&& Developing an Operating System This is a booklet about the process of developing an operating system. First a 512 byte bootloader is created which performs a simple function such as printing a message or getting a key from the keyboard, then that bootloader is used to load and execute a larger os 'kernel'. Really, the snippets here, just contain information about writing simple 'bootable' programs for x86 computers. The source code is in x86 assembler and was inspired by the Mikeos code == main bios interrupt functions .. int 13h, disk access (via sectors, cylinders etc) .. GETTING HELP wiki.osdev.org is a good site THE BOOT PROCESS The computer powers on and starts executing the bios. The bios then looks for a bootable sector (512 bytes) on a suitable 'boot medium'. That could be a old floppy disk (in days gone by) or now a USB memory stick, CD, or hard-drive. The boot medium is supposed to contain a 'boot signature' which is just a couple of bytes with specific numbers in them. This is to ensure that the computer doesnt attempt to boot something which is not supposed to be booted. http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=124387 interesting information about booting from usb by mike gonta STEP BY STEP This section describes, step by step how to create a bootable x86 usb key * install the correct programs >> sudo apt-get install qemu-system-i386 nasm mkdosfs ... * make a new floppy image called 'os.flp' >> mkdosfs -C os.flp 1440 The above line will not overwrite and existing file. Another way is to copy an existing floppy disk image. * compile the assembler source into a flat binary executable >> nasm -f bin -o first.bin first.asm >> nasm -o first.bin first.asm ##(probably the same) The 'bin' format is the default for the nasm assembler. * insert the compiled kernel 'first.bin' into the floppy image >> dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=first.bin of=os.flp * boot the operating system in the qemu virtual machine >> qemu -fda os.flp >> qemu-system-i386 -fda os.flp * create an iso file which can be burnt to a cd in the 'cdiso' folder >> mkisofs -o myfirst.iso -b myfirst.flp cdiso/ Use 'df' or 'dmesg' to find out the device name of a usb key which you have inserted eg '/dev/sdc' * unmount the usb key >> umount /dev/sdc WARNING: the following command will delete all previous data on the usb memory stick. When you execute the command below, the little light on the usb memory stick should flash a few times, indicating that data is being written to the stick. * write the new operating system to the boot sector of the usb key >> sudo dd if=os.flp of=/dev/sdc >> su; dd if=os.flp of=/dev/sdc ##(on a non debian system) Be Very, Very careful where you write the floppy image file to. If you write it to your hard-disk (for example /dev/hda) that is more or less the end of the data and operating system on that hard-disk. If the usb memory stick dev has a number, dont use the number, just the letters of the device name eg 'sdc1' becomes 'sdc' (remove the number 1 from the name). The usb memory stick can now be used to boot the new operating system by changing the computer boot order in the bios. Eg press <esc> on an asus eee pc or the ibm key on a thinkpad MEMORY ADDRESSES IN X86 READ MODE real mode addresses are 20 bits but are made up of a 16bit segment address, with a 16bit offset. Its not that complicated. The segment address, which needs to be loaded into ds or another segment register with something like mov ax 07C0h mov ds ax is really the address 07C00h. That means that it is a 20 bit address that can only address 1 megabyte of memory, no more. Hence the one of the needs for protected mode... SIMPLE BOOT PROGRAM Apparently the boot sector from a floppy (or usb) or hard-disk is always loaded to the physical memory location 07C00h which corresponds to the 'segment' (in real mode) 07C0h. The code below seems to have a problem with register indirect jumps (code segment not set properly) * a simple example of a bootable program with stack and a function ----------------- BITS 16 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; this creates a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI call print_string ; Call our string-printing routine jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! text_string db 'This is my cool new OS!!!', 0 print_string: ; Routine: output string in SI to screen mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .repeat: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .repeat .done: ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, GOTCHAS .... Some bioses require a short jump (+/-128 bytes) followed by a 'nop' no operation instruction in order to execute even though there isnt really a logical reason for this. * start the boot sector like this ------- jmp short start nop start: ,,, * ax cant be used as an index register ------- mov bx, [ax] ; error !! you cant get some value out of memory by using ; an index stored in ax, use bx or si or di instead mov ax, [bx] ; OK this works ,,, BOOTLOADERS https://github.com/cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples good examples http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22054578/how-to-run-a-program-without-an-operating-system/32483545#32483545 good knowledgable stuff about bootloading and io The initial bootable program may only be 512 bytes long since it must fit into 1 sector of the 'floppy'. This is limiting. The answer is to use these 512 bytes to load a bigger program into memory and jump to it. The code below shows how. Sector 2, head 0, cylinder 0, is the sector (512 bytes) immediately following the sector occupied by the boot program, which contains the code we want to execute. After Booting the DL register may contain the number of the boot media. For example for a usb memory stick on my asus eee pc DL=128. this number should be saved for use with the read write functions of INT 13h * a simple working bootloader ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start drive db 0 ; a variable to hold boot drive number start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov [drive], dl ; save the boot drive number mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; with a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 ; save the DL register or else dont modify it ; it contains the number of the boot medium (hard disk, ; usb memory stick etc) ; The 'floppy' Drive is NOT necesarily 0!!! reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, [drive] ; the boot drive number (eg for usb 128) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors (only 1 used here) mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, [drive] ; int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad out the boot sector (512 bytes) dw 0AA55h ; end with standard boot signature ; this is important for memory offset calculations ; or compile next stage separately section stage2 vstart=0 ; the code to be loaded and executed mov ah, 0x0A mov al, '!' mov cx, 10 int 10h hang: jmp hang ,,, The only difference in the code below is that the loaded program is contained in a separate file, which is handy for organisational reasons. * another way of writing the bootloader, almost identical ----------------------------- ; 3.ASM ; Load a program off the disk and jump to it ; Tells the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 start: push dx ; save the boot medium drive number ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax reset: ; Reset the floppy drive ; drive number in DL, unmodified since boot mov ax, 0 ; int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 ; drive number in DL, unmodified since boot int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the program times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h This is a small loadable program. ; PROG.ASM mov ah, 9 mov al, '=' mov bx, 7 mov cx, 10 int 10h hang: jmp hang This program creates a disk image file that contains both the bootstrap and the small loadable program. ; IMAGE.ASM ; Disk image %include '3.asm' %include 'prog.asm' ,,, The code below doesnt modify the DL register which contains the drive number of the boot medium immediately after boot. (the bios places it there). It would be better and safer to save DL for use with the int 13h read/write functions * a boot loader which shows what its up to ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start %include 'prints.asm' %include 'printi8.asm' m.reset db 'resetting floppy',13,10,0 m.read db 'reading sector 2 of floppy',13,10,0 m.dlstate db 'dl is ',0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, m.dlstate call prints mov bl, 10 mov al, dl call printi8 mov cx, 4 ; try to reset drive 4 times .reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov si, m.reset call prints mov ax, 0 ; ;mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 (=A), no! use the DL value after boot int 13h jnc .startread loop .reset ; on error (carry flag) reset again 3 times .startread: mov cx, 4 ; try to read 4 times .read: mov si, m.read call prints mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors (only 1 used here) mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 ;mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0, 'floppy' (or usb memory stick) int 13h ; Read! jnc .done loop .read ; on error (carry flag) try again 3 times .done: jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ; the code to be loaded and executed jmp start2 m.loaded db 'loaded data!',13,10,0 start2: mov ah, 0x0A mov al, '!' mov cx, 10 int 10h hang: jmp hang ,,, ; boot1.asm stand alone program for floppy boot sector ; Compiled using nasm -f bin boot1.asm ; Written to floppy with dd if=boot1 of=/dev/fd0 MULTIBOOT AND GRUB .... Multiboot is a file format invented by grub to overcome limitations of master boot record mbr format. It allows booting a file from the file system, and booting several oses on the one computer. This is worth investigating to allow the toy.os to co-exist peacefully with other systems. REBOOTING .... * reboot the computer by jumping to FFFF:0 ------------------ ; Boot record is loaded at 0000:7C00 ie CS==0 & IP==7c00 org 7c00h lea si,[msg] ; load message address into SI register: mov ah,0eh print: mov al,[si] cmp al,0 jz done ; zero byte at end of string int 10h ; write character to screen. inc si jmp print done: mov ah,0 ; wait for any key: int 16h ; waits for key press ; store magic value at 0040h:0072h to reboot: ; 0000h - cold boot. ; 1234h - warm boot. mov ax,0040h mov ds,ax mov word[0072h],0000h ; cold boot. jmp 0ffffh:0000h ; reboot! msg db 'welcome, i have control of the computer.',13,10 db 'press any key to reboot.',13,10 db '(after removing the floppy)',13,10,0 ,,, * reboot the computer, but this may lock up the computer. >> int 19h * reboot the computer after a user keypress with int 19h, may lock! ------------- mov ah, 0 ; x86 bios wait for keypress function int 16h mov ah, 0eH ; echo the key just pressed int 10H int 19h ; reboot the computer times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; PC boot signature ,,, SEGMENTS data in segments can be accessed with the syntax ss:bx ss:cx etc The if no segment is specified then all mov, lodsb etc are relative to ds - the data segment. * move the low byte on top of stack into al ------------ mov bx, sp mov al, [ss:bx] ,,, STACK SEGMENT .... The stack segment register is used to calculate offsets into the stack used for PUSH and POP instructions. It appears to be automatically initialized, but we can initialize it explicitly if we need a big stack etc. * access data in the ss stack segment ------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 10 ; form feed jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; print low byte character on top of stack ; not including the fn return pointer test: dw 0 db 4, 'test' test.x: mov bx, sp mov al, [ss:bx+2] mov ah, 0eH int 10H ret start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax push '*' call test.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of MBR boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard MBR boot signature ,,, ,,,, DATA SEGMENT .... The DS or data segment register needs to be initialized before accessing variable with [var] since the offset of these variables are calculated relative to value in the DS register. The following 2 lines are sufficient. But I am not sure why or if the magic number 0x07C0 always works. * Initialize the data segment register DS ---------- mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax ; load DS with correct value ,,, * Error!! prints rubbish not 1st and 2nd char of 'message' ------------ jmp start message db 'hello!' start: mov ah, 0eh mov al, [message] ;! DS hasnt been initialized int 10h ; will display garbage mov al, [message+1] ; same... int 10h hang: jmp hang ,,, * Correct! print the first two characters of a string ------------ jmp start message db 'hello!' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Initialize data segment DS register mov ds, ax ; load DS with correct value mov ah, 0eh ; bios teletype function mov al, [message] ; first char of 'message' int 10h ; invoke bios mov al, [message+1] ; 2nd char of 'message' int 10h hang: jmp hang ,,, * also works in qemu with no boot signature ------------ mov ax, 07C0h ; Initialize data segment DS register mov ds, ax ; load DS with correct value mov ah, 0eh ; bios teletype function mov al, [message] ; first char of 'message' int 10h ; invoke bios mov al, [message+1] ; 2nd char of 'message' int 10h hang: jmp hang message db 'hello!' ,,, EXTENDED READ WRITE FUNCTIONS For memory addresses outside of the range use extended functions with a dap data structure. http://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=27510 good posts about this topic Use INT 13h with AH=42h (read) AH=43h (write), extended functions use with a DAP, a datastructure MOVING DATA == data moving instructions .. mov - mov data around .. xchg - exchange the contents of 2 registers/memory .. POINTERS AND DATA .... We can use the BX register as a pointer to data or and index Also, SI and DI * get data from a pointer >> mov bx, [bx] This is like int i = *p; in the C language MOV ... The 'mov' x86 instruction is perhaps the simplest and most fundamental instructions The syntax for moving a register into memory doesnt seem logical to me, ... it is "mov [buffer], ax" * when moving to and from memory specify a data size >> mov byte al, [foo] * when moving to and from memory specify a data size >> mov word [buffer], 0x0000 * mov from register to memory buffer -------- result dw 0x0000 ; assign memory sub dx, dx ; set dx = 0 add dx, 10 mov [result], dx ; store result from register DX ,,, XCHG ... This instruction is 1 clock cycle and fewer bytes than mov so more desirable in some circumstances. STRINGS AND TEXT A 'string' in this context is just a series of bytes, words or double words which exist is contiguous memory locations. The bytes may represent characters in some human language, or they may not. Its up to you. x86 Assembly language has special instructions for dealing with strings such as movs, movsb etc. But each instruction only deals with one byte, word etc at a time (unless you combine these instructions with a 'rep' instruction) STRING INSTRUCTIONS .... == summary .. cmpsb - compare bytes from 2 strings (in DS:SI and ES:DI) .. cmpsw - compare double bytes from 2 strings (DS:SI and ES:DI) .. lodsb - load a byte from a string in AL .. lodsw - load 2 bytes from a string in to AX .. lodsd - load 4 bytes from a string into EAX .. * load a byte character from a string in AL and update SI >> lodsb STOS .... This is the "store a string" instruction and includes stosb, store a byte, stosw, store a word etc. Need to initializefk * initialise an array with -1 ----------- jmp start array resw 100 start: mov ax, cs mov es, ax ; stosw uses es extended segment mov ecx, 100 mov edi, array mov ax, -1 cld ; clear direction flag, ie go forward not backward rep stosw here: jmp here ,,, * convert a string to lowercase without changing blank characters ----------- jmp start string.a: db 'HeLLo' string.b: db ' ' stringlength: dw 4 start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax ; must initialise ds no? mov es, ax ; must initialise es no? mov ecx, stringlength mov esi, string.a mov edi, string.b cld ; clear direction flag, ie go forward not backward .again lodsb or al, 20h stosb loop .again here: jmp here ,,, PRINTING STRINGS .... Normally strings are 'printed' or displayed by loading the address of the first byte (or word) of a string into the SI register and then using 'lodsb' the load string byte instruction to get successive characters into the AL or AX register while incrementing the pointer in the SI register (lodsb does these things automatically). Another way to print a string is to write the string directly to video memory (instead of using x86 bios int 0x10 functions) Does LODSB decrement the CX counter? No * print the first two characters of a string ------------ jmp start message db 'hello!' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov ah, 0eh ; print character function mov al, [message] ; first char of 'message' int 10h mov al, [message+1] int 10h here: jmp here ,,, * print the 1st three characters with lodsb ------------ jmp start message db 'hello!' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax cld ; set dir flag to forwards lea si, [message] mov cx, 3 ; loop count 3 mov ah, 0eh ; print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message int 10h loop .again here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is working and demonstrates a number of important forth style ideas; A set of functions which are set within a data structure (a linked list) with each function having its own header with function name and a link to previous function. Also, all parameters for the functions are passed on the stack. * forth function style printing ------------ jmp start message dw 9, 'AbcXyz{*}' ; a linked list of functions (forth style) ; -- dup just duplicates the top item on the stack dup: dw 0 ; 1st word has a zero link db 3, 'dup' ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push bx ; restore fn return address ret ; print takes its arguments on the stack (buffer address, char count) print: dw dup ; link to previous dictionary entry db 5, 'print' print.x: cld ; set dir flag to forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop ax ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call mov si, ax ; maybe should use "lea si, ax" but how?? mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message int 10h loop .again ret start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? push message+2 ; address of string buffer (1st word is count) push 9 ; how many characters to print call print.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print a zero terminated string with address in the SI register ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 'A function to print',13,10,0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, message ; Put string position into SI call prints ; Call our string-printing routine hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! ;# prints ; output zero terminated string in SI to screen prints: mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get next character from string cmp al, 0 ; Char == 0 ? je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .again .done: ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, VARIABLES OF STRING BUFFERS .... Another approach to strings is for a string to push the address of its buffer onto the stack. This can then be manipulated and displayed by other functions.... * a string buffer which places its address on the stack ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message.s db 'A function to print',13,10,0 message: pop bx ; get return address off stack push message.s ; put the address of the message on the stack push bx ; restore return address ret puts: pop bx ; the 'puts' procedure return address pop si ; the address of zero ended string to print push bx ; restore the return address to the stack mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype .again: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .again .done: ret start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax call message ; Put string address onto stack call puts ; print the message on the stack call message ; Put string address onto stack call puts ; print the message on the stack hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - an infinite loop times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, ZERO TERMINATED STRINGS .... A zero terminated string simple has a byte with 0 zero in it at the end of the characters stored in memory. This is the system used by the C language. COUNTED STRINGS .... One method of storing a string is to include the count of the number of characters in a string next to the string where it is stored in memory. This system is used in the old 'forth' language and in modern languages where strings are stored as objects. * store the length (in byte characters) after the string -------- message db 'abcdefghijklmnop' count dw $-message ,,, * print a counted string with lodsb ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 'Counted String' count dw 14 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; set the data segment mov ds, ax mov si, message ; Put string position into SI mov cx, [count] ; how many chars to print mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get character from string into AL int 10h ; loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is very similar by only uses 1 byte for the count (thus limiting the string length to 255 characters) and also has the count preceding the string. These type of counted strings are what are used in the Forth language * print a preceding counted string with lodsb ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 16,'Counted String!!' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; set the data segment mov ds, ax cld ; move forward through message sub cx, cx ; set CX = 0 mov si, message ; Put start of string position into SI lodsb ; get [SI] into AL; increment SI mov cl, al ; cl now contains the count mov ah, 0Eh ; bios int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get character from string into AL int 10h ; invoke bios loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 here: jmp here ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print a string with an automatic preceding count ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start count dw message.end - message message db 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' message.end start: mov ax, 07C0h ; set the data segment mov ds, ax mov si, message ; Put string position into SI mov cx, [count] ; how many chars to print mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get character from string into AL int 10h ; loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below prints a counted string, where the count is calculated by the assembler and is located in the 2 bytes just before the string itself in memory. This system allows the use of only one label (instead of one for the message and one for the count) * a counted string with only one label ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message dw message.end-$-2 db 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' message.end start: mov ax, 07C0h ; set the data segment mov ds, ax mov si, message+2 ; Put string position into SI (after count) mov cx, [message] ; how many chars to print (message length) mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get character from string into AL int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, CMPS COMPARE STRING .... This includes cmpsb, cmpsw, cmpsw. These instructions compare [ds:si] == [es:di] and set a flag if true or false They also advance the 2 pointers by one byte or word etc. This means the cmps instructions can be used in a loop or with rep to compare an entire string. The instructions can be used with repe repne etc The std, set direction flag instruction and cld, clear direction flag determine which way the ds:si and es:di pointers advance after the compare instruction * initialise ds and es registers and si and di ------ aaa db 'x' bbb db 'y' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; ! must initialise for cmpsb lea si, [a] ,,, We can also initialise ds and es with lds and les SCAS SCAN STRING .... The scan string instructions are used to locate a particular 'character' (or value) with a string. It uses the ES:DI register pair (not the DS:SI pair). This instruction has the variants scasb, scasw, scasd * scan a string for a particular character ----------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 'abcdefghijklmnop' count dw $-message start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax ; data segment = code segment mov es, ax ; extended segment = code segment mov di, message ; or as below ;les di, [message] cld ; search forward (set direction flag = 0) mov al, 'p' ; the character to scan for mov cx, [count] ; search within string length repne scasb je .found .notfound: mov al, 'N' mov ah, 0eH ; bios 'teletype' function int 10H ; bios output interrupt jmp hang .found: dec di ; If found, DI points 1 byte further, as with 'cmps' mov ax, [di] ; print the character found mov ah, 0eH ; teletype AL bios function int 10H mov al, 'Y' int 10H hang: jmp hang ; loop foever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; padding dw 0AA55h ; boot signature ,,, The code below should be modified to skip all leading white space. This could be done with 'repe scasb' with al=' ' * find the length of the 1st word of a sentence ----------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 'tree one 2 three' count dw $-message start: mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax ; data segment = code segment mov es, ax ; extended segment = code segment mov di, message ; or ... les di, [message] cld ; search forward (set direction flag = 0) mov al, ' ' ; scan for next space mov cx, [count] ; search within string length repne scasb je .found .notfound: mov al, 'N' mov ah, 0eH ; bios 'teletype' function int 10H ; bios output interrupt jmp hang .found: dec di ; DI points 1 byte further, as with 'cmps' mov ax, [count] ; how many characters scanned sub ax, cx ; or do DI - message dec ax ; cx is 1 too small add ax, '0' ; convert count digit to ascii mov ah, 0eH ; teletype AL bios function int 10H mov al, 'Y' int 10H hang: jmp hang ; loop foever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; padding dw 0AA55h ; boot signature ,,, NULL TERMINATED STRINGS .... The 'null' or zero terminated string is a series of (usually) ascii characters (traditionally bytes) with the last bytes being the value zero 0. This is the standard C programming language string representation and therefore is pretty common. The advantage is that string manipulation functions dont have to know how long the strings are before doing something with them. * define a string with a unix newline >> prompt db "ENTER OPERAND:", 13, 0 * define a string with a dos newline >> prompt db "ENTER OPERAND:", 13, 10, 0 * define a null terminated string >> message db 'This is my cool new OS!!!', 0 COMPARING STRINGS .... Below we use 'dw' for the count of the two words because the count is loaded into the CX loop register (and so has to be a word, not a byte) The code below could be better written with 'cmpsb' ie "compare string byte". Use 'std' set direction flag to scan through a string backwards * eg with cmpsb ------ les edi, string.b ; loads edi and es segment (??) lds esi, string.a ; loads esi and ds data segment (??) mov ecx, stringlength(string.a) cld ; clear direction flag, search forward repe cmpsb je .same ja .above ; if string.a is greater than string.b ,,, Must use 'lea' when initialising si and di registers. Also must initialise es register, since 'cmpsb' compares ds:si with es:di * compare with cmpsb --------- jmp start word.a db 'an elephantaa',0 length dw $-word.a word.b db 'an elephanTaa',0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; ! must initialise for cmpsb mov cx, length ; this length includes the null termination lea si, [word.a] lea di, [word.b] cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; below is the more verbose version of repe cmpsb ;.again: ; cmpsb ; loope .again dec si ; point to last different letter dec di mov ax, [si] ; get character into al register mov ah, 0eH ; print al int 10H here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, A forth style compare string function. The function is in a linked list dictionary. Parameters are passed on the stack. (addr of 1st counted string, addr of 2nd counted string - returns 0/1/2) * compare 2 counted strings, push 0 on stack if equal --------- jmp start ; below seems better if indirect calls needed, eg call bx, call [bx] ; jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 word.a dw 8, 'abcABCaB' word.b dw 8, 'abcABCaB' ; print T if the top element of stack is 0 ; print F if top element is <> 0 truefalse: dw 0 dw 9, 'truefalse' truefalse.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn ip pop ax ; get parameter push dx ; restore return fn ip cmp ax, 0 je .true mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, 'F' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! ret .true: mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, 'T' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! ret compare: dw 0 dw 8, 'compare' compare.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop ax ; 1st buffer address pop bx ; 2nd buffer address push dx ; restore fn ip sub cx, cx ; set cx:=0, not necessary here mov cx, [bx] ; how many characters to compare add cx, 2 ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov si, ax mov di, bx cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb je .same ; ja .above ; pop dx ; juggle return ip push 1 ; return result on stack push dx ret .same: pop dx ; juggle return ip push 0 ; return result on stack push dx ret start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; ! must initialise for cmpsb push word.a push word.b call compare.x call truefalse.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, The following code modifies the 'compare' function to traverse a linked list dictionary searching for an entry. If the entry is found the function returns a pointer to the execution token of the word on the stack. If it is not found it returns 0 on top of the stack. This is a fairly standard forth word, and can be used to implement a very simple interactive command interpreter. The function receives on the stack a pointer to a counted string with the name to search for and also a pointer to the top of the dictionary (last term) (stack: searchterm, where to start search -> 0 or *function) This is working... now we need to actually execute the found word. So we will write one that just prints a star !!! Gotcha, we have to use jmp 07C0h:start if we want indirect function calls (eg mov bx, fn; call bx) to work. I think this is because it sets up the code segment properly... * find an entry in a linked list dictionary, forth-style --------- ; these dont seem needed in qemu BITS 16 [ORG 0] ; !! jmp start, no doesnt work, why? jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 searchterm dw 4, 'star' last dw find buffer dw 0, ' ' ; just print a newline crlf: dw 0 dw 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; just to test hash: dw crlf, dw 4, 'hash' hash.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a star with bios mov al, '#' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret ; another fn for testing star: dw hash, dw 4, 'star' star.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a star with bios mov al, '*' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret ; get rid of top stack element drop: dw star, dw 4, 'drop' drop.x: pop ax pop bx push ax ret ; just print some message about word found or else '?' found: dw drop dw 5, 'found' found.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn ip pop bx ; get parameter (0 or pointer to function) push dx ; restore return fn ip cmp bx, 0 jne .foundit mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '?' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! ret .foundit: mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '!' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! add bx, 2 ; point bx to the function header count mov cx, [bx] ; get the function name count mov al, cl ; print the count (for feedback) add al, '0' ; convert to ascii int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! mov al, [bx+2] ; first letter of func name int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! ret ; should rewrite this, use si for current word point and ; di for search term pointer. Use byte word counts, not 2 bytes ; find: dw found dw 4, 'find' find.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip ; no, just pop into si and di, easier pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) pop ax ; counted string buffer to search for push dx ; restore fn ip .again: sub cx, cx ; set cx:=0, not necessary here mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header mov cx, [si] ; the count of the search term add cx, 2 ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov di, ax ; the search term pointer cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; compare all characters for equality je .found mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 je .notfound ; no more to words search, so exit push ax ; save ax, the search term pointer mov ah, 0Eh ; print a dot on each unsuccessful search mov al, '.' ; for debugging ;int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt pop ax ; restore the search term pointer jmp .again .notfound: pop dx push 0 ; not found so return 0 push dx ret .found: pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; return result on stack push dx ret ; execute a function given a pointer to its header on the stack exec: dw find dw 4, 'exec' exec.x: pop ax pop bx ; get pointer to function push ax ; preserve fn return pointer add bx, 2 ; point to name count mov cx, [bx] ; get the count add bx, 2 ; skip over count add bx, cx ; advance the pointer to the function ; !! not call [bx] thats a pointer to jumptable ; !!! call bx may change the stack (probably will) so we need ; !!! to preserve the call return ip pop word [returnexec] ; save return ip call bx ; call the fn pointed to by bx push word [returnexec] ; restore fn return ip ret ; a dodgy solution, but any register my returnexec dw 0 ; get a line of input from the user ; stack parameters: buffer address, max characters ; returns: buffer address. This would be called 'accept' in ; a traditional forth system. We can leave the buffer address ; on the stack, which can be used by the calling proceedure. line: dw exec ; link to next fn in dictionary dw 4, 'line' ; forth-style function header line.