#* translate.java.pss This is a parse-script which translates parse-scripts into java code, using the 'pep' tool. The script creates a standalone compilable java program. The virtual machine and engine is implemented in plain c at http://bumble.sf.net/books/pars/gh.c. This implements a script language with a syntax reminiscent of sed and awk (much simpler than awk, but more complex than sed). This code was originally created in a straightforward manner by adapting the code in 'translate.js.pss' which compiles scripts to javascript NOTES We use labelled loops and break/continue to implement the parse> label and .reparse .restart commands. Breaks are also used to implement the quit and bail commands. TODO Convert grammar to the one used in translate.perl.pss which is much simpler and allows bracket expression tests. Implement the "write ;" and "append ;" commands (which are already implemented in the pep interpreter). Convert the parsing code to a method which takes an input stream as a parameter. This way the same parser/compiler can be used with a string/file/stdin etc and can also be used by other classes/objects. SEE ALSO At http://bumble.sf.net/books/pars/ translate.tcl.pss A very similar script for compiling scripts into tcl translate.py.pss A script translator for python. translate.pss compiles a script into an "assembly" format that can be loaded and run on the parse-machine with the -a switch. This performs the same function as "asm.pp" TESTING * testing the multiple escaped until bug >> pep.jas 'r;until"c";add".";t;d;' 'ab\\cab\cabc' Complex scripts can be translated into java and work, including this script itself. eg/natural.language.pss seems to translate well to java. * the following is working! ---- pep -f translate.java.pss eg/mark.html.pss > Machine.java javac Machine.java cat pars-book.txt | java Machine ,,,, The following is working!: ----- pep -f translate.java.pss translate.java.pss > Machine.java javac Machine.java cat eg/exp.tolisp.pss | java Machine > Machine.java javac Machine.java echo "(a+2)*3+4" | java Machine ,,, This is fairly complex. The script translates itself into java, and then that translator is used to translate another script into java, which is then executed.... But even more complex stuff is also working, such as self referentiality cubed!!! ----- pep -f translate.java.pss translate.java.pss > Machine.java javac Machine.java cat translate.java.pss | java Machine > Machine.java javac Machine.java cat eg/exp.tolisp.pss | java Machine > Machine.java javac Machine.java echo "(a+2)*3+4" | java Machine ,,, The script can be tested with something like ---- pep -f translate.java.pss -i "r;[aeiou]{a '=vowel\n';t;}d;" > Machine.java javac Machine.java; echo "abcdefhijklmnop" | java Machine ,,, The output will be java code which is equivalent to the script provided to the -i switch. * a very comprehensive test is to run it on itself >> pep -f translate.java.pss translate.java.pss > Machine.java This is the "shangrilah" of pep scripts. And then we could do!! >> cat translate.java.pss | java Machine which is self-referentiality squared, but I am not sure what its use is. GOTCHAS I was trying to run >> pep -e "r;a'\\';print;d;" -i "abc" and I kept getting an unterminated quote message, which I thought I had fixed in machine.interp.c (until code). But the problem was actually the bash shell which resolves \\ to \ in double quotes, but not single quotes! BUGS Xdigit not valid class. Its a bit strange to talk about a multicharacter string being "escaped" (eg when calling 'until') but this is allowed in the pep engine. add "\{"; will generate an "illegal escape character" error when trying to compile the generated java code. I need to consider what to do in this situation (eg escape \ to \\ ?) check "go/mark" code. what happens if the mark is not found?? throw error and exit I think. SOLVED BUGS Found a bug in "replace" code, which was returning from inline code. Found and fixed a bug in the (==) code ie in java (stringa == stringb) doesnt work. found and fixed a bug in java whilenot/while. The code exits if the character is not found, which is not correct. delimiter was hardcoded in push solved an "until" bug where the java code did not read at least one character. TASKS HISTORY 18 feb 2025 Allowed go; (go to mark named on tape cell), but not implemented yet in pars/compile.pss This go syntax is important in type checking I believe. Having another look. This can be reorganised. I like the idea of adding a "script*" token at (eof) which indicates a successful parse. Would like to rename this "nom.to.java.pss" and all the other scripts as well. Also convert to the perl grammar, much better. 17 june 2022 converted the tape and marks arrays to ArrayList so that they can grow dynamically. 15 july 2021 probably fixed the multiple escape char "until" bug with the countEscaped() function. 10 july 2021 Trying to fix the 'until' code so that we can write 'add "x \\\\";' or add "x\\\"x"; fixed in translate.pss, now fix in translate.java.pss 30 july 2020 Found "bug", that a begin block with no other code is not allowed as a script. 29 july 2020 found a bug in "go" (not getting text from tape). Also, delimiter was hard-coded in "push" Found a bug in "clop" (a return statement) 25 july 2020 The translation of eg/mark.html.pss is now working. That means that many complex scripts now work with this script. Found another bug in the matches code. classes must match the whole string, not just one character, so they need to be eg: "^[a-z]+$" not just "[a-z]" Found a bug in the code for "tapetest*" and "nottapetest*" ie (==) and !(==). I was using the wrong equals operator for java. I found this bug by using a new vim command on code in the pars-book.txt. This command translates to java and then compiles and runs pep fragments. This is a useful debugging technique. 