{ This pl/0 file is to test the pep script plzero.pss which checks the syntax of a pl/0 program and outputs the program in a standard format. pl/0 is language designed by N.Wirth for teaching the design of compilers. The program below calculates prime numbers Some code has no purpose, it is just there to check the parser } const max = 100, min = 0, length = 2; var arg, ret, time ; { a procedure just to test parsing structures } PROCEDURE busyWork; const worker = 1, two=2 ,three=3; var simple, simon, says; begin if (a+b)*c-1+55/3 = 5+x then write x; ? x; ? y; ?z end ; procedure isPrime; var i, display; begin ret := 1; i := 2; while i < arg do begin if arg / i * i = arg then begin ret := 0; i := arg end; i := i + 1 end end; procedure primes; begin arg := 2; while arg < max do begin call isPrime; if ret = 1 then write arg; arg := arg + 1 end end; { main program } begin arg := 16; call isPrime; call primes end .