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop cx ; how many chars maximum to get ; use pop di instead of pop ax, since stosb comes later pop ax ; where to copy chars push bx ; restore return pointer mov bx, ax ; save buffer address, unnecessary, leave on stack add ax, 2 ; first word of buffer is char count mov di, ax ; where stosb will put characters ; could use 'lea di, [bx]' as well sub dx, dx ; simple char counter set dx:=0 .again: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter' je .exit ; exit if enter pressed mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dx ; increment char counter loop .again .exit: ; pop di, then mov [di], dx mov [bx], dx ; store char count in buffer pop ax ; preserve fn return ip push bx ; return buffer address on stack ; Not Necessary !!! just leave it there push ax ret ; just the forth count word count: dw line db 5, 'count' count.h: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address push dx ; leave buffer addr on stack xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; fn return ip ret ; type takes its arguments on the stack (buffer address, char count) ; modify this to display char count and chars. So it gets ; a pointer to a counted string and displays both type: dw line ; link to previous dictionary entry dw 5, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forward through chars pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message in al int 10h ; print char with bios loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; ! must initialise for cmpsb ;push searchterm ; what word to search for .again: push buffer ; where to store input from 'line' push 10 ; max number of chars call line.x ;push buffer+2 ;push 6 ;call type.x ; change how this type works (counted string) push buffer ; the search term push type ; top of dictionary call find.x ; find the name entered by user ;call found.x call crlf.x pop ax push ax cmp ax, 0 ; if not found top of stack is 0 je .again ; dont execute if zero, put this in exec call exec.x ; execute it! call crlf.x jmp .again here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, The code below is unnecessarily long. It should use cmpsb etc * compare 2 counted strings for equality ---------- BITS 16 jmp start word.a dw 18 db 'five hundred and 2' word.b dw 18 db 'five hundred and 1' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; set the data segment mov ds, ax mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov si, word.a ; Put address of 1st byte of word.a into SI mov di, word.b ; same, but for word.b in to DI mov ax, [si] ; get word.a count into AL mov bx, [di] cmp ax, bx ; see if 2 words have the same count jne different ; print message and terminate mov cx, ax ; put the loop count into cx (ch == 0) inc si ; point to first char of word.a inc di ; point to first char of word.b .again: lodsb ; Get character from word.a into AL mov bl, [di] ; get next char from word.b into BL inc di cmp al, bl ; see if the character is the same jne different ; print message and terminate loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 same: ; the words must be the same mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, 'S' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! different: mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, 'D' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt, do it! jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Todo! * enter a string and check if it is in a dictionary ------------- receive characters, count them, store them in a buffer then compare them to words in a dictionary ,,, COPYING STRINGS .... what is the difference between 'lea' and 'lds', mov etc? * copy a number of bytes from one destination to another ----------------- mov cx,(number of bytes to move) lea di,(destination address) lea si,(source address) cld ; clear direction flag, copy forwards rep movsb ,,, * a complete copy example --------- jmp start word db 'an elephant',0 length EQU $-word buffer resb 80 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov cx, length ; this length includes the null termination mov si, word mov di, buffer cld ; copy forwards (clear direction flag) rep movsb here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, CONVERTING TO AND FROM STRINGS .... * convert from a digit to an ascii character by adding '0' or 48 ------ mov al, 9 add al, '0' ,,, * convert a digit to hexadecimal using xlatb ----------- ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov al, 15 mov ebx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit mov ah, 0eH ; print al int 10H hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, The code below may be the most concise possible way to print a number in assembly language. * print a 2 byte number in hexadecimal ----------- ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" start: mov ax, cs ; cs is 07C0 after the far jump mov ds, ax ; point data segment -> code segment mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov dx, 0xFEDC ; the number to print mov cx, 4 .again rol dx, 4 mov al, dl and al, 0x0F xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10H loop .again hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, The code below is just a variation on the code above where the stack is used to pass the number to the function or proceedure. Hopefully this will allow us to reuse this proceedure in other code. We have to juggle the stack to get the parameter off without hurting the return address * print a 2 byte number but use the stack to pass number ----------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto code segment 07C0 start: mov ax, cs ; cs is 07C0 after the far jump mov ds, ax ; point data segment -> code segment ; doesnt seem necessary to initialize the stack ;add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph ;mov ss, ax ; initialise stack pointers ;mov sp, 4096 push 0xABCD ; the number to print call hexprint ; print the number here: jmp here ; and the rest is silence hexprint.data: hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" hexprint: pop bx ; get off the return call address pop dx ; retrieve the number to print push bx ; save the return call address mov ah, 0x0E ; x86 bios print char function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 4 .again: rol dx, 4 mov al, dl and al, 0x0F xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10H loop .again ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad to 512 bytes total dw 0AA55h ; standard x86 bootloader signature ,,, conversion to decimal display... divide by base (10) convert remainder to ascii using xlatb. push to stack. divide again by base, convert to ascii ... and so on until quotient is 0. Then pop the stack and display each character. The code below seems to be working. To adapt for 16 bit unsigned ints we need to use DX AX as dividend and BX as base or divisor * convert an unsigned 8 bit number to ascii in any base 0 to 16 ----------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 number db 255 base db 16 start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ;mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov al, [number] ; number/base mov bl, [base] ; bl is the divisor call printi8 hang: jmp hang ;proc printi8 ; expects the 8 bit number to display in AL and ; the base in BL register hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" printi8: push cx push bx push ax sub cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: sub ah, ah ; ah = 0, ax is the dividend div bl ; does ax/bl. remainder --> ah push ax ; save remainder:quotient on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp al, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack mov al, ah ; convert digit to ascii mov ebx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop pop ax pop bx pop cx ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, LOGICAL AND BIT OPERATIONS and, or, not, xor, test Use the OR instruction to turn on 1 or more bits of a register Use the AND instruction to turn off 1 or more bits of a register OR INSTRUCTION .... * turn on the high bit of the bl register ----------- mov bl, color or bl, 10000000b ,,, * cut and paste bits with 'or' ------- and AL, 55H ; cut odd bits and BL, 0AAH ; cut even bits or AL, BL ; paste the registers together ,,, XOR INSTRUCTION .... Toggles one or more bits. etc * initialize the AX register to zero >> xor AX, AX * toggle the last bit of the AX register >> xor AX, 1 In the code the value 0A6h is the encryption 'key' (any key may be used, or chosen by the user). The data can be unencrypted using the same function. * encrypt data with xor --- input db 'unencrypted' output db ' ' ... cld lea si, [input] lea di, [output] lodsb ; read a data byte (or character) into AL xor AL, 0A6H stosb ; write data byte from AL to output buffer ,,, AND INSTRUCTION .... TEST INSTRUCTION .... The test instruction can be used to test the value of one or more bits of a register. This is similar to the AND instruction but the register value is not changed. The TEST instruction sets the Zero flag if the test is true. So we can use jz, je, loopz, loope for the true case and jnz, jne, loopnz, and loopne for the false case. TEST sets the flag register is an identical way to the AND instruction. So, if the result of the AND instruction would be zero, then TEST will set the zero flag to 1. This can be a bit confusing!! Use jz or jnz with test * check if AL == 0 >> test al, al * jump if AL is odd ------- test AL, 1 jz .odd ,,, * jump if the least OR most significant bits of AX are set ------- test AL, 10000001b jz .exit ,,, We can only test if one of several bits are set, not if they are all set. * test if the most significant bit of bl is set ----------- jmp start start: mov bl, 0b10101011 ; pattern to display mov dl, 0b00000000 ; variable test pattern test bl, 0b10000000 jz .unset .set: mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function mov al, 'y' int 10H ; do it jmp end .unset: mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function mov al, 'n' int 10H ; do it end: jmp end times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, We can use the TEST instruction to see if a number is divisible by a power of 2 (eg 2,4,8,16...). Use 2^n - 1 as the operand to TEST (1,3,7,15...) . No, I think this is wrong !!! * print a "!" if CX is divisible by 4 --------------------------------- start: mov cx, 9 .again: mov al, cl add al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios test cl, 3 jnz .here mov al, '!' mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H .here: loop .again jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print a "!" if CX is divisible by 8 --------------------------------- start: mov cx, 31 .again: mov al, 'o' ; the character to print mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios test cx, 0x0007 jne .here mov al, '!' mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H .here loop .again jmp $ ; an infinite loop times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, XOR INSTRUCTION .... NOT INSTRUCTION .... * reverse every bit of a register >> not ESI SHIFT INSTRUCTIONS .... Shift operations are useful for multiplying and (integer) dividing by powers of 2. eg 2, 4, 8, 16 etc This should be faster than using the MUL and DIV instructions The code below is more easily done with the ROR or ROL instructions. * encrypt data by swapping nibbles with shl and shr ----------- ; al contains the byte to be encrypted mov AH, AL shl AL, 4 shr AH, 4 or AL, AH ; al has encrypted byte ,,, SHL .... shift left what does shift fill the empty bits with 0, 1 or indeterminate SHR .... shift right ROTATE INSTRUCTIONS .... == rotate sumary rol - rotate left ror - rotate right rcl - rotate left through carry rcr - rotate right through carry. ,,, * encrypt a byte by swapping nibbles (4 bits in a byte) ---- mov CL, 4 ror AL, CL ; or rol AL, Cl (no difference) ,,, DISPLAYING BIT PATTERNS .... strangely the following 3 lines are not equivalent ------- ;test bl, dl ; see if bit is set and bl, dl ; see if bit is set cmp bl, dl ,,, * display a bit pattern ----------- block equ 0xFE ; ascii code for small block alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Initialize data segment DS register mov ds, ax ; load DS with correct value mov cx, 8 ; number of bits to display mov dl, 0b10000000 ; test pattern mov bl, 0b10101010 ; pattern to display .again: mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype test bl, dl ; see if bit is set jnz .fill mov al, '0' ; print zero int 10H ; do it jmp .ll .fill: mov al, block ; char to print int 10H ; do it .ll: ror dl, 1 ; move the bit pattern loop .again ; go again here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, PROCEEDURES Procedures are similar to jumps in that the IP instruction pointer is modified implicitly by the instruction. The 'call' and 'ret' instructions implement proceedures in x86 assembler. INDIRECT PROCEEDURES .... There are some gotchas with this syntax, read carefully! * simple indirect function call ---- jmp start hash: ; print a hash ret start: mov bx, start call bx ,,, * a pointer to a pointer ---- jmp start jumptable dw hash, bang hash: ; print a hash ret bang: ; print a bang ret start: mov bx, jumptable+2 call [bx] ; this calls the 'bang' function !!! ,,, * call proceedure located by a pointer >> call [BX] Gotchas!!! If the code segment is not initialised call [bx] doesnt work!!! So do: jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 Or do: mov ax, 07c0h and mov cs, ax etc The following is a simple command interpreter. The next step is to create a linked list dictionary with a function which searches through and executes. Another step is to have some kind of self-referentialism, that is, so that the user can look up what functions are available. This self referentialism can be provided with a 'command name' which is just a counted string before the code to be executed. * a simple indirect procedure call with jump-table --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta gamma equ 226 ; Greek letter gamma jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 jumptable dw aa,bb,cc aa: mov al, alpha ; letter to print mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H ; do it ret bb: mov al, beta mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H ; invoke bios ret ; return from 'call' cc: mov al, gamma mov ah, 0eH int 10H ret start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax .again: mov al, '>' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H mov ah, 0 ; bios wait for keypress function int 16h ; invoke bios cmp al, 'a' ; check for valid command (a-c) jb .again ; just print prompt if invalid cmp al, 'c' ja .again sub al, 'a' ; convert letter to a index into jump table sub bx, bx ; set bx:=0 mov bl, al ; ax cant be used in effective addresses shl bl, 1 ; do bl:=bl*2 (since its a double-byte array) ; this below also would work ;mov bx, jumptable+2 ;call [bx] ; and this too, its a gotcha ;mov bx, bb ;call bx call [jumptable+bx] ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells jmp .again ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, PARAMETERS FOR PROCEDURES .... We can pass parameters to procedures in x86 assembly in various ways. One is on the stack, another is in registers, or even in memory. If we pass parameters on the stack then we can 'juggle' the stack, since inside the procedure, the top item is the return address for the procedure. Or we can use the stack pointer SP register to get the value * basic stack juggling to pass a parameter ------- mov ax, 0xABCD push ax call puts puts: pop bx ; the 'puts' procedure return address pop ax ; the parameter we want to use push bx ; restore the return address to the stack ; ... code to do something with parameter ret ,,, * return a parameter via the stack ------- call puts pop ax ; the parameter that was returned ... puts: ; ... code pop bx ; the return address push ax ; the parameter we want to return push bx ; restore the return address to the stack ret ,,, We can modify the code below to include a header in the procedure eg puts: db 5, 'print' puts.x: ... code This allows us to use the procedure interactively as well as programatically, for example, we can look up the function * print string, using stack to pass address of buffer --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 'String in Buffer',13,10,0 puts: pop bx ; the 'puts' procedure return address pop si ; the address of zero ended string to print push bx ; restore the return address to the stack mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype .again: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .again .done ret start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax .again: ; "push buffer" also seems valid mov ax, buffer ; address of string push ax ; pass address to function call puts ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells mov ax, buffer ; address of string push ax ; pass address to function call puts ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Arguments below are passed and returned by juggling the stack. Command 'c' waits for a keypress and puts it value on the stack. Command 'a' prints the value of the key on the stack. Command 'b' just prints a greek beta * an example of stack passing and returning arguments/parameters --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 jumptable dw putc,bb,cc putc: pop bx ; the 'putc' procedure return address pop ax ; the parameter we want to use push bx ; restore the return address to the stack mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H ; do it ret bb: mov al, beta mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H ; invoke bios ret ; return from 'call' cc: mov ah, 0 ; bios wait for keypress function int 16h ; invoke bios pop bx ; get return address off stack push ax ; put char in AL onto stack push bx ; restore return address ret ; return from 'call' start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax .again: mov al, '>' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H mov ah, 0 ; bios wait for keypress function int 16h ; invoke bios mov ah, 0eH ; echo char just typed (command name) int 10H cmp al, 'a' ; check for valid command (a-c) jb .again ; just print prompt if invalid cmp al, 'c' ja .again sub al, 'a' ; convert letter to a index into jump table sub bx, bx ; set bx:=0 mov bl, al ; ax cant be used in effective addresses shl bl, 1 ; do bl:=bl*2 (since its a double-byte array) call [jumptable+bx] ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells jmp .again ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, JUMPS direct, indirect, short long etc, conditional, unconditional CONDITIONAL JUMPS .... jne/jnz, ja/jnbe, je/jz, jae/jnb, jb/jnae, jbe/jna je jz - jump if ZF=1 * signed jumps ---- jg, jge, jl, jle are signed jumps js, jump if signed jns jump if not signed ,,, * example with lots of jumps ------- mov AX, 10 mov BX, 9 cmp AX, BX je .equal ; if ax=bx jump jz. equal ; same jne .unequal ; if ax!=bx jump jnz .unequal ; same ja .above ; ?if ax>bx jump jae .greaterequal ; ? if ax=>bx jump jnb ... ; same ,,, == summary of jump instructions .. jecxz - jump if ecx is 0 .. jc - jump if carry .. jnc - jump if no carry .. jo - jump if overflow .. jno - jump if no overflow .. js - jump if negative sign .. jns - jump if not negative sign .. jp - jump if parity .. jpe - jump if even parity .. jnp - jump if no parity .. jpo - jump if odd parity ,,, INDIRECT JUMPS .... Indirect jumps may be used to simulate 'switch' or 'case' language syntax from higher level languages. See also indirect call statements. The techniques of indirect jumps and calls all a very simple command interpreter to be written (in the style of a forth system). Code below is hanging why??? some code is now working eg jmp di Many hours of frustration later, it seems the problem was two-fold. Firstly register and register indirect jumps us the CS code segment implicitly (the offset is calculated from the start of the CS segment). The technique used in the MikeOs primer doesnt seem to set the code segment properly... Also there are 2 forms ... * jump to a memory location contained in register di >> jmp di * and jump to location specified by register pointer >> jmp [di] The version above can be used with jump-tables for example * perhaps the simplest register jump --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Go to (code?) segment 07C0 nip: mov al, '!' ; print something mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp $ start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax ; may not be necessary? .again: mov bx, nip jmp bx times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is a good template for possibly the simplest possible command interpreter possible within an assembly program. The program prompts the user for a letter (command) and then executes some code based on the letter entered. The code is selected with a jump-table and an indirect jump. It may be more sensible to use procedure 'calls' in this case rather than jumps. * a simple register-indirect jump with jump-table --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 jumptable dw aa,bb,cc aa: mov al, 'A' ; print A mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again bb: mov al, 'B' ; print B mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again cc: mov al, 'C' ; print C mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax .again: mov al, '?' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h cmp al, 'a' jb .again cmp al, 'c' ja .again sub al, 'a' ; convert letter to a digit sub bx, bx ; set bx:=0 mov bl, al ; ax cant be used in effective addresses shl bl, 1 ; do bl:=bl*2 jmp [jumptable+bx] ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells jmp .again ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Add a code name to each function, this provides some self referentialism. * a simple register-indirect jump with jump-table --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 jumptable dw aa,bb,cc aa: mov al, 'A' ; print A mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again bb: mov al, 'B' ; print B mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again cc: mov al, 'C' ; print C mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start.again start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax .again: mov al, '?' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h cmp al, 'a' jb .again cmp al, 'c' ja .again sub al, 'a' ; convert letter to a digit sub bx, bx ; set bx:=0 mov bl, al ; ax cant be used in effective addresses shl bl, 1 ; do bl:=bl*2 jmp [jumptable+bx] ; jump-table is word (2 byte) cells jmp .again ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, In the examples below we jump to the third item in a word cell jump table * jumptable examples, --------- mov di, [jumptable+4] call di ; is equivalent to mov di, jumptable+4 call [di] ; which is equivalent to call [jumptable+4] ,,, code below is not working because of code segment issues but we can do jmp [table+esi*4] which is good! * indirect jump example ----- [org 0] jmp start jumptable dd apple dd orange dd pear dd lemon start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov cs, ax mov ds, ax ; get a digit (0-3) into AX sub eax, eax ; set eax := 0 mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h mov ah, 0eH ; echo the keypress int 10H cmp al, '0' ; check if digit is 0,1,2 or 3 jb start ; cmp al, '3' ; ja start ; sub ah, ah ; set ah := 0 sub al, '0' ; convert from ascii to a digit 0-3 mov esi, eax jmp [jumptable+ESI*4] ; indirect jump apple: mov al, 'A' ; print A mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start orange: mov al, 'B' ; print B mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp start pear: jmp start lemon: jmp start times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, LOOPS * print digits 0-9 in ascending order --------------------------------- start: mov cx, 10 .again: mov al, 10 sub al, cl ; add al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios loop .again jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * attempt to read from a disk 3 times into a data buffer ----------------- mov cx, 3 ; countdown of read attempts read_loop: xor ah, ah ; set ah to zero - reset drive function int 0x13 ; call drive reset mov ax, ds mov es, ax ; es == ds mov bx, BlahBlah ; set BX to the address (not the value) of BlahBlah mov dl, DriveNumber mov dh, HeadNumber mov al, NumSectors mov ch, CylNumLow mov cl, CylNumHigh ; set the high part of the cylinder number, bits 6 and 7 and cl, Sector ; set the sector number, bits 0-5 mov ah, 0x2 ; set function 2h int 0x13 ; call the interrupt jnc exit ; if the carry flag is clear, it worked loop read_data ; try three times, then give up - leave error msg in al exit: ;;; whatever other code you need [segment data] BlahBlah resb 512 ,,, The CX register with the loop command, counts down. So we need some extra logic to make it count up * print extended ascii characters in ascending order --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0x00FF .again: mov al, 0xFF sub al, cl ; the character to print goes in AL mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios function loop .again jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print all ascii characters in descending order --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0x00FF .again: mov al, cl mov ah, 0eH int 10H loop .again jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, LOOP INSTRUCTIONS .... loop, loopz, loope, loopnz, loopne GOTCHAS FOR LOOPS .... If the CX register somehow goes < 0 then the loop will probably continue forever (since -1 == 0xFFFF) !! or at least a long time. Long enough to cause havoc REP INSTRUCTIONS .... The rep instruction is similar to the LOOP instructions except that only one instruction is repeated (multiple in the case of loop). The REP instrucion and its cousins is used in conjunction with another instruction which is repeated while CX is not 0 (CX is decremented on each repetition of the instruction) * rep instructions >> rep, repe, repz, repne, repnz * increment AX 4 times ------- mov CX, 4 rep inc AX ,,, * move 8 bytes of data from DS:SI to ES:DI ------- mov CX, 8 rep movsb ,,, * move 8 double words (32bits) of data from DS:SI to ES:DI ------- mov CX, 8 rep movsd ,,, STACK The stack is a useful thing but you may have to allocate space for it. It grows 'down', towards low memory, and toward SS. The stack contains either word (16 bit) or double word (32 bit) data items (but never 8 bit). When the stack is full then SS == SP. Normally we put the stack after the runtime code and it grows back towards the code. x86 is little endian so bigger memory address means more significant byte. Apparently an x86 bios automatically initialises a 512 (one sector) stack immediately after the boot code sector. If you need more than this you have to initialise SS (stack segment register) and SP (the stack pointer register) to something sensible and useful. INITIALIZING THE STACK .... * set up a stack after a bootloader ------------------- mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 ,,, POP INSTRUCTIONS .... pops a 16 or 32 bit data item from the stack (depending on the 'address size attribute', e.g. BITS 16 in the assembler...) * pop straight into the destination index reg >> pop di * pop the 2 bytes at top of stack and place in CX register >> pop cx (flags: none) * pop 2 bytes into memory pointed to by bx >> pop [bx] * pop a saved flags register into the flags register >> popf * pop all registers >> popa >> popad PUSH * push into memory >> push [bx] TWO STACKS .... The x86 architecture includes one built in stack (accessed with the 'push' and 'pop' instructions). But it would be nice to have another stack. For example to pass parameters to functions without having to worry about stack frames etc. This is another forth idea. * create a second stack ---------- ; The push instructions sub edx, 4 ; Decrement the stack pointer one position (4 bytes) mov dword [edx], eax ; Store the value at the new location ; The pop instructions ;Popping 3 steps: Getting value, incrementing the stack, ; and returning the value. We will return the value simply by leaving it in eax. mov eax, dword [edx] ; Load the value off of the stack add edx, 4 ; Increment the stack pointer one position (4 bytes) ; Leave the result in eax to return it ,,, DATA STRUCTURES CODE WITH HEADER .... Code blocks (proceedures) can be given a header to describe the following code. This header can be used to provide a description of the code. Compared to a forth style linked list dictionary, we see the extra maintenance involved in maintaining a 'jump-table' of pointers to the beginning of each function * code with some header text --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 10 ; line feed bell equ 7 ; bell (sort of) jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 jumptable dw asc,beep,reboot,colours,help asc: db 11, 'ascii chars' ; function name in text mov cx, 0x00FF asc.again: mov al, cl ; print ascii char in CL register mov ah, 0eH int 10H and al, 0x0F ; using 'AND' with 'CMP' to cmp al, 0x0F ; create a simple modulus test jne asc.ll mov al, cr ; print chars 16 to a line int 10H mov al, lf int 10H asc.ll: loop asc.again nop ret beep: db 4, 'beep' mov al, bell ; beep mov ah, 0eH int 10H ret reboot: db 6, 'reboot' int 19h ; a dodgy way to reboot the computer colours: db 7, 'colours' mov al, 'C' ; print Colours ... mov ah, 0eH int 10H ret help: ; the code below has a problem with the CX index used ; is only printing 4 valid counts db 4, 'help' mov al, 'H' ; print help ... mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov cx, 5 ; loop through 5 functions help.again: mov di, jumptable add di, cx ; do si:=si+cx*2 (jumptable is word cell) add di, cx mov si, [di] ; di now points to start of function mov al, byte [si] ; get the text count mov ah, 0eH add al, '0' ; convert to ascii digit int 10H loop help.again ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is magically correct mov ds, ax ; establish data segment mov es, ax ; do we need ES extended segment? .again: mov ah, 0eH mov al, cr ; print a prompt on a newline int 10H mov al, lf int 10H mov al, '?' int 10H mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h cmp al, 'a' ; check for valid command (a-c) jb .again ; just print prompt again if invalid cmp al, 'e' ja .again sub al, 'a' ; convert letter to a index into jump table mov bx, jumptable add bl, al ; set bx:=bx+al*2 add bl, al ; set the pointer to point to code mov si, [bx] ; si -> start of proceedure mov bl, byte [si] ; jump over name of proceedure ; or we could print the function name here inc bl ; the first code byte sub bh, bh ; set bh := 0 add si, bx call si jmp .again ; loop back to prompt times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, LINKED LISTS .... Linked lists can be implemented easily using the syntax of the assembler itself (nasm style syntax) * a linked list in assembler ----------- liststart dw '0' w1 dw liststart db 3, 'egg' w2 dw w1 db 5, 'water' w3 dw w2 db 4, 'tree' ,,, * another layout ----------------- nip dw 0 ; 1st word has a zero link db 3, 'nip' ; strings are 'counted' egg dw nip ; link to previous dictionary entry db 3, 'egg' ; bat dw egg ; link to previous dictionary entry db 3, 'bat' ; last dw bat ; ,,, Nasm can also handle forward references to labels, so the dictionary could be written the with the reverse order. NUMBERS DISPLAYING NUMBERS .... Even the task of displaying a number in assembler is a non-trivial task. The basic idea is to divide repeatedly by the base in which one is displaying the number (eg 10 for decimal), and use the remainders or the division. But the remainders must be reversed for printing... * display one byte number in binary format ----------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 dotbin.doc: db 'displays a 1 byte number in binary format', 13, 10 db 'eg: 3 .bin displays 00000101 ' dw $-dotbin.doc ; stack: n -- dotbin: dw 0 ; link to previous word or null at top of dict db 4, '.bin' ; counted function name dotbin.x: pop dx ; balance return fn pointer pop bx ; bin number to print xor bh, bh ; only 8 bits push dx ; restore return IP mov cx, 8 ; number of bits to display mov dl, 0b10000000 ; scan bit pattern .again: mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype test bl, dl ; see if bit is set jnz .one .zero: mov al, '0' ; print zero jmp .print .one: mov al, '1' ; char to print .print: int 10H ; x86 bios, ah=0eH type char ror dl, 1 ; move the bit pattern 1 to right loop .again ; go again ret start: mov ax, cs ; make ds and es the same as cs code segment mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax push 0x0003 call dotbin.