24 july 2020 Very great advances today. See the testing heading for a strange but true self compilation example. The script successfully translates itself into java!! So the following works ----- pep -f translate.java.pss translate.java.pss > Machine.java javac Machine.java echo "nop;r;t;t;d;" | java Machine ,,,, This script translates eg/json.parse.pss into a seemingly correct java program. It translates eg/mark.html.pss into compilable java code, but doesnt transform the text to html correctly. completely changed the way andtestset* and ortestset* tokens are parsed. This has greatly simplified the logic. First tests show that the script is working, although there will be bugs. 23 july 2020 Extensive revision of this script. rewriting methods as "inline". But revision is incomplete. This script should become a good template for writing similar scripts in other languages. 22 july 2020 Changed the stack code to use the java.util.Stack class. In the process of rethinking this script and reforming it. I will include the Machine class within the output of the script, so that there are no dependencies on external code. . Also, I will remove trivial methods from the class. Oct 2019 Made functions ppjjs, ppjjss, ppjjf in helpers.pars.sh so that java scripts can be easily run. 30 sept 2019 basic scripts working. whilenotPeep and whilePeep need to be written properly. Also, translate unicode categories in [:text:] format to java regex. 27 sept 2019 Began to adapt this script from translate.js.pss *# read; #-------------- [:space:] { [\n] { nochars; } clear; !(eof) { .restart } .reparse } #--------------- # We can ellide all these single character tests, because # the stack token is just the character itself with a * # Braces {} are used for blocks of commands, ',' and '.' for concatenating # tests with OR or AND logic. 'B' and 'E' for begin and end # tests, '!' is used for negation, ';' is used to terminate a # command. "{", "}", ";", ",", ".", "!", "B", "E" { put; add "*"; push; .reparse } #--------------- # format: "text" "\"" { # save the start line number (for error messages) in case # there is no terminating quote character. clear; add "line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ") "; put; clear; add '"'; until '"'; !E'"' { clear; add 'Unterminated quote character (") starting at '; get; add ' !\n'; print; quit; } put; clear; add "quote*"; push; .reparse } #--------------- # format: 'text', single quotes are converted to double quotes # but we must escape embedded double quotes. "'" { # save the start line number (for error messages) in case # there is no terminating quote character. clear; add "line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ") "; put; clear; until "'"; !E"'" { clear; add "Unterminated quote (') starting at "; get; add '!\n'; print; quit; } clip; escape '"'; put; clear; add "\""; get; add "\""; put; clear; add "quote*"; push; .reparse } #--------------- # formats: [:space:] [a-z] [abcd] [:alpha:] etc # should class tests really be multiline??! "[" { # save the start line number (for error messages) in case # there is no terminating bracket character. clear; add "line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ") "; put; clear; add "["; until "]"; "[]" { clear; add "pep script error at line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add " empty character class [] \n"; print; quit; } !E"]" { clear; add "Unterminated class text ([...]) starting at "; get; add " class text can be used in tests or with the 'while' and 'whilenot' commands. For example: [:alpha:] { while [:alpha:]; print; clear; } "; print; quit; } # need to escape quotes so they dont interfere with the # quotes java needs for .matches("...") escape '"'; # the caret is not a negation operator in pep scripts replace "^" "\\\\^"; # save the class on the tape put; clop; clop; !B"-" { # not a range class, eg [a-z] so need to escape '-' chars # java requires a double escape clear; get; replace '-' '\\\\-'; put; } B"-" { # a range class, eg [a-z], check if it is correct clip; clip; !"-" { clear; add "Error in pep script at line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add " Incorrect character range class "; get; add " For example: [a-g] # correct [f-gh] # error! \n"; print; clear; quit; } } clear; get; # restore class text B"[:".!E":]" { clear; add "malformed character class starting at "; get; add '!\n'; print; quit; } B"[:".!"[:]" { clip; clip; clop; clop; # unicode posix character classes in java # Also, abbreviations (not implemented in gh.c yet.) "alnum","N" { clear; add "\\\\p{Alnum}"; } "alpha","A" { clear; add "\\\\p{Alpha}"; } "ascii","I" { clear; add "\\\\p{ASCII}"; } "blank","B" { clear; add "\\\\p{Blank}"; } "cntrl","C" { clear; add "\\\\p{Cntrl}"; } "digit","D" { clear; add "\\\\p{Digit}"; } "graph","G" { clear; add "\\\\p{Graph}"; } # or equiv to graph [^\p{Z}\p{C}] as suggested on stack overflow "lower","L" { clear; add "\\\\p{Lower}"; } "print","P" { clear; add "\\\\p{Print}"; } "punct","T" { clear; add "\\\\p{Punct}"; } "space","S" { clear; add "\\\\p{Space}"; } "upper","U" { clear; add "\\\\p{Upper}"; } "xdigit","X" { clear; add "\\\\p{XDigit}"; } !B"\\\\p{" { put; clear; add "Pep script syntax error near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add "Unknown character class '"; get; add "'\n"; print; clear; quit; } } #* alnum - alphanumeric like [0-9a-zA-Z] alpha - alphabetic like [a-zA-Z] blank - blank chars, space and tab cntrl - control chars, ascii 000 to 037 and 177 (del) digit - digits 0-9 graph - graphical chars same as :alnum: and :punct: lower - lower case letters [a-z] print - printable chars ie :graph: + space punct - punctuation ie !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~. space - all whitespace, eg \n\r\t vert tab, space, \f upper - upper case letters [A-Z] xdigit - hexadecimal digit ie [0-9a-fA-F] *# put; clear; # add quotes around the class and limits around the # class so it can be used with the string.matches() method # (must match the whole string, not just one character) add '"^'; get; add '+$"'; put; clear; add "class*"; push; .reparse } #--------------- # formats: (eof) (EOF) (==) etc. "(" { clear; until ")"; clip; put; "eof","EOF" { clear; add "eof*"; push; .reparse } "==" { clear; add "tapetest*"; push; .reparse } add " << unknown test near line "; lines; add " of script.