script, "eg/sed.tojava.pss" which has progressed well. Still lacking branching commands and some other gnu sed extensions. 30 june 2022 wrote a simple sed parser and formatter/explainer at eg/sed.parse.pss (commands a,i,c not parsed yet). 24 june 2022 Some work on the javascript and perl translators. 18 june 2022 Introducing an 'increment' method into the various machine classes in the target languages. This allows the 'tape' and 'marks' arrays to grow if required. 17 june 2022 Looking at translation scripts. Changing tape and mark arrays to be dynamically growable in various target languages.

14 sept 2021 reviewing documentation, tidying.

9 sept 2021 Working on the pl/0 scripts. eg/plzero.pss and eg/plzero.ruby.pss eg/plzero.pss now checks and formats a valid pl/0 program.

4 sept 2021 Working on the palindrome scripts eg/pal.words.pss and eg/palindrome.pss . Both are working well and can be translated to various languages (go, ruby, python, c, java) I would like to add hyphen lists to mark.latex.pss and date lists (such as this one)

28 aug 2021 Go translator now working well. I would like to write a translator for the Kotlin, R (the statistical language), swift rust. The script function pep.tt (in helpers.pars.txt) greatly helps debugging translation scripts.

20 aug 2021 More progress. A number of the translation scripts are now quite bug free and can be tested with the helper function pep.tt This script also tests 2nd generation script translation, which is very useful where the original pep engine is not available (for example, on a server).

15 july 2021 Continuing work. Starting many translation scripts such as tr/translate.cpp.pss and trying to debug and complete others.

14 july 2021 working on tr/translate.c.pss good progress. simple scripts translating and compiling and running. Did not eliminate dependencies so that scripts need to be compiled with libmachine.a in the object/.

5 July 2021 working on the Ruby translator in tr/translate.ruby.pss Should try to make a 'brew' package with ruby for pep.

17 June 2021 Some work on the Makefile. renamed gh.c to pep.c Made pep look for asm.pp in the current folder or else in the folder pointed to by the "ASMPP" environment variable. Need to add "upper" "lower" and "cap" to the translation scripts in pars/tr/

15 June 2021 things done:

u/- implemented "nochars" "nolines" "upper" "lower" "cap" (capital case for workspace) in machine.interp.c. nochars and nolines are already in a number of translation scripts. - clean up the pars folder (get rid of straygh.cs etc). - fixed the add "\\" bug which was cause by a bad implementation of until in machine.interp.c (need to count preceding escape chars) Need to fix the same in the translation scripts

Here are some immediate tasks to make the pep engine more complete.

u/- write a "make configure" script to install pep somewhere - fix up the website at www.peptool.org and include some docs there - try to write an html translator for the commonmark spec and contact jgm - the pandoc guy to try to generate some interest in pep. - write some code on rosettacode site. (done) Send to linguists. - write a go translator for a modern compiled script engine. (done) - finish tcl translator

8 June 2021 Have made some more good progress over the last few days. Modified the script /books/pars/eg/json.check.pss so that it recognises all json numbers.

Fixed /books/pars/tr/translate.py.pss so that it can translate scripts as well as itself. Started to fix /books/pars/tr/translate.tcl.pss. Still have an infinite loop when .restart is translated, and this is a general problem with the "run-once" loop technique (for languages that dont have labelled loops or goto statements, for implementing .reparse and .restart). The solution is a flag variable that gets set by .restart before the parse> label (see translate.ruby.pss)

The script eg/mark.latex.pss is progressing well. It transforms a markdown-ish format (like the current doc) into LaTeX. Need to do lists/images/tables/dates

18 April 2021

Having another look at this system. I still see enormous potential for the system, but dont know how to attract anyones attention! I updated the eg/json.check.pss script to provide helpful error messages with line+character numbers. Also, that script incorporates the scientific number format (crockford) in eg/json.number.pss. However, Crockfords grammer for scientific numbers seems much stricter than what is often allowed by json parsers such as the "jq" utility.

I became distracted by a bootable x86 forth stack-machine system I was coding at /books/osdev/os.asm That was also interesting, and I had the idea of somehow combining it with this. Hopefully these ideas will come to fruition.

I think the best idea would be to edit the /books/pars/pars-book.txt document, generate a pdf, print it out, and send it to someone who might be interested. This parsing/compiling system is revolutionary (I think), but nobody knows about it!!

15 December 2020

I have not done any work on this project since about August 2020 but the idea remains interesting. Finishing the "translate.c.pss" script would be good (done: sept 2021), make "translate.go.pss" for a more modern audience (done: sept 2021).

