import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** This class manages the process of carrying out a set of * tasks. These tasks may each take some time and may * possibly fail. The class makes * the tasks which have been done available to other classes incrementally * as they become available. This allows an application to * start using the results of the task which are available without * waiting for the whole process to complete. * @see: "SoundDownloadManager", "TaskManager" etc */ public class TaskManager extends Object implements Runnable { //-------------------------------------------- /** A set of Tasks to be carried out. */ private ArrayList taskList; //-------------------------------------------- /** represents those downloads which were successful */ private ArrayList goodTasks; //-------------------------------------------- /** represents those downloads which were not successful */ private ArrayList badTasks; //-------------------------------------------- /** This set contains those Tasks which have been * done since another class has called the * getFresh method */ private ArrayList freshTasks; //-------------------------------------------- /** This flag gets set when a new task is successful done */ private boolean hasFreshTasks; //-------------------------------------------- private Thread taskThread; //-------------------------------------------- private Date startTime; //-------------------------------------------- private Date finishTime; //-------------------------------------------- private boolean hasFinished; //-------------------------------------------- private static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //-------------------------------------------- /** a constructor which doesnt do much */ public TaskManager() { this.hasFreshTasks = false; this.taskList = new ArrayList(); this.goodTasks = new ArrayList(); this.badTasks = new ArrayList(); this.freshTasks = new ArrayList(); this.hasFinished = false; } //-- constr: () //-------------------------------------------- public TaskManager(Task[] aaTasks) { this(); for (int ii = 0; ii < aaTasks.length; ii++) { this.taskList.add(aaTasks[ii]); } } //-- constr: (tasks[]) //-------------------------------------------- /** adds a task to be managed */ public void addTask(Task newTask) { this.taskList.add(newTask); } //-------------------------------------------- /** */ public boolean hasFinished() { return this.hasFinished; } //-------------------------------------------- /** informs how long the manager has been working, milliseconds */ public long getDuration() { if (this.startTime == null) { return 0; } if (this.finishTime == null) { Date dNow = new Date(); return dNow.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime(); } return this.finishTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime(); } //-- method getDuration //-------------------------------------------- public int completedTasks() { return this.goodTasks.size() + this.badTasks.size(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** tell the number of successful tasks */ public int countGoodTasks() { return this.goodTasks.size(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** tell the number of unsuccessful tasks */ public int countBadTasks() { return this.badTasks.size(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** allows another class to know if this class has * download new resource files and if it is worth * calling the getFreshTasks method */ public boolean hasFreshTasks() { return this.hasFreshTasks; } //-------------------------------------------- /** retrieves the successful Tasks */ public ArrayList getGoodTasks() { return this.goodTasks; } //-------------------------------------------- /** retrieves the unsuccessful Tasks */ public ArrayList getBadTasks() { return this.badTasks; } //-------------------------------------------- /** * returns those Tasks which have been retrieved since * the last call to this method. */ public ArrayList getFreshTasks() { ArrayList aaReturn = new ArrayList(); Iterator ii = this.freshTasks.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { aaReturn.add((Task); } this.freshTasks.clear(); this.hasFreshTasks = false; return aaReturn; } //-------------------------------------------- public void run() { this.doTasks(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** starts the task thread */ public void startTasks() { this.taskThread = new Thread(this); this.taskThread.start(); } //-- method: startTasks() //-------------------------------------------- /** does all of the tasks */ public void doTasks() { this.startTime = new Date(); Task tCurrent; Iterator ii = this.taskList.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { tCurrent = (Task); tCurrent.doTask(); if (tCurrent.wasSuccessful()) { this.goodTasks.add(tCurrent); this.freshTasks.add(tCurrent); this.hasFreshTasks = true; } else { this.badTasks.add(tCurrent); } //-- if, else } //-- while this.finishTime = new Date(); this.hasFinished = true; } //-- method: startDownloading() //-------------------------------------------- public String print() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(); return this.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** displays a concise summary. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(); Task tCurrentTask; sbReturn.append("Task Manager: "); sbReturn.append("("); sbReturn.append(this.taskList.size()); sbReturn.append(" loads, "); sbReturn.append("successful:"); sbReturn.append(this.countGoodTasks()); sbReturn.append(", failed:"); sbReturn.append(this.countBadTasks()); sbReturn.append(", time taken:"); sbReturn.append((float)this.getDuration()/1000); sbReturn.append(" secs"); sbReturn.append(")"); if (this.startTime != null) { sbReturn.append(" started at:"); sbReturn.append(this.startTime); } if (this.finishTime != null) { sbReturn.append(" -finished-"); } else { sbReturn.append(" -not started-"); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-- method: toString //-------------------------------------------- /** * prints information about all the attempts to download resources. * * @see "the toString() and printFullReport() methods" * @return a string which is suitable for displaying somewhere */ public String printReport() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(); Task tCurrentTask; sbReturn.append("-Task Manager-"); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("successful :"); sbReturn.append(this.countGoodTasks()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("failed :"); sbReturn.append(this.countBadTasks()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); if (this.startTime == null) { sbReturn.append("start time :"); sbReturn.append(" -not started-"); } else { sbReturn.append("work time :"); sbReturn.append((float)this.getDuration()/1000); sbReturn.append(" secs"); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("start time :"); sbReturn.append(this.startTime); } sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); if (this.finishTime == null) { sbReturn.append("finish time :"); sbReturn.append(" -not finished-"); } else { sbReturn.append("finish time :"); sbReturn.append(this.finishTime); } sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); Iterator ii; ii = this.goodTasks.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sbReturn.append("* "); tCurrentTask = (Task); sbReturn.append(tCurrentTask.toString()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); } //-- while //sbReturn.append("--failed --"); //sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); ii = this.badTasks.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sbReturn.append("* "); tCurrentTask = (Task); sbReturn.append(tCurrentTask.toString()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); } //-- while return sbReturn.toString(); } //-- method: printReport //-------------------------------------------- /** allows the display of information about all the attempts * to download resources from the internet. */ public String printFullReport() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(); Task tCurrentTask; sbReturn.append("**Task Manager**"); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("Total Successful Tasks :"); sbReturn.append(this.countGoodTasks()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("Total Failed Tasks :"); sbReturn.append(this.countBadTasks()); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("--successful tasks--"); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); Iterator ii; ii = this.goodTasks.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); tCurrentTask = (Task); sbReturn.append(tCurrentTask.printReport()); } //-- while sbReturn.append("--failed tasks--"); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); ii = this.badTasks.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); tCurrentTask = (Task); sbReturn.append(tCurrentTask.printReport()); } //-- while return sbReturn.toString(); } //-- method: printFullReport //-------------------------------------------- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StringBuffer sbUserMessage = new StringBuffer(""); sbUserMessage.append("test usage: java TaskManager ."); if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println(sbUserMessage); System.exit(-1); } TaskManager dmTest = new TaskManager(); Task tDownload1 = new WebDownload(""); Task tDownload2 = new WebDownload(""); Task tDownload3 = new WebDownload(""); dmTest.addTask(tDownload1); dmTest.addTask(tDownload2); dmTest.addTask(tDownload3); dmTest.startTasks(); long l = 500; Task tCurrent; boolean bFlag = true; ArrayList tasks; while (!dmTest.hasFinished()) { if (dmTest.hasFreshTasks() && bFlag) { System.out.println("Fresh tasks :" + dmTest.hasFreshTasks()); tasks = dmTest.getFreshTasks(); } } System.out.println(dmTest.printReport()); System.out.println(dmTest.toString()); } //-- main() } //-- TaskManager class