\n"; add " bracket () tests are \n"; add " (eof) test if end of stream reached. \n"; add " (==) test if workspace is same as current tape cell \n"; print; clear; quit; } #--------------- # multiline and single line comments, eg #... and #* ... *# "#" { clear; read; "\n" { clear; .reparse } # checking for multiline comments of the form "#* \n\n\n *#" # these are just ignored at the moment (deleted) "*" { # save the line number for possible error message later clear; lines; put; clear; until "*#"; E"*#" { # convert to /* ... */ java multiline comment clip; clip; put; clear; add "/*"; get; add "*/"; # create a "comment" parse token put; clear; # comment-out this line to remove multiline comments from the # compiled java. # add "comment*"; push; .reparse } # make an unterminated multiline comment an error # to ease debugging of scripts. clear; add "unterminated multiline comment #* ... *# \n"; add "stating at line number "; get; add "\n"; print; clear; quit; } # single line comments. some will get lost. put; clear; add "//"; get; until "\n"; clip; put; clear; add "comment*"; push; .reparse } #---------------------------------- # parse command words (and abbreviations) # legal characters for keywords (commands) ![abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzBEKGPRUWS+-<>0^] { # error message about a misplaced character put; clear; add "!! Misplaced character '"; get; add "' in script near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ") \n"; print; clear; quit; } # my testclass implementation cannot handle complex lists # eg [a-z+-] this is why I have to write out the whole alphabet while [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzBEOFKGPRUWS+-<>0^]; #---------------------------------- # KEYWORDS # here we can test for all the keywords (command words) and their # abbreviated one letter versions (eg: clip k, clop K etc). Then # we can print an error message and abort if the word is not a # legal keyword for the parse-edit language # make ll an alias for "lines" and cc an alias for chars "ll" { clear; add "lines"; } "cc" { clear; add "chars"; } # one letter command abbreviations "a" { clear; add "add"; } "k" { clear; add "clip"; } "K" { clear; add "clop"; } "D" { clear; add "replace"; } "d" { clear; add "clear"; } "t" { clear; add "print"; } "p" { clear; add "pop"; } "P" { clear; add "push"; } "u" { clear; add "unstack"; } "U" { clear; add "stack"; } "G" { clear; add "put"; } "g" { clear; add "get"; } "x" { clear; add "swap"; } ">" { clear; add "++"; } "<" { clear; add "--"; } "m" { clear; add "mark"; } "M" { clear; add "go"; } "r" { clear; add "read"; } "R" { clear; add "until"; } "w" { clear; add "while"; } "W" { clear; add "whilenot"; } "n" { clear; add "count"; } "+" { clear; add "a+"; } "-" { clear; add "a-"; } "0" { clear; add "zero"; } "c" { clear; add "chars"; } "l" { clear; add "lines"; } "^" { clear; add "escape"; } "v" { clear; add "unescape"; } "z" { clear; add "delim"; } "S" { clear; add "state"; } "q" { clear; add "quit"; } "s" { clear; add "write"; } "o" { clear; add "nop"; } "rs" { clear; add "restart"; } "rp" { clear; add "reparse"; } # some extra syntax for testeof and testtape "","" { put; clear; add "eof*"; push; .reparse } "<==>" { put; clear; add "tapetest*"; push; .reparse } "jump","jumptrue","jumpfalse", "testis","testclass","testbegins","testends", "testeof","testtape" { put; clear; add "The instruction '"; get; add "' near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ")\n"; add "can be used in pep assembly code but not scripts. \n"; print; clear; quit; } # show information if these "deprecated" commands are used "Q","bail","state" { put; clear; add "The instruction '"; get; add "' near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ")\n"; add "is no longer part of the pep language (july 2020). \n"; add "use 'quit' instead of 'bail', and use 'unstack; print;' \n"; add "instead of 'state'. \n"; print; clear; quit; } "add","clip","clop","replace","upper","lower","cap","clear","print", "pop","push","unstack","stack","put","get","swap", "++","--","mark","go","read","until","while","whilenot", "count","a+","a-","zero","chars","lines","nochars","nolines", "escape","unescape","delim","quit", "write","nop","reparse","restart" { put; clear; add "word*"; push; .reparse } #------------ # the .reparse command and "parse label" is a simple way to # make sure that all shift-reductions occur. It should be used inside # a block test, so as not to create an infinite loop. There is # no "goto" in java so we need to use labelled loops to # implement .reparse/parse> "parse>" { clear; count; !"0" { clear; add "script error:\n"; add " extra parse> label at line "; lines; add ".\n"; print; quit; } clear; add "// parse>"; put; clear; add "parse>*"; push; # use accumulator to indicate after parse> label a+; .reparse } # -------------------- # implement "begin-blocks", which are only executed # once, at the beginning of the script (similar to awk's BEGIN {} rules) "begin" { put; add "*"; push; .reparse } add " << unknown command on line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of source file. \n"; print; clear; quit; # ---------------------------------- # PARSING PHASE: # Below is the parse/compile phase of the script. Here we pop tokens off the # stack and check for sequences of tokens eg "word*semicolon*". If we find a # valid series of tokens, we "shift-reduce" or "resolve" the token series eg # word*semicolon* --> command* # # At the same time, we manipulate (transform) the attributes on the tape, as # required. # parse> #------------------------------------- # 2 tokens #------------------------------------- pop; pop; # All of the patterns below are currently errors, but may not # be in the future if we expand the syntax of the parse # language. Also consider: # begintext* endtext* quoteset* notclass*, !