27 august 2020

Working on the script "translate.c.pss" to create c code from a pep script. I may try to eliminate dependency files and include all the required structures and functions in the script. That should facilitate converting the output to wide chars "wchar".

11 august 2020 Ideas: write a bash script to test each script translator (such as translate.tcl.pss translate.java.pss ....) [done: the pep.tt function]

In the java translator, make the parse/compile script a method of the class, with the input stream as a parameter. So that the same method can be used to parse/compile a string, a file, or stdin, among other things.

This technique can be used for any language but is easier with languages that support data-structures/classes/objects.

7 august 2020 Continuing to work on the scripts translate.py.pss and translate.tcl.pss. Had the idea to split the pars-book.txt into separate manpages just like the tcl system "man 3tcl string" etc.

24 july 2020 Made great progress on the script "translate.java.pss" which could become a template for a whole set of scripts for translating to other languages.

23 july 2020 continuing to work on translate.java.pss Still need to convert the push/pop code and test and debug. Many methods have been in-lined and the Machine class code is now in the script.

22 july 2020

Rethinking the translation scripts /books/pars/tr/translate.java.pss /books/pars/tr/translate.js.pss These scripts can be greatly simplified. I will remove all trivial methods from the Machine object and use the script to emit code instead. Hopefully translate.java.pss will become a template for other similar scripts. Also, I will include the Machine object within the script output so that there will be no dependency on external code.

20 july 2020 Wrote the script /books/pars/eg/json.number.pss which parses and checks numbers in json scientific format (Eg -0.00012e+012) This script can be included in the script eg/json.parse.pss to provide a reasonable complete json parser/checker.

3 july 2020

Working on the script /books/pars/eg/mark.html.pss The script is working reasonably well for transforming thepars-book.txt into html. It can be run with:

 pep -f eg/mark.html.pss pars-book.txt > pars-book.html

15 june 2020

Cleaning up the files in the /books/pars/ tree. Renaming the executable to "pep" from "pp". I think "pep" will be the tools definitive name.

14 june 2020

I will rename the tool and executable to "pep" which would stand for "parsing engine for patterns". I think it is a better name than "pp" and only seems to conflict with "python enhancement process" in the unix/linux world.

Wrote a substantial part of the script /books/pars/eg/json.parse.pss which can parse and check the json file format. However, the parser is incomplete because at the moment it only accepts integer numbers. Recursive object and array parsing is working.

I will try to improve the mark.html.pss "markdown" transform script. I would still like to promote this parsing VM since I think it is a good and original idea.

23 august 2019

Did some work on mark.html.pss

20 august 2019

Cleaned up memory leaks (with valgrind). Also some one-off errors and invalid read/writes. The double-free segmentation fault seems to be fixed. Still need to fix a couple of memory bugs in interpret() (one is in the UNTIL command).

17 august 2019

Trying to clean up thepars-book.txt which is the primary documentation file for the project.

Posted on comp.compilers and comp.lang.c to see if anyone might find this useful or interesting...

16 august 2019

The implementation at http://bumble.sourceforge.net/books/pars/object has arrived at a usable beta stage (barring a segmentation fault when running big scripts).

22 feb 2015 (approximately)

Started the current implementation in the c language. I created a simple loop to test each new command as it was added to the machine, and this proved a successful strategy as it motivated me to keep going and debug as I went.



Wrote an incomplete c version of this machine called "chomski".

2006 - 2014

Wrote incomplete versions in c++ and java. The java Machine object at /books/pars/object.java/ got to a useful stage and will be a useful target for a script, very similar to /books/pars/tr/translate.c.pss (and will be called "translate.java.pss" ). This script creates compilable java code using the java Machine object. In fact, we will be able to run this script on itself (!). In other words we can run:

 pep -f tr/translate.java.pss tr/translate.java.pss
The output will be compilable java code that can compile any parse machine script into compilable java code. Having this java system we are able to use unicode characters in scripts.

It will be interesting to see how much slower the java version is.


Started to think about a tape/stack parsing machine.


I am keen to try to publish this language and idea further, because I think that it has great potential. Here is a list of things which I will try to do, to make the system more credible.


u/- finish translation scripts for rust/haskell/c++ ... - add an exit code to quit; - make "w" take a filename argument - escape should escape all chars in string eg "escape '${}'" - fix the escape and unescape code in machine.c - collect some artwork/screenshots/diagrams etc to go into the 'pars-book.txt' documentation file. - comprehensively edit and proof-read the 'parse-book.txt' file - using mark.latex.pss create a pdf version of the booklet. - print and bind a limited edited of the booklet. Send it to people who may be interested. - work on all the translation scripts so that I can translate scripts into many other languages (and so, support unicode) [aug 2022: java/go/ruby/python/c/tcl/js done. perl/rust/ etc need to be debugged] - solve the problem of attribute grammars, how do we do type checking and variable definition validity checks? There are a number of possible solutions, include a string 'type' stack which works just like the token stack (but with no accompanying tape array). Another solution is just to use the "mark" and "here" commands to check tape cells. But we need a test that checks if the tape is contained in the workspace or vice-versa.

Things done

u/- added a list syntax to /books/pars/eg/mark.html.pss and mark.latex.pss - Also a definition list syntax. So a paragraph with lines starting with 'o-' or d/- u/- - wrote a bash script that extracts all unique tokens from script. - got a domain name such as peptool.org, (and peplang.org or pepnomlang.org or nomlang.org) - converted mark.html.pss into a version that generates LaTeX (eg/mark.latex.pss)


There appears to be a problem in growProgram in program.c called by machine.c Throwing a seg fault.

Compiling the code

In the object/ there is a Makefile which can be used to compile the c interpreter code.

The file /books/pars/helpers.pars.sh contains bash functions to compile the c source code. The most important bash functions are

d/- peplib which compiles the object c files into a static library /books/pars/object/libmachine.a (for linking into executable compiled scripts) - ppco compiles all c source files into the executable "pp" - ppcl compiles standalone executable scripts generated by compilable.c.pss - ppjjff compile or translate a script into java which can be run with the code in object.java - pep.tt allows comprehensive testing of the translation scripts - etc etc

Important files

/books/pars/object/*.c implementation of the machine and program c objects

/books/pars/object/pep.c implementation of the interactive script interpreter and debugger This version uses only plain 8 bit characters (char). However this problem can be overcome by using a translation script such as translate.java.pss into a language which supports unicode.

/books/pars/compile.pss implementation (compiler) of the script language in the script language itself. This was originally "bootstrapped" by ar.compile/asm.handcode.pp

/books/pars/asm.pp implementation of the script language in "assembler" format This is now generated from from the compile.pss script by running

 pep -f compile.pss compile.pss > asm.new.pp; cp asm.new.pp asm.pp
The original "bootstrap" script compiler can be seen at /books/pars/ar.compile/asm.handcode.pp

/books/pars/helpers.pars.sh various bash functions to run and compile the c code and scripts.

/books/pars/tr/translate.java.pss a script which generates compilable java code for any script (including itself). This script shows great potential but needs to be more completely debugged (as of 25 july 2020)

/books/pars/eg/ some pep scripts which demonstrate uses of the language and virtual machine.

/books/pars/eg/exp.tolisp.pss A script which converts arithmetic expressions into a lisp-like format

/books/pars/eg/natural.language.pss a very simple and limited natural language (english) recogniser.

/books/pars/eg/mark.html.pss Converts a "mark-down"-like text document format into html This is used to generate the file "pars-book.html"

/books/pars/eg/json.parse.pss A script that recognisers and checks a subset of the json format (only integer numbers recognised until I integrate the script json.number.pss into it. This can be translated to (for example) java and executed with pep -f translate.java.pss eg/json.parse.pss > Machine.java javac Machine.java echo "[1,2,[0,0],{'name':'bob', 'age':22}]" | java Machine ,,,,

Or it can be executed directly with

 pep -f eg/json.parse.pss -i "[1,2,[0,0],{'name':'bob', 'age':22}]" 

Attribute grammars and pep

The problem of "attribute" grammars is an important one, and needs to be solved in order to make pep a viable option for compiling computer languages. Let us say that gender, or number are attributes of adjectives or nouns. Also, the type of a variable or expression is an attribute of that expression.

These attributes need to "agree" when tokens are resolved/reduced: that is "los mujeres" is grammatically incorrect because "los" has a masculine attribute and "mujeres" has a feminine attribute.

The solution may be a type stack with an item on the stack for each "scope" (procedure, subprocedure etc). No, a fake stack can be made in a tape cell.

Changes that need to be made

Make the following commands:

 w "name.txt"; write the workspace to the file name
 W "name.txt"; append the workspace to the file "name.txt"
 W; append the workspace to the file name in the tape cell.
 q 4; exit with code 4

Maybe organise better the c code: the struct Program could be removed as a member of the struct Machine.