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print a 1 byte number in hexadecimal ----------- ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" start: mov ax, cs ; cs is 07C0 after the far jump mov ds, ax ; point data segment -> code segment mov ah, 0x0E ; bios int 10H teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov dl, 0x1F ; the number to print mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again rol dl, 4 mov al, dl and al, 0x0F ; use only low 4 bits (hex digit) xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10H ; invoke bios to print loop .again hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, * print a 2 byte number in hexadecimal ----------- ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" start: mov ax, cs ; cs is 07C0 after the far jump mov ds, ax ; point data segment -> code segment mov ah, 0x0E mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov dx, 0xABCD ; the number to print mov cx, 4 .again rol dx, 4 mov al, dl and al, 0x0F xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10H loop .again hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h ,,, CONVERTING NUMBERS FROM ASCII .... The code below acts as an interactive decimal to hex converter. The user enters a number in decimal and the program displays it in hex. The program prints '!' if the number is too big to store in 2 bytes. * convert positive decimal number entered by user to integer --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 result dw 0x0000 ; somewhere to store converted number newline.h db 'prints a newline',13,10,0 newline: mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function mov al, 13 int 10H ; invoke bios mov al, 10 int 10H ; invoke bios ret hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; translation table puthex.h db 'puthex: displays a 2 byte number in hex format',13,10,0 puthex: pop bx ; return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax mov al, '>' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H .again: mov ah, 0 ; bios wait for keypress function int 16h ; invoke bios mov ah, 0eH ; echo the keypress int 10H cmp al, '0' ; check for valid digit (a-c) jb .display ; if ascii value is less than '0' not digit cmp al, '9' ja .display ; if ascii value greater than '9' not digit sub ah, ah ; set ah = 0 sub al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii push ax ; store digit on stack mov ax, [result] mov bx, 10 ; multiply by 10 (for decimal numbers) mul bx ; do AX x BX and store in DX:AX pop bx ; get digit from stack jo .toobig ; result too big to store in AX add ax, bx mov [result], ax jmp .again ; loop- get more digits .display: call newline mov ax, [result] ; result to print push ax ; pass number to function call puthex ; display number as hex ; also display ascii character here .... mov al, 'H' ; print H to indicate hex output mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios call newline mov word [result], 0x0000 ; set result = 0 mov al, '>' ; print a prompt mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype int 10H jmp .again ; loop- get a new number .toobig: mov al, '!' ; print ! if integer is too big for 2 bytes mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios mov word [result], 0x0000 ; set result = 0 call newline jmp .again here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, ARITHMETIC Simple mathemetical operations require special care in assembly language because of the need to check for 'overflow' or 'carry' conditions (where the result is to large to fit into the target register NEGATIVE NUMBERS .... The 2s complement format is used for negative numbers and the msb or most significant bit is set to 1 if negative. see "printvectors" for a routine to print +/- 2 digit numbers "cbw" converts a signed byte to a signed word. This is important * check if a number is negative ---- cmp eax, 0 jl isNegative ,,, * another way to check if negative (msb is set) ------ test eax, 0x80000000 jne is_signed ,,, * check that msb is set -------- test eax, eax js signed ,,, * negate a register >> neg ax >> xor eax,eax; sub eax,edx ; another worse way to negate * display a negative number --------- print '-' neg ax print ax ,,, jg, jge, jl, jle are signed jumps js, jump if signed jns jump if not signed GOTCHAS FOR NEGATIVE NUMBERS .... if dl == -99 and dh == 0 then dx will NOT be == to -99 That is because the sign bit (msb) on dx is not set. The solution is, just use cbw to convert the signed byte to a signed word ADD INSTRUCTION .... It is legal to add directly to the destination index register [di] which is hand for writing pixels to memory, strings etc * increment di by 4 >> add di, 4 * negative increments are legal and good and handy >> add di, -1 (same as 'sub di, 1') * add an indexed memory location >> add di, [table + bx] * we can use add to multiple --------- mov cx, 4 .again: add ax, 5 loop .again ,,,, DIGITS .... * check if a number entered is an ascii digit ------- start: .again: sub ax, ax mov ah,0 ; wait for a key press int 16h ; bios interrupt service cmp al, '0' ; jb .notdigit ; if ascii value is less than '0' not digit cmp al, '9' ja .notdigit ; if ascii value greater than '9' not digit mov ah, 0eh ; print the digit if it is one int 10h ; bios print routine jmp .again .notdigit: mov ah, 0eh ; print 'N' if its not a digit mov al, 'N' int 10h jmp .again times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, MULTIPLICATION .... The MUL instruction is used to multiply. 8 or 16 bit: 11 clock cycles 32 bit: 10 clock cycles * multiply AL x BL and store result in AX >> mul BL (flags: CF, OF cleared if AH zero, otherwise set) * multiply AX x DX and store result in DX:AX >> mul DX (flags: CF, OF cleared if DX zero, otherwise set) * multiply EAX x ECX and store result in EDX:EAX >> mul CX (flags: CF, OF cleared if DX zero, otherwise set) DIVISION .... the x86 instruction set has a special 'div' instruction for performing division. Another method is to perform repeated subtraction. AX/[8 bit register] -> quotient in AL, remainder in AH DX AX/[16 bit register] -> quotient in AX, remainder in DX EDX EAX/[32 bit register] -> quotient in AX, remainder in DX * divide 23/10 and print quotient and remainder --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov ax, 23 mov bl, 10 div bl ; quotient -> al, remainder -> ah add al, '0' ; convert digit in al to ascii call printc ; print the quotient in AL mov al, 'r' call printc ; print a separator character mov al, ah add al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii call printc ; print the remainder (from AH) jmp $ ; keep looping! ; routine to output character in AL to screen printc: push ax mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function cmp al, 32 ; could modify to check for ascii range int 10h ; call bios function pop ax ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, note that the dividend (AX) must be 16 bits for an 8 bit divisor, so check that the correct data type is loaded. The code below only works if the quotient and remainder are single digits. * divide a number by another and print quotient and remainder --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov AX, [dividend] mov BL, [divisor] div BL push AX ; save AX so we can get the remainder later add AL, '0' ; convert to ascii, but only one digit! mov AH, 0Eh ; print quotient int 10h mov AL, 'r' ; print separator character mov ah, 0eh int 10h pop AX mov AL, AH add AL, '0' ; convert to ascii mov ah, 0eh ; print remainder int 10h jmp $ ; keep looping! dividend dw 79 divisor dw 11 times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, GOTCHAS FOR DIVISION .... * a strange bug, if I dont xor ah,ah the whole program crashes in qemu ------- mov bl, 10 ; divide by 10 xor ah, ah ; this is necessary !! not sure why div bl ; do ax/bl, ah=remainder, al=quotient ,,, DIVISION INSTRUCTIONS .... == summary of division instructions .. div - unsigned division .. idiv - signed division .. shr - integer division by powers of 2 ,,, div cx - seems to divide ax by cx and leave the remainder/quotient in dx (???) MODULUS .... The modulus operation can be performed by used the 'div' instruction, and then taking the value in the AH register which is the 'remainder' from a division operation. If the modulus is of a number which is a power of 2 (2,4,8,16 ...) we can obtain the modulus by ANDing the right number of high bits in the number. This should be faster than using the DIV instruction If we perform modulus with test, or and/cmp then the modulus needs to be a 2^n I think. * modulus performed with the 'test' instruction ----------------- jmp start start: mov cx, 0x00FF mov ah, 0x0E .again: mov al, cl ; print ascii char in CL register int 10H test al, 0x0F jne .asc.ll ; or jz .asc.ll mov al, 13 ; print chars 16 to a line int 10H mov al, 10 int 10H .asc.ll: loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The modulus can also be performed with AND and CMP instructions * modulus performed with 'and' and 'cmp' ----------------- jmp start start: mov cx, 0x00FF .again: mov al, cl ; print ascii char in CL register mov ah, 0x0E int 10H and al, 0x0F ; using 'AND' with 'CMP' to cmp al, 0x0F ; create a simple modulus test ; or test al, 0x0F ??? jne .asc.ll mov al, 13 ; print chars 16 to a line int 10H mov al, 10 int 10H .asc.ll: loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, RANDOM NUMBERS .... * how to generate a sort of random number from clock ticks ------------ RANDGEN: ; generate a rand no using the system time RANDSTART: mov ah, 00h ; interrupts to get system time int 1Ah ; cx:dx now holds number of clock ticks since midnight mov ax, dx xor dx, dx mov cx, 10 div cx ; here dx contains the remainder of the division - from 0 to 9 add dl, '0' ; to ascii from '0' to '9' mov ah, 2h ; call interrupt to display a value in DL int 21h RET ,,, Multiply by big prime,then add other big prime, then div to reduce to given number range. * a complete random number example ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 rand.doc: db 'Gives a kind of random number between 1 and 10 generated' db 'from the number of clock ticks since midnight. Unfortunately' db 'this isnt useful for generating a sequence of random numbers' dw $-rand.doc rand: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'rand' ; forth counted name rand.x: mov ah, 00h ; interrupts to get system time int 1Ah ; cx:dx now holds number of clock ticks since midnight mov ax, dx xor dx, dx mov cx, 10 div cx ; here dx contains the remainder of the division - from 0 to 9 pop bx ; balance return pointer push dx ; push result 0-9 on stack push bx ; restore return pointer .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax ; print with stosw mov cx, 10 .again: push cx call rand.x pop ax ; the result 0-9 mov ah, 0x0e ; print char func add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h pop cx loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, * generate pseudo random number >> RNG = (69069*RNG + 69069) MOD 2^32 * xor shift pseudo random number generator ------------- mov ax, num mov bx, ax shl bx, 3 xor ax, bx ; ax is now next pseudo random number ,,, * try to generate some pseudo random numbers ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 ; ** rgen.doc: db 'generate a pseudo random number between 0 and 9 ' db ' using the xorshift technique' dw $-rgen.doc rgen: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'rgen' ; forth counted name rgen.x: pop dx pop ax ; previous random push dx ; restore fn pointer ;mov ah, 00h ; interrupts to get system time ;int 1Ah ; cx:dx now holds number of clock ticks since midnight mov bx, ax shl bx, 3 xor ax, bx ;mov ax, dx xor dx, dx mov cx, 10 div cx ; here dx contains the remainder of the division - from 0 to 9 pop bx ; balance return pointer push dx ; push result 0-9 on stack push bx ; restore return pointer .exit: ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax ; print with stosw push 123 call rgen.x mov cx, 10 .again: push cx call rgen.x pop ax ; the result 0-9 mov ah, 0x0e ; print char func add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h pop cx loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, MATHEMATICS SQUARE ROOT .... The square root is approximated using newtons method. Another method is to observe that all square numbers are the sum of odd consecutive odd numbers eg: 1 + 3 + 5 = 3^2 * time consuming way to find floor of square root -------- mov ax, num mov cx, 1 .again: sub ax, cx cmp ax, 0 jb .exit ; need to debug this logic add cx, 2 jmp .again .exit: add cx, 1 shr cx, 1 ; do cx := (cx+1)/2 ; cx is now floor of square root ,,,, But for large numbers this is going to be very slow. Newtons method is much faster POWERS OF TWO .... We can get powers of 2 relatively easily and quickly by bit shifting left * print in decimal powers of 2 ----------- ,,, GEOMETRY * get absolute value of difference --------- sub eax, edx cdq xor eax, edx sub eax, edx ,,, print pixels in a circle. square the distance then check. * show distance between 2 graphics points (x1,y2) (x2,y2) ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 dist.doc: db 'Gives the distance between 2 points using the formula ' db ' sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2) ' db ' [stack: x1, y1, x2, y2 :tos -- returns: |distance| ] ' dw $-dist.doc dist: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'dist' ; forth counted name dist.x: pop dx ; balance return ip pop ax ; x1 coord pop bx ; y1 coordinate pop cx ; x2 coord sub ax, cx ; x1-x2 pop cx ; y2 coord sub bx, cx ; y1-y2 push dx ; restore fn pointer mov dx, ax mul dx ; ax^2 mov ax, dx ; save ax*ax to dx mov ax, bx mul bx ; ax:=bx^2 add ax, dx ; |x|^2 + |y|^2 pop dx ; juggle return fn* push ax ; save result on stack push dx ; restore return fn* .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov ax, 0xB800 ; for printing to screen mov es, ax ; print with stosw push 0 ; x1 push 0 ; y1 push 3 ; x2 push 4 ; y2, 3,4,5 triangle call dist.x pop ax ; result ; look for dothex for printing here: use direct memory ; printing jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, CONFIGURING VIDEO DISPLAY The video appears to have several 'display modes' which need to be set or configured. int 10h Get current video mode AH=0Fh returns: AL = Video Mode, AH = number of character columns, BH = active page * display the video mode number ----------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: mov ah, 0Fh int 10h add al, '0' mov ah, 0Eh int 10h jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below prints '80' which is probably the standard screen character width in text mode. * display the number of character columns ----------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov ah, 0Fh ; video mode info function int 10h ; load al with character width mov al, ah ; printi8 prints number in al register mov bl, 10 ; printi8 uses bl register for base call printi8 jmp $ ; loop forever %include 'printi8.asm' times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, VIDEO MODES http://brokenthorn.com/Resources/OSDevVid2.html good info vga interface = low resolution, usually <= 16 colours (except 13h) vesa vbe interface = higher resolutions Note that mode 13h is the only one in standard vga which can display 256 colours. * set a video mode >> INT 10h, AH=0, AL=<video-mode> == Standard vga colour modes Mode Resolution Color depth AL=0h 40x25 Text 16 Color AL=1h 40x25 Text 16 Color AL=2h 80x25 Text 16 Color 3h 80x25 Text 16 Color (default text mode on boot-up) 4h 320x200 4 Color 5h 320x200 4 Gray 7h 80x25 Text 2 Color Dh 320x200 16 Color Eh 640x200 16 Color Fh 640x350 2 Color 10h 640x350 16 Color 11h 640x480 2 Color 12h 640x480 16 Color 13h 320x200 256 Color (a common simple graphics mode) 6Ah 800x600 16 color (higher resolution) ,,, Basically in text mode its seems impossible to draw pixels and visa versa. * set the mode to 0 for bigger text -------------------- start: mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax .setmode: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 0h ; mode 0h = text 40x25 int 10h ; set it! .text: mov ah, 0eh mov al, 'Q' int 10h hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Set the high bit of AL to not clear screen when changing video mode. * set video mode to 3 (colour text) without clearing screen ------- start: mov ah, 0eh ; teletype 'P' mov al, 'P' int 10h mov ah, 0 int 16h ; wait for a key press .setmode: mov ah, 0 mov al, 10000000b ; 0 + high bit set to not clear screen int 10h .print: mov ah, 0eh ; teletype 'Q' mov al, 'Q' ; the 'Q' gets printed in cursor position 0,0 int 10h ; and overwrites whatever was there hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, Garbage is displayed on the screen with the code below * switch to a graphics mode without clearing screen, not useful ------- start: mov ah, 0eh ; teletype 'P' mov al, 'P' int 10h mov ah, 0 int 16h ; wait for a key press .setmode: mov ah, 0 mov al, 13h ; graphics mode 320x200 or al, 10000000b ; set the high bit to 1 int 10h .print: hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, GRAPHICS VIDEO MODES .... http://wiki.osdev.org/Drawing_In_Protected_Mode see this mode 12h has resolution 640x320 which is not bad, but only 16 colours, where as mod 13h is 320x200, 256 colours Text *can* be printed in graphics video modes !!! ; set video to big text 40x25 vid: dw asc db 3, 'vid' vid.x: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 1h ; mode 0h = text 40x25 int 10h ; set it! ret WRITING OUTPUT TO THE SCREEN Write a character at the current cursor position int 10h, ah=0ah al=character, bh=page number, cx=number of times to print the character == int 10h character display functions (value in register ah) .. 0eh - teletype, the cursor is advanced after printing .. 0ah - print character at x,y position with colour .. * print a character using the 'teletype' function (0eh) --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov al, '*' mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, For a great deal of time I assumed that it wasnt possible to print text in graphic video modes... not true!! But the BL register must be set to the required colour other wise it seems to default to black, meaning that the character cannot be seen. * print a coloured character in graphic mode 13h --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov ah, 0 ; clear the screen mov al, 13h int 10H mov ah, 0eH mov al, '*' mov bl, 8 ; the colour of the character int 10H mov bl, 7 ; the colour of the character int 10H jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The newline (13) goes to start of current line. linefeed (10) goes to a new line. So 13, 10 works as expected * print a character with 'teletype' and a newline --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov al, '*' mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov al, 13 mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov al, 10 mov ah, 0eH int 10H jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print a 10 stars down the screen --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 30 .again: mov al, '*' mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov al, 13 ;mov ah, 0eH int 10H mov al, 10 ;mov ah, 0eH int 10H loop .again jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print "!!!" at the current cursor position ----------------------------------------------------- start: mov ah, 0aH mov al, '!' ; mov cx, 3 ; int 10h ; jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * notes for how to clear the screen -------------------------- start: mov ah,06h ; ah=function number for int10 (06) mov al,00h ; al=number of lines to scroll (00=clear screen) mov bx,700h ; bh=color attribute for new lines xor cx,cx ; ch=upper left hand line number of window (dec) ; cl=upper left hand column number of window (dec) mov dx,184fh ; dh=low right hand line number of window (dec) ; dl=low right hand column number of window (dec) int 10h jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, OUTPUT TEXT WITHOUT BIOS FUNCTIONS .... It is not difficult to print text without using the bios int 10h functions. You just write the ascii char to the memory location starting at 0xB8000 and colour attribute afterwards. But is this possible in all video modes? or only text modes? So 0xB8000 is column 0, row 0 0xB8001 is column 0, row 0, colour byte |IRGB IRGB| (background forground) 0xB8002 is colomn 1, row 0 0xB8001 is column 1, row 0, colour byte |IRGB IRGB| (background forground) etc 0xB8000+160d is column 0, row 1 0xB8000+161d is column 0, row 1, colour byte * print a character to the screen using video memory ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 char.doc: db 'Prints one character to screen using video memory' dw $-char.doc char: char.x: mov ax, 0xB800 mov fs, ax ; fs -> start of video memory mov [fs:4], byte '#' ; the char to print mov [fs:5], byte 0b00101001 ; blue on green ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ah, 0 ; clear the screen mov al, 13h ;int 10H call char.x jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, We cannot copy byte character strings directly to video memory because each character in video memory has a colour bit * print a string by writing to video memory ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 33, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890' string.doc: db 'Prints a string to screen using video memory' dw $-string.doc string: string.x: push es ; save es pointer mov ax, 0xB800 mov es, ax ; es -> start of video memory mov si, buffer+1 ; string to print mov di, 100 ; where on screen to print ; rep movsb doesnt work because of colour bytes ; [high byte= colour, low byte = character] ; but can do stosb char then stosb colour xor cx, cx ; count is only one byte mov cl, [buffer] ; how many chars to print (counted string) cld ; make lodsb and stosw step forwards .nextchar lodsb ; al := ds:si++ ; mov ah, 0b00101001 ; colour blue on green mov ah, cl ; multi colour and ah, 0x0F ; only 16 forground colours stosw ; es:di++ := ax, al==char, ah==colour loop .nextchar ; do it cx times ;mov [es:4], byte '#' ; the char to print ;mov [es:5], byte 0b00101001 ; blue on green pop es ; restore es pointer ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ah, 0 ; clear the screen mov al, 13h ;int 10H call string.x jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, The code below relies on the trick that the ascii char '/' is also a colour code (white on light green). This code gets written to the high byte after the actual character to display * a trick to print a string directly to memory ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db start-$, 't/h/i/s/ /a/ /t/e/s/t/' start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov ax, 0xB800 mov es, ax ; es -> start of video memory mov si, buffer+1 ; string to print (skip count) mov di, 100 ; where on screen to print (50th char on screen) cld ; make movsb step forwards xor cx, cx ; string count is one byte: ie set ah := 0 mov cl, [buffer] ; how many chars to print rep movsb ; copy string to video memory at 0xB8000 ; white on green jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * fill the screen with colours using memory writes ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 patch.doc: db 'Fills the screen with colours' dw $-patch.doc patch: patch.x: push es ; save es pointer mov ax, 0xB800 mov es, ax ; es -> start of video memory mov di, 0x00 ; start at top left corner cld ; make stosw step forwards ; rep movsb doesnt work because of colour bytes ; [high byte= colour, low byte = character] mov cx, 0x0FFF ; print lots of background colours .nextchar mov ax, cx ; multi colour mov ah, al ; colour in high byte shl ah, 4 ; colour in high nibble xor al, al ; no character to print stosw ; es:di++ := ax loop .nextchar ; do it cx times pop es ; restore es pointer ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax call patch.x jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * c example of print to screen without bios int 10h --------------------------------------------------- // note this example will always write to the top // line of the screen void write_string( int colour, const char *string ) { volatile char *video = (volatile char*)0xB8000; while( *string != 0 ) { *video++ = *string++; *video++ = colour; } } ,,,, CURSOR Get Cursor position Bios function int 10H AH=03h,DL=Cursor-column,DH=Cursor-row Set Cursor position Bios function int 10H AH=02h,DL=Cursor-column,DH=Cursor-row * increment the cursor column position ------------------------------- start: ; mov bh, 00h ; assume page 0 mov ah, 03h ; bios function: get cursor position into dx int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment cursor column by 1 int 10h ; invoke bios jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * increment the cursor row and line position 10 times ------------------------------- start: mov cx, 10 ; the loop counter .again: push cx mov al, '*' mov ah, 0eH int 10H ; why mov bh??? ;mov bh, 00h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) mov ah, 03h ; bios get cursor row:col into DH:DL int 10h ; invoke bios mov bh, 00h ; not sure if necessary ?? mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position specified in dx inc dl inc dh int 10h pop cx loop .again jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, MOVING THE CURSOR .... * a simple example ------------ mov ah, 0 ; bios read key code function int 16H ; invoke bios cmp al, 0 ; is extended char (AL != 0) ? jne .printkey cmp ah, 75 ; left arrow je .leftarrow cmp ah, 77 ; right arrow je .rightarrow ,,, * move the cursor right if right arrow pressed ------------------------------- jmp start start: .again: mov ah, 0 ; bios read key code function int 16H ; invoke bios cmp al, 0 ; is extended char (AL != 0) ? jne .again ; wait for next key if not -> cmp ah, 77 ; right arrow jne .again ; wait for next key if not -> arrow key mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment column position int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .again jmp $ ; program hangs here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below could be greatly simplified by having a mov cursor procedure ? * move the cursor if arrow keys pressed ------------------------------- jmp start start: .again: mov ah, 0 ; bios read key code function int 16H ; invoke bios cmp al, 0 ; is extended char (AL != 0) ? jne .again ; wait for next key if not extended char cmp ah, 75 ; left arrow je .moveleft ; cmp ah, 77 ; right arrow je .moveright ; cmp ah, 80 ; down arrow je .movedown cmp ah, 72 ; up arrow je .moveup jmp .again .moveleft: mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx dec dl ; decrement column position int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .again .moveright: mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment column position int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .again .movedown: mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dh ; increment row position int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .again .moveup: mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx dec dh ; decrement row position int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .again jmp $ ; program hangs here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Check if this cursor positioning code works with a real bios (not just an emulator)! * echo chars and print ascii code in hexadecimal at bottom of screen --------------------------------------------------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] sigma equ 228 ; greek capital sigma jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" key.al db 0 ; AL keycode left by int 0x16, al=0x00 key.ah db 0 ; AH keycode left by int 0x16, al=0x00 ; a structured document format, the last string in the ; data structure is zero terminated to indicate end of documentation keycode.doc: ; one line summary for function db keycode.see-$ ; string count db 'Prints the ps/2 scancodes of keys pressed and released' keycode.see: ; related functions db keycode.eg-$ ; string count db 'scancode, colourcode', 0 ; zero terminated string dw $-keycode.doc keycode.eg: db keycode-$ ; string count db 'keycode /displays ascii codes interactively', 0 dw $-keycode.doc ; a link to the top of the documentation keycode: dw 0 ; link to previous dw 7, 'keycode' keycode.x: .begin mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h cmp al, 'q' ; was the key press a 'q' je .exit ; bail if quit pressed mov [key.al], al ; save AL key code in key buffer mov [key.ah], ah ; save AL key code in key buffer mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype char function int 10H cmp al, 13 ; was the key press a 'enter' jne .status mov al, 10 ; if a 'enter' is pressed add a newline int 10h ; save the cursor position, print something ; at the bottom of screen, then restore cursor .status: mov ah, 03h ; bios function DH:DL <- cursor y:x int 10h ; invoke bios push dx ; save cursor Row:Col (DH:DL) on stack mov dx, 0x1700 ; Row 23, Column 0 mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position specified in dx int 10h ; ; print the key code in hex format mov ah, 0x0E ; x86 bios teletype function mov al, 'A' ; int 0x10 ; mov al, 'L' ; int 0x10 ; mov al, '=' ; int 0x10 ; invoke bios function mov al, '0' ; print prefix 0x to indicate hexadecimal number int 0x10 ; invoke bios function mov al, 'x' ; int 0x10 mov cx, 2 ; print 2 nibbles ( 1 byte ) mov bx, hextable ; pointer to digit translation table mov dl, [key.al] ; get key code from buffer .nextbyte: rol dl, 4 ; print first digit mov al, dl ; get key code and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] ; or use stosw for memory printing ; with ah==colour int 10h ; invoke bios loop .nextbyte ; how about direct memory printing here mov al, ' ' ; print a space to separate al and ah results int 0x10 mov al, 'A' ; int 0x10 mov al, 'H' ; int 0x10 ; invoke bios function mov al, '=' ; print prefix 0x to indicate hexadecimal number int 0x10 ; invoke bios function mov al, '0' ; print prefix 0x to indicate hexadecimal number int 0x10 ; invoke bios function mov al, 'x' ; int 0x10 mov cx, 2 ; print 2 bytes mov bx, hextable ; pointer to digit translation table mov dl, [key.ah] ; get key code from buffer .nextbyte.ah: rol dl, 4 ; print first digit mov al, dl ; get key code from buffer and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] int 10h ; invoke bios loop .nextbyte.ah ; Also print the 'colour' of the ascii code. eg 0x7F is ; intense white on grey (fg = low nibble, bg = high nibble) mov ah, 0x0E mov al, ' ' ; print a space to separate al and ah results int 0x10 mov cx, 1 ; print 1 char only mov ah, 0x09 ; bios function colour print mov al, sigma ; print the 'colour' of current code mov bl, [key.al] ; color bits: I back(R|G|B) I fore(R|G|B) int 0x10 ; If a special key is pressed (insert delete etc) then ; al will be 0. Escape is not a special key pop dx ; restore text cursor position mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position specified in dx int 10h ; invoke bios jmp .begin ; keep looping! .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov es, ax mov ds, ax call keycode.x jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * Code to show a hex byte is only 1 instruction longer than loop !!! -------------------------------------- mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function mov al, [key] ; get key code from buffer rol al, 4 ; print first digit and al, 0x0F ; higher order digit xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10h ; invoke bios mov al, [key] ; get key code from buffer and al, 0x0F ; lower order digit xlatb ; replace al with hex digit int 10h ; invoke bios ,,, KEYBOARD PS2 .... understand http://wiki.osdev.org/PS2_Keyboard ps/2 Scancode tables: TODO: official specs? - http://flint.cs.yale.edu/cs422/doc/art-of-asm/pdf/APNDXC.PDF - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scancode One standard interface is the ps/2 keyboard probably need to use interrupts to do the following, otherwise this will block. Is a ps2 scancode only 8 bits? Key releases have the same code as corresponding keypress but highest bit is set (eg and 0x8000, key) * print hex scan codes every time key is pressed, released ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; translation table scancode.doc: db 'Prints the ps/2 scancodes of keys pressed and released' dw $-scancode.doc scancode: scancode.x: ; cli ; necessary ?? .loop: in al, 0x60 ; store ps/2 keyboard scancode to al cmp al, cl ; is this a new code? je .loop ; cmp al, 0x81 ; [escape] key release je .exit ; exit if escape key pressed mov cl, al push cx ; save previous code to stack ; print the hex code in al mov dl, al mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dl, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again mov ah, 0x0E ; mov al, 0x0D ; a newline int 10H mov al, 0x0A ; formfeed int 10H pop cx ; restore scan code jmp .loop .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax call scancode.x here: jmp here ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is in GAS syntax. * print hex scan codes every time key is pressed, released ------------------ BEGIN CLEAR /* TODO why CLI makes no difference? We are not using interrupts? */ /*cli*/ loop: /* Store the scancode to al. */ in $0x60, %al cmp %al, %cl jz loop mov %al, %cl PRINT_HEX <%al> PRINT_NEWLINE jmp loop ,,, INPUT FROM THE KEYBOARD .... * define ASCII code constant for the <Escape> key >> ESC equ 1bh ; should we not check al==0 as well INT 16h with AH=00h or 10h will block waiting for a keypress (returns ASCII result in AL); use AH=01h or 11h to query whether a keypress is available first if you want to avoid blocking (returns immediately with ZF clear if a key is available, or set if not). See e.g. here, or here (or Google "INT 16h" for more). * press any key to exit a loop ------------------------- .again mov ah, 0x01 ; x86 bios check if keypress available int 0x16 jz .again ; loop forever if no keypress ,,, In the code example below, space and backspace appear to work as expected on my machine, but [enter] returns the cursor to the beginning of the line. * read keys from the keyboard and print them to the screen --------------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress function int 16h mov ah, 0eH ; echo the key pressed int 10H cmp al, 13 ; was the key press a 'enter' jne start mov al, 10 ; if a 'enter' is pressed add a newline int 10h jmp start ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Below is a forth style "key" and "emit" functions in a linked list. Parameters are passed on the stack * read a key press and place value on the stack ------------ jmp start ; get one keystroke from user and place on stack key: dw 0 ; 1st word has a zero link db 3, 'key' ; forth-style function header key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h pop bx ; juggle function return pointer push ax ; save keypress value on stack push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret emit: dw key ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'emit' emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop ax ; character to print (into al) push bx ; restore return function call mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function int 10h ret start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? here: call key.x call emit.x jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * read keys and freeze if escape is pressed --------------------------------------------------------- ESCP equ 1bh start: mov ah, 0 int 16H cmp al, ESCP je .done ; If escape pressed, freeze! mov ah, 0eH ; print the character int 10H jmp start ; keep looping! .done: jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, If a 'special' non-printing key is pressed, then register AL is zero and register AH contains the code for the key press * print '<' and '>' if arrow keys are pressed --------------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: .again: mov ah, 0 int 16H cmp al, 0 jne .printkey cmp ah, 75 ; left arrow je .leftarrow cmp ah, 77 ; right arrow je .rightarrow cmp ah, 82 je .insertkey ; insert key? cmp ah, 83 je .deletekey ; delete key? jmp .again ; read more keys .leftarrow mov al, '<' jmp .printkey .rightarrow mov al, '>' jmp .printkey .insertkey mov al, 'I' jmp .printkey .deletekey mov al, 'D' jmp .printkey .printkey mov ah, 0eH ; print the key pressed int 10H jmp .again .done: jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The following clears the screen but stops typing. * read keys and clear screen if escape is pressed --------------------------------------------------------- ESC equ 1bh start: mov ah, 0 ; bios read char function int 16H ; invoke bios cmp al, ESC ; was key 'escape' ? je .clear ; If escape pressed, cls! mov ah, 0eH ; print the character int 10H jmp start ; keep looping! .clear: mov ah, 0 mov al, 13h int 10H jmp start times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, EDITING TEXT .... I think the idea is simple. One maintains a memory buffer of text which is synchronised to what the user sees on the screen. When the user changes the text, the buffer gets updated. This buffer is then written periodically to storage. * a simple buffer editor with no save ------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; a small buffer made blank buffer times 128 db ' ' ; we only have 512 bytes here edit.doc db 'Allows the user to edit a buffer of text' dw $-edit.doc edit: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 4, 'edit' edit.x: pop bx ; return address pop di ; address of the buffer and insert pointer push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov al, '*' ; an edit prompt int 10H ; invoke bios print function mov ah, 0 ; bios read key code function int 16H ; invoke bios ;cmp al, 0 ; is extended char (AL != 0) ? ;jne .again ; wait for next key if not -> ;cmp ah, 77 ; right arrow cmp ax, 77 ; right arrow ;jne .again ; wait for next key if not -> arrow key mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx (int 10h, ah=03h) int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment column position int 10h ; invoke bios ret start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax mov es, ax push buffer call edit.