* ,* ;* B* E* # It is nice to trap the errors here because we can emit some # (hopefully not very cryptic) error messages with a line number. # Otherwise the script writer has to debug with # pep -a asm.pp -I scriptfile # "word*word*","word*}*","word*begintext*","word*endtext*", "word*!*", "word*,*","quote*word*", "quote*class*", "quote*state*", "quote*}*", "quote*begintext*", "quote*endtext*", "class*word*", "class*quote*", "class*class*", "class*state*", "class*}*", "class*begintext*", "class*endtext*", "class*!*", "notclass*word*", "notclass*quote*", "notclass*class*", "notclass*state*", "notclass*}*" { add " (Token stack) \nValue: \n"; get; add "\nValue: \n"; ++; get; --; add "\n"; add "Error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of pep script (missing semicolon?) \n"; print; clear; quit; } "{*;*", ";*;*", "}*;*" { push; push; add "Error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of pep script: misplaced semi-colon? ; \n"; print; clear; quit; } ",*{*" { push; push; add "Error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: extra comma in list? \n"; print; clear; quit; } "command*;*","commandset*;*" { push; push; add "Error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: extra semi-colon? \n"; print; clear; quit; } "!*!*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: \n double negation '!!' is not implemented \n"; add " and probably won't be, because what would be the point? \n"; print; clear; quit; } "!*{*","!*;*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: misplaced negation operator (!)? \n"; add " The negation operator precedes tests, for example: \n"; add " !B'abc'{ ... } or !(eof),!'abc'{ ... } \n"; print; clear; quit; } ",*command*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: misplaced comma? \n"; print; clear; quit; } "!*command*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (at char "; chars; add ") \n"; add " The negation operator (!) cannot precede a command \n"; print; clear; quit; } ";*{*", "command*{*", "commandset*{*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: no test for brace block? \n"; print; clear; quit; } "{*}*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " of script: empty braces {}. \n"; print; clear; quit; } "B*class*","E*class*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " of script:\n classes ([a-z], [:space:] etc). \n"; add " cannot use the 'begin' or 'end' modifiers (B/E) \n"; print; clear; quit; } "comment*{*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " of script: comments cannot occur between \n"; add " a test and a brace ({). \n"; print; clear; quit; } "}*command*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " of script: extra closing brace '}' ?. \n"; print; clear; quit; } #* E"begin*".!"begin*" { push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " of script: Begin blocks must precede code \n"; print; clear; quit; } *# #------------ # The .restart command jumps to the first instruction after the # begin block (if there is a begin block), or the first instruction # of the script. ".*word*" { clear; ++; get; --; "restart" { clear; add "continue script;"; # not required because we have labelled loops, # continue script works both before and after the parse> label # "0" { clear; add "continue script;"; } # "1" { clear; add "break lex;"; } put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "reparse" { clear; count; # check accumulator to see if we are in the "lex" block # or the "parse" block and adjust the .reparse compilation # accordingly. "0" { clear; add "break lex;"; } "1" { clear; add "continue parse;"; } put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } push; push; add "error near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script: \n"; add " misplaced dot '.' (use for AND logic or in .reparse/.restart \n"; print; clear; quit; } #--------------------------------- # Compiling comments so as to transfer them to the java "comment*command*","command*comment*","commandset*comment*" { clear; get; add "\n"; ++; get; --; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "comment*comment*" { clear; get; add "\n"; ++; get; --; put; clear; add "comment*"; push; .reparse } # ----------------------- # negated tokens. # # This is a new more elegant way to negate a whole set of # tests (tokens) where the negation logic is stored on the # stack, not in the current tape cell. We just add "not" to # the stack token. # eg: ![:alpha:] ![a-z] ![abcd] !"abc" !B"abc" !E"xyz" # This format is used to indicate a negative test for # a brace block. eg: ![aeiou] { add "< not a vowel"; print; clear; } "!*quote*","!*class*","!*begintext*", "!*endtext*", "!*eof*","!*tapetest*" { # a simplification: store the token name "quote*/class*/..." # in the tape cell corresponding to the "!*" token. replace "!*" "not"; push; # this was a bug?? a missing ++; ?? # now get the token-value get; --; put; ++; clear; .reparse } #----------------------------------------- # format: E"text" or E'text' # This format is used to indicate a "workspace-ends-with" text before # a brace block. "E*quote*" { clear; add "endtext*"; push; get; '""' { # empty argument is an error clear; add "pep script error near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add ' empty argument for end-test (E"") \n'; print; quit; } --; put; ++; clear; .reparse } #----------------------------------------- # format: B"sometext" or B'sometext' # A 'B' preceding some quoted text is used to indicate a # 'workspace-begins-with' test, before a brace block. "B*quote*" { clear; add "begintext*"; push; get; '""' { # empty argument is an error clear; add "pep script error near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add ' empty argument for begin-test (B"") \n'; print; quit; } --; put; ++; clear; .reparse } #-------------------------------------------- # ebnf: command := word, ';' ; # formats: "pop; push; clear; print; " etc # all commands need to end with a semi-colon except for # .reparse and .restart # "word*;*" { clear; # check if command requires parameter get; "add","while","whilenot","mark", "escape", "unescape","delim","replace" { put; clear; add "'"; get; add "'"; add " command needs an argument, on line "; lines; add " of script.