import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** This class provides information about a class * jobs- .class, .java, uppercase 1st letter * @author matth3wbishopyahoo!com */ public class ClassInfo extends Object { //-------------------------------------------- private static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //-------------------------------------------- /** the given name of the class */ private String className; //-------------------------------------------- /** the full name of the class */ private String originalName; //-------------------------------------------- /** the public constructors as a set of strings */ private ArrayList publicConstructors; //-------------------------------------------- /** the public methods as a set of strings */ private ArrayList publicMethods; //-------------------------------------------- /** the public fields as a set of strings */ private ArrayList publicFields; //-------------------------------------------- /** error messages */ private StringBuffer errors; //-------------------------------------------- /** flags whether the class name could be found */ private boolean isGood; //-------------------------------------------- /** was the class name changed */ private boolean nameAltered; //-------------------------------------------- /** the time it takes to load the info */ private long loadTime; //-------------------------------------------- /** constructs a class with no name */ public ClassInfo() { this.publicConstructors = new ArrayList(); this.publicMethods = new ArrayList(); this.publicFields = new ArrayList(); this.errors = new StringBuffer(""); this.isGood = true; this.nameAltered = false; this.loadTime = -1; } //-- constr: () //-------------------------------------------- /** constructs a class with a name */ public ClassInfo(String sClassName) { this(); this.className = sClassName; this.originalName = sClassName; long lStartTime; long lFinishTime; long lDuration; String sNewName; sNewName = ClassInfo.removeSuffix(sClassName, ".java"); sNewName = ClassInfo.removeSuffix(sNewName, ".class"); this.className = sNewName; if (!ClassInfo.isGoodName(sNewName)) { sNewName = ClassInfo.findName(sNewName); if (sNewName == "") { this.isGood = false; return; } else { this.isGood = true; this.className = sNewName; } } lStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.loadPublicConstructors(); this.loadPublicMethods(); lFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); lDuration = lFinishTime - lStartTime; this.loadTime = lDuration; } //-- constr: (string) //-------------------------------------------- /** removes a given string suffix */ public static String removeSuffix(String sText, String sSuffix) { String sNewText = new String(); if (sText.toLowerCase().endsWith(sSuffix.toLowerCase())) { sNewText = sText.substring(0, sText.length() - sSuffix.length()); } else { sNewText = sText; } return sNewText; } //-- method: removeSuffix //-------------------------------------------- /** reports whether the virtual machine can find the class */ public static boolean isGoodName(String sName) { try { Class cTest = Class.forName(sName); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } //-- method: isGoodName //-------------------------------------------- public static String findName(String sName) { StringBuffer sbNewName = new StringBuffer(""); if (ClassInfo.isGoodName(sName)) { return sName; } if (sName.indexOf(".") != -1) { return ""; } HashSet hhCommonJavaPackages = new HashSet(); hhCommonJavaPackages.add("java.lang."); hhCommonJavaPackages.add("java.util."); hhCommonJavaPackages.add(""); hhCommonJavaPackages.add(""); hhCommonJavaPackages.add("javax.swing."); Iterator ii = hhCommonJavaPackages.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sbNewName.setLength(0); sbNewName.append((String); sbNewName.append(sName); if (ClassInfo.isGoodName(sbNewName.toString())) { return sbNewName.toString(); } } //-- while return ""; } //-- method: findName //-------------------------------------------- /** */ public void findPublicMethods() { Method[] mmMethods; } //-------------------------------------------- /** gives a short report about stuff */ public String printStatistics() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("class name :" + this.className); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("original name:" + this.originalName); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("class name ok:" + this.isGood); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); sbReturn.append("load time :" + this.loadTime); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); if (!this.isGood) { sbReturn.append("error messages:" + this.errors); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** returns all the public method signatures concatenated */ public String printPublicMethods() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); String sCurrentMethod; Iterator ii = this.publicMethods.