#l; #-- replace all tabs with two spaces s@ @ @g; #-- html entities. s@&@\&@g; s@<@\<@g; s@>@\>@g; #-- stop formatting between '-->' and '--<' /^ *-->/,/^ *--</ { s/-->/

#-- script blocks
/script-$/,/^ *-- *$/ {
 s@^ *-- *$@<\/pre>@;
#-- stop formatting on line that has ":>"
/^ *:>/ {
\ \ \ @; s@$@
@; b; } #-- mark up language generative grammar rules /^ *rule: / { s@rule:\(.*\)$@\1
@; } #-- if the file contains DOS newlines line below may be necessary #-- in order to get rid of the "\r" characters. #s@.$@@g # s@\([ ][ ]*\)@ @g #-------------------------- #-- lists #-- definition lists, the term begins with a "-" and #-- ends which a ":" at the end of a line or followed by a #-- space. The list end with a blank line eg; #-- D- sea: a lot of water #-- - see: look with the eyes #-- /^[ ]*D-/,/^[ ]*$/ { s@^\([ ]*\)D-\(.*\):$@\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)D-\(.*\): @\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)-\(.*\): @\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)-\(.*\):$@\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)$@\1
\ @; } #---------------------------- #-- The virtual machine state /^[ ]*-machine-/,/^[ ]*$/ { s@^\([ ]*\)-machine-$@\1@; /^ *-/ { s@-workbuffer:@-workspace:@; s@^\([ ]*\)-workspace:\(.*\)$@\1@g; s@^\([ ]*\)-peep:\(.*\)$@\1@g; s@,@@g; } s@^\([ ]*\)$@\1
@g; s@^\([ ]*\)-\([^:]*\):\(.*\)$@\1

\ @; } #---------------------------- #-- the page title s@^[ ]*=\(.*\)=@


@ #---------------------------- #-- headings #s@^[ ]*\*\*\(.*\)@


@ s@^[ ]*\*\*\(.*\)@


@ #---------------------------- #-- files s@ \(/[^ /][^ /]*/[^ ]*\)@ \1@g #---------------------------- #-- special links #-- format: "location" (googlemap) s@"[ ]*(maplink)@" (googlemap)@Ig; s@"[ ]*(map)@" (googlemap)@Ig; s@"\([^"][^"]*\)"[ ]*(googlemap)@\1@g #-- format: "term" (google) s@"\([^"][^"]*\)"[ ]*(google)@\1@g #---------------------------- #-- format: "term" (wikipedia) s@"[ ]*(wikipedia)@" (wikisearch)@Ig; s@"[ ]*(wikip)@" (wikisearch)@Ig; s@"[ ]*(wpsearch)@" (wikisearch)@Ig; s@"\([^"][^"]*\)"[ ]*(wikisearch)@\1\ \ \→W@g #---------------------------- #-- format: "term" (wikipedia:nn) where "nn" is any language code s@"\([^"][^"]*\)"[ ]*(wikipedia:\([a-z][a-z]\))@\1@g #---------------------------- #-- format: "term" (google:nn) s@"\([^"][^"]*\)"[ ]*(google:\([a-z][a-z]\))@\1@g #---------------------------- #-- format: the @workspace s@\@\([^ ,.:][^ ,.:]*\)\([ ,.:]\)@ \1\2@Ig s@\@\([^ ,.:][^ ,.:]*\)$@ \1 @Ig #---------------------------- #-- this format provide a link to documents for the virtual machine language. s@":\([^"][^"]*\)"@ \1 @Ig #---------------------------- #-- format: the "something" command s@the *"\([^"][^"]*\)" command@the "\1" command@Ig #---------------------------- #-- format: file "filename" s@file *"\([^"][^"]*\)"@file \1@Ig #---------------------------- #-- format: the "something" directory s@the *"\([^"][^"]*\)" *directory@the \1 directory@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*link://\([^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*file://\([^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*file:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*doc:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*\(http://[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*\(ftp://[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@"\([^"][^"]*\)" [ ]*\(www\.[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g #---------------------------- #-- "vir" works in conjunction with apache mod rewrite rules #-- to display text files as html s@ dir:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^dir:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g #---------------------------- #-- format: doc:some.file s@ doc:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^doc:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g #---------------------------- #-- format: file: s@ file://\([^ ][^ ]*\)\.txt\.html@ \1@g s@^file://\([^ ][^ ]*\)\.txt\.html@ \1@g s@ file://\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^file://\([^ ][^ ]*\)\.txt\.html@ \1@g s@ file:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^file:\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@ link://\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^link://\([^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@ \(http://[^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^\(http://[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@ \(ftp://[^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^\(ftp://[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@ \(gopher://[^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^\(gopher://[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@ \(www\.[^ ][^ ]*\)@ \1@g s@^\(www\.[^ ][^ ]*\)@\1@g s@-->@\→@g s@<--@\←@g #---------------------------- #-- unordered lists /^[ ]*u-/,/^[ ]*$/ { s@^\([ ]*\)u-@\1
  • @; s@^\([ ]*\)-@\1
  • @; s@^\([ ]*\)$@\1
\ @; } #---------------------------- #-- ordered lists /^[ ]*o-/,/^[ ]*$/ { s@^\([ ]*\)o-@\1
  1. @; s@^\([ ]*\)-@\1
  2. @; s@^\([ ]*\)$@\1
\ @; } #---------------------------- #-- ordered lists, alphabetic style /^[ ]*a-/,/^[ ]*$/ { s@^\([ ]*\)a-@\1
  1. @; s@^\([ ]*\)-@\1
  2. @; s@^\([ ]*\)$@\1
\ @; } #---------------------------- #-- attempts to mark up "faq" (frequently asked questions) sections of documents #-- example of format #-- (-faq-) #-- * what is an faq? #-- an faq is a set of questions and answers #-- (-/faq-) /^[ ]*(-faq-)/,/^[ ]*(-\/faq-)/ { s@^\([ ]*\)(-faq-)@\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)\*@\1
@; s@?@?
@; s@^\([ ]*\)(-/faq-)@\1
@; } #---------------------------- #-- journal /^[ ]*(-jour-)/,/^[ ]*(-\/jour-)/ { s@^\([ ]*\)(-jour-)@\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)\*\(.*\)@\1
@; s@^\([ ]*\)(-/jour-)@\1
@; } #---------------------------- s@^\([ ]*\)$@

@; s@:$@:
@; #---------------------------- #-- make -text- bold s@-\([a-z][a-z]*\)- @\1 @Ig;