\n"; print; clear; quit; } # the new go; command with no argument # not implemented in pars/compile.pss yet (feb 2025) "go" { clear; add "mm.goToMark(mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer)); /* go (tape) */"; put; } # the new until; command with no argument "until" { clear; add "mm.until(mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer)); /* until (tape) */"; put; } "clip" { clear; # are these length tests really necessary add "if (mm.workspace.length() > 0) { /* clip */\n"; add " mm.workspace.delete(mm.workspace.length() - 1, \n"; add " mm.workspace.length()); }"; put; } "clop" { clear; add "if (mm.workspace.length() > 0) { /* clop */\n"; add " mm.workspace.delete(0, 1); } /* clop */"; put; } "clear" { clear; add "mm.workspace.setLength(0);"; add " /* clear */"; put; } "upper" { clear; add "/* upper */ \n"; add "for (int i = 0; i < mm.workspace.length(); i++) { \n"; add " char c = mm.workspace.charAt(i); \n"; add " mm.workspace.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(c)); } "; put; } "lower" { clear; add "/* lower */ \n"; add "for (int i = 0; i < mm.workspace.length(); i++) { \n"; add " char c = mm.workspace.charAt(i); \n"; add " mm.workspace.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(c)); } "; put; } "cap" { clear; add "/* cap */ \n"; add "for (int i = 0; i < mm.workspace.length(); i++) { \n"; add " char c = mm.workspace.charAt(i); \n"; add " if (i==0){ mm.workspace.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(c)); } \n"; add " else { mm.workspace.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(c)); } \n"; add "}"; put; } "print" { clear; add "System.out.print(mm.workspace); /* print */"; put; } "pop" { clear; add "mm.pop();"; put; } "push" { clear; add "mm.push();"; put; } "unstack" { clear; add "while (mm.pop()); /* unstack */"; put; } "stack" { clear; add "while(mm.push()); /* stack */"; put; } "put" { clear; add "mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer).setLength(0); /* put */\n"; add "mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer).append(mm.workspace); "; put; } "get" { clear; add "mm.workspace.append(mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer)); /* get */"; put; } "swap" { clear; add "mm.swap();"; put; } "++" { clear; add "mm.increment();"; add " /* ++ */"; put; } "--" { clear; add "if (mm.tapePointer > 0) mm.tapePointer--; /* -- */"; put; } "read" { clear; add "mm.read(); /* read */"; put; } "count" { clear; add "mm.workspace.append(mm.accumulator); /* count */"; put; } "a+" { clear; add "mm.accumulator++; /* a+ */"; put; } "a-" { clear; add "mm.accumulator--; /* a- */"; put; } "zero" { clear; add "mm.accumulator = 0; /* zero */"; put; } "chars" { clear; add "mm.workspace.append(mm.charsRead); /* chars */"; put; } "lines" { clear; add "mm.workspace.append(mm.linesRead); /* lines */"; put; } "nochars" { clear; add "mm.charsRead = 0; /* nochars */"; put; } "nolines" { clear; add "mm.linesRead = 0; /* nolines */"; put; } # use a labelled loop to quit script. "quit" { clear; add "break script;"; put; } "write" { clear; add "mm.writeToFile();"; put; } # just eliminate since it does nothing. "nop" { clear; add "/* nop: no-operation eliminated */"; put; } clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } #----------------------------------------- # ebnf: commandset := command , command ; "command*command*", "commandset*command*" { clear; add "commandset*"; push; # format the tape attributes. Add the next command on a newline --; get; add "\n"; ++; get; --; put; ++; clear; .reparse } #------------------- # here we begin to parse "test*" and "ortestset*" and "andtestset*" # #------------------- # eg: B"abc" {} or E"xyz" {} # transform and markup the different test types "begintext*,*","endtext*,*","quote*,*","class*,*", "eof*,*","tapetest*,*", "begintext*.*","endtext*.*","quote*.*","class*.*", "eof*.*","tapetest*.*", "begintext*{*","endtext*{*","quote*{*","class*{*", "eof*{*","tapetest*{*" { B"begin" { clear; add "mm.workspace.toString().startsWith("; } B"end" { clear; add "mm.workspace.toString().endsWith("; } B"quote" { clear; add "mm.workspace.toString().equals("; } B"class" { clear; add "mm.workspace.toString().matches("; } # clear the tapecell for testeof and testtape because # they take no arguments. B"eof" { clear; put; add "mm.eof"; } B"tapetest" { clear; put; add "(mm.workspace.toString().equals(mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer).toString())"; } get; !B"mm.eof" { add ")"; } put; #* # maybe we could ellide the not tests by doing here B"not" { clear; add "!"; get; put; } *# clear; add "test*"; push; # the trick below pushes the right token back on the stack. get; add "*"; push; .reparse } #------------------- # negated tests # eg: !B"xyz {} !(eof) {} !(==) {} # !E"xyz" {} # !"abc" {} # ![a-z] {} "notbegintext*,*","notendtext*,*","notquote*,*","notclass*,*", "noteof*,*","nottapetest*,*", "notbegintext*.*","notendtext*.*","notquote*.*","notclass*.*", "noteof*.*","nottapetest*.