bumble.sf.net language and parsing

plain text Answer.java This is an anwer in a FAQ style document. BlankText.java Just provides some functions to deal with space characters in text BufferLoad.java Loads the contents of a file into a string buffer. DocumentElement.java An interface for different types of things which can occur in a document. Examples of document elements are links (TextLink), lists (PlainList) or normal text (PlainText). EndText.java Provide some functions for dealing with the stuff that is at the beginning and end of a piece of text


.java This is a style of writing called a frequently asked questions section. You can use the tags [faq] and [/faq] to delimit the section and use q: to start each question and ? to end each question. The class works out where the answers are based on the questions. The class provides methods to display this sections in a webpage using html. FaqDocument.java This is piece of text containing an faq section. But it can also contain a directory listing or a webfolder listing. The faq section is displayed in the webpage next to the folder listing. FaqItem.java This is one question and answer pair from an faq section Folder.java This is a reference to a computer directory. This can be used to display the contents of the directory in a webpage using links to each of the files. This element can be contained by an faq document. FolderDocument.java Html.java InsertText.java LinkableText.java LinkFolder.java ListItem.java MixedText.java PlainList.java PlainText.java Question.java QuoteText.java Reference.java ReferenceDocument.java ReplaceText.java StringArray.java Task.java TextLink.java TextTool.java Title.java Value.java WebDownload.java