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sCurrentMethod = (String); sbReturn.append(" " + sCurrentMethod + NEWLINE); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** returns all the public constructor signatures concatenated */ public String printPublicConstructors() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); String sCurrentConstructor; Iterator ii = this.publicConstructors.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sCurrentConstructor = (String); sbReturn.append(" " + sCurrentConstructor + NEWLINE); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** returns all the public method signatures concatenated */ public String printPublicFields() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); String sCurrentField; Iterator ii = this.publicFields.iterator(); while (ii.hasNext()) { sCurrentField = (String); sbReturn.append(sCurrentField); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-------------------------------------------- /** load the public constructors into the member variable */ public void loadPublicConstructors() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbCurrentConstructor = new StringBuffer(""); Class cClass; Class[] ccParameterTypes; Constructor[] ccPublicConstructors; try { cClass = Class.forName(this.className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { this.isGood = false; this.errors.append(e.toString()); return; } ccPublicConstructors = cClass.getConstructors(); Constructor cCurrentConstructor; for (int ii = 0; ii < ccPublicConstructors.length; ii++) { //-- construct a clean string of the constructor cCurrentConstructor = ccPublicConstructors[ii]; sbCurrentConstructor.append(cCurrentConstructor.getName()); sbCurrentConstructor.append("("); ccParameterTypes = cCurrentConstructor.getParameterTypes(); for (int jj = 0; jj < ccParameterTypes.length; jj++) { sbCurrentConstructor.append(ccParameterTypes[jj].getName()); if (jj != (ccParameterTypes.length-1)) { sbCurrentConstructor.append(", "); } } sbCurrentConstructor.append(")"); //sbCurrentConstructor.append(" ----> "); //sbCurrentConstructor.append(mCurrentMethod.getReturnType().getName()); //sbCurrentConstructor.append(""); this.publicConstructors.add(sbCurrentConstructor.toString()); sbCurrentConstructor.setLength(0); } } //-- method: loadPublicConstructors //-------------------------------------------- /** load the public methods into the member variable */ public void loadPublicMethods() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer sbCurrentMethod = new StringBuffer(""); Class cClass; Class[] ccParameterTypes; Method[] mmPublicMethods; Constructor[] mmPublicConstructors; try { cClass = Class.forName(this.className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { this.isGood = false; this.errors.append(e.toString()); return; } mmPublicMethods = cClass.getMethods(); Method mCurrentMethod; for (int ii = 0; ii < mmPublicMethods.length; ii++) { //-- construct a clean string of the method mCurrentMethod = mmPublicMethods[ii]; sbCurrentMethod.append(mCurrentMethod.getName()); sbCurrentMethod.append("("); ccParameterTypes = mCurrentMethod.getParameterTypes(); for (int jj = 0; jj < ccParameterTypes.length; jj++) { sbCurrentMethod.append(ccParameterTypes[jj].getName()); if (jj != (ccParameterTypes.length-1)) { sbCurrentMethod.append(", "); } } sbCurrentMethod.append(")"); sbCurrentMethod.append(" ----> "); sbCurrentMethod.append(mCurrentMethod.getReturnType().getName()); sbCurrentMethod.append(""); this.publicMethods.add(sbCurrentMethod.toString()); sbCurrentMethod.setLength(0); } } //-- method: loadPublicMethods public String show() { StringBuffer sbReturn = new StringBuffer(""); try { Class c = Class.forName(this.className); sbReturn.append("Class Name: " + c.getName() + NEWLINE); int m = c.getModifiers(); sbReturn.append("Modifiers: "); if (Modifier.isPublic(m)) sbReturn.append("public "); if (Modifier.isAbstract(m)) sbReturn.append("abstract "); if (Modifier.isFinal(m)) sbReturn.append("final "); sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); Class subclass; Class superclass = c.getSuperclass(); sbReturn.append("Super classes: "); while (superclass != null) { String className = superclass.getName(); sbReturn.append(className + " "); subclass = superclass; superclass = subclass.getSuperclass(); } sbReturn.append(NEWLINE); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { sbReturn.append(e.toString()); } return sbReturn.toString(); } //-- method: show //-------------------------------------------- //-- get somethings from the web public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StringBuffer sbUsageMessage = new StringBuffer(""); sbUsageMessage.append("usage: java ClassInfo [classname]"); sbUsageMessage.append(NEWLINE); if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println(sbUsageMessage); System.exit(-1); } ClassInfo ciTest = new ClassInfo(args[0]); StringBuffer sMessage = new StringBuffer(""); System.out.println(ciTest.printPublicConstructors()); System.out.println(ciTest.printPublicMethods()); System.out.println(ciTest.printStatistics()); } //-- main() } //-- ClassInfo class