*", "notbegintext*{*","notendtext*{*","notquote*{*","notclass*{*", "noteof*{*","nottapetest*{*" { B"notbegin" { clear; add "!mm.workspace.toString().startsWith("; } B"notend" { clear; add "!mm.workspace.toString().endsWith("; } B"notquote" { clear; add "!mm.workspace.toString().equals("; } B"notclass" { clear; add "!mm.workspace.toString().matches("; } # clear the tapecell for testeof and testtape because # they take no arguments. B"noteof" { clear; put; add "!mm.eof"; } B"nottapetest" { clear; put; add "(!mm.workspace.toString().equals(mm.tape.get(mm.tapePointer).toString())"; } get; !B"!mm.eof" { add ")"; } put; clear; add "test*"; push; # the trick below pushes the right token back on the stack. get; add "*"; push; .reparse } #------------------- # 3 tokens #------------------- pop; #----------------------------- # some 3 token errors!!! # not a comprehensive list of 3 token errors "{*quote*;*","{*begintext*;*","{*endtext*;*","{*class*;*", "commandset*quote*;*", "command*quote*;*" { push; push; push; add "[pep error]\n invalid syntax near line "; lines; add " (char "; chars; add ")"; add " of script (misplaced semicolon?) \n"; print; clear; quit; } # to simplify subsequent tests, transmogrify a single command # to a commandset (multiple commands). "{*command*}*" { clear; add "{*commandset*}*"; push; push; push; .reparse } # errors! mixing AND and OR concatenation ",*andtestset*{*", ".*ortestset*{*" { # push the tokens back to make debugging easier push; push; push; add " error: mixing AND (.) and OR (,) concatenation in \n"; add " in pep script near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add ") \n"; add ' For example: B".".!E"/".[abcd./] { print; } # Correct! B".".!E"/",[abcd./] { print; } # Error! \n'; print; clear; quit; } #-------------------------------------------- # ebnf: command := keyword , quoted-text , ";" ; # format: add "text"; "word*quote*;*" { clear; get; "replace" { # error add "< command requires 2 parameters, not 1 \n"; add "near line "; lines; add " of script. \n"; print; clear; quit; } # check whether argument is single character, otherwise # throw an error "escape", "unescape", "while", "whilenot" { # This is trickier than I thought it would be. clear; ++; get; --; # check that arg not empty, (but an empty quote is ok # for the second arg of 'replace' '""' { clear; add "[pep error] near line "; lines; add " (or char "; chars; add "): \n"; add " command '"; get; add '\' cannot have an empty argument ("") \n'; print; quit; } # quoted text has the quotes still around it. # also handle escape characters like \n \r etc clip; clop; clop; clop; # B "\\" { clip; } clip; !"" { clear; add "Pep script error near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add " command '"; get; add "' takes only a single character argument. \n"; print; quit; } clear; get; } "mark" { clear; add "/* mark */ \n"; add "mm.marks.get(mm.tapePointer).setLength(0); // mark \n"; add "mm.marks.get(mm.tapePointer).append("; ++; get; --; add "); // mark"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "go" { clear; add "mm.goToMark("; ++; get; --; add "); /* go */"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "delim" { clear; # this.delimiter.setCharAt(0, text.charAt(0)); # only the first character of the delimiter argument is used. add "mm.delimiter.setLength(0); /* delim */\n"; add "mm.delimiter.append("; ++; get; --; add "); "; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "add" { clear; add "mm.workspace.append("; ++; get; --; # handle multiline text replace "\n" '"); \nmm.workspace.append("\\n'; add "); /* add */"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "while" { clear; add "while ((char) mm.peep == "; ++; get; --; add ".charAt(0)) /* while */\n "; add " { if (mm.eof) {break;} mm.read(); }"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "whilenot" { clear; add "while ((char) mm.peep != "; ++; get; --; add ".charAt(0)) /* whilenot */\n "; add " { if (mm.eof) {break;} mm.read(); }"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "until" { clear; add "mm.until("; ++; get; --; # error until cannot have empty argument 'mm.until(""' { clear; add "Pep script error near line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add " empty argument for 'until' \n"; add " For example: until '.txt'; until \">\"; # correct until ''; until \"\"; # errors! \n"; print; quit; } # handle multiline argument replace "\n" "\\n"; add ');'; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } # But really, can't the "replace" command just be used # instead of escape/unescape?? This seems a flaw in the # machine design. "escape","unescape" { clear; add "mm."; get; add "Char"; add "("; ++; get; --; add '.charAt(0));'; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } # error, superfluous argument add ": command does not take an argument \n"; add "near line "; lines; add " of script. \n"; print; clear; #state quit; } #---------------------------------- # format: "while [:alpha:] ;" or whilenot [a-z] ; "word*class*;*" { clear; get; "while" { clear; add "/* while */ \n"; add "while (Character.toString((char)mm.peep).matches("; ++; get; --; add ")) { if (mm.eof) { break; } mm.read(); }"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } "whilenot" { clear; add "/* whilenot */ \n"; add "while (!Character.toString((char)mm.peep).matches("; ++; get; --; add ")) { if (mm.eof) { break; } mm.read(); }"; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } # error add " < command cannot have a class argument \n"; add "line "; lines; add ": error in script \n"; print; clear; quit; } # arrange the parse> label loops (eof) { "commandset*parse>*commandset*","command*parse>*commandset*", "commandset*parse>*command*","command*parse>*command*" { clear; # indent both code blocks add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; ++; ++; add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; --; --; # add a block so that .reparse works before the parse> label. add "lex: { \n"; get; add "\n}\n"; ++; ++; # indent code block # add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; add "parse: \n"; add "while (true) { \n"; get; add "\n break parse;\n}"; --; --; put; clear; add "commandset*"; push; .reparse } } # ------------------------------- # 4 tokens # ------------------------------- pop; #------------------------------------- # bnf: command := replace , quote , quote , ";" ; # example: replace "and" "AND" ; "word*quote*quote*;*" { clear; get; "replace" { #--------------------------- # a