#* This file contains some valid (and invalid) statements in the pattern script language. This can be used in conjuction with the pp executable and the 'asm.pp' assembler script, which is responsible for parsing and compiling the current format. * http://bumble.sf.net/books/gh/gh.c for the source code for the pp executable * http://bumble.sf.net/books/gh/asm.pp source code for the assembler script try: >> pp -a asm.pp -i t.commands.pss This will run the program in interactive mode. Then type 'rr' to run the assembler on the commands to see if they parse correctly. Hopefully soon (2019) it will be possible to type >> pp -f t.commands.pss which will do the same thing. *# #------------------------------------ # some error formats for testing # add print ; # add "text" clear; #------------------------------------ # good formats while [:alpha:]; add "\""; add 'single'; add 'esc\'aped' ; add "double"; a "short"; add "d esc\"aped" ; clip ;k; clop;K; clear; d ; print; t; pop; p; push; P; put; G; get; g; swap ; x; ++; >; -- ; < ; read ; r; until "ABCD"; R 'abcd' ; until 'usingle' ; while [:alpha:]; whilenot [:space:]; count; n ; a+;+; a-; -; zero; 0; cc;c; ll; l; escape "*" ; ^ '$' ; unescape "#" ; v '@' ; state; S; quit; q; write ;s; nop; o;