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, BYTECODE SYSTEM 512 BYTES Bytecode is an important goal for creating a forth which can run on a virtual machine on any architecture. While execution speed will be slower than other types of systems, it is useful for rapidly porting to a new architecture, since all that initially needs to be coded is the virtual machine The system below seems very powerful and very minimal. It is a basic virtual machine implemented in as little as 100 bytes. Now to extend this, we need a way to compile code, and a virtual proceedure call for all high level functions. And we have to actually design the virtual machine. * a working forth style bytecode example within 512 bytes ---------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; consider reverse counts. This allows us to decompile ; byte code by getting a list of pointers to ; code and then looking up name ; eg ; db 'minus', 5 ; dw exec ; link to previous ; aliases for each bytecode, these aliases need to be in the ; same order as the pointer table below ; The nasm code below gives values of 1,2,3,4,5 etc to each ; bytecode alias. A new opcode can be inserted without having ; to update all the following opcodes. DUP equ 1 DROP equ DUP+1 SWAP equ DROP+1 STORE equ SWAP+1 FETCHPLUS equ STORE+1 COUNT equ FETCHPLUS ; count is an alias for @+ ISZERO equ FETCHPLUS+1 LIT equ ISZERO+1 LITW equ LIT+1 EMIT equ LITW+1 KEY equ EMIT+1 PLUS equ KEY+1 MINUS equ PLUS+1 INCR equ MINUS+1 DECR equ INCR+1 DIVMOD equ DECR+1 FCALL equ DIVMOD+1 EXIT equ FCALL+1 JUMP equ EXIT+1 JUMPZ equ JUMP+1 ; JUMPNZ equ JUMPZ+1 ; a table of code pointers. The pointers have the same offset in ; table as value of the opcode table: dw 0, dup.x, drop.x, swap.x, store.x, fetchplus.x dw iszero.x, lit.x, litw.x, emit.x, key.x dw plus.x, minus.x, incr.x, decr.x dw divmod.x, fcall.x, exit.x dw jump.x, jumpz.x ; this is the function which executes the byte codes ; takes a pointer to the code. Jumps are relative to the first ; byte of the jump instruction ; another interesting point... we may need to use ; exec within the interpreter to run code. So that means ; si needs to be saved on the stack, no. ; No, I think we should use fcall to run byte code. This ; is the correct way. exec: dw 0 db 'exec', 4 exec.x: ; save the return ip for 'exec' since the code ; below "call [table+bx]" changes the stack and ; registers. Before this technique the same byte ; code would get executed over and over again because ; exec was not returning properly pop word [returnexec] ; save return ip pop si ; get pointer to code .nextopcode: xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ cmp al, 0 ; zero marks end of code je .exit .opcode: mov bx, ax ; get opcode (1-6 etc) into bx shl bx, 1 ; double bx because its a word pointer call [table+bx] ; use opcode as offset into code pointer table jmp .nextopcode .exit: push word [returnexec] ; restore fn return ip ret returnexec dw 0 plus.doc: ; db 'add the top 2 elements of the stack.' ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- n1+n2 ) ' ; db ' This opcode is agnostic about whether the two 16 bit ' ; db ' numbers are signed or unsigned. What should happen in ' ; db ' the case of an overflow ? ' ; db ' eg: LIT, 4, LIT, '0', PLUS, EMIT ' ; db ' displays the digit "4" ' ; dw $-plus.doc plus: dw exec.x db '+', 1 plus.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop bx pop ax add ax, bx push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret minus.doc: ; db 'subtract the top element of stack from next top' ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- n1-n2 ) ' ; dw $-minus.doc minus: dw plus.x db '-', 1 minus.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop bx pop ax sub ax, bx push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret incr.doc: ; db 'Increment the top element of the data stack by one. ' ; dw $-incr.doc incr: dw minus.x db '1+', 2 incr.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax inc ax push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret decr.doc: ; db 'Decrement the top element of the data stack by one. ' ; dw $-decr.doc decr: dw incr.x db '1-', 2 decr.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax dec ax push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret divmod.doc: ; db '(n1 n2 - remainder quotient) ' ; db ' divide n1 by n2 and provide remainder and quotient. ' ; db ' n2 is the top item on the stack ' ; dw $-divmod.doc divmod: dw decr.x db '/mod', 4 divmod.x: pop cx ; juggle return pointer xor dx, dx ; set dx := 0 pop bx ; divisor is top element on stack pop ax ; dividend is next element div bx ; does dx:ax / bx remainder->dx; quotient->ax push dx ; put remainder on stack push ax ; put quotient on top of stack push cx ; restore return pointer ret fcall.doc: ; db 'Call a virtual proceedure on the bytecode stack machine' ; db 'The current code pointer (in the SI register) is saved - pushed ' ; db 'onto the return stack and the address of the virtual proc ' ; db 'to execute is loaded into SI. ' ; dw $-fcall.doc fcall: dw divmod.x db 'fcall', 5 fcall.x: ; probably have to save si, somewhere ; xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsw ; ax := [si]++ get virtual call jump target into AX ; for nested calls try, but es needs to initialised to some space ; the technique below used es:di as a software stack pointer ; the value of si is saved in es:di and then di is incremented ; This is also the implementation of the return stack ; mov [es:di], si ; add di, 2 mov di, si ; save si to di (but no nested calls) mov si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer ret ; need to implement a return stack... maybe in DI destination ; index register. This will allow nested calls to procedures. exit.doc: ; db 'exit a virtual procedure by restoring si code pointer' ; dw $-exit.doc exit: dw fcall.x db 'exit', 4 exit.x: ; for nested calls try getting si from the return stack ;sub di, 2 ;mov si, [es:di] mov si, di ; restore si from di (but no nested calls) ret dup.doc: ; db 'Duplicates the top item on the stack.' ; dw $-dup.doc dup: dw exit.x ; link to previous word db 'dup', 3 ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push dx ; restore fn return address ret drop.doc: ; db 'removes the top item on the stack.' ; dw $-drop.doc drop: dw dup.x ; link to previous word db 'drop', 4 ; strings are 'counted' drop.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; remove top element of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret swap.doc: ; db 'swaps the top 2 items on the stack.' ; dw $-swap.doc swap: dw drop.x ; link to previous word db 'swap', 4 swap.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get top stack item pop bx ; get next stack item push ax ; put them back on in reverse order push bx push dx ; restore fn return address ret store.doc: ; db '( n adr -- ) store the byte value n at address adr.' ; db ' eg: 10 myvar ! ' ; db ' puts the value 10 at the address specified by "myvar" ' ; db ' The address is the top value on the stack. ' ; dw $-store.doc store: dw swap.x ; link to previous word db '!', 1 store.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx ; pointer to address pop ax ; value to store at address mov [bx], al ; only the low value byte is stored push dx ; restore fn return address ret fetchplus.doc: ; db '( adr -- adr+1 n ) ' ; db ' Replace the top element of the stack with the value ' ; db ' of the byte at the given memory address and increment the ' ; db ' address . This is exactly the same as "count"' ; dw $-fetchplus.doc fetchplus: dw store.x ; link to previous word db '@+', 2 fetchplus.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 mov al, byte [bx] inc bx ; increment address by 1 push bx ; save address on stack push ax ; save value on top of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret iszero.doc: ; db ' ( flag -- not-flag ) ' iszero: dw 0 ; link to previous word db '0=', 2 iszero.x: pop dx pop ax cmp ax, 0 je .zero push 0 ; zero is false jmp .exit .zero: push -1 ; non zero is true in forth .exit: push dx ret lit.doc: ; db 'Pushes an 8 bit literal value onto the stack' ; db 'The literal value is encoded in the next byte ' ; db 'after this instruction. This is similar to the ' ; db 'forth "char" word. ' ; dw $-lit.doc lit: dw 0 ; link to previous word db 'lit', 3 lit.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get literal char into AL ; cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) push ax ; put literal value on stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret litw.doc: ; db 'Pushes an 16 bit literal value onto the stack' ; dw $-litw.doc litw: dw lit.x ; link to previous word db 'litw', 4 litw.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address lodsw ; ax := [si]++ get literal char into AX push ax ; put literal value on stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret emit.doc: ; db 'removes and displays top item on stack as an ascii character.' ; db 'I suppose the character is in the low byte of the stack item...' ; dw $-emit.doc emit: dw litw.x db 'emit', 4 emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop ax ; char in al push bx mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function int 10h ; x86 bios ret key.doc: ; db 'Get one keystroke from user and place on stack' ; db 'The key is represented as an ascii code in the low byte ' ; db 'of the stack item.' ; dw $-key.doc key: dw emit.x ; link to prev db 'key', 3 ; reverse counted string key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h ; ah := asci code and al := scan code pop bx ; juggle function return pointer mov ah, 0 ; set ah = 0 push ax ; save asci code onto stack, high byte zero push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret jump.doc: ; db ' ( -- ) stack is unchanged. ; db ' Jumps to a relative virtual instruction.' ; db ' The relative jump is given in the next byte.' ; db ' eg: JUMP, -2, jumps back 2 instructions in the bytecode' ; db ' eg: LIT, '*', EMIT, JUMP, -3, ' ; db ' prints a never-ending list of asterixes ' ; dw $-jump.doc jump: dw key.x ; link to prev db 'jump', 4 ; reverse count jump.x: ; jumps can be handled in the exec routine ; handle jumps by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative jump target into AL cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset ; do we need to decrement si ?? yes, more logical ret jumpz.doc: ; db ' ( n -- ) ; db 'jumps to a relative virtual instruction if top ' ; db 'stack element is zero. The flag value is removed ' ; db 'from the stack ; db ' The relative jump is given in the next byte.' ; db ' eg: JUMPZ, -2, jumps back 2 instructions in the bytecode' ; db ' eg: KEY, DUP, EMIT, LIT, '0', MINUS, JUMPNZ, -6 ' ; db ' allows the user to type until zero is pressed. ' ; dw $-jump.doc ; handle jumps by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) jumpz: dw jump.x ; link to prev db 'jumpz', 5 ; reverse count jumpz.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative jump target into AL ; check stack for zero, if not continue with next instruction pop bx ; get top stack item into bx cmp bx, 0 ; if dx != 0 continue jne .exit cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset .exit: push dx ; restore call return ret ; ******************************* ; end of byte codes, 512 byte system ; ******************************* udot.doc ; db ' ( n -- ) ' ; db ' display top stack element as unsigned decimal number. ' udot: udot.p: ; using 11 as a marker to know how many digits to print, but silly db LIT, 11, SWAP ; 11 n db LIT, 10 ; 11 n 10 db DIVMOD ; 11 rem quotient db DUP, JUMPZ, 4 db JUMP, -6 ; 11 rem rem rem ... 0 db DROP ; 11 rem rem ... db LIT, '0', PLUS, EMIT ; 11 rem ... print remainder db DUP, LIT, 11, MINUS, JUMPZ, 4 db JUMP, -10 db DROP db LIT, ' ', EMIT db EXIT type.doc: ; db ' ( adr n -- ) ' ; db ' Prints out n number of characters starting at address adr. ' type: dw 0 db 'type', 4 type.p: ; adr n db SWAP ; n adr db FETCHPLUS ; n adr+1 a db EMIT ; n adr+1 db SWAP ; adr+1 n db DECR ; adr+1 n-1 db DUP ; adr+1 n-1 n-1 db ISZERO db JUMPZ, -7 ; adr+1 n-1 db EXIT accept.doc: ; db ' ( buffer -- ) ; db ' receive a line of input from the terminal ' ; db ' and store it as a counted string in the buffer. ' ; db ' This should be rewritten to discard excess chars.' ; also need to handle backspaces to backtrack over ; buffer accept: dw type.p db 'accept', 6 accept.p: ; ( adr -- ) db DUP, DUP ; a a a db INCR, DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 db KEY ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' db DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' 'x' db EMIT, DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' 'x' db LIT, 13, MINUS, JUMPZ, 6 ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' ; detect backspace ; db DUP, LIT, 8, MINUS, JUMPNZ, +?? ; handle backspace ; LIT, space, EMIT, LIT, backspace, EMIT ; DROP, DROP, DECR ; JUMP, -?? ; get next key db SWAP ; a a a+1 'x' a+1 db STORE ; a a a+1 /put char in buffer db JUMP, -13 ; not newline so get another char db LIT, 10, EMIT ; print newline if enter pressed ; a a a+n a+n 'x' db DROP, DROP, DECR ; a a a+n-1 db SWAP, MINUS ; a n-1 db SWAP, STORE ; [a] := n-1 db EXIT ; all virtual procedures end with 'exit' pad: db 12, 'oon leaf' buff: db 0, ' ' wow db KEY, EMIT, EXIT ; testing 512 one sector byte code code: ; displays asci values of keys db KEY, DUP db FCALL dw udot.p ; a+1 db EMIT, LIT, ' ', EMIT db JUMP, -9 db 0 start: ; mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; a 4K stack here mov sp, 4096 ; set up the stack pointer push code call exec.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, BYTECODE SYSTEM MULTIPLE SECTORS * bytecode system with multiple sectors ------------------------------ ; history ; 10 june 2017 ; made a return stack with es:di and made fcall.x and exit.x ; use the return stack, apparently successfully which allows ; nested procedures. BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:load ; Goto segment 07C0 drive db 0 ; a variable to hold boot drive number load: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov [drive], dl ; save the boot drive number mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; with a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 ; save the DL register or else dont modify it ; it contains the number of the boot medium (hard disk, ; usb memory stick etc) ; The 'floppy' Drive is NOT necesarily 0!!! reset: ; Reset the virtual floppy drive (usb) mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, [drive] ; the boot drive number (eg for usb 128) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 4 ; Load 4 sectors ie 512 bytes * 5 == 2K ; try mov cx, 0x0002 ; cylinder 0, sector 2 mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, [drive] ; int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad out the boot sector (512 bytes) dw 0AA55h ; end with standard boot signature ; this below is the magic line to make the new memory offsets ; work. Or compile the 2 files separately ; https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 section stage2 vstart=0 jmp start ; consider reverse counts. This allows us to decompile ; byte code by getting a list of pointers to ; code and then looking up name ; eg ; db 'minus', 5 ; dw exec ; link to previous ; Another refinement is to hold the top element of the ; stack in ax, which simplifies a lot of stack manipulation. ; eg 1+ becomes "inc ax" etc ; aliases for each bytecode, these aliases need to be in the ; same order as the pointer table below ; The nasm code below gives values of 1,2,3,4,5 etc to each ; bytecode alias. A new opcode can be inserted without having ; to update all the following opcodes. DUP equ 1 DROP equ DUP+1 SWAP equ DROP+1 OVER equ SWAP+1 RON equ OVER+1 ROFF equ RON+1 FETCH equ ROFF+1 FETCHPLUS equ FETCH+1 CSTORE equ FETCHPLUS+1 CSTOREPLUS equ CSTORE+1 CFETCH equ CSTOREPLUS+1 CFETCHPLUS equ CFETCH+1 COUNT equ CFETCHPLUS ; count is an alias for c@+ EQUALS equ CFETCHPLUS+1 NOTEQUALS equ EQUALS+1 LIT equ NOTEQUALS+1 LITW equ LIT+1 EMIT equ LITW+1 KEY equ EMIT+1 PLUS equ KEY+1 MINUS equ PLUS+1 INCR equ MINUS+1 DECR equ INCR+1 DIVMOD equ DECR+1 FCALL equ DIVMOD+1 EXIT equ FCALL+1 JUMP equ EXIT+1 JUMPZ equ JUMP+1 JUMPF equ JUMPZ ; jumpf (false) is an aliase for jumpz JUMPNZ equ JUMPZ+1 JUMPT equ JUMPNZ ; jump-true alias for jump-not-zero RLOOP equ JUMPNZ+1 DIVTWO equ RLOOP+1 NOCODE equ DIVTWO+1 ; nocode is an end marker ; a table of code pointers. The pointers have the same offset in ; table as value of the opcode op.table: dw 0, dup.x, drop.x, swap.x, over.x dw ron.x, roff.x, fetch.x, fetchplus.x dw cstore.x, cstoreplus.x dw cfetch.x, cfetchplus.x dw equals.x, notequals.x, lit.x, litw.x, emit.x, key.x dw plus.x, minus.x, incr.x, decr.x dw divmod.x, fcall.x, exit.x dw jump.x, jumpz.x, jumpnz.x, rloop.x dw divtwo.x, 0 ; this is the function which executes the byte codes ; takes a pointer to the code. Jumps are relative to the first ; byte of the jump instruction exec: dw 0 db 'exec', 4 exec.x: ; save the return ip for 'exec' since the code ; below call [op.table+bx] changes the stack and ; registers. Before this technique the same byte ; code would get executed over and over again because ; exec was not returning properly pop word [returnexec] ; save return ip pop si ; get pointer to code .nextopcode: xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ cmp al, 0 ; zero marks end of code je .exit .opcode: mov bx, ax ; get opcode (1-6 etc) into bx shl bx, 1 ; double bx because its a word pointer call [op.table+bx] ; use opcode as offset into code pointer table jmp .nextopcode .exit: push word [returnexec] ; restore fn return ip ret returnexec dw 0 plus.doc: ; db 'add the top 2 elements of the stack.' ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- n1+n2 ) ' ; db ' This opcode is agnostic about whether the two 16 bit ' ; db ' numbers are signed or unsigned. What should happen in ' ; db ' the case of an overflow ? ' ; db ' eg: LIT, 4, LIT, '0', PLUS, EMIT ' ; db ' displays the digit "4" ' ; dw $-plus.doc plus: dw exec.x db '+', 1 plus.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop bx pop ax add ax, bx push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret minus.doc: ; db 'subtract the top element of stack from next top' ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- n1-n2 ) ' ; dw $-minus.doc minus: dw plus.x db '-', 1 minus.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop bx pop ax sub ax, bx push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret incr.doc: ; db 'Increment the top element of the data stack by one. ' ; dw $-incr.doc incr: dw minus.x db '1+', 2 incr.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax inc ax push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret decr.doc: ; db 'Decrement top element of the data stack by one. ' ; dw $-decr.doc decr: dw incr.x db '1-', 2 decr.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax dec ax push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret divtwo.doc: ; db '(n1 - n1/2) ' ; db ' divide n1 by 2 ' ; dw $-divtwo.doc divtwo: dw decr.x db '/2', 2 divtwo.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax ; dividend is next element shr ax, 1 ; do ax := (ax+1)/2 push ax push dx ; restore return pointer ret divmod.doc: ; db '(n1 n2 - remainder quotient) ' ; db ' divide n1 by n2 and provide remainder and quotient. ' ; db ' n2 is the top item on the stack ' ; dw $-divmod.doc divmod: dw divtwo.x db '/mod', 4 divmod.x: pop cx ; juggle return pointer xor dx, dx ; set dx := 0 pop bx ; divisor is top element on stack pop ax ; dividend is next element div bx ; does dx:ax / bx remainder->dx; quotient->ax push dx ; put remainder on stack push ax ; put quotient on top of stack push cx ; restore return pointer ret fcall.doc: ; db 'Call a virtual proceedure on the bytecode stack machine' ; db 'The current code pointer (in the SI register) is saved - pushed ' ; db 'onto the return stack and the address of the virtual proc ' ; db 'to execute is loaded into SI. ' ; dw $-fcall.doc fcall: dw divmod.x db 'fcall', 5 fcall.x: ; probably have to save si, somewhere ; xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsw ; ax := [si]++ get virtual call jump target into AX ; for nested calls try, but es needs to initialised to some space ; the technique below used es:di as a software stack pointer ; the value of si is saved in es:di and then di is incremented ; This is also the implementation of the return stack mov [es:di], si add di, 2 ; mov di, si ; save si to di (but no nested calls) mov si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer ret ; need to implement a return stack... maybe in DI destination ; index register. This will allow nested calls to procedures. exit.doc: ; db 'exit a virtual procedure by restoring si code pointer' ; dw $-exit.doc exit: dw fcall.x db 'exit', 4 exit.x: ; for nested calls try getting si from the return stack sub di, 2 mov si, [es:di] ; mov si, di ; restore si from di (but no nested calls) ret dup.doc: ; db 'Duplicates the top item on the stack.' ; dw $-dup.doc dup: dw exit.x ; link to previous word db 'dup', 3 ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push dx ; restore fn return address ret drop.doc: ; db 'removes the top item on the stack.' ; dw $-drop.doc drop: dw dup.x ; link to previous word db 'drop', 4 ; strings are 'counted' drop.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; remove top element of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret swap.doc: ; db 'swaps the top 2 items on the stack.' ; dw $-swap.doc swap: dw drop.x ; link to previous word db 'swap', 4 swap.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get top stack item pop bx ; get next stack item push ax ; put them back on in reverse order push bx push dx ; restore fn return address ret over.doc: ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 ) ' ; db ' Puts a copy of the 2nd stack item on top of the stack. ' ; dw $-swap.doc over: dw swap.x ; link to previous word db 'over', 4 over.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get top stack item pop bx ; get next stack item push bx ; push ax ; push bx ; add copy of 2nd item on top of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret ron.doc: ; db '( S: n -- )( R: -- n ) ' ; db ' put the top item of the data stack onto the return stack.' ; dw $-ron.doc ron: dw over.x db '>r', 2 ron.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; value to store at address stosw ; [es:di] := ax, di+2 push dx ; restore fn return address ret roff.doc: ; db '( S: -- n)( R: n -- ) ' ; db ' put the top item of the return stack onto the data stack.' ; dw $-roff.doc roff: dw ron.x db 'r>', 2 roff.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address sub di, 2 ; mov ax, [es:di] ; get top item off return stack push ax push dx ; restore fn return address ret fetch.doc: ; db '( adr -- n ) ' ; db ' Replace the top element of the stack with the ' ; db ' value of the 16bites at the given memory address ' ; dw $-fetch.doc fetch: dw roff.x ; link to previous word db '@', 1 fetch.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx mov ax, word [bx] push ax ; save value on top of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret fetchplus.doc: ; db '( adr -- adr+2 n ) ' ; db ' Replace the top element of the stack with the ' ; db ' value of the 16bites at the given memory address ' ; db ' and increment the address by 2 bytes. ' ; dw $-fetchplus.doc fetchplus: dw fetch.x ; link to previous word db '@+', 2 fetchplus.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx mov ax, word [bx] add bx, 2 ; increment address by 1 word (2 bytes) push bx ; save address on stack push ax ; save value on top of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret cstore.doc: ; db '( n adr -- ) store the byte value n at address adr.' ; db ' eg: 10 myvar ! ' ; db ' puts the value 10 at the address specified by "myvar" ' ; db ' The address is the top value on the stack. ' ; dw $-cstore.doc cstore: dw fetchplus.x ; link to previous word db 'c!', 2 cstore.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx ; pointer to address pop ax ; value to store at address mov [bx], al ; only the low value byte is stored push dx ; restore fn return address ret cstoreplus.doc: ; db '( n adr -- adr+1 ) store the byte value n at address adr.' ; db ' And increment the address ' ; dw $-cstoreplus.doc cstoreplus: dw cstore.x ; link to previous word db 'c!+', 3 cstoreplus.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx ; pointer to address pop ax ; value to store at address mov [bx], al ; only the low value byte is stored inc bx ; advance address and put on stack push bx push dx ; restore fn return address ret cfetch.doc: ; db '( adr -- n ) Replace the top element of the stack with the value ' ; db ' of the byte at the given memory address.' ; db ' eg: myvar @ . ' ; db ' displays the value at the address given by "myvar" ' ; dw $-cfetch.doc cfetch: dw cstoreplus.x ; link to previous word db 'c@', 2 cfetch.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 mov al, byte [bx] push ax push dx ; restore fn return address ret cfetchplus.doc: ; db '( adr -- adr+1 n ) ' ; db ' Replace the top element of the stack with the value ' ; db ' of the byte at the given memory address and increment the ' ; db ' address . This is exactly the same as "count"' ; dw $-fetchplus.doc cfetchplus: dw cfetch.x ; link to previous word db 'c@+', 3 cfetchplus.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop bx xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 mov al, byte [bx] inc bx ; increment address by 1 push bx ; save address on stack push ax ; save value on top of stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret equals.doc: ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- flag ) ' ; db 'Puts -1 (true) on the stack if n1==n2 ' ; db 'otherwise puts zero (false) on the stack. ' ; dw $-equals.doc equals: dw cfetchplus.x ; link to previous word db '=', 1 equals.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; top stack item pop bx ; 2nd stack item cmp ax, bx je .true .false: push 0 jmp .exit .true: push -1 .exit: push dx ; restore fn return address ret notequals.doc: ; db ' ( n1 n2 -- flag ) ' ; db 'Puts 0 (false) on the stack if n1==n2 ' ; db 'otherwise puts -1 (true) on the data stack' ; dw $-notequals.doc notequals: dw equals.x ; link to previous word db '<>', 2 notequals.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; top stack item pop bx ; 2nd stack item cmp ax, bx jne .true .false: push 0 jmp .exit .true: push -1 .exit: push dx ; restore fn return address ret ; literal should push a 2 byte value onto stack ; maybe call this "char" lit.doc: ; db 'Pushes an 8 bit literal value onto the stack' ; dw $-lit.doc lit: dw notequals.x ; link to previous word db 'lit', 3 lit.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get literal char into AL cbw ; convert signed byte to signed word ax push ax ; put literal value on stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret litw.doc: ; db 'Pushes an 16 bit literal value onto the stack' ; dw $-litw.doc litw: dw lit.x ; link to previous word db 'litw', 4 litw.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return address lodsw ; ax := [si]++ get literal char into AX push ax ; put literal value on stack push dx ; restore fn return address ret emit.doc: ; db 'removes and displays top item on stack as an ascii character.' ; db 'I suppose the character is in the low byte of the stack item...' ; dw $-emit.doc emit: dw litw.x db 'emit', 4 emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop ax ; char in al push bx mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function int 10h ; x86 bios ret key.doc: ; db 'Get one keystroke from user and place on stack' ; db 'The key is represented as an ascii code in the low byte ' ; db 'of the stack item.' ; dw $-key.doc key: dw emit.x ; link to prev db 'key', 3 ; reverse counted string key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h ; ah := asci code and al := scan code pop bx ; juggle function return pointer mov ah, 0 ; set ah = 0 push ax ; save asci code onto stack, high byte zero push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret jump.doc: ; db 'jumps to a relative virtual instruction.' ; db ' The relative jump is given in the next byte.' ; db ' eg: JUMP, -2, jumps back 2 instructions in the bytecode' ; db ' eg: LIT, '*', EMIT, JUMP, -3, ' ; db ' prints a never-ending list of asterixes ' ; dw $-jump.doc jump: dw key.x ; link to prev db 'jump', 4 ; reverse count jump.x: ; jumps can be handled in the exec routine ; handle jumps by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative jump target into AL cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset ; do we need to decrement si ?? yes, more logical ret jumpz.doc: ; db ' ( n -- ) ; db 'jumps to a relative virtual instruction if top ' ; db 'stack element is zero. The flag value is removed ' ; db 'from the stack ; db ' The relative jump is given in the next byte.' ; db ' eg: JUMPZ, -2, jumps back 2 instructions in the bytecode' ; db ' eg: KEY, DUP, EMIT, LIT, '0', MINUS, JUMPNZ, -6 ' ; db ' allows the user to type until zero is pressed. ' ; dw $-jump.doc ; handle jumps by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) jumpz: dw jump.x ; link to prev db 'jumpz', 5 ; reverse count jumpz.