THE "TR" FOLDER This folder contains pep/nom scripts that translate pep scripts into other languages. Currently (aug 2022) the following languages have robust translators: java, c (byte chars), ruby, python, go, tcl, javascript The translation scripts can be thoroughly tested using the "" function in the script. This tests the translation of a large number of short scripts using the data file tr/tr.test.txt All the translator scripts create a standalone script (ruby, python) or a compilable file (java, go). So the virtual machine (a class or structure with methods) is contained in the script/source code. The exception is the c translator which requires the code in libmachine.a in order to compile a standalone executable. The libmachine.a c library can be recompiled with functions in the file. The bash script contains a number of functions which help to translate and run scripts in different languages. Some examples: * translate a pep script file to go, compile and run it with input >> pep.gof eg/palindrome.pss "dogeeseseegod" A translation script can be used as follows: * translate an inline script into python and run the script ---- pep -f tr/ -i "r;t;t;d" > chmod a+x; echo 'abcd' | ./ # output is: aabbccdd ,,, * translate the json syntax checker into java and run it with input >> pep -f tr/ eg/json.check.pss > >> javac; echo "[1,2,true,[3,4]]" | java Machine * make the python translator translate itself into python and run it ----- pep -f tr/ tr/ > chmod a+x; echo "r;[0-9]{d;}t;" | ./ ,,,, * use the function in to translate to go, compile and run >> pep.gof palindrome.nospace.pss 'do geese see god' STATUS 22 aug 2022 The java, go, ruby, python, c, javascript and tcl translators are at a usable mainly bug-free level. The perl translator passes a few tests TO DO new languages: rust, c++, haskell, lisp, julia, swift, php, R (maybe) reform grammar for existing translators. HISTORY 24 aug 2022 The perl translator now has a nice grammar that also allows a test expression grammar. The idea of translators also being interpreters seems to work! And it should work in other situations such as creating a logo compiler/interpreter. 22 aug 2022 Will try to work on new versions of the translators that use a better, more logical grammar (and allow an expression grammar in tests- eg: (E"x",E"y").B"a" {...} ). Also translators that use a parse method, for more flexibility. Also, I will try to create a "syntax.pss" script that will check for syntax errors and print nicely formatted output.