command plus 2 arguments, eg replace "this" "that" clear; add "/* replace */ \n"; add "if (mm.workspace.length() > 0) { \n"; add " temp = mm.workspace.toString().replace("; ++; get; add ", "; ++; get; add ");\n"; add " mm.workspace.setLength(0); \n"; add " mm.workspace.append(temp);\n} "; --; --; put; clear; add "command*"; push; .reparse } add "pep script error on line "; lines; add " (character "; chars; add "): \n"; add " command does not take 2 quoted arguments. \n"; print; quit; } #------------------------------------- # format: begin { #* commands *# } # "begin" blocks which are only executed once (they # will are assembled before the "start:" label. They must come before # all other commands. # "begin*{*command*}*", "begin*{*commandset*}*" { clear; ++; ++; get; --; --; put; clear; add "beginblock*"; push; .reparse } # ------------- # parses and compiles concatenated tests # eg: 'a',B'b',E'c',[def],[:space:],[g-k] { ... # these 2 tests should be all that is necessary "test*,*ortestset*{*", "test*,*test*{*" { clear; get; add " || "; ++; ++; get; --; --; put; clear; add "ortestset*{*"; push; push; .reparse } # dont mix AND and OR concatenations # ------------- # AND logic # parses and compiles concatenated AND tests # eg: 'a',B'b',E'c',[def],[:space:],[g-k] { ... # it is possible to elide this block with the negated block # for compactness but maybe readability is not as good. # negated tests can be chained with non negated tests. # eg: B'http' . !E'.txt' { ... } "test*.*andtestset*{*", "test*.*test*{*" { clear; get; add " && "; ++; ++; get; --; --; put; clear; add "andtestset*{*"; push; push; .reparse } #------------------------------------- # we should not have to check for the {*command*}* pattern # because that has already been transformed to {*commandset*}* "test*{*commandset*}*", "andtestset*{*commandset*}*", "ortestset*{*commandset*}*" { clear; # indent the java code for readability ++; ++; add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; --; --; clear; add "if ("; get; add ") {\n"; ++; ++; get; add "\n}"; --; --; put; clear; add "command*"; push; # always reparse/compile .reparse } # ------------- # multi-token end-of-stream errors # not a comprehensive list of errors... (eof) { E"begintext*",E"endtext*",E"test*",E"ortestset*",E"andtestset*" { add " Error near end of script at line "; lines; add ". Test with no brace block? \n"; print; clear; quit; } E"quote*",E"class*",E"word*"{ put; clear; add "Error at end of pep script near line "; lines; add ": missing semi-colon? \n"; add "Parse stack: "; get; add "\n"; print; clear; quit; } E"{*", E"}*", E";*", E",*", E".*", E"!*", E"B*", E"E*" { put; clear; add "Error: misplaced terminal character at end of script! (line "; lines; add "). \n"; add "Parse stack: "; get; add "\n"; print; clear; quit; } } # put the 4 (or less) tokens back on the stack push; push; push; push; (eof) { print; clear; # create the virtual machine object code and save it # somewhere on the tape. add ' /* Java code generated by "translate.java.pss" */ import java.io.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.*; // contains stack public class Machine { // using int instead of char so that all unicode code points are // available instead of just utf16. (emojis cant fit into utf16) private int accumulator; // counter for anything private int peep; // next char in input stream private int charsRead; // No. of chars read so far private int linesRead; // No. of lines read so far public StringBuffer workspace; // text accumulator private Stack stack; // parse token stack private int LENGTH; // tape initial length // use ArrayLists instead with .add() .get(n) and .set(n, E) // ArrayList al=new ArrayList(); private List tape; // array of token attributes private List marks; // tape marks private int tapePointer; // pointer to current cell private Reader input; // text input stream private boolean eof; // end of stream reached? private boolean flag; // not used here private StringBuffer escape; // char used to "escape" others "\\" private StringBuffer delimiter; // push/pop delimiter (default is "*") private boolean markFound; // if the mark was found in tape /** make a new machine with a character stream reader */ public Machine(Reader reader) { this.markFound = false; this.LENGTH = 100; this.input = reader; this.eof = false; this.flag = false; this.charsRead = 0; this.linesRead = 1; this.escape = new StringBuffer("\\\\"); this.delimiter = new StringBuffer("*"); this.accumulator = 0; this.workspace = new StringBuffer(""); this.stack = new Stack(); this.tapePointer = 0; this.tape = new ArrayList(); this.marks = new ArrayList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < this.LENGTH; ii++) { this.tape.add(new StringBuffer("")); this.marks.add(new StringBuffer("")); } try { this.peep = this.input.read(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { System.out.println("read error"); System.exit(-1); } } /** read one character from the input stream and update the machine. */ public void read() { int iChar; try { if (this.eof) { System.exit(0); } this.charsRead++; // increment lines if ((char)this.peep == \'\\n\') { this.linesRead++; } this.workspace.append(Character.toChars(this.peep)); this.peep = this.input.read(); if (this.peep == -1) { this.eof = true; } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Error reading input stream" + ex); System.exit(-1); } } /** increment tape pointer by one */ public void increment() { this.tapePointer++; if (this.tapePointer >= this.LENGTH) { this.tape.add(new StringBuffer("")); this.marks.add(new StringBuffer("")); this.LENGTH++; } } /** remove escape character */ public void unescapeChar(char c) { if (workspace.length() > 0) { String s = this.workspace.toString().replace("\\\\"+c, c+""); this.workspace.setLength(0); workspace.append(s); } } /* Perl code. Also allows multiple escape chars eg: unescape "+-xyz"; # this walks the string and determines if the given char # is already escaped or not # eg "ab\cab\\cab\c" # allow multiple chars for escape/unescape sub unescapeChar { my $self = shift; # the machine my $chars = shift; # list of chars to escape my $cc = ""; my $result = ""; my $isEscaped = $false; foreach $cc (split(//,$self->{"work"})) { if (($isEscaped == $false) && ($cc eq $self->{"escape"})) { $isEscaped = $true; } else { $isEscaped = $false; } # remove the last escape character (usually backslash) # this allows multiple chars for escaping if (($isEscaped == $true) && (index($chars, $cc) != -1)) { $result =~ s/.$//s; } $result .= $cc; } $self->{"work"} = $result; } */ /** add escape character */ public void escapeChar(char c) { if (workspace.length() > 0) { String s = this.workspace.toString().replace(c+"", "\\\\"+c); workspace.setLength(0); workspace.append(s); } } /** whether trailing escapes \\\\ are even or odd */ // untested code. check! eg try: add "x \\\\"; print; etc public boolean isEscaped(String ss, String sSuffix) { int count = 0; if (ss.length() < 2) return false; if (ss.length() <= sSuffix.length()) return false; if (ss.indexOf(this.escape.toString().charAt(0)) == -1) { return false; } int pos = ss.length()-sSuffix.length(); while ((pos > -1) && (ss.charAt(pos) == this.escape.toString().charAt(0))) { count++; pos--; } if (count % 2 == 0) return false; return true; } /* a helper to see how many trailing \\\\ escape chars */ private int countEscaped(String sSuffix) { String s = ""; int count = 0; int index = this.workspace.toString().lastIndexOf(sSuffix); // remove suffix if it exists if (index > 0) { s = this.workspace.toString().substring(0, index); } while (s.endsWith(this.escape.toString())) { count++; s = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(this.escape.toString())); } return count; } /** reads the input stream until the workspace end with text */ // can test this with public void until(String sSuffix) { // read at least one character if (this.eof) return; this.read(); while (true) { if (this.eof) return; if (this.workspace.toString().endsWith(sSuffix)) { if (this.countEscaped(sSuffix) % 2 == 0) { return; } } this.read(); } } /** pop the first token from the stack into the workspace */ public Boolean pop() { if (this.stack.isEmpty()) return false; this.workspace.insert(0, this.stack.pop()); if (this.tapePointer > 0) this.tapePointer--; return true; } /** push the first token from the workspace to the stack */ public Boolean push() { String sItem; // dont increment the tape pointer on an empty push if (this.workspace.length() == 0) return false; // need to get this from this.delim not "*" int iFirstStar = this.workspace.indexOf(this.delimiter.toString()); if (iFirstStar != -1) { sItem = this.workspace.toString().substring(0, iFirstStar + 1); this.workspace.delete(0, iFirstStar + 1); } else { sItem = this.workspace.toString(); this.workspace.setLength(0); } this.stack.push(sItem); this.increment(); return true; } /** swap current tape cell with the workspace */ public void swap() { String s = new String(this.workspace); this.workspace.setLength(0); this.workspace.append(this.tape.get(this.tapePointer).toString()); this.tape.get(this.tapePointer).setLength(0); this.tape.get(this.tapePointer).append(s); } /** save the workspace to file "sav.pp" */ public void writeToFile() { try { File file = new File("sav.pp"); Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF8")); out.append(this.workspace.toString()); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } public void goToMark(String mark) { this.markFound = false; for (var ii = 0; ii < this.marks.size(); ii++) { if (this.marks.get(ii).toString().equals(mark)) { this.tapePointer = ii; this.markFound = true; } } if (this.markFound == false) { System.out.print("badmark \'" + mark + "\'!"); System.exit(1); } } /** parse/check/compile the input */ public void parse(InputStreamReader input) { //this is where the actual parsing/compiling code should go //but this means that all generated code must use //"this." not "mm." } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String temp = ""; Machine mm = new Machine(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); \n'; # save the code in the current tape cell put; clear; #--------------------- # check if the script correctly parsed (there should only # be one token on the stack, namely "commandset*" or "command*"). pop; pop; "commandset*", "command*" { clear; # indent generated code (6 spaces) for readability. add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; # restore the java preamble from the tape ++; get; --; add ' script: while (!mm.eof) {\n'; get; add "\n }"; add "\n }"; add "\n}\n"; # put a copy of the final compilation into the tapecell # so it can be inspected interactively. put; print; clear; quit; } "beginblock*commandset*", "beginblock*command*" { clear; # indent begin block code add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; # indent main code for readability. ++; add " "; get; replace "\n" "\n "; put; clear; --; # get java preamble from tape ++; ++; get; --; --; get; add "\n"; ++; # a labelled loop for "quit" (but quit can just exit?) add " script: \n"; add " while (!mm.eof) {\n"; get; add "\n }"; add "\n }"; add "\n}\n"; # put a copy of the final compilation into the tapecell # for interactive debugging. put; print; clear; quit; } push; push; # try to explain some more errors unstack; B"parse>" { put; clear; add "[error] pep syntax error:\n"; add " The parse> label cannot be the 1st item \n"; add " of a script \n"; print; quit; } put; clear; clear; add "After compiling with 'translate.java.pss' (at EOF): \n "; add " parse error in input script. \n "; print; clear; unstack; put; clear; add "Parse stack: "; get; add "\n"; add " * debug script "; add " >> pep -If script -i 'some input' \n "; add " * debug compilation. \n "; add " >> pep -Ia asm.pp script' \n "; print; clear; quit; } # not eof # there is an implicit .restart command here (jump start)