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative jump target into AL ; check stack for zero, if not continue with next instruction pop bx ; get top stack item into bx cmp bx, 0 ; if dx != 0 continue jne .exit cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset .exit: push dx ; restore call return ret ; should jumps take top stack element off ? yes jumpnz.doc: ; db 'jumps to a relative virtual instruction if top stack element ' ; db ' is not zero. ; db ' The relative jump is given in the next byte.' ; db ' eg: JUMPNZ, -2, jumps back 2 instructions in the bytecode' ; db ' eg: KEY, DUP, EMIT, LIT, 'q', MINUS, JUMPNZ, -6 ' ; db ' allows the user to type until "q" is pressed. ' ; dw $-jumpnz.doc jumpnz: dw jumpz.x ; link to prev db 'jumpnz', 6 ; reverse count jumpnz.x: ; handle jumps by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) pop dx ; juggle return pointer xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative jump target into AL ; check stack for zero, if so continue with next ; instruction (dont jump) pop bx ; get top stack item into bx cmp bx, 0 ; if bx != 0 continue je .exit ; the only difference with jumpz ! cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset .exit: push dx ; restore call return ret rloop.doc: ; db ' ( R: n -- n-1 ) ' ; db ' Decrements loop counter on return stack and jumps to ' ; db ' target if counter > 0 ' ; db ' like the x86 loop instruction this is a pre-decrement ' ; db ' so a loop counter of 2 will loop twice. The disadvantage ' ; db ' is that a loop counter of 0 will loop 2^16 times. ' ; dw $-rloop.doc rloop: dw jumpnz.x ; link to prev db 'loop', 4 ; reverse count rloop.x: ; handle loops by modifying virtual ip (in this case SI) pop dx ; juggle return pointer xor ax, ax ; set ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ get relative loop target into AL ; check return stack for zero, if so continue with next ; instruction (dont jump/loop) mov bx, [es:di-2] ; get top return stack item into bx dec bx ; decrement the loop counter on the return stack cmp bx, 0 ; if bx != 0 continue mov [es:di-2], bx ; update the counter je .exit ; the only difference with jumpz ! cbw ; convert signed byte al to signed word ax (neg offset) sub si, 2 ; realign si to JUMP instruction, add si, ax ; adjust the si code pointer by jump offset .exit: push dx ; restore call return ret ; ******************************* ; end of byte codes ; ******************************* ntimes.doc: ; db ' ( n -- ) ; db ' print a star n times. ' ntimes: dw rloop.x db 'ntimes', 6 ntimes.p: db LIT, '*', EMIT, DECR, DUP, JUMPNZ, -5 db FCALL dw nl.p db FCALL dw nl.p db EXIT dotstack.doc: ; db ' ( -- ) ; db ' display the items on the data stack without ' ; db ' altering it. The top (or most recent) item ' ; db ' is printed rightmost ' dotstack: dw rloop.x db '.S', 2 dotstack.p: db EXIT opcode.doc: ; db ' ( adr -- n ) ; db ' Given the address of an execution token ' ; db ' or procedure on the stack provides the numeric ' ; db ' opcode for that procedure or else 0 (-1?) for ' ; db ' an address which does not correspond to a ' ; db ' bytecode.' ; db ' This is used to compile text to bytecode ' ; db ' if not an opcode, then compile FCALL etc ' opcode: dw dotstack.p db 'opcode', 6 opcode.p: ; to do handle not found case ; adr db RON ; () R: adr db LITW ; dw op.table ; table.adr db DUP ; t.adr t.adr db FETCH, DUP ; t.adr ex.adr ex.adr db ROFF, DUP, RON ; t.adr ex.adr ex.adr adr db EQUALS ; t.adr ex.adr flag db JUMPT, 7 ; t.adr ex.adr ; eg LIT, -1, EQUALS ; -1 end marker in table ; JUMPT, not.found (push 0 or -1) db DROP ; remove later db INCR, INCR ; t.adr+2 db JUMP, -12 ; t.adr+2 db DROP ; t.adr db LITW dw op.table ; t.adr op.table db MINUS ; t.adr-op.table db DIVTWO ; n/2 db FCALL dw udot.p db EXIT dotcode.doc: ; db ' ( opcode - ) ' ; db ' given a valid opcode on the stack, print ' ; db ' the textual version of the opcode. ' ; dw $-dotcode.doc dotcode: dw opcode.p db '.code', 5 dotcode.p: ; op db DUP, PLUS ; op*2 db LITW dw op.table ; op*2 op.table db PLUS ; op*2+op.table db FETCH ; [op*2+op.table] / get execution adr db DECR, DUP, CFETCH ; adr n / get the count db DUP ; adr n n db RON, MINUS ; adr-n db ROFF ; adr-n n db FCALL dw type.p db LIT, ' ', EMIT db EXIT listcodes.doc: ; db ' ( - ) ' ; db ' list all valid opcodes for the bytecode machine' ; dw $-listcodes.doc listcodes: dw dotcode.p db 'listcodes', 9 listcodes.p: db LIT, NOCODE, DECR, RON ; set up loop counter db ROFF, DUP, RON ; I db FCALL dw dotcode.p db RLOOP, -6 db ROFF, DROP ; clear counter from rstack db EXIT name.doc: ; db ' ( xt - ) ' ; db ' given a valid execution token for a bytecode or' ; db ' procedure on the stack print the name ' ; dw $-name.doc name: dw listcodes.p db 'name', 4 name.p: ; adr db DECR, DUP, CFETCH ; adr n / get the count db DUP ; adr n n db RON, MINUS ; adr-n db ROFF ; adr-n n db FCALL dw type.p db LIT, ' ', EMIT db EXIT asci.doc: ; db 'shows the asci chars' ; dw $-asci.doc asci: dw name.p db 'asci', 4 asci.p: ; in ascending order db LIT, 1, INCR, DUP, EMIT db DUP, LIT, 252, MINUS, JUMPNZ, -7, EXIT ; in descending order ; db LIT, 255, DECR, DUP, EMIT ; db DUP, JUMPNZ, -4, EXIT keycode.doc: ; db 'shows the asci chars values when a key is pressed' ; dw $-keycode.doc keycode: dw asci.p db 'keycode', 7 keycode.p: db LIT, 20 db FCALL dw ntimes.p db KEY, DUP db FCALL dw udot.p ; a+1 ; check for 27 escape to quit db EMIT, LIT, 13, EMIT, LIT, 10, EMIT db JUMP, -12 db EXIT nl.doc: ; db 'send a newline to the terminal. ' ; dw $-nl.doc nl: dw keycode.p db 'nl', 2 nl.p: db LIT, 10, EMIT, LIT, 13, EMIT, EXIT udot.doc: ; db ' ( n -- ) ' ; db ' display top stack element as unsigned decimal number. ' ; dw $-udot.doc udot: dw nl.p db 'u.', 2 udot.p: ; using 11 as a marker to know how many digits to print, but silly db LIT, 11, SWAP ; 11 n db LIT, 10 ; 11 n 10 db DIVMOD ; 11 rem quotient db DUP, JUMPNZ, -4 ; 11 rem rem rem ... 0 db DROP ; 11 rem rem ... db LIT, '0', PLUS, EMIT ; 11 rem ... print remainder db DUP, LIT, 11, EQUALS, JUMPF, -8 db DROP db LIT, ' ', EMIT db EXIT tonumber.doc: ; db ' ( adr -- n ) ' ; db ' Given the address of a counted string on ' ; db ' the stack, attempt to convert the string to ' ; db ' a number, adding and multiplying by successive ' ; db ' digits. ' ; dw $-tonumber.doc tonumber: dw udot.p db '>number', 7 tonumber.p: db EXIT pword.doc: ; db ' ( a1 n -- a2 ) ' ; db ' Parse one word from text found at address a1 ' ; db ' and leave a counted string in buffer at a2 ' ; db ' n is the maximum number of chars to parse ' ; dw $-pword.doc ; cant call this "word" because nasm doesnt like that pword: dw tonumber.p db 'word', 4 pword.p: ; adr n ; a nearly working parse word proceedure... db RON ; put length on return stack for looping db LITW dw nextw.n ; from to db INCR ; from to+1 /skip count byte in to buffer db SWAP ; t+1 f db CFETCHPLUS ; t+1 f+1 n db DUP ; t+1 f+1 n n db LIT, ' ', EQUALS ; t+1 f+1 n flag db JUMPF, 4 ; t+1 f+1 n db RLOOP, -9 ; check for zero loop counter here ; change these emits to stores ...! ; something like, need to write storeplus ; RON, SWAP, ROFF, SWAP, CSTOREPLUS, SWAP db EMIT ; t+1 f+1 db ROFF, DECR, RON ; dec counter db CFETCHPLUS ; t+1 f+2 n db DUP, LIT, ' ', EQUALS ; t+1 f+1 n flag db JUMPT, 5 db EMIT db RLOOP, -8 ; push loop count on stack db ROFF, DROP db 0 db EXIT ; just testing if pword is working test.pword.p: db EXIT toin.doc: ; db ' ( -- adr n ) ' ; db ' put on stack current parse position in input stream' ; db ' and number of characters remaining in stream. ' ; db ' This is used with pword.x to parse each word from the ' ; db ' stream.' ; dw $-toin.doc toin: dw pword.p db '>in', 3 toin.p: db EXIT toin.n dw 0 find.doc: ; db ' ( a1 -- xt ) ' ; db ' given a counted string, return execution ' ; db ' token for word ' ; dw $-find.doc find: dw pword.p db 'find', 4 find.p: ; a db COUNT ; a+1 n db LITW dw accept.p ; a+1 n A db DECR, DUP ; a+1 n A-1 A-1 db CFETCH ; .. A-1 N / get the count db DUP ; .. A-1 N N db RON, MINUS ; .. adr-N r: N db ROFF ; .. adr-N N ; a n A N db FCALL ; compare is returning count byte address dw compare.p ; a n A flag db JUMPT, 17 ; a n A db LIT, '?', EMIT db DECR, DECR ; a n A-2 / pointer to prev word db FETCH ; a n [adr] db DUP ; a n [adr] [adr] db JUMPNZ, -19 ; a n [adr] db DROP, DROP, DROP ; db LIT, 0 ; return zero if not found db EXIT db DUP, FCALL dw udot.p db FCALL dw type.p db EXIT compare.doc: ; db ' ( a A n -- flag) ' ; db ' given 2 pointers to strings a and A ' ; db ' compare the 2 strings for n bytes ' ; db ' and put -1 on stack as flag if the strings are ' ; db ' the same or flag=0 on stack if the strings ' ; db ' are different. ' ; dw $-compare.doc compare: dw find.p db 'compare', 7 compare.p: ; a A n db RON ; a A r: n /n loop counter ; db DUP ; a A A db CFETCHPLUS ; a A+1 [A] db DUP, EMIT ; debug db SWAP ; a [A] A+1 db RON, RON ; a r: n A+1 [A] db CFETCHPLUS ; a+1 [a] r: n A+1 [A] db DUP, EMIT ; debug db ROFF ; a+1 [a] [A] r: n A+1 db EQUALS ; a+1 flag r: n A+1 db JUMPT, 10 ; a+1 r: n A+1 db ROFF, ROFF ; a+1 A+1 n db DROP, DROP, DROP ; clear stacks db LIT, 0 ; flag=0 (false) db EXIT db ROFF ; a+1 A+1 r: n db LIT, '?', EMIT ; debug db RLOOP, -25 ; a+1 A+1 r: n-1 db ROFF ; a+n A+n 0 db DROP, DROP, DROP ; clear stacks db LIT, -1 db EXIT test.compare.doc: ; db ' just tests the compare.doc proc ' test.compare: dw compare.p db 'test.compare', 12 test.compare.p: db LITW dw pad db FCALL dw accept.p db LITW dw pad db FCALL dw type.p db EXIT list.doc: ; db ' ( adr -- ) ' ; db ' list all words by name given execution address ' ; db ' of the last word. ' ; dw $-list.doc list: dw compare.p db 'list', 4 list.p: ; adr ; db LIT, 25, RON ; loop counter db DECR, DUP, CFETCH ; adr n / get the name count db DUP ; adr n n db RON, MINUS ; adr-n db ROFF ; adr-n n db SWAP, DUP ; n adr-n adr-n db RON, SWAP ; adr-n n / save adr-n to rstack db FCALL dw type.p db LIT, ' ', EMIT db ROFF ; adr-n db DECR, DECR ; point to next pointer db FETCH ; [adr-n-2] db DUP ; *p *p ;db ISZERO ; *p flag db JUMPNZ, -22 ; *p db LIT, '#', EMIT ;db ROFF, DROP ; clear counter db EXIT type.doc: ; db ' ( adr n -- ) ' ; db ' Prints out n number of characters starting ' ; db ' at address adr. ' ; dw $-type.doc type: dw list.p db 'type', 4 type.p: ; adr n db SWAP, DUP ; n adr adr db CFETCH ; n adr a db EMIT ; n adr db INCR, SWAP ; adr+1 n db DECR ; adr+1 n-1 db DUP ; adr+1 n-1 n-1 db JUMPNZ, -8 ; adr+1 n-1 db EXIT ; using rloop db RON ; adr r: n db CFETCHPLUS ; adr+1 c r: n db EMIT ; adr+1 r: n db RLOOP, -2 ; adr+1 r: n-1 db EXIT accept.doc: ; db ' ( buffer -- ) ; db ' receive a line of input from the terminal ' ; db ' and store it as a counted string in the buffer. ' ; db ' This should be rewritten to discard excess chars.' ; dw $-accept.doc ; also need to handle backspaces to backtrack over ; buffer accept: dw type.p db 'accept', 6 accept.p: ; ( adr -- ) db DUP, DUP ; a a a db INCR, DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 db KEY ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' db DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' 'x' db EMIT, DUP ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' 'x' db LIT, 13, MINUS, JUMPZ, 6 ; a a a+1 a+1 'x' ; detect backspace ; db DUP, LIT, ??, MINUS, JUMPNZ, +?? ; handle backspace ; LIT, space, EMIT, LIT, backspace, EMIT ; DROP, DROP, DECR ; JUMP, -?? ; get next key db SWAP ; a a a+1 'x' a+1 db CSTORE ; a a a+1 /put char in buffer db JUMP, -13 ; not newline so get another char db LIT, 10, EMIT ; print newline if enter pressed ; a a a+n a+n 'x' db DROP, DROP, DECR ; a a a+n-1 db SWAP, MINUS ; a n-1 db SWAP, CSTORE ; [a] := n-1 db EXIT ; all virtual procedures end with 'exit' nextw.doc: ; db 'a buffer to hold a parsed word ' nextw: nextw.p: nextw.n db 4, 'type' pad: db 15, 'one two three 4' test: dw 123, 56123, 12345 w1: db 5, 'treeZ' w2: db 5, 'treez' wow db KEY, EMIT, EXIT ; testing multisector stack machine byte code code: db LITW dw w1 db INCR db LITW dw w2 db INCR db LIT, 5 db FCALL dw compare.p db FCALL dw udot.p db LIT, ' ', EMIT db 0 db LITW dw accept.p db FCALL dw udot.p db LIT, ' ', EMIT db LITW dw nextw.n db FCALL dw find.p db 0 db LITW dw accept.p db FCALL dw name.p db LITW dw accept.p db FCALL dw list.p db 0 db LITW dw nextw.n db FCALL dw find.p db 0 ; parse word starts here db LITW dw pad db COUNT db FCALL dw pword.p db LITW dw nextw.n db COUNT, FCALL dw type.p db 0 db LITW dw ron.x db DUP db FCALL dw udot.p db FCALL dw opcode.p db 0 db LITW, dw test db FETCHPLUS db FCALL dw udot.p db FETCHPLUS db FCALL dw udot.p db FETCHPLUS db FCALL dw udot.p db 0 db LIT, 5, RON db LITW dw 65333 db ROFF, DUP, RON ; n 5 db PLUS ; n+5 db FCALL dw udot.p db RLOOP, -10 db 0 start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment ; point es:di directly after the code and data segment ; i.e. after the 4 sectors (4 * 512 bytes) which contain code and ; data. We will use es:di as the return stack pointer. When ; a value is pushed on the return stack, value is written to ; [es:di] and di is incremented by 2 add ax, 128 ; 128 * 16 = 2048 mov es, ax ; using es:di as return stack pointer mov di, 0 ; the calculations is as follows ; we have loaded 4 sectors = 4 * 512 bytes = 2048 bytes ; we want a data stack of size 4K (which is big) = 4094 bytes ; also we want a return stack of size 4K for hefty recursive ; functions, although these huge sizes are not necessary. ; x86 hardware stack grows up or down? ... ; divide by 16 because that is how segment addressing works ; That is: if we multiply the number in ss or es or ds by 16 ; we get a absolute memory address add ax, 640 ; (4096 + 4096 + 2048) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; a 4K stack here mov sp, 4096 ; set up the stack pointer push code call exec.x here: jmp here ; actually we are loading 4 sectors (4 * 512 bytes == 2048 bytes) ; so it should be 2048 not 1024 but I want to keep track of ; how big the machine is getting ; times 1024-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of sectors with 0s times 2048-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of sectors with 0s ; dont need boot signature, because this is not the boot sector ; dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, BYTE CODE FORTH STYLE SYSTEM A byte code system using opcodes and table offsets as shown above. Looping might actually be easier to implement with byte code, but a return stack is needed for >r and r> COMPILING FORTH STYLE SYSTEM This is the same as the core system below, but instead of the interp: word there is compile: where the entered text is compiled to a temporary buffer and then executed with exec. CORE FORTH STYLE SYSTEM READ ONLY This system does not compile new words, it just executes words in an interpreter. Without any compiling system or the use of byte code, it seems difficult to use looping or conditionals, since there are no instruction numbers to jump to... This section is designed to contain a core bootloading system with reliable debugged word-functions. The core words will be inbuffer - push address of input buffer on the stack wbuffer - push the word buffer on the stack base - push pointer to current base on stack hex - make the base variable 16 bin - make the base 2 decimal - make the base 10 atparse - push onto stack pointer to position in inbuffer and char count accept - receive typed input nword - get next space delimited word from input buffer dup - duplicate top item on stack drop - drop top item on stack store - ! stores char at pointer fetch - @ fetches char from pointer fetchplus - @+ fetches 1 char from data memory, advances pointer plus - + add top 2 items on stack key - get one char from key emit - pop and display top stack item as ascii dothex - pop and display top stack item as hex count - forth count word type - print counted string last - gives pointer to last word in dictionary. find - search through the dictionary for word matching wbuffer exec - execute the word-function token found by 'find' num - try to convert wbuffer text to a signed number -32K < n < +32K dump - print in hex and asci n bytes starting at p* list - show what words are available .sx - show the stack in hex and asci interp - provide a read/parse/execute/ loop (repl) flags - pointer to flags such as "not a number" etc, not used cursor - keep track of next print position (not implemented) cursorb - an alternative cursor (not implemented) Flags is not at all a tradition forth idea, but all microcontrollers have a flags register, so why shouldn't forthish, which is a type of virtual machine. The emphasis will be writing the minimal amount of code in the simplest way possible. Idea: if nword just return pointer and char count, then wbuffer is not necesssary. Find then can operate with pointer and count, but nword still has to update atparse structure. This core system can be used by build.pl and other words as a framework for interactively testing other functions. A script can replace all .doc field with "dw 0" for minimal code size * a bootloading forth-like core system ---------- ; replace this with bootcode ; eg: sed '/bootload/r bootload.asm' ; [bootload] ; first deal with buffers and variables needed ; some colours (in BL reg) for int 10h, ah=0x0E ; these colours only work when video mode is graphical ; such as 0x12 or 0x13 BLUE equ 1 GREEN equ 2 AQUA equ 3 RED equ 4 PURPLE equ 5 BROWN equ 6 WHITE equ 7 DGREY equ 8 LBLUE equ 9 ; ... colours up to 0xF (foreground and background) inbuffer.doc: db 'Push pointer to input buffer (a counted string)' db 'The "inbuffer" is the user input buffer filled with the ' db '"accept" function. The 1st byte of the buffer is the ' db 'character count. The buffer is not zero terminated' dw $-inbuffer.doc inbuffer: dw 0 db 8, 'inbuffer' inbuffer.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push inbuffer.d push ax ret inbuffer.d times 65 db 0 ; buffer where user input goes wbuffer.doc: db 'Pointer to parsed word buffer.' db 'The wbuffer contains one word or number (+/-nnnn) with no' db 'leading or trailing spaces that has been parsed from the' db 'inbuffer with the "word" function. ' dw $-wbuffer.doc wbuffer: dw inbuffer db 7, 'wbuffer' wbuffer.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push wbuffer.d push ax ret wbuffer.d times 64 db 0 ; counted string word buffer ; just print a hash for testing hash: dw wbuffer db 4, 'hash' hash.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a hash with bios mov al, '#' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret base.doc: db 'Pointer to base variable.' db 'the base variable may influence how num: words and dot' dw $-base.doc base: dw hash db 4, 'base' base.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push base.d push ax ret base.d db 10 ; make base initial decimal dw 0 hex: dw base db 3, 'hex' hex.x: mov [base.d], byte 16 ret decimal.doc db 'make "base" variable decimal.' db 'The base variable influences how numbers are parsed and ' db 'displayed.' dw $-decimal.doc decimal: dw hex db 7, 'decimal' decimal.x: mov [base.d], byte 10 ret bin.doc db 'make base binary' dw $-bin.doc bin: dw decimal db 3, 'bin' bin.x: mov [base.d], byte 2 ret atparse.doc: db 'Push onto stack parse position in "inbuffer" and remaining count.' db 'atparse helps nword to keep track of where in the input buffer' db 'it is currently parsing.' dw $-atparse.doc atparse: dw bin db 7, 'atparse' atparse.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [atparse.d] xor bh, bh mov bl, byte [atparse.count] push bx ; push byte count onto stack push ax ret atparse.d dw inbuffer.d+1 ; pointer to inbuffer, skip count atparse.count db 0 ; count zero flags.doc: db 'Not used currently. push flag register (just nan)' dw $-flags.doc flags: dw atparse db 5, 'flags' flags.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [flags.d] push ax ret flags.d dw 0 ; some place holders for compilation ; --------------- ; basic forth words dup.doc: db 'Duplicates the top stack item' db 'eg: 12 dup stack now has 12 12' dw $-dup.doc dup: dw flags ; link to previous word db 3, 'dup' ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push bx ; restore fn return address ret drop.doc: db 'removes top stack item' dw $-drop.doc drop: dw dup ; link to previous word db 4, 'drop' ; strings are 'counted' drop.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; discard top stack item push bx ; restore fn return address ret store.doc: db 'stores a byte at a memory address' db 'The low byte of the stack item is stored at given address' db 'eg: 12 date ! puts 12 in the variable date' dw $-store.doc store: dw drop db 1, '!' store.x: pop dx pop di ; where to store pop ax ; what to store stosb ; [di] := al push dx ret fetch.doc: db 'fetches a byte (char) at given memory address.' db 'The top stack item is replaced with the value stored ' db 'at that memory address. This is once of the most fundamental' db 'forth words, and can be used to implement lots of others.' db 'it is the equivalent of peek in basic, or pointer dereferencing' db 'in c.' db 'eg: wbuffer @ . displays count of wbuffer' dw $-fetch.doc fetch: dw store db 1, '@' fetch.x: pop dx ; juggle pop si ; address from which to fetch xor ax, ax ; set ax = 0 mov al, [si] ; push ax ; leave char push dx ret fetchplus.doc: db 'fetches a byte and advances memory address.' db 'leaves addr, char on stack. char is top item' db 'this is like lodsb in x86 or ld X+ in avr assembler' db 'eg: wbuffer @+' dw $-fetchplus.doc fetchplus: dw fetch db 2, '@+' fetchplus.x: pop dx ; juggle pop si ; address from which to fetch xor ax, ax ; set ax = 0 lodsb ; get value into al push si ; save incremented address on stack push ax ; leave char push dx ret plus.doc: db 'add top 2 stack items' dw $-plus.doc plus: dw fetchplus db 1, '+' plus.x: pop dx ; juggle pop ax pop bx add ax, bx push ax push dx ret key.doc: db 'get one keystroke from user and place on stack' dw $-key.doc key: dw plus db 3, 'key' ; forth-style function header key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h pop bx ; juggle function return pointer push ax ; save keypress value on stack push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret emit.doc: db 'removes and displays top item on stack as an ascii character.' db 'I suppose the character is in the low byte of the stack item...' dw $-emit.doc emit: dw key db 4, 'emit' emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop ax ; char in al push bx mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function int 10h ; x86 bios ret dothex.doc: db 'displays the top item on the stack in 4 digit hex format.' db 'This function does not take the item off the stack.' dw $-dothex.doc dothex: dw emit db 4, '.hex' dothex.x: pop bx ; return address pop dx ; the number to print (top item on stack) push dx ; restore item to stack push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again mov al, 'H' ; print an H to indicate hex number mov ah, 0eH ; echo the char (just for debugging) int 10H ret hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; translation table dothexbyte.doc: db 'prints the low byte of top stack item in 2 digit hex' db 'the stack item is not removed' dw $-dothexbyte.doc dothexbyte: dw dothex ; link db 6, '.xbyte' dothexbyte.x: pop bx ; fn return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push dx ; restore top stack item push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dl, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again ret ; ------------ ; help words dump.doc: db 'prints contents of memory in hex and ascii' db 'eg: inbuffer 20 dump shows 20 bytes of the input buffer' dw $-dump.doc dump: dw dothexbyte db 4, 'dump' dump.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; where to start printing push dx ; restore push si ; save si and cx push cx .nextbyte: xor ax, ax lodsb mov dl, al mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table push cx ; save cx again mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dl, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in bx translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 0eh ; print char func mov al, ' ' ; space int 10h loop .nextbyte pop cx ; restore counter, how many chars pop si ; restore pointer to start of memory mov ah, 0eh ; print char func mov al, 13 ; int 10h mov al, 10 ; new line int 10h .nextchar: lodsb ; get [si] into al int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; space int 10h mov al, ' ' ; space int 10h loop .nextchar ret bstack.d dw 0 ; pointer to bottom of stack, init at start ; print the memory address: then print each item of stack ; starting at bottom of stack, 2bytes then space. Underneath ; print ascii of hex values. Print top of stack indicator ; such as << ; also print return address in brackets ; eg ; 0F45: A454 3333 2222 1111 << ; : a 6 e r ... dotsx.doc: db 'Prints out stack in hex/asci with memory addresses' dw $-dotsx.doc dotsx: dw dump db 3, '.sx' dotsx.x: mov dx, sp ; top of stack address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex char in bx translation table mov bl, BLUE ; print in blue int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again mov bl, GREEN ; print in blue mov ah, 0x0E ; type char function mov al, ':' ; greater than indicates top of stack int 10H mov al, ' ' ; greater than indicates top of stack int 10H mov al, '>' ; greater than indicates top of stack int 10H mov al, '>' ; int 10H mov al, ' ' ; separate int 10H ; stack grows down, not up cld ; lodsw forwards mov si, sp ; .nextitem: mov dx, [ss:si] ; get next stack item mov ah, 0x0E ; type char function mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .nextnibble: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .nextnibble mov al, ' ' ; separate int 10H add si, 2 ; cmp si, [bstack.d] ; check if last item jne .nextitem .exit: ret ; This assumes the dict has at least one word list.doc: db 'List all function words in the dictionary. List traverses the ' db 'linked list dictionary and prints the name of each function ' db 'word found in the function header. This ' db 'leaves nothing on the stack. It relies on a lastword data ' db 'item that contains a pointer to the last word in the dictionary ' db '... needs paging etc ' db ' eg: list ' dw $-list.doc list: dw dotsx ; link db 4, 'list' list.x: mov bx, last .nextword: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ mov cx, ax ; load the string count into cx for looping cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .nextchar: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .nextchar ; decr cx loop counter mov al, 32 ; space char int 10h mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .nextword .exit: ret ; --------- ; interp words ; cant call this 'word' because of nasm syntax ; there is still a bug here when the last word in ; inbuffer is a single character... nword.doc: db 'Get next word from inbuffer using "atparse" position' db 'The word is copied to the wbuffer with no leading or ' db 'trailing spaces.' dw $-nword.doc nword: dw list db 5, 'nword' nword.x: xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 mov cl, [atparse.count] ; remaining chars in inbuffer mov si, [atparse.d] ; current pos in inbuffer lea di, [wbuffer.d+1] ; copy chars into word buffer, skip count xor dx, dx ; use dl as char counter for wbuffer, no dont cld cmp cl, 0 ; no more chars in inbuffer so exit je .exit ; .spaces: lodsb ; get char into al (si++) cmp al, ' ' ; skip leading spaces loope .spaces ; loop while cx>0 and char is space cmp cl, 0 ; no more chars in inbuffer so exit ja .nextchar ; if final word in inbuffer is single char cmp al, ' ' ; make sure we store it je .exit ; last char is space, so dont store stosb ; store non-space char jmp .exit ; no more chars so exit .nextchar: stosb lodsb ; get next char into al (si++) cmp al, ' ' ; if space then word is finished loopne .nextchar cmp cl, 0 ; at end of inbuffer write last char jne .exit stosb .exit: xor ax, ax mov ax, di ; how many chars in wbuffer sub ax, wbuffer.d+1 mov [wbuffer.d], al ; write count to 1st byte of wbuffer mov [atparse.count], cl ; update remaining chars mov [atparse.d], si ; update parse pointer ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count dw 0 count: dw nword db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop si ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 lodsb ; get count into al, increment si push si ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; stack: buffer address, char count << dw 0 ; no doc type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit: ret num.doc: db 'Tries to convert a counted string to a (signed) integer.' db 'If successful, put the number on the stack. If not successful ' db 'set the the not-a-number flag 1 in num.error register' dw $-num.doc num: dw type db 3, 'num' num.x: ; check for valid first char +/-[0-9] ; if '-' set negative flag (register?) ; check for valid digits pop bx ; juggle fn return pointer pop si ; get pointer to counted buffer push bx ; restore fn pointer mov di, si ; save counted string pointer to get sign later xor dx, dx ; accumulator xor bx, bx ; multiplier xor cx, cx ; char counter for wbuffer cld ; make lodsb step forwards lodsb ; get count into al, al <- [si], si++ mov cl, al ; cmp cx, 0 ; no chars in buffer so its an error je .error lodsb ; 1st char into al, al <- [si], si++ ; dec cx ; no, shouldnt, decrement char counter cmp al, '-' ; is 1st char negative sign? jne .notnegative cmp cx, 0 ; no chars left, just - sign, error je .error lodsb ; get next char (digit) from wbuffer dec cx ; decrement char counter jmp .notpositive .notnegative: cmp al, '+' jne .notpositive cmp cx, 0 ; wbuffer only has '+' in it, error je .error lodsb ; get next char (digit) from wbuffer dec cx ; decrement char counter .notpositive: ; actually a valid digit is dependant on the base!!!! ; we should use base 1 < n < 17 .nextdigit: cmp al, '0' ; if char is less than '0' then not digit jb .notdigit ; unsigned jump to error cmp al, '9' ; if char is less than '0' then not digit ja .notdigit ; unsigned jump to error sub al, '0' ; convert to digit xor ah, ah ; set ah = 0, so ax := al push ax ; save digit 0-9 on stack mov ax, dx ; get intermediate result into ax xor bh, bh ; set bh := 0 mov bl, [base.d] ; multiply by base (eg 2, 10, 16 - 1 < n < 256) mul bx ; do dx:ax := ax*bx pop bx ; get last digit 0-9 from stack jo .toobig ; overflow... result too big to store in AX add ax, bx ; add digit to result mov dx, ax ; store intermediate result in dx lodsb ; next char into al, al <- [si] loop .nextdigit ; keep going while more digits/chars (cx > 0) .exit: mov [num.error], word 0 ; set is-a-number flag mov ax, dx mov bl, [di+1] ; is first char - ? cmp bl, '-' ; if so, negate the result jne .continue neg ax .continue: pop bx ; juggle fn return push ax ; leave result on stack push bx ; restore fn return ret .toobig: mov [num.error], word 1 ; set number-too-big flag ret .notdigit: mov [num.error], word 2 ; set not-a-number flag ret .error: mov [num.error], word 3 ; set other not-a-number flag ret num.error dw 0 ; !! allow arrow keys to move cursor and insert ?? accept.doc: db 'get max 64 chars from keyboard and put in inbuffer. ' db 'Enter terminates input and stores count in inbuffer' db 'This version allows user to edit with the backspace key' db 'It achieves this by echoing backspace, space, backspace and' db 'updating the inbuffer' dw $-accept.doc accept: dw num ; link 1st word has a zero link db 6, 'accept' ; forth-style function header accept.x: mov di, inbuffer.d ; where to store line inc di ; skip count byte to store 1st char xor dl, dl ; char counter := zero cld ; make stosb go forwards .nextkey: cmp dl, 64 ; only accept max 64 chars je .exit ; mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter'? je .exit ; exit if enter pressed cmp al, 8 ; was the key press a backspace je .backspace ; do something sensible mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dl ; increment char counter jmp .nextkey .backspace: ; allow user to edit input with backspace cmp dl, 0 ; if at start of buffer do nothing je .nextkey ; dec dl ; decrement char count dec di ; one char back in buffer mov [di], byte 0 ; erase char mov ah, 0eh ; print char func mov al, 0x08 ; ASCII for Backspace int 10h mov al, 0x20 ; ASCII for Space int 10h mov al, 0x08 ; ASCII for Backspace int 10h jmp .nextkey .exit: mov [inbuffer.d], dl ; store char count in inbuffer mov [atparse.count], dl ; reset parse position to beginning mov [atparse.d], word inbuffer.d+1 mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character mov al, 13 ; a new line int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; execute a function given a pointer to its header on the stack ; if pointer is zero, then this should pop the 0 and exit, no?? exec.doc: db 'execute a word given a pointer on the stack' db ' eg: lastword exec ' dw $-exec.doc exec: dw accept ; link to prev db 4, 'exec' exec.x: pop ax pop bx ; get pointer to function push ax ; preserve fn return pointer cmp bx, 0 ; a zero pointer should not be executed je .exit add bx, 2 ; point to name count mov cl, [bx] ; get the count inc bx ; skip over count add bl, cl ; advance the pointer to the function ; !! not call [bx] thats a pointer to jumptable ; !!! call bx may change the stack (probably will) so we need ; !!! to preserve the call return ip ; instead of this below, we should have a return stack ; so that function words can be nested pop word [execreturn] ; save return ip call bx ; call the fn pointed to by bx push word [execreturn] ; restore fn return ip .exit: ret ; a dodgy solution, but any register might get overwritten execreturn dw 0 ; point and return a pointer to the found word or else 0 on the ; stack ; stack: search term, start pointer -- function header pointer find.doc: db 'Search dictionary for word in wbuffer and return pointer.' db ' eg: in lastword find ' dw $-find.doc find: dw exec ; link to prev db 4, 'find' find.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) pop ax ; counted string buffer to search for push dx ; restore fn ip .again: xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header mov cl, [si] ; the count of the search term inc cl ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov di, ax ; the search term pointer cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; compare all characters for equality je .found mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 je .notfound ; no more to words search, so exit jmp .again .notfound: pop dx push 0 ; not found so return 0 push dx ret .found: pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; return pointer to found word on stack push dx ret ; ----------------------------- interp.doc: db 'The main interpreting loop for a forthish system.' dw $-interp.doc interp: dw find ; link to prev db 6, 'interp' interp.x: .nextline: mov bl, 9 ; colour pale blue mov ah, 0eh ; print char func mov al, 13 int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h mov al, '>' ; print a prompt int 10h mov bl, 2 ; colour green call accept.x ; put max 64 chars in input buffer (inbuffer.d) ;call atparse.x ; should push pointer & count on stack ;call type.x ; just to debug .nextword: mov cl, [atparse.count] cmp cl, 0 ; if no more chars in inbuffer, get new line je .nextline call nword.x ; parse next word into wbuffer mov al, [wbuffer.d]; if wbuffer count is zero, no word parsed cmp al, 0 ; wbuffer count zero je .nextline ; no more words, so get next line of input push wbuffer.d ; what buffer to look in push last ; where to start searching call find.x ; try to find word in dict pop ax ; ax is pointer to executable for [word] push ax ; restore pointer to fn for exec cmp ax, 0 ; 0 means word was not found jne .found pop ax ; get rid of zero pointer (word not found) push wbuffer.d ; word buffer to convert to number call num.x ; try to convert to a number and push on stack mov ax, [num.error] ; check the "not-a-number" flag cmp ax, 0 ; if num.error==0 then number parsed ok je .nextword ; its a number, already on stack call werror.x ; print error message if word not found jmp .nextword ; for debugging loop through all words ;jmp .nextline ; unknown word so just get a new line .found: call exec.x ; watch out for stack mangling with exec ; print some good message in green like ; [ ok ] jmp .nextword .exit: ; never get here because interp goes forever ! ret werror.doc: db 'prints an error message when word not found/not number.' dw $-werror.doc werror: dw interp db 6, 'werror' werror.x: ; some error indicator mov bl, 7 ; colour white mov ah, 0eh ; x86 bios echo char fn mov al, '[' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h push wbuffer.d ; when word is neither function nor number call count.x ; print it out with ? and stop parsing line mov bl, 4 ; colour call type.x mov ah, 0eh ; x86 bios echo char fn mov al, ']' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h mov al, ' ' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h mov al, '?' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h mov al, '?' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h mov al, ' ' ; a delimiter char for debug int 10h ret ; colour.doc: db 'show colours' dw $-colour.doc colour: dw werror db 6, 'colour' colour.x: mov cx, 9 .next: mov ah, 0x0E mov bl, cl mov al, cl add al, '0' int 10h loop .next ret ; make last the last word for convenience last.doc: db 'Push pointer to header of last dictionary word ' dw $-last.doc last: dw colour db 4, 'last' last.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [last.d] push ax ret last.d dw last ; --------------- ; start of main program start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov [bstack.d], sp ; mov ah, 0 mov al, 12h int 10H ; try to make cursor visible mov ah, 1 mov ch, 1 mov cl, 2 int 10H call interp.x here: jmp here ; loop forever ,,, IDEAS ABOUT A FORTHISH SYSTEM The forth language introduced some revolutionary ideas that never led to any kind of revolution. Namely: place code units (functions/ words/ objects) within a datastructure which includes the words name. This provides what is called today 'reflexivity'- the ability of code to 'know' something about itself. Since code is within a data structure it provides the ability to analyse that code. Code speaking about itself is the realm of AI, even if those ambitions are not helpful. Basic forth functions: receive a word from the keyboard and look up the word in a dictionary (find). If word found, execute the code associated with the word (exec). If word not found, try to convert input to a number (>number) and push it on the stack. All functions receive their parameters on the 'stack' (which is either the system stack, or else a software stack) * an example of a forth word data structure (from 'itsy-forth') ----------------- ; header dw link_to_previous_word db 3, 'nip' ; strings are 'counted' in forth (3 chars in nip) xt_nip dw docolon ; xt= execution token, forth jargon ; body dw xt_swap ; pointers to other forth 'words' dw xt_drop ; remove last item on stack dw xt_exit ; pop stack etc ,,, * example of forth dictionary entry with assembly code ----------- dw link_to_previous_word db 1, '+' xt_plus dw mc_plus mc_plus pop ax add bx,ax jmp next ,,, TOKEN THREADED FORTH .... In this style of forth each primitive is a number which is a virtual opcode. This type of forth creates a proper virtual machine but is reputed to be the slowest. There is probably a table containing opcodes and function pointers eg: 1 AAF1 2 AAFF 3 AB1C etc We could think about universal naming of forth words. That is a prefix to each word stored in a table. SUBROUTINE THREADED FORTHS .... each function call is just a native 'call fn' INDIRECT THREADED .... An inner interpreter is used to call a series of function pointers within a forth word. This is considered slower than subroutine threaded on modern machines. EXERCISES TOWARD A FORTH LIKE SYSTEM .... We can write small programs which perform forth-like functions to demonstrate different techniques for creating forth-ish systems. The following code is similar to the forth 'accept' word. It gets a certain number of characters and copies them to a buffer. In forth, the line is then parsed into counted words and executed, one word at a time. The entry code below should handle 'backspaces' to allow the user to edit the text entered. * get some text from the keyboard and copy to a counted buffer ------------------ org 7c00h jmp start SIZE equ 9 buffer resb SIZE+1 ; 1 byte for the count + 9 for chars start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; es is needed for stosb cld ; go forwards, not backwards .keys: mov cx, SIZE ; maximum chars in buffer lea di, [buffer+1] .again: mov ah,0 ; wait for any key int 16h ; bios keyboard functions cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter' je .count stosb ; copy the char to the buffer mov ah, 0eh ; echo the key pressed int 10h loop .again ; loop while CX > 0 .count: mov bx, SIZE ; calculate and store char count in [buffer] sub bx, cx mov [buffer], bl .type: ; print count and 1st character call newline mov al, [buffer] ; print char count (one digit) add al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii int 10h mov al, [buffer+1] ; print 1st char of buffer call newline jmp .keys ; keep looping! newline: mov ah, 0eh mov al, 13 ; print to a newline int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Below a difficult Gotcha!. With org 7c00h and the mov ax, 07c0h the code does not work. * get one letter from keyboard and look up in a dictionary ------------------ ;org 7c00h jmp start buffer db ' ' ; single character buffer ; the dictionary, a linked list. aa dw 0 ; zero link means top of dictionary db 1,'a' ; count + mov ah, 0eh mov al, 'A' int 10h bb dw aa ; link to previous entry in dictionary db 1,'b' mov ah, 0eh mov al, 'B' int 10h cc dw bb ; link to previous entry in dictionary db 1,'c' mov ah, 0eh mov al, 'C' int 10h ret last dw cc ; link to last dictionary entry start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; es is needed for stosb cld ; go forwards, not backwards .again: mov ah,0 ; wait for any key int 16h ; bios keyboard functions mov [buffer], al ; copy the char to the buffer mov ah, 0eh ; echo the key pressed int 10h .search: ; print count and 1st character ;call newline mov bx, [last] lea si, [bx] mov al, [si+3] mov ah, 0eh ; echo the last character in dict int 10h ;lea bx, newline ;call bx jmp .again ; keep looping! newline: mov ah, 0eh mov al, 13 ; print to a newline int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The assembly coder will notice that it is easier to compare 2 strings if those strings are 'counted', that is, the number of characters they contain are stored (preferably) in front of the string text. * look up a word in a linked-list dictionary and report if found ------------------ ,,, * write functions which take and leave parameters from some stack -------- ,,, FORTH WORDS Below follows some implementations of common forth words. However no attempt is made to adhere to any kind of 'standard' forth. I am using a convention of ; ** then ; * to indicate canonical implementations which can be collected together to form a running system. CRLF .... * print a newline --------------- ; ** ; just print a newline dw 0 ; no doc crlf: dw 0 ; link db 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; * ,,,,, INBUFFER .... Just pushes the input buffer onto the stack * address of input buffer --------------- ; ** ; puts on stack the current parse position in the input buffer dw 0 ; no doc inbuffer: dw input ; link db 8, 'inbuffer' inbuffer.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer push inbuffer.n ; current position push dx ret ; data field inbuffer.n db 0, ' ' ; * ,,,, DUP .... One of the more fundamental forth words, just duplicates the top item on the stack. * a dup implementation ----------------------- ; ** dw 0 ; no doc dup: dw 0 ; link to previous word db 3, 'dup' ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push bx ; restore fn return address ret ; * ,,, DUMP .... Dump displays memory from a given pointer for n number of bytes. It prints the hex value of the byte as well as the asci value if possible. This is an important function for debugging. The layout could be Address Memory Values .... 0x1000: FA 12 34 a ^ b 0x1010: 23 45 56 ... n y m * display the contents of memory ---------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 base: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dotbyte.doc: db 'displays a 1 byte number in current base', 13, 10 db 'eg: 23 .byte ' dw $-dotbyte.doc dotbyte: dw base db 5, '.byte' dotbyte.x: pop dx ; juggle the return function pointer pop ax ; byte value in al to print push dx ; restore the return ip mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; max base is 256 currently (8 bits) xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor ah, ah ; ah = 0, ax is the dividend div bl ; does ax/bl. remainder --> ah push ax ; save remainder:quotient on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp al, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack mov al, ah ; convert digit to ascii mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop ret dump.doc: db 'Displays the contents of memory', 13, 10 db 'eg: 1000 20 dump /displays 20 bytes of values from 0x1000 ' dw $-dump.doc dump: dw dotbyte db 4, 'dump' dump.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn pop cx ; how many bytes to display pop si ; set si to memory pointer push dx ; restore fn return cld ; make lodsw go forwards .nextbyte: xor ah, ah ; only lower bit is printed lodsb ; al := [ds:si++] push cx ; save byte counter (dotbyte modifies it) push ax ; byte to display call dotbyte.x ; display value of byte in current numeric base mov ah, 0x0E ; type char fn mov al, ' ' ; a space between each byte int 0x10 pop cx loop .nextbyte ; do next memory byte .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax ;mov [base.n], word 16 push 0 ; offset 0 from data segment push 20 ; show 100 bytes call dump.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of MBR boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard MBR boot signature ,,, DOT .... The word '.' in forth type systems just displays the top number on the stack in the current base and removes that number from the stack * implement dot for 2 byte number on stack ---------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 10 ; form feed jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 base.doc: db 'Puts the address of variable base on stack', 13, 10 db 'Base determines the current numerical base for conversions', 13, 10 db 'eg: 16 base ! /makes the base hexadecimal ' dw $-base.doc base: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 ; There was a bug with this taking one too many values off ; the stack (ie the fn return pointer) and crashing the code ; but seems to be working now. hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dot.doc: db 'displays a 2 byte number on stack in current base', 13, 10 db 'eg: 32 hex . /displays 20 (32 in hexadecimal) ' dw $-dot.doc dot: dw base db 1, '.' dot.x: pop dx ; juggle the return function pointer pop ax ; 2 byte value in ax to print push dx ; restore the return ip mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor dx, dx ; dividend is ax div bx ; does dx:ax/bx. remainder --> dx, quotient -> ax push dx ; save remainder (ie digit) on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp ax, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack (digit in AL) mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop ret start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 0xFF12 call dot.x push 0x1234 call dot.x mov [base.n], word 10 push 12345 call dot.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of MBR boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard MBR boot signature ,,, Below is a one byte version of dot '.' * implement dot for one byte number on stack ---------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; base is a standard forth word. Pushes var base (eg 16, 10) base.doc: db 'Puts the address of variable base on stack', 13, 10 db 'eg: 16 base ! /makes the base hexadecimal ' dw $-base.doc base: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 ; There was a bug with this taking one too many values off ; the stack (ie the fn return pointer) and crashing the code ; but seems to be working now. ; at the moment this is only 8 bit division. Use dx:ax for 16 bit ; division, with xor dx, dx; remainder->dx; quotient->ax hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dotbyte.doc: db 'displays a 1 byte number in current base', 13, 10 db 'eg: 23 .byte ' dw $-dotbyte.doc dotbyte: dw base db 5, '.byte' dotbyte.x: ; expects the 8 bit number to display on stack in AL and ; the base in BL register pop dx ; juggle the return function pointer pop ax ; byte value in al to print push dx ; restore the return ip mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; max base is 256 currently (8 bits) xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor ah, ah ; ah = 0, ax is the dividend div bl ; does ax/bl. remainder --> ah push ax ; save remainder:quotient on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp al, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack mov al, ah ; convert digit to ascii mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop ;push dx ; dodgy fix if one too many off stack ret start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 32 call dotbyte.x push 255 call dotbyte.x mov [base.n], word 10 push 255 call dotbyte.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of MBR boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard MBR boot signature ,,, DOTSTACK .... Show stack, this is usually called .s in old forths. Perhaps we can use bp basepointer register to find out where the bottom of the stack is Need to debug this. It may be tricky. Stack grows down. Also stack is pointing to return fn first. need to jump x86 stack diagram ss:0 sp (tos) bos = bottom of stack ?? ?? ?? ?? 0xFF12 0x1234 0x2222 sp pointer to byte with value 12 in last item on stack sp always points to low order byte of last item on stack ss:0 points to stack limit. stack grows to lower memory (ie small memory addresses). working, just need to resolve the bx conflict below and loop through each item on the stack * display the current contents of the stack ---------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 10 ; form feed jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; ** base.doc: db 'Puts the address of variable base on stack', 13, 10 db 'Base determines the current numerical base for conversions', 13, 10 db 'eg: 16 base ! /makes the base hexadecimal ' dw $-base.doc base: dw 0 ; link top of dictionary db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 ; the bottom of the stack ie ss. This needs to be initialised when the ; program starts. But the stack will also contain return pointers ; for words .. bos: bos.n: dw 0 ;hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dotstack.doc: db 'displays the contents of the stack without modifying.', 13, 10 db 'in the current numeric base ', 13, 10 db 'eg: .s /displays all items on stack ' dw $-dotstack.doc dotstack: dw base ; link db 2, '.s' dotstack.x: mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base cld ; make lodsw go forwards mov si, sp ; set bx to top of stack .nextitem: add si, 2 ; increment the stack pointer (and avoid fn return pointer) cmp si, [bos.n] ; check if is the last element of the stack je .exit ; mov ax, [ss:si] ; get top item on stack into ax xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor dx, dx ; dividend is ax mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base div bx ; does dx:ax/bx. remainder --> dx, quotient -> ax push dx ; save remainder (ie digit) on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp ax, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack (digit in AL) mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop mov al, ' ' ; print a space between each value int 10H jmp .nextitem ; do next stack item .exit: ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; make data segment and es same as code segment mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov [bos.n], sp ; mov [base.n], word 16 push 0xFFFF push 0xAA23 push 0x1234 call dotstack.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of MBR boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard MBR boot signature ,,, DOTSTACK REVISITED .... An interesting thing about forth is that we can write forth code even without a compiler for it! So, in forth the implementation of dotstack could be : .s tos dup bos == if exit then @word . +2 dup bos == if exit then @word . +2 dup bos == if exit then .... So we need a loop to implement this. Once we have these primitives in assembler we can call each function in turn. A forth equivalent of x86 lodsw : @word+ @word swap 2 + swap where tos puts the address of the top of stack (sp register in x86) on the stack. bos puts pointer to bottom of stack on the stack. @word gets 2 bytes from pointer on the top of the stack. LOAD .... loads a block 1024 bytes and interprets it. TONUM BASE HEX .... >num: a word that converts an ascii buffer into a number .hex: prints a number in hexadecimal. This is mainly for testing * a forthstyle >number function to convert ascii number onto stack --------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 13 ; carriage return jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; the ascii number to convert buffer db 4, '102' ; example doc field with reverse count field ; the count field for the word doc is 2 bytes because it ; may contain a lot of text dothex.doc db 'displays a 2 byte number in hex format' dw $-dothex.doc dothex: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 4, '.hex' dothex.x: pop bx ; return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again mov al, 'H' ; print an H to indicate hex number mov ah, 0eH ; echo the char (just for debugging) int 10H ret hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; translation table ; base is a standard forth word. Pushes current base (eg 16, 10) base: dw dothex db 4, 'base' base.x: pop dx push word [base.n] push dx ret base.n dw 10 ; just set the base to 16 (hexadecimal) ; forth def.. : hex 16 base ! hex: dw base db 3, 'hex' hex.x: mov word [base.n], 16 ret ; just set the base to 10 (decimal numbers) ; forth def.. : base10 10 base ! base10: dw hex db 6, 'base10' base10.x: mov word [base.n], 10 ret ; need to rethink these parameters ; ; this would be called >number in many forths ; parameters, a buffer address and how many chars to convert ; leaves a pointer to first char unconverted ; (stack addr, chars - ptr char, n) ; this routine just assumes that the number is base 10 ; which it shouldn't num: dw base10 ; link to previous dict entry db 3, 'num' ; counted name of function num.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop cx ; maximum chars to convert pop si ; buffer address push dx ; restore fn return ip cld ; make lodsb step forward through chars ;push 0 ; initial result .again: lodsb ; get next char into al ;mov ah, 0eH ; echo the char (just for debugging) ;int 10H cmp al, '0' ; check for valid digit (a-c) jb .exit ; if ascii value is less than '0' not digit cmp al, '9' ja .exit ; if ascii value greater than '9' not digit sub ah, ah ; set ah = 0 sub al, '0' ; convert digit from ascii push ax ; store digit on stack mov ax, [num.result] mov bx, [base.n] ; multiply by 10 (for decimal numbers) ;mov bx, 16 ; multiply by 10 (for decimal numbers) mul bx ; do AX x BX and store in DX:AX jo .toobig ; result too big to store in AX pop bx ; get digit from stack add ax, bx mov [num.result], ax loop .again jmp .exit .toobig: mov al, '!' ; print ! if integer is too big for 2 bytes mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios mov word [num.result], 0x0000 ; set result := 0 .exit: pop dx ; return ip push si push word [num.result] push dx ret num.result dw 0x0000 ; store intermediate results of conversion start: mov ax, cs ; initialize the data segment register DS mov ds, ax mov es, ax push buffer+1 xor ax, ax mov al, [buffer] push ax call num.x call dothex.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, WORD TOIN .... This is a mess. should use scasb with es:di to skip leading spaces of words. eg mov di, buff; mov al, ' '; repe scasb In this implementation of nextword, the input buffer must be zero terminated. >IN - this version of '>in' pushes onto the stack the current parse position in the input text buffer. Word: skip over leading spaces and copy all characters to a counted buffer. It is named nextword in the code below because 'word' is a reserved word in nasm stack: wordbuffer, input buffer, max chars -- >in new input buffer position Code seems to be working. * an implementation of >in and word ---------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 pad db 0 times 64 db ' ' ; puts the address of the input buffer on the stack input: dw 0 db 5, 'input' input.x: pop dx push input.buffer push dx ret input.buffer db 17, 'c bigg. and. is ', 0 ; input buffer zero terminated times 64 db 0 ; I think it may be necessary to have a zero terminated ; input buffer to simplify this code. ; puts on stack the current parse position in the input buffer in: dw input db 2, 'in' in.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer push in.pointer ; current position push dx ret ; parameter fields for in, this should be initialized ; when the input buffer is filled in.pointer dw 0 ; nextword will probably only work with 0 terminated strings. ; get next word from input buffer ; could write a function with a delimiter parameter ; stack: target buffer, parse position in input -- target buffer, new parse nextword: dw in db 8, 'nextword' nextword.x: pop dx pop si ; where to start parsing in input buffer pop di ; counted buffer to write into push dx ; restore fn return ip cld ; make lodsb step forwards mov cx, 64 ; maximum target buffer mov bx, di ; save counted buffer address inc di ; skip count byte xor dx, dx ; use dl as a char counter .spaces: ; !! no use repe scasb with es:di lodsb ; get 1st char into al cmp al, 0 ; input buffer is zero terminated je .exit cmp al, ' ' ; skip all leading spaces loope .spaces stosb ; put char in al into [di] inc dx ; increment char counter .again: ; !! now use repne movsb lodsb ; get next char into al cmp al, 0 ; input buffer is zero terminated je .exit cmp al, ' ' ; stop if space encountered je .exit stosb ; put char in al into [di] inc dx ; increment char counter mov ah, 0Eh ; just for debugging type char ;int 10h ; loop .again .exit: mov [bx], dl ; store char count in 1st byte of buffer pop dx ; juggle return fn ip push bx ; target buffer address push si ; new parse position in input buffer push dx ; restore ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count count: dw nextword db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx push bx ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; stack: buffer address, char count -- type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? push pad ; where to write the word push input.buffer+2 ; start of input buffer call nextword.x ; here we need to update >in with the top item on the stack ; which is the new parse position pop word [in.pointer] ; now 'pad' is left on stack call count.x call type.x push pad ; do again push word [in.pointer] call nextword.x pop word [in.pointer] ; now 'pad' is left on stack call count.x call type.x here: jmp here ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, EXEC .... We need to recode the exec example testing return addresses since the stack is becoming mangled. Maybe use BP to point to the return ip FIND EXEC .... Find: find a word by name in a dictionary and return a pointer to its header. This should probably use a 'last' word to get the last dictiony entry, rather than starting with a pointer on the stack, as in this implementation. Exec: given a pointer to the header of a word execute that word If the pointer is zero exit ?? * find a word by name in a forth style dictionary ---------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 4, 'hash' ; just print a hash for testing hash: dw 0 db 4, 'hash' hash.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a hash with bios mov al, '#' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret ; duplicate top item on stack dup: dw hash db 3, 'dup' dup.x: mov ah, 0Eh mov al, '*' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt pop ax ; preserve fn call return ip pop dx push dx ; duplicate top stack item push dx push ax ; restore return ip ret ; ** ; execute a function given a pointer to its header on the stack ; if pointer is zero, then this should pop the 0 and exit, no?? exec.doc: db 'execute a word given a pointer on the stack' db ' eg: lastword exec ' dw $-exec.doc exec: dw dup ; link to prev db 4, 'exec' exec.x: pop ax pop bx ; get pointer to function push ax ; preserve fn return pointer cmp bx, 0 ; a zero pointer should not be executed je .exit add bx, 2 ; point to name count mov cl, [bx] ; get the count inc bx ; skip over count add bl, cl ; advance the pointer to the function ; !! not call [bx] thats a pointer to jumptable ; !!! call bx may change the stack (probably will) so we need ; !!! to preserve the call return ip pop word [execreturn] ; save return ip call bx ; call the fn pointed to by bx push word [execreturn] ; restore fn return ip .exit: ret ; a dodgy solution, but any register might get overwritten execreturn dw 0 ; point and return a pointer to the found word or else 0 on the ; stack ; stack: search term, start pointer -- function header pointer find.doc: db 'Search dictionary for a word and return pointer.' db ' eg: in lastword find ' dw $-find.doc find: dw exec ; link to prev db 4, 'find' find.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) pop ax ; counted string buffer to search for push dx ; restore fn ip .again: xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header mov cl, [si] ; the count of the search term inc cl ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov di, ax ; the search term pointer cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; compare all characters for equality je .found mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 je .notfound ; no more to words search, so exit ;push ax ; save ax, the search term pointer ;mov ah, 0Eh ; print a dot on each unsuccessful search ;mov al, '.' ; for debugging ;int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ;pop ax ; restore the search term pointer jmp .again .notfound: pop dx push 0 ; not found so return 0 push dx ret .found: pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; return result on stack push dx ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? ;call star.x ;call hash.x push buffer ; word to search for push find call find.x call exec.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, DOCS .... This is a function which traverses the dictionary and prints the name of the word/function and its docs if any. Forth systems did not usually have docs in the word header for memory constraints but now, it seems ok to do it, and makes using the system more pleasant to use * list words in the dictionary and their docs ---------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 dummy.doc: db 'The first word in the dict ' dw $-dummy.doc dummy: dw 0 db 5, 'dummy' dummy.x: ret ; this word has no document, so the doc offset is 0 ; this means we can compile words without docs for space reasons dw 0 nodoc: dw dummy db 6, 'no.doc' nodoc.x: ret more.doc: db 'About more ...' dw $-more.doc more: dw nodoc db 4, 'more' moree.doc: db 'About moree ...' dw $-moree.doc moree: dw more db 5, 'moree' stuff.doc: db 'This is not a real word, just testing "docs"! ' dw $-stuff.doc stuff: dw moree db 5, 'stuff' stuff.x: ret lastword dw docs ; This assumes the dict has at least one word ; ** docs.doc: db 'List all words in the dict and their docs. ' db 'Has simple paging. Needs colours. Maybe just print up to' db '1st full stop since this is the summary.' db ' eg: docs ' dw $-docs.doc docs: dw stuff ; link db 4, 'docs' docs.x: mov bx, [lastword] xor dx, dx ; use dx as a function counter .nextword: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ mov cx, ax ; load the string count into cx for looping cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .nextchar: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .nextchar ; decr cx loop counter mov al, 13 ; newline int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h mov cx, [bx-2] ; get doc char count into loop counter cmp cx, 0 ; no document for this word ? je .continue ; go to next word if no document here mov si, bx ; get a pointer to word doc pointer sub si, 2 sub si, cx ; start of word doc+2 mov al, 32 ; print a space char before document int 10h .docnextchar: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .docnextchar ; decr cx loop counter mov al, 13 ; newline int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h .continue: inc dx ; increment counter test dx, 0x07 ; pause after 8 function words jnz .nopage ; mov al, '>' ; int 10h mov al, '>' ; int 10h mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h .nopage: mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .nextword .exit: ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb call docs.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, LIST .... list all words by name in the dictionary. I dont think this is a standard word The version below is much more succinct than the version which uses count, type etc. * list all words in the dictionary, the canonical version ---------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 dummy: dw 0 db 11, 'top.of.dict' dummy.x: ret stuff: dw dummy db 5, 'stuff' stuff.x: ret lastword dw list ; This assumes the dict has at least one word ; ** list.doc: db 'List all function words in the dictionary. List traverses the ' db 'linked list dictionary and prints the name of each function ' db 'word found in the function header. This ' db 'leaves nothing on the stack. It relies on a lastword data ' db 'item that contains a pointer to the last word in the dictionary ' db '... needs paging etc ' db ' eg: list ' dw $-list.doc list: dw stuff ; link db 4, 'list' list.x: mov bx, [lastword] .nextword: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header push bx ; save bx (since count/type will mangle xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 lodsb ; al := [si]++ mov cx, ax ; load the string count into cx for looping cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .nextchar: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .nextchar ; decr cx loop counter mov al, 32 ; space char int 10h pop bx ; restore function header pointer mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .nextword .exit: ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb call list.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * list all words in the dictionary, old version ---------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; just print one space space: dw 0 db 5, 'space' space.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 32 ; space character int 10h ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count count: dw space db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx push bx ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; stack: buffer address, char count -- type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit: ret ; just pushes a pointer to last word in dict onto the stack last: dw type db 4, 'last' last.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [lastword] push ax ret lastword dw listbefore ; This assumes the dict has at least one word list.doc: db 'List all function words in the dictionary. This probably ' db 'leaves nothing on the stack. This version uses count type etc' db ' eg: list ' dw $-list.doc list: dw last db 4, 'list' list.x: call last.x ; get pointer to last word pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) .again: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header push bx ; save bx (since count/type will mangle push si ; the name pointer to print with count/type call count.x ; count the function name call type.x ; display the name call space.x ; print one space pop bx ; restore function header pointer mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .again pop dx ;push 0 ; could return a word count here ?? push dx ret ; listbefore searches through the dictionary starting at a ; given words and lists all words before that one. ; stack: last word in dict -- listbefore: dw list db 10, 'listbefore' listbefore.x: pop dx pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) push dx .again: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header push bx ; save bx (since count/type will mangle push si ; the name pointer to print with count/type call count.x ; count the function name call type.x ; display the name call space.x ; print one space pop bx ; restore function header pointer mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb call list.x here: jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, ACCEPT TYPE COUNT.... Below is a simple implementation of the standard forth words accept, count, and type * read a line of input and store counted string in a buffer ------------ [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 0, ' ' ; just print a newline crlf: dw 0 db 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; ** accept.doc: db 'get a specified number of input characters and place them ' db 'in the given buffer. This function should probably allow for ' db 'line-editing (at least backspace) and is terminated by an <enter> ' db 'keypress. ' db ' eg: input 20 accept ' db ' accepts 20 typed characters from user and puts them at the ' db ' address specified by "input". Leaves the address off the buffer ' db ' on the stack. ' dw $-accept.doc accept: dw crlf ; link 1st word has a zero link db 6, 'accept' ; forth-style function header accept.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop cx ; how many chars maximum to get pop di ; where to copy chars push di ; save buffer address on stack push bx ; restore return pointer inc di ; skip count byte to store 1st char xor dl, dl ; char counter := zero cld ; make stosb go forwards .again: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter'? je .exit ; exit if enter pressed mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dl ; increment char counter loop .again .exit: pop ax ; return pointer pop bx ; buffer address mov [bx], dl ; store char count in buffer push bx ; restore buffer addr push ax ; restore fn return pointer ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count ; !! we can improve this version of count.. eg pop si, lodsb etc count: dw accept ; link to prev word db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx push bx ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; * ; ** ; stack: buffer address, char count -- dw 0 ; no doc type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; cs is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; data segment mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? here: push buffer ; where to store chars (1st byte is count) push 8 ; maximum number of chars to accept and store call accept.x ; stack: addr call crlf.x call count.x ; st: addr, char count call type.x call crlf.x jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, INTERPRET .... This is my name for a forth word which was usually called 'quit'. It is what is called the "read evaluate print loop" cycle which allows a user and programmer to use the system interactively. This word performs the basic functions: get a line of input from keyboard/input into buffer copy one word at a time from input buffer to a word buffer see if word is a defined function, if so execute and print results if not, see if word is a number, if so push on stack loop again. Even more powerfully, the read words can be "compiled" into a temporary buffer and then executed. This means that the semantic difference between compiling and interpreting is removed. * a skeleton implementation of interpret ---------- ; ** interp.doc: db 'an interpreting loop for a forth style system.' db ' eg ' dw $-interp.doc interp: dw 0 ; link to prev db 6, 'interp' interp.x: ;pop ax ;pop bx ; get pointer to function ;push ax ; preserve fn return pointer .again: call inbuffer.x ; where to store chars (1st byte is count) push 40 ; maximum number of chars to accept and store call accept.x ; stack: addr call crlf.x ;call dup.x ;call count.x ; st: addr, char count ;call type.x push word [lastword] ; but find can get the top of dict from last call find.x pop ax cmp ax, 0 ; if find returns 0, then word was not found je .again push ax ; restore the word function pointer call exec.x ; the bug in exec was fixed (stack mangling) call crlf.x jmp .again .exit: ret ; * ,,, VAR .... compiles a new variable, which is just a name which pushes a pointer onto the stack CONSTANT .... compiles a new constant which just pushes a value onto the stack eg: : constant here last ! (inc here) word (copy counted word to memory) (pop stack to get constant value) compile 'pop dx, push constant, push dx, ret' ie compile return fn juggling code update here update last COLON .... The : colon word is the normal compiler of a forth like system. colon reads the next word from the input buffer, creates a function header with a link to previous dictionary entry eg uses a 'last' variable. colon compiles into the space pointed to by the 'here' variable. FORTH LIKE SYSTEMS MINIMAL BOOTLOADING FORTH STYLE SYSTEM .... The following is an attempt to write a minimal compiling forth like system which will run 'standalone' (without any operating system) on an x86 computer. The aims are to keep the size and complexity of the code to a minimum while having a colon : compiler. This system takes ideas from forth but is not forth. It doesnt have a return stack, only interprets one word at a time, doesnt compile anything etc... The following code provides a general template for how to boot load a forth like system which is greater than 512 bytes in length (ie greater than one boot sector. A complete forth should be no bigger that 8K so about 16 sectors We have to use the following between the 2 stages of the bootloader to make the memory offsets work...!!! "section stage2 vstart=0" Another solution is to compile the 2 stages of the bootloader separately so that the assembler nasm can work out what are the correct memory addresses for labels etc. See answer at https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 Another issue to consider, is whether we are in danger of loading our new code on top of the existing stack, which would not be nice. Working!! Most needed words are now * a very minimal bootloader with some forth ideas. ----------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:load ; Goto segment 07C0 drive db 0 ; a variable to hold boot drive number load: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov [drive], dl ; save the boot drive number mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; with a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 ; save the DL register or else dont modify it ; it contains the number of the boot medium (hard disk, ; usb memory stick etc) ; The 'floppy' Drive is NOT necesarily 0!!! reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, [drive] ; the boot drive number (eg for usb 128) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors (only 1 used here) mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, [drive] ; int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad out the boot sector (512 bytes) dw 0AA55h ; end with standard boot signature ;Or just put a jmp start and jump over all the forth ;definitions ; this below is the magic line to make the new memory offsets ; work. Or compile the 2 files separately ; Good answer from ; https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 section stage2 vstart=0 ; the code to be loaded and executed ; cs is ok because of far jump ; is ds and es ok ? no, but stack seems ok mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax ; the interpreting loop here: push buffer ; where to store chars (1st byte is count) push 40 ; maximum number of chars to accept and store call accept.x ; stack: addr call crlf.x ;call dup.x ;call count.x ; st: addr, char count ;call type.x push find ; but find can get the top of dict from last call find.x pop ax cmp ax, 0 ; if find returns 0, then word was not found je here push ax ; restore the word function pointer call exec.x ; the bug in exec was fixed (stack mangling) call crlf.x jmp here hang: jmp hang ; start of forth style words. ; clear the screen, but this is doing something ; funny to the video mode. cls: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 3, 'cls' cls.x: mov ah, 0 mov al, 13h int 10H ret asc: dw cls db 3, 'asc' asc.x: mov cx, 255 .again: mov ah, 0eh mov al, cl int 10H mov al, ' ' int 10H loop .again ret ; get one keystroke from user and place on stack key: dw asc db 3, 'key' ; forth-style function header key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h pop bx ; juggle function return pointer push ax ; save keypress value on stack push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret emit: dw key ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'emit' emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop ax ; character to print (into al) push bx ; restore return function call mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function int 10h ret ; just pushes a pointer to last word in dict onto the stack last: dw emit db 4, 'last' last.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [lastword] push ax ret lastword dw find ; puts the address of the input buffer on the stack in: dw last db 2, 'in' in.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word buffer push ax ret buffer db 0 times 80 db ' ' ; just print one space space: dw in db 5, 'space' space.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 32 ; space character int 10h ret ; -- dup just duplicates the top item on the stack dup: dw space ; link to previous word db 3, 'dup' ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push bx ; restore fn return address ret base.doc: db 'Puts the address of variable base on stack', 13, 10 db 'Base determines the current numerical base for conversions', 13, 10 db 'eg: 16 base ! /makes the base hexadecimal ' dw $-base.doc base: dw dup ; previous word db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 ; There was a bug with this taking one too many values off ; the stack (ie the fn return pointer) and crashing the code ; but seems to be working now. ; at the moment this is only 8 bit division. Use dx:ax for 16 bit ; division, with xor dx, dx; remainder->dx; quotient->ax ; ; this should be called udot or unsigned hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dot.doc: db 'displays a 2 byte number on stack in current base', 13, 10 db 'eg: 32 hex . /displays 20 (32 in hexadecimal) ' dw $-dot.doc dot: dw base db 1, '.' dot.x: ; expects the 16 bit number to display on stack in AX and ; the base in BL register pop dx ; juggle the return function pointer pop ax ; 2 byte value in ax to print push dx ; restore the return ip mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor dx, dx ; dividend is ax div bx ; does dx:ax/bx. remainder --> dx, quotient -> ax push dx ; save remainder (ie digit) on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp ax, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack (digit in AL) mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop ret ; just print a newline crlf: dw dot db 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; get a line of input from the user ; stack: buffer address, max characters -- buffer addr accept: dw crlf ; 1st word has a zero link db 6, 'accept' ; forth-style function header accept.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop cx ; how many chars maximum to get pop di ; where to copy chars push di ; save buffer address on stack push bx ; restore return pointer inc di ; skip count byte to store 1st char xor dl, dl ; char counter := zero cld ; make stosb go forwards .again: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter'? je .exit ; exit if enter pressed mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dl ; increment char counter loop .again .exit: pop ax ; return pointer pop bx ; buffer address mov [bx], dl ; store char count in buffer push bx ; restore buffer addr push ax ; restore fn return pointer ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count count: dw accept db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx push bx ; new buffer address push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; stack: buffer address, char count -- type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit: ret ; execute a function given a pointer to its header on the stack exec: dw type db 4, 'exec' exec.x: pop ax pop bx ; get pointer to function push ax ; preserve fn return pointer add bx, 2 ; point to name count mov cl, [bx] ; get the count inc bx ; skip over count add bl, cl ; advance the pointer to the function ; !! not call [bx] thats a pointer to jumptable ; !!! but call bx may change the stack and mangle ; any register so we need to be careful here. ; the solution below seems dodgy but anyway pop word [returnexec] ; save return ip call bx ; call the fn pointed to by bx push word [returnexec] ; restore fn return ip ret ; a dodgy solution, but any register may be mangled by call bx returnexec dw 0 ; list searches through the dictionary starting at a given ; and lists all words found. This assumes the dict has at ; least one word ; stack: -- list: dw exec db 4, 'list' list.x: call last.x ; get pointer to the last word in dict pop bx .again: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header push bx ; save bx (since count/type will mangle push si ; the name pointer to print with count/type call count.x ; count the function name call type.x ; display the name call space.x ; print one space pop bx ; restore function header pointer mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .again pop dx ;push 0 ; could return a word count here ?? push dx ret ; find searches through the dictionary starting at a given ; point and return a pointer to the found word or else 0 on the ; stack ; stack: search term, start pointer -- function header pointer find.doc: db 'Search dictionary for a word and return pointer.' db ' eg: in find ' dw $-find.doc find: dw list db 4, 'find' find.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) pop ax ; counted string buffer to search for push dx ; restore fn ip .again: xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header mov cl, [si] ; the count of the search term inc cl ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov di, ax ; the search term pointer cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; compare all characters for equality je .found mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 je .notfound ; no more to words search, so exit ;push ax ; save ax, the search term pointer ;mov ah, 0Eh ; print a dot on each unsuccessful search ;mov al, '.' ; for debugging ;int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ;pop ax ; restore the search term pointer jmp .again .notfound: pop dx push 0 ; not found so return 0 push dx ret .found: pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; return result on stack push dx ret ,,, OS FORTH STYLE BOOTLOADING SYSTEM .... Provides more common forth words and moves towards a more capable forth system. Forth features are: a linked list dictionary, accepts commands all parameter passed on the stack. Unforth features: no return stack (>R <R etc), no compiling (yet) We have to use the following between the 2 stages of the bootloader to make the memory offsets work...!!! "section stage2 vstart=0" Another solution is to compile the 2 stages of the bootloader separately so that the assembler nasm can work out what are the correct memory addresses for labels etc. See answer at https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 Another issue to consider, is whether we are in danger of loading our new code on top of the existing stack, which would not be nice. Working!! Most needed words are now >number - convert an ascii number and put on stack word - get the next word from the input buffer create - make a dictionary header : - compile a dictionary definition Also we can just make fun words, like colourful ascii output etc. * an extensible bootloading forth-like system for x86 realmode ----------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:load ; Goto segment 07C0 drive db 0 ; a variable to hold boot drive number load: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov [drive], dl ; save the boot drive number mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; with a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 ; save the DL register or else dont modify it ; it contains the number of the boot medium (hard disk, ; usb memory stick etc) ; The 'floppy' Drive is NOT necesarily 0!!! reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, [drive] ; the boot drive number (eg for usb 128) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors (only 1 used here) ; try mov cx, 0x0002 ; cylinder 0, sector 2 mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, [drive] ; int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad out the boot sector (512 bytes) dw 0AA55h ; end with standard boot signature ;Or just put a jmp start and jump over all the forth ;definitions ; this below is the magic line to make the new memory offsets ; work. Or compile the 2 files separately ; Good answer from ; https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 section stage2 vstart=0 ; the code to be loaded and executed ; cs is ok because of far jump ; is ds and es ok ? no, but stack seems ok mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov [bos.n], sp ;set up bottom of stack ; the interpreting loop here: push in.buffer ; where to store chars (1st byte is count) push 40 ; maximum number of chars to accept and store call accept.x ; stack: addr call crlf.x pop bx push bx mov al, [bx] ; check if any characters entered cmp al, 0 je here ;call dup.x ;call count.x ; st: addr, char count ;call type.x push find ; but find can get the top of dict from last call find.x pop ax cmp ax, 0 ; if find returns 0, then word was not found je .number push ax ; restore the word function pointer call exec.x ; the bug in exec was fixed (stack mangling) call crlf.x jmp here .number ; try to convert word into a number jmp here hang: jmp hang ; start of forth style words. ; clear the screen, but this is doing something ; funny to the video mode. dw 0 ; a link to help document or else zero cls: dw 0 ; top of dictionary db 3, 'cls' cls.x: mov ah, 0 mov al, 13h int 10H ret ; just put 50 on the stack for testing ; since I dont have >number yet !!! dw 0 ; a link to help document fifty: dw cls db 5, 'fifty' fifty.x: pop dx push 50 push dx ret ; just set the base to 16 (hexadecimal) ; forth def.. : hex 16 base ! hex: dw fifty db 3, 'hex' hex.x: mov word [base.n], 16 ret ; just set the base to 10 (decimal numbers) ; forth def.. : base10 10 base ! base10: dw hex db 6, 'base10' base10.x: mov word [base.n], 10 ret ; need to rethink these parameters ; ; this would be called >number in many forths ; parameters, a buffer address and how many chars to convert ; leaves a pointer to first char unconverted ; (stack: addr, chars - ptr char, n) ; this routine just assumes that the number is base 10 ; which it shouldn't ; stack: buffer address - ptr char, result num: dw base10 ; link to previous dict entry db 3, 'num' ; counted name of function num.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop cx ; maximum chars to convert pop si ; buffer address push dx ; restore fn return ip cld ; make lodsb step forward through chars ;push 0 ; initial result .again: lodsb ; get next char into al ;mov ah, 0eH ; echo the char (just for debugging) ;int 10H cmp al, '0' ; check for valid digit (a-c) jb .exit ; if ascii value is less than '0' not digit cmp al, '9' ja .exit ; if ascii value greater than '9' not digit sub ah, ah ; set ah = 0 sub al, '0' ; convert digit from ascii push ax ; store digit on stack mov ax, [num.result] mov bx, [base.n] ; multiply by 10 (for decimal numbers) ;mov bx, 16 ; multiply by 10 (for decimal numbers) mul bx ; do AX x BX and store in DX:AX jo .toobig ; result too big to store in AX pop bx ; get digit from stack add ax, bx mov [num.result], ax loop .again jmp .exit .toobig: mov al, '!' ; print ! if integer is too big for 2 bytes mov ah, 0eH ; bios teletype function int 10H ; invoke bios mov word [num.result], 0x0000 ; set result := 0 .exit: pop dx ; return ip push si push word [num.result] push dx ret num.result dw 0x0000 ; store intermediate results of conversion dw 0 ; doc link or zero asc: dw num db 3, 'asc' asc.x: mov cx, 255 .again: mov ah, 0eh mov al, cl int 10H mov al, ' ' int 10H loop .again ret ; set video to big text 40x25 vid: dw asc db 3, 'vid' vid.x: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 1h ; mode 0h = text 40x25 int 10h ; set it! ret ; get one keystroke from user and place on stack key: dw vid db 3, 'key' ; forth-style function header key.x: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h pop bx ; juggle function return pointer push ax ; save keypress value on stack push bx ; restore return pointer to stack ret emit: dw key ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'emit' emit.x: pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop ax ; character to print (into al) push bx ; restore return function call mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function int 10h ret ; type text in rainbow colours ; (stack: text buffer addr - ) rainbow: dw emit db 7, 'rainbow' ; fn counted name rainbow.h: pop ax ; balance return ip pop si push ax xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov cl, [si] ; the character count, used by loop and colours add si, cx ; set pointer to last char in string std ; make lodsb go in reverse .again: mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours lodsb ; get next char to al int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again ret ; just pushes a pointer to last word in dict onto the stack last: dw rainbow db 4, 'last' last.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word [lastword] push ax ret lastword dw find in.doc db 'puts the address of the input buffer on the stack ' dw $-in.doc in: dw last db 2, 'in' in.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word in.buffer push ax ret in.buffer db 0 times 80 db ' ' ; puts the current parse position in input buffer on stack ; this gets updated by the nextword fn toin: dw in db 3, '>in' toin.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word in.buffer push ax ret toin.data dw 0 pad.doc db 'puts the address of a scratch area on the stack' dw $-pad.doc pad: dw toin db 3, 'pad' pad.x: pop ax ; preserve fn ip return push word pad.buffer push ax ret pad.buffer db 0 times 80 db ' ' ; just print one space space: dw pad db 5, 'space' space.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 32 ; space character int 10h ret ; -- dup just duplicates the top item on the stack dup: dw space ; link to previous word db 3, 'dup' ; strings are 'counted' dup.x: pop bx ; juggle fn return address pop ax ; get param to duplicate push ax push ax push bx ; restore fn return address ret base.doc: db 'Puts the address of variable base on stack', 13, 10 db 'Base determines the current numerical base for conversions', 13, 10 db 'eg: 16 base ! /makes the base hexadecimal ' dw $-base.doc base: dw dup ; db 4, 'base' ; forth style counted name base.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer for word push base.n ; push address of base on stack push dx ret base.n dw 16 ; the bottom of the stack ie ss. This needs to be initialised when the ; program starts. But the stack will also contain return pointers ; for words .. bos: bos.n: dw 0 hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" dotstack.doc: db 'displays the contents of the stack without modifying', 13, 10 db 'in the current numeric base ', 13, 10 db 'eg: .s /displays all items on stack ' dw $-dotstack.doc dotstack: dw base db 2, '.s' dotstack.x: mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base mov si, sp ; set bx to top of stack .nextitem: add si, 2 ; increment the stack pointer (and avoid fn return pointer) cmp si, [bos.n] ; check if is the last element of the stack je .exit ; mov ax, [ss:si] ; get top item on stack into ax xor cx, cx ; set counter = 0 .again: xor dx, dx ; dividend is ax mov bx, [base.n] ; eg decimal, hex, any 1 < n < 17 ok ; we cannot display any base > 16 at the moment xor bh, bh ; base div bx ; does dx:ax/bx. remainder --> dx, quotient -> ax push dx ; save remainder (ie digit) on the stack inc cx ; increment the digit counter cmp ax, 0 ; if the quotient != 0 do the next digit jne .again ; loop while quotient > 0 .print: pop ax ; get digit from the stack (digit in AL) mov bx, hextable ; translation table xlatb ; replace al with hex digit from table mov ah, 0eH ; print digit in al int 10H loop .print ; using cx the digit counter to loop mov al, ' ' ; print a space between each value int 10H jmp .nextitem ; do next stack item .exit: ret ; example doc field with reverse count field dothex.doc db 'displays a 2 byte number in hex format' dw $-dothex.doc dothex: dw dotstack db 4, '.hex' ; below an example doc field ; db 20, 'displays a 2 byte number in hex format' dothex.x: pop bx ; return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 4 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dx, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again mov al, 'H' ; print an H to indicate hex number mov ah, 0eH ; echo the char (just for debugging) int 10H ret ;hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; translation table hash: dw dothex db 4, 'hash' hash.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a star with bios mov al, '#' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret ; another fn for testing star: dw hash db 4, 'star' star.x: mov ah, 0Eh ; just print a star with bios mov al, '*' int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ret ; just print a newline crlf: dw star db 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; get a line of input from the user ; stack: buffer address, max characters -- buffer addr accept: dw crlf ; 1st word has a zero link db 6, 'accept' ; forth-style function header accept.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop cx ; how many chars maximum to get pop di ; where to copy chars push di ; save buffer address on stack push bx ; restore return pointer inc di ; skip count byte to store 1st char xor dl, dl ; char counter := zero cld ; make stosb go forwards .again: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter'? je .exit ; exit if enter pressed mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dl ; increment char counter loop .again .exit: pop ax ; return pointer pop bx ; buffer address mov [bx], dl ; store char count in buffer push bx ; restore buffer addr push ax ; restore fn return pointer ret ; the forth count word ; stack: addr -- addr+1, char count count: dw accept db 5, 'count' count.x: pop dx ; preserve return fn pointer pop bx ; buffer address xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov al, [bx] ; get count into al inc bx push bx ; new buffer address (+1) push ax ; char count push dx ; restor fn return ip ret ; stack: buffer address, char count -- type: dw count ; link to previous dictionary entry db 4, 'type' type.x: cld ; make lodsb step forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop si ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call cmp cx, 0 ; if nothing to print exit je .exit mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message into al int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ; decr cx loop counter .exit: ret ; execute a function given a pointer to its header on the stack exec: dw type db 4, 'exec' exec.x: pop ax pop bx ; get pointer to function push ax ; preserve fn return pointer add bx, 2 ; point to name count mov cl, [bx] ; get the count inc bx ; skip over count add bl, cl ; advance the pointer to the function ; !! not call [bx] thats a pointer to jumptable ; !!! but call bx may change the stack and mangle ; any register so we need to be careful here. ; the solution below seems dodgy but anyway pop word [returnexec] ; save return ip call bx ; call the fn pointed to by bx push word [returnexec] ; restore fn return ip ret ; a dodgy solution, but any register may be mangled by call bx returnexec dw 0 ; list searches through the dictionary starting at a given ; and lists all words found. This assumes the dict has at ; least one word ; stack: -- list: dw exec db 4, 'list' list.x: call last.x ; get pointer to the last word in dict pop bx .again: mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header push bx ; save bx (since count/type will mangle push si ; the name pointer to print with count/type call count.x ; count the function name call type.x ; display the name call space.x ; print one space pop bx ; restore function header pointer mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 jne .again pop dx ;push 0 ; could return a word count here ?? push dx ret ; find searches through the dictionary starting at a given ; point and return a pointer to the found word or else 0 on the ; stack ; stack: search term, start pointer -- function header pointer find: dw list db 4, 'find' find.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return ip pop bx ; where to start searching (eg last entry in dict) pop ax ; counted string buffer to search for push dx ; restore fn ip .again: xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov si, bx ; pointer to current function header add si, 2 ; the counted string is 2 bytes after header mov cl, [si] ; the count of the search term inc cl ; we also have to compare the count bytes mov di, ax ; the search term pointer cld ; search forwards (clear direction flag) repe cmpsb ; compare all characters for equality je .found mov bx, [bx] ; get the pointer to the next function (or 0) cmp bx, 0 ; if start of dict, then link is 0 je .notfound ; no more to words search, so exit ;push ax ; save ax, the search term pointer ;mov ah, 0Eh ; print a dot on each unsuccessful search ;mov al, '.' ; for debugging ;int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt ;pop ax ; restore the search term pointer jmp .again .notfound: pop dx push 0 ; not found so return 0 push dx ret .found: pop dx ; juggle return ip push bx ; return result on stack push dx ret ,,, READING TEXT FROM KEYBOARD Below is a forth style program, in traditional forths it would be called "expect" but this version has no line editing. This is working except for the char count at the beginning of the buffer. The next step is a 'find' function which looks up a word in the dict and executes it. * read a line of input and store in a buffer ------------ jmp start buffer db 0, ' ' ; just print a newline crlf: dw 0 db 4, 'crlf' crlf.x: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; cr lf int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h ret ; get a line of input from the user, this is called 'accept' ; in most forths ; stack parameters: buffer address, max characters line: dw 0 ; 1st word has a zero link db 4, 'line' ; forth-style function header line.x: pop bx ; juggle return pointer pop cx ; how many chars maximum to get pop ax ; where to copy chars push bx ; restore return pointer inc ax ; first byte of buffer is char count mov di, ax ; where stosb will put characters sub dl, dl ; simple char counter .again: mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h cmp al, 13 ; was the key press an 'enter' je .exit ; exit if enter pressed mov ah, 0eh ; echo the character int 10h stosb ; put the char into the buffer inc dl ; increment char counter loop .again .exit: ; have to save ;mov buffer, dl ; store char count in buffer ret ; type takes its arguments on the stack (buffer address, char count) type: dw line ; link to previous dictionary entry db 5, 'type' type.x: cld ; set dir flag to forwards pop bx ; juggle return address for call pop cx ; how many chars to print pop ax ; address of buffer to print push bx ; restore return function call mov si, ax ; maybe should use "lea si, ax" but how?? mov ah, 0eh ; bios print character function .again: lodsb ; get next char from message int 10h loop .again ret start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; es needed for stosb ;mov sp, ? ; what about the stack pointer? here: push buffer ; where to store chars push 8 ; maximum number of chars to store call line.x call crlf.x push buffer+1 ; buffer to print (but not count) push 8 ; chars to print call type.x call crlf.x jmp here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * read a line of input and count the characters --------------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Initialize data segment register mov ds, ax ; via AX sub cx, cx ; set cx = 0 .again mov ah, 0 ; bios read character function int 16h ; invoke bios interrupt mov ah, 0eH ; echo char entered int 10H inc cx ; increment the character counter cmp al, 13 ; was the key press a 'enter' jne .again ; loop if not enter pressed mov al, 10 ; print a newline mov ah, 0eH int 10H dec cx ; dont include newline in character count mov ax, cx ; add al, '0' ; convert count digit to ascii mov ah, 0eH ; x86 bios print char function int 10h ; print first digit of character count times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Todo!! * read a line of input, and copy counted string to buffer --------------------------------------------------------- jmp start buffer db ' ' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov di, buffer+2 ; the first word of buffer is for the count sub cx, cx ; set cx = 0 .again mov ah, 0 ; x86 bios get char from keyboard int 16h ; invoke the bios mov ah, 0eH ; print char int 10H ; invoke bios function ; NOTE: I think the code below could be better done with ; stosb, and loopne mov [di], al ; copy AL to buffer inc di inc cx ; increment the character counter cmp al, 13 ; was the key press a 'enter' jne .again ; loop if not enter pressed mov al, 10 ; print a newline mov ah, 0eH int 10H dec cx ; dont include newline in character count mov ax, cx ; add al, '0' ; convert count digit to ascii mov ah, 0eH ; x86 bios print char function int 10h ; print first digit of character count times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, NUMBERS AS USER INPUT .... We would like to be able to read a positive integer entered by the user. So we need to read each digit, then multiply it by the base and add the next digit, and so on. MOUSE INPUT http://wiki.osdev.org/Mouse_Input just enough info The good news is that a modern usb mouse emulates or behaves like a normal PS/2 mouse. So you dont have to actually write a usb 'stack' (software api) in order to use the mouse. Phew! Mouse (and Keyboard) data come on port 0x60 port 0x64 bit 1 - data is available, bit 5 - data is from mouse, not keyboard. ASCII CODE The ascii code is a way of mapping common western (latin) characters to numbers * some common useful ascii codes ----------- cr equ 13 ; carriage return lf equ 10 ; line feed bell equ 7 ; bell (sort of) spc equ 32 ; space bs equ 8 ; back space del equ 127 ; 'delete' character ,,, * print ascii in descending order -------------------- jmp start start: mov cx, 255 .again: mov ah, 0eh mov al, cl int 10H mov al, ' ' int 10H loop .again .exit: hang: jmp hang ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * print the first 128 ascii in ascending order -------------------- jmp start start: mov cx, 128 .again: mov ah, 0eh ; bios teletype function mov al, 128 sub al, cl int 10H ; call bios function mov al, ' ' ; print a space int 10H ; do it loop .again ; loop 128 times .exit: hang: jmp hang ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is designed to use direct memory writes * print a coloured ascii table with values in hex ------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; ** hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table dw 0 ; no doc asctable: dw 0 ; link db 8, 'asctable' asctable.x: mov cx, 0x00FF ; loop through all asci chars mov bx, hextable ; pointer to digit translation table mov ax, es mov fs, ax ; save es pointer mov ax, 0xB800 ; video memory address mov es, ax ; set up es for stosw mov di, 320 ; start at 3rd line (80 chars/ line, 2 bytes/char) .nextchar: mov dx, 0x00FF ; loop through all asci chars sub dx, cx ; might be better to use incrementing counter mov ah, 0x0E mov al, dl ; high nibble of ascii code to print rol al, 4 ; print first digit and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] ; put colour in ah for direct memory write mov ah, 0b00000010 ; green on black stosw mov al, dl ; lower nibble of ascii code and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] mov ah, 0b00000010 ; green on black stosw mov ax, 0x0020 ; a black on black space stosw cmp dl, 0x0D ; dont print a formfeed je .skip mov al, dl ; print actual asci char mov ah, 0b00001111 ; white on black stosw .skip: mov ax, 0x0020 ; a black on black space stosw ; newline calculation is a bit trickier with direct memory display ;test dl, 0x0F ;jmpne .end .end: loop .nextchar mov ax, fs mov es, ax ; restore es pointer ret ; * start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; stosw uses es segment reg ;call asctable.x mov bx, asctable.x ; check for strange bugs call bx jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; MBR boot signature ,,,, * print a monochrome ascii table with values in hex ------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table asctablebw: dw 0 db 8, 'asctable' asctablebw.x: mov cx, 0x00FF ; loop through all asci chars mov bx, hextable ; pointer to digit translation table .nextchar: mov dx, 0x00FF ; loop through all asci chars sub dx, cx ; might be better to use incrementing counter mov ah, 0x0E ; x86 int 0x10 type char function mov al, dl ; high nibble of ascii code to print rol al, 4 ; print first digit and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] int 10h ; invoke bios mov al, dl ; lower nibble of ascii code and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 0x0E ; separate with a space mov al, ' ' int 10h cmp dl, 0x0D ; dont print a formfeed je .skip mov al, dl ; print actual asci char int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt .skip: mov al, ' ' int 10h test cl, 0b00000111 ; modulus 8, jne .page ; mov ah, 0x0E ; print a new line every 8 chars mov al, 13 int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h .page: cmp cl, 0x7F ; page chars at 128th char jne .end mov ah,0 ; wait for any key: int 16h .end: loop .nextchar ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; stosw uses es segment reg call asctablebw.x jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; MBR boot signature ,,,, * print ascii characters (and some non-ascii) in a table --------------------------------------------------------- jmp start %include 'printi8.asm' start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov cx, 0 .again: mov al, cl mov bl, 10 call printi8 ; print value of ascii character mov ah, 0eH mov al, ':' ; print a separator character int 10H mov al, cl int 10H mov al, ' ' int 10H inc cx cmp cx, 0xFF je .exit mov ax, cx and ax, 0007h ; mod 8 cmp ax, 0 jne .again mov ah, 0eh mov al, 13 int 10h mov ah, 0eh mov al, 10 int 10h jmp .again .exit: hang: jmp hang ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, FONTS AND TEXT http://wiki.osdev.org/VGA_Fonts good info A 'standard' x86 bios outputs text in one of its 'text video modes'. Its uses font 'bitmaps' with 8 columns and 16 rows for each character.Within the bitmap a 0 represents the background colour, and a 1 represents the foreground colour. The first row of the glyph (character) - 8 bits or 1 byte is contained in the first byte of the bitmap, the 2nd row in the second byte... etc. In the various graphics video modes, there are no BIOS functions for writing a character to the screen. The programmer must provide this functionality, by writing a character 1 pixel at a time. The first step to writing characters in graphics mode is getting the bitmap fonts data matrix... Standard vga fonts are 8x16 pixels. Each byte contains 1 row of the given character- the first byte is the top row etc. 1=foreground, 0=background So character takes up 16 bytes. The bios contains tables of information laying out the fonts used to display characters. Int 10h service AH=11h, subservice AL=30h * get the table of font information, untested ------------- mov ax, 1130h ; (Get font information) mov bh, 06h ; 8x16 font (vga/mcga) int 10h ; leave font table pointer in ES:BP ,,, Next step: access a character and display it pixel by pixel in some graphics mode. To access 1 character from the 4K (4096byte) character bitmap multiply ascii code by 16 (bytes per character) and add to the ES:BP register * code to store the full 4K (256 chars x 16 bytes/char) bitmap ------------------- ;in: es:di=4k buffer ;out: buffer filled with font push ds push es ;ask BIOS to return VGA bitmap fonts in es:bp mov ax, 1130h mov bh, 6 int 10h ;copy charmap push es ; make the extended segment and pop ds ; the data segment the same pop es ; mov si, bp mov cx, 256*16/4 rep movsd pop ds ,,, * display an ascii character by copying a bios font bitmap ------------- jmp start %include 'printi8.asm' char db '$' start: mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax ; set the data segment mov ax, 1130h ; (Get font information) mov bh, 06h ; 8x16 font (vga/mcga) int 10h ; leave font table pointer in ES:BP mov al, [char] mov bl, 10 call printi8 ; left shift char 4 times (to multiply by 16) ; eg ; sub ah, ah mov cx, 4 shr ax, 4 ; add this to the bitmap offset ; add bp, ax ; now just print out the bytes or draw pixel by hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, Make a function bigchar which has stack parameters cursorx:y, colour, character and return cursorx:y or next character. This will allow us to print a big clock with cmos rtc easily. The code below enters a loop an displays ascii characters in big blocky format. This code could be simplified by writing directly to video memory, instead of using x86 bios interrupts, which are slow and clunky. The "show" code has a great deal of redundant rubbish in it * get a bios font glyph from memory and push pointer on stack ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 ; ** block equ 0xFE ; ascii code for small block bigblock equ 219 ; ascii code for big block alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta gamma equ 226 ; Greek letter gamma char db '*' ;char db [gamma] ; (stack: char -- segment address, pointer -> bios glyph font address ) getglyph.doc: db 'gets the font map pointer to a bios glyph', 13, 10 db 'eg: 65 getglyph show' db 'stack: char -- seg address, offset to glyph' dw $-getglyph.doc getglyph: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 8, 'getglyph' ; forth counted name getglyph.x: mov ax, 1130h ; (Get font information) mov bh, 06h ; 8x16 font (vga/mcga) int 10h ; leave font table pointer in ES:BP pop dx ; balance return fn pop ax ; character -> al push dx xor ah, ah ; set ax := al shl ax, 4 ; set ax := ax * 16 (16 bytes per character) add bp, ax ; add char offset pointer to font map pop dx ; balance return IP push es ; segment address of glyph, Yes need to do this push bp ; put pointer to glyph on stack push dx ret ; (stack: segment address, glyph address - ) ; the code below modifies es segment register which doesnt ; seem a good idea, and could lead to some tricky bugs show.render db ' ', block show.doc: db 'displays an 8x16 glyph in text mode', 13, 10 db 'eg: 65 getglyph show' db ' [stack: segment address, glyph address -- ] ' dw $-show.doc show: dw getglyph ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'show' ; forth counted name show.x: pop dx ; balance return ip pop si ; pointer to 1st byte of glyph mov ax, ds ; save ds in es mov fs, ax ; could save in fs, gs etc... better pop ds ; get segment address in DS register push dx xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours mov cx, 16 ; 16 bytes in the glyph (8 x 16 pixels) cld ; make lodsb go forwards ("clear direction flag") .nextrow: lodsb ; get next byte (glyph row) to al mov bl, al ; save glyph row to bl push cx ; save current row number mov cx, 8 ; loop through the 8 bits .nextbit: test bl, 0b10000000 ; check if bit is set jne .fill ; mov al, ' ' ; space character jmp .next .fill: mov al, block ; fill character .next: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function int 10h ; x86 bios int rol bl, 1 loop .nextbit mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; <return> char int 10h ; mov al, 10 ; <form feed> int 10h ; pop cx ; restore current row number loop .nextrow mov ax, fs ; restore ds from es mov ds, ax ; ret glyphpress.doc: db 'Displays bigs glyphs of key presses' dw $-glyphpress.doc glyphpress: dw show ; link to previous dict word or null db 10, 'glyphpress' ; forth counted name glyphpress.x: .loop: xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 mov ah, 0 ; wait for keypress bios function int 16h ; key value -> reg: al cmp al, ' ' ; exit loop if space is pressed je .exit push ax ; push the character on the stack (value in al, ah==0) ; mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function ; int 10h ; call getglyph.x call show.x jmp .loop .exit: ret ; * start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax call glyphpress.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, * a big char ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 block equ 0xFE ; ascii code for small block bigblock equ 219 ; ascii code for big block alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta gamma equ 226 ; Greek letter gamma ;char db '*' char db alpha ;char db [gamma] ; (stack: char -- segment address, pointer -> bios glyph font address ) getglyph.doc: db 'gets the font map pointer to a bios glyph', 13, 10 db 'eg: 65 getglyph show' db 'stack: char --> seg address, offset to glyph' dw $-getglyph.doc getglyph: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 8, 'getglyph' ; forth counted name getglyph.x: mov ax, 1130h ; (Get font information) mov bh, 06h ; 8x16 font (vga/mcga) int 10h ; leave font table pointer in ES:BP pop dx ; balance return fn pop ax ; character -> al push dx xor ah, ah ; set ax := al shl ax, 4 ; set ax := ax * 16 (16 bytes per character) add bp, ax ; add char offset pointer to font map pop dx ; balance return IP push es ; segment address of glyph, Yes need to do this push bp ; put pointer to glyph on stack push dx ret ; (stack: segment address, glyph address - ) ; the code below modifies es segment register which doesnt ; seem a good idea, and could lead to some tricky bugs ; bigchar.doc: db 'displays an 8x16 glyph in text mode', 13, 10 db 'eg: 65 getglyph show' db ' [stack: segment address, glyph address --> ] ' db 'should be [stack: startx:y, segment address, glyph address -- endx:y ] ' db 'or ??? [stack: startx:y, colour, char, nextx:y --> ] ' dw $-bigchar.doc bigchar: dw getglyph ; link to previous dict word or null db 7, 'bigchar' ; forth counted name bigchar.x: pop bx ; balance return ip pop si ; pointer to 1st byte of glyph mov ax, ds ; save ds in es mov fs, ax ; pop ds ; get segment address in DS register push bx xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours mov cx, 16 ; 16 bytes in the glyph cld ; make lodsb go forwards ("clear direction flag") .nextrow: lodsb ; get next byte (glyph row) to al mov bl, al ; save glyph row to bl push cx ; save current row number mov cx, 8 ; print the 8 bits .nextbit: mov dl, bl ; test dl, 0b10000000 ; check if bit set jnz .fill mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, ' ' ; fill character int 10h ; jmp .next .fill: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, bigblock ; fill character int 10h ; .next: rol bl, 1 loop .nextbit mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; <return> char int 10h ; mov al, 10 ; <form feed> int 10h ; pop cx ; restore current row number loop .nextrow mov ax, fs ; restore ds from es mov ds, ax ; ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax xor ax, ax push 0x0909 ; initial cursor position, not used yet... mov al, [char] ; push the big character to print on the stack push ax call getglyph.x call bigchar.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, CUSTOM FONTS You can modify a glyph for a character in text mode just by writing the desired bit map to the correct location in memory. The code is identical to reading the 4K font bit map but change the direction of the MOV instruction. Another way to set fonts used for text mode Ralph Brown Interrupt list Int 10/AX=1110h. The following displays a 8x16 glyph given a pointer to its 1st byte on the stack. The code is written as a forth-style linked list dictionary. This code can be used display glyphs from bios memory (standard text mode ascii characters). Maybe need to have a segment address on the stack as well? (since ax=1130h, int 10h returns address in es:bp) * display a 8x16 pixel glyph ----------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 glyph db 100111001 db 00000000b db 01111111b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01111111b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 00000000b db 00000000b db 11111111b block equ 0xFE ; ascii code for small block ;block equ 219 ; ascii code for big block ; (stack: glyph address - ) show: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'show' ; forth counted name show.x: pop dx ; balance return ip pop si ; pointer to 1st byte of glyph push dx xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours mov cx, 16 ; 16 bytes in the glyph cld ; make lodsb go forwards ("clear direction flag") .nextrow: lodsb ; get next byte (glyph row) to al mov bl, al ; save glyph row to bl ;mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function ;int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt push cx ; save current row number mov cx, 8 ; print the 8 bits .nextbit: mov dl, bl ; and dl, 0b10000000 ; check if bit set cmp dl, 0 jne .fill mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, ' ' ; fill character int 10h ; jmp .next .fill: mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, block ; fill character int 10h ; .next: rol bl, 1 loop .nextbit mov ah, 0eh ; bios type char function mov al, 13 ; <return> char int 10h ; mov al, 10 ; <form feed> int 10h ; pop cx ; restore current row number loop .nextrow ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax push glyph call show.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * define a custom 8x16 pixel 'A' glyph in assembly language ----------------- glyph db 00000000b db 00000000b db 01111111b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01111111b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 01100011b db 00000000b db 00000000b db 00000000b ,,,, * How to redefine vga ega font map --------- INT 10H 1110H: Load and Activate User-Defined Font Compatibility: EGA VGA Expects: AX 1110H BH height of each character (bytes per character definition) BL font block to load (EGA: 0-3; VGA: 0-7) CX number of characters to redefine DX ASCII code of the first character defined at ES:BP ES:BP address of font-definition information ,,,, * make a series of chess glyphs to replace #$%^&* etc --------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 ; The chess glyphs to insert in bios font map at # pawn: db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00011000 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b01111110 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b01111110 db 0b11111111 db 0b11111111 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 knight: db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b01110000 db 0b11111000 db 0b11111100 db 0b11011100 db 0b11011110 db 0b00011100 db 0b00011100 db 0b00011110 db 0b00111111 db 0b01111111 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 castle: db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b11011011 db 0b11111111 db 0b11111111 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b01111110 db 0b11111111 db 0b11111111 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 ; (stack: char -- segment address, pointer -> bios glyph font address ) chessglyph.doc: db 'inserts some custom chess glyphs into bios font map', 13, 10 db 'starting somewhere at #' dw $-chessglyph.doc chessglyph: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 9, 'chessglyph' ; forth counted name chessglyph.x: ; for int 10h redefine font ; AX 1110H ; BH height of each character (bytes per character definition) ; CX number of characters to redefine ; DX ASCII code of the first character defined at ES:BP ; ES:BP address of font-definition information mov bl, 0 ; font block ?? mov bh, 16 ; height of font (bytes per character) mov cx, 3 ; number of chars to redefine mov dx, '#' ; redefine glyphs starting at # mov bp, pawn ; es:bp points to start font data to use mov ax, 0x1110 ; redefine bios font int 10h ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov ah, 0 mov al, 0 ; video mode 40x25 text, big text int 10h ; set video mode big text call chessglyph.x mov ah, 0x0e mov cx, 3 mov al, '@' .again: mov al, '#'-1 ; print modified #$%^& etc add al, cl int 10h mov al, ' ' int 10h loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, * set a modified bios glyph for an asci character --------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 ; The custom glyph to insert in bios font map castle db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b11011011 db 0b11111111 db 0b11111111 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b00111100 db 0b01111110 db 0b11111111 db 0b11111111 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 db 0b00000000 ; (stack: char -- segment address, pointer -> bios glyph font address ) biosglyph.doc: db 'sets letter a to a custom glyph', 13, 10 db 'eg: biosglyph' db 'stack: char-to-mod, ptr->8x16data ' dw $-biosglyph.doc biosglyph: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 9, 'biosglyph' ; forth counted name biosglyph.x: ; for int 10h redefine font ; AX 1110H ; BH height of each character (bytes per character definition) ; CX number of characters to redefine ; DX ASCII code of the first character defined at ES:BP ; ES:BP address of font-definition information mov bl, 0 ; font block ?? mov bh, 16 ; height of font (bytes per character) mov cx, 1 ; only redefine one char mov dx, '#' ; redefine only 'a' glyph mov bp, castle ; es:bp points to font data mov ax, 0x1110 ; redefine bios font int 10h ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov ah, 0 mov al, 0 ; video mode 40x25 text, big text int 10h ; set video mode big text call biosglyph.x mov ah, 0x0e mov cx, 5 .again: mov al, '#' int 10h mov al, ' ' int 10h loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, PIXELS AND DRAWING BITMAPS .... * render a bitmap in standard text mode ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 block equ 0xFE ; ascii code for small block bigblock equ 219 ; ascii code for big block alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta gamma equ 226 ; Greek letter gamma char db '*' ;char db [gamma] ship: db 8, 8 ; width x height bytes db 0b00100100 ; glyph data db 0b01111110 db 0b11100111 db 0b00111100 db 0b01100110 db 0b01110010 db 0b00000010 db 0b00001110 ; (stack: segment address, glyph address - ) bitmap.glyphpointer dw 0 bitmap.render db ' ', block bitmap.doc: db 'Displays a bitmap in text/graphics mode at a given point ' db 'on the screen.' db 'The 1st byte of the bitmap=width, 2nd=height, then data' db ' [stack: pointer to bitmap, x, y :tos -- ] ' dw $-bitmap.doc bitmap: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 6, 'bitmap' ; forth counted name bitmap.x: mov ax, 0xB800 mov es, ax ; es -> start of video memory (for stosw and video print) mov di, 20 ; start printing address pop dx ; balance return ip pop bx ; x coordinate pop ax ; y coordinate pop si ; pointer to 1st byte of glyph push dx ; restore fn pointer mov dx, 160 ; mul dx ; ax * 160 to get y position (80 cols, 2 bytes/char) shl bx, 1 ; bx := bx * 2 add ax, bx ; but! need to bx * 2 (since 2 bytes/ char) mov di, ax ; screen printing position xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 xor cx, cx mov [bitmap.glyphpointer], si ; save si in a pointer var mov cl, [si+1] ; height bytes in the glyph (2nd byte of glyph) cld ; make lodsb go forwards ("clear direction flag") add si, 2 ; skip width+height bytes .nextrow: lodsb ; get next byte (glyph row) to al mov dl, al ; save glyph row to dl push cx ; save current row number push di ; save screen print position xor cx, cx mov bx, [bitmap.glyphpointer] mov cl, byte [bx] ; width bytes in glyph (1st byte) .nextbit: rol dl, 1 ; print mirror image with ror bl, 1 mov bl, dl and bl, 0b00000001 ; check if bit is set mov al, [bitmap.render+bx] ; get foreground or background character ;mov ah, '/' ; white on green colour mov ah, 0b00001110 ; yellow on black stosw ; print to screen es:di++:=ax, al==char, ah==colour loop .nextbit ; next pixel on same row pop di ; restore screen print pos add di, 160 ; down 1 row (8 cols * 2 bytes/char) pop cx ; restore current row number in glyph loop .nextrow ; render the next row of bits in the glyph or sprite .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax push ship ; pointer to glyph push 10 ; y pos push 10 ; x pos call bitmap.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, * display a bit map in video mode 13H ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 alpha equ 224 ; Greek letter alpha beta equ 225 ; Greek letter beta gamma equ 226 ; Greek letter gamma ship: db 8, 8 ; width x height bytes db 0b00100100 ; glyph data db 0b10000000 db 0b10100111 db 0b11001100 db 0b01000010 db 0b01000010 db 0b00000000 db 0b10101010 ; (stack: segment address, glyph address - ) pixmap.glyphpointer dw 0 pixmap.render db 0, 0b00001111 ; white on black, overwritten by param pixmap.doc: db 'Displays a bitmap in graphics mode 13h at a given point ' db 'on the screen.' db 'The 1st byte of the bitmap=width, 2nd=height, then data' db ' [stack: pointer to bitmap, x, y :tos -- ] ' dw $-pixmap.doc pixmap: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 6, 'bitmap' ; forth counted name pixmap.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; es -> start of video memory (for stosw and video print) pop dx ; balance return ip pop bx ; x coordinate pop ax ; y coordinate pop cx ; colour of sprite foreground (in low byte) pop si ; pointer to 1st byte of glyph push dx ; restore fn pointer mov [pixmap.render+1], cl ; save colour mov dx, 320 ; mul dx ; ax * 320 to get y position (320 cols * 1 byte) add ax, bx ; add x offset to y offset mov di, ax ; screen printing position xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 xor ax, ax ; ax := 0 xor cx, cx mov [pixmap.glyphpointer], si ; save si in a pointer var mov cl, [si+1] ; height bytes in the glyph (2nd byte of glyph) cld ; make lodsb go forwards ("clear direction flag") add si, 2 ; skip width+height bytes .nextrow: lodsb ; get next byte (glyph row) to al mov dl, al ; save glyph row to dl push cx ; save current row number push di ; save screen print position xor cx, cx mov bx, [pixmap.glyphpointer] mov cl, byte [bx] ; width bytes in glyph (1st byte) .nextbit: rol dl, 1 ; print mirror image with ror bl, 1 mov bl, dl and bl, 0b00000001 ; check if bit is set mov al, [pixmap.render+bx] ; get foreground or background character stosb ; pixel to screen es:di++:=al, al==colour loop .nextbit ; next pixel on same row pop di ; restore screen print pos add di, 320 ; down 1 row (8 cols * 2 bytes/char) pop cx ; restore current row number in glyph loop .nextrow ; render the next row of bits in the glyph or sprite .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push ship ; pointer to glyph push 14 ; colour of sprite (yellow) push 60 ; y pos push 80 ; x pos call pixmap.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, WITH INTERRUPTS .... video mode 13h has the highest number of colours (for vga) int 10h functions for drawing pixels are considered slow. Pixels can only be read and written in graphics modes * draw 1 white pixel at (10,10) -------------------- start: mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax .setmode: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 13h ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 10h ; set it! .draw: mov cx, 10 ; x-coordinate mov dx, 10 ; y-coordinate mov al, 15 ; white mov ah, 0ch ; put pixel int 10h ; draw pixel jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * draw a diagonal line with x86 bios interrupts -------------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table glyph equ 'a' line: dw 0 db 4, 'line' line.x: mov cx, 0x0040 ; draw diagonal line 64 pixels long .draw: mov dx, cx ; y-coordinate in dx mov al, 15 ; white mov ah, 0ch ; put pixel int 10h ; draw pixel loop .draw ret ; sets the video mode from stack ; vmode: dw line db 5, 'vmode' vmode.x: pop dx ; juggle return pointer pop ax ; video mode into al xor ah, ah ; set ah := 0 (int 10h set display mode) push dx int 10h ; set it! ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. call vmode.x call line.x ; push 0x0003 ; default text mode jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * attempt to write text in a graphics mode, doesnt work!! -------------------- start: mov ax, 07C0h mov ds, ax .setmode: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 13h ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 10h ; set it! .text: mov ah, 0eh mov al, 'Q' int 10h .draw: mov cx, 10 ; column mov dx, 10 ; row mov al, 15 ; white mov ah, 0ch ; put pixel int 10h ; draw pixel jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, SPRITES .... A sprite is just a visual glyph that may move by some animation or not. Here we will start with simple monochrome bitmaps such as in 'space invaders' This "pix" word should take the pixel position from the stack Also a colour would be nice. Draw a circle etc. * write a pixel to video memory in mode 13h --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start pix: dw 0 db 3, 'pix' pix.x: ; DisplayMode 13h ; screen size.x = 0x0140, (320x200 pixels) ; screen size.y = 0x00C8 (200 pixels high) ; number of colors = 0x0100 ; address of pixel 0 = A000 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax mov cx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mov ax, 30 ; posY mul cx ; ax *= cx add ax, 10 ; ax += posX mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov dx, 0x000A ; dl = color of pixel, 256 colours mov [es:di], dl ; write pixel to memory ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode call pix.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, Perhaps this code should check for the boundaries of video memory, otherwise it is going to overwrite stuff that it shouldnt. * display a diagonal line at a point given on stack (x y length) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start diag.doc db 'Display a 45 angle line, 1 pixel wide in video mode 13h' dw $-diag.doc diag: dw 0 db 4, 'diag' diag.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) ; number of colors = 0x0100 ; address of pixel 0 = A000 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; line length pop ax ; y coordinate pop bx ; x coordinate push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov dl, 0x0A ; dl = color of pixel, 256 colours mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel .line: mov [es:di], dl ; write pixel to memory add di, 321 ; 1 row (320) + 1 horizontal (x) pixel ; mov [es:di], cl ; creates a multicoloured line ; add ax, cx ; this actually creates a curve effect loop .line ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 0 ; x coordinate push 40 ; y coordinate push 150 ; line length call diag.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * a demonstration of a few line drawing techniques --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start demo.doc db 'display different line types in video mode 13hex' dw $-demo.doc demo: dw 0 db 4, 'demo' demo.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop ax ; y coordinate pop bx ; x coordinate push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov dl, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov cx, 30 ; line length push di ; save start pixel co-ordinates .dotted: mov [es:di], dl ; write colour pixel to memory add di, 4 ; creates a dotted line loop .dotted pop di ; go back to start position add di, 960 ; 2 rows down push di ; save start again mov cx, 100 .rainbow: mov [es:di], cl ; multi colour pixel to memory add di, 1 loop .rainbow pop di ; go back to start position add di, 960 ; 3 rows down push di ; save start again mov cx, 20 .curve: mov [es:di], dl ; mov ax, di add ax, cx mov di, ax loop .curve ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 10 ; x coordinate push 10 ; y coordinate call demo.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display a vertical line at a point given on stack (x y length) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start vline.doc db 'Display a vertical line, 1 pixel wide in video mode 13h' dw $-vline.doc vline: dw 0 db 5, 'vline' vline.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; line length pop ax ; y coordinate pop bx ; x coordinate push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov dl, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours .line: mov [es:di], dl ; write colour pixel to memory add di, 320 ; down one row loop .line ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 10 ; x coordinate push 10 ; y coordinate push 50 ; line length call vline.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display a horizontal line at a point given on stack (x y length) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start hline.doc: db 'Display a horizontal line, 1 pixel wide in video mode 13h' dw $-hline.doc hline: dw 0 db 5, 'hline' hline.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; line length pop ax ; y coordinate pop bx ; x coordinate push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours rep stosb ; store colour in video memory, loop while cx > 0 ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 10 ; x coordinate push 70 ; y coordinate push 150 ; line length call hline.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below needs to be refined. When the end of the whirl vector is reached (4) then it should be reset to 0 so that we can draw spirals of any length. * display a boxy spiral --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; the offset vectors for drawing the sides of the box whirl.vector dw 1, 320, -1, -320, 1, 320, -1, -320 whirl.doc: db 'Display a spiral' dw $-whirl.doc whirl: dw 0 db 5, 'whirl' whirl.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; spiral start width pop ax ; y coordinate (top left corner) pop bx ; x coordinate (top left corner) push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save box width/height xor bx, bx ; bx := 0, bx is a loop counter and table offset .nextside: ;cmp word [whirl.vector+bx], -1 ;jne .same sub dx, 2 .same: mov cx, dx ; restore side length counter .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, [whirl.vector+bx] ;add di, ax loop .nextpixel add bx, 2 ; point to next pixel vector cmp bx, 16 jne .nextside .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 40 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 30 ; width and height of box call whirl.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, In qemu the box created below is not actually square funnily enough The code below uses a loop and a pixel offset vector to simplify (or make more concise) the code for drawing the box. The good thing about this is that it is applicable for drawing any series of lines. * a more concise square box at a point given on stack (x y width) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; the offset vectors for drawing the sides of the box box.vector dw 1, 320, -1, -320 box.doc: db 'Display a square box in video mode 13' dw $-box.doc box: dw 0 db 3, 'box' box.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; box width and height pop ax ; y coordinate (top left corner) pop bx ; x coordinate (top left corner) push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save box width/height xor bx, bx ; bx := 0, bx is a loop counter and table offset .nextside: mov cx, dx ; restore side length counter .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, [box.vector+bx] ; down one row loop .nextpixel add bx, 2 ; point to next pixel vector cmp bx, 8 jne .nextside .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 40 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 50 ; width and height of box call box.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, The code below is very pedestrian. see code above for a better and more concise way to do this. * display a square box at a point given on stack (x y width) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start box.doc: db 'Display a square box in video mode 13' dw $-box.doc box: dw 0 db 3, 'box' box.x: ; DisplayMode 13h (320w x 200h pixels) number of colors:256 mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; box width and height pop ax ; y coordinate (top left corner) pop bx ; x coordinate (top left corner) push dx ; restore return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save box width/height .top: cld ; go forwards (from left to right on screen) rep stosb ; write the colour pixel in al to video mov cx, dx ; restore box dimension .right: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, 320 ; down one row loop .right mov cx, dx ; restore box dimension .bottom: std rep stosb ; [es:di]++ <- AL register (al is the colour) mov cx, dx ; restore box dimension .left: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory sub di, 320 ; down one row loop .left ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 40 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 50 ; width and height of box call box.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display a hexagon starting at point (x y) with line length l --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; the offset vectors for drawing the sides of the hexagon hexagon.vector dw 1, 321, 319, -1, -321, -319 hexagon.doc: db 'Display a hexagon in video mode 13' dw $-hexagon.doc hexagon: dw 0 db 7, 'hexagon' hexagon.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; hexagon side length pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; y coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save hexagon side length xor bx, bx ; bx := 0, bx is a loop counter and table offset .nextside: mov cx, dx ; restore side length counter .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, [hexagon.vector+bx] ; down one row loop .nextpixel add bx, 2 ; point to next pixel vector cmp bx, 12 jne .nextside .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 40 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 60 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 5 ; width and height of box call hexagon.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display a octagon starting at point (x y) with line length l --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; the offset vectors for drawing the sides of the hexagon octagon.vector dw 1, 321, 320, 319, -1, -321, -320, -319 octagon.doc: db 'Display an octagon in video mode 13' dw $-octagon.doc octagon: dw 0 ; link to previous fn db 7, 'octagon' octagon.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop cx ; octagon side length pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; y coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save octagon side length xor bx, bx ; bx := 0, bx is a loop counter and table offset .nextside: mov cx, dx ; restore side length counter .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, [octagon.vector+bx] ; down one row loop .nextpixel add bx, 2 ; point to next pixel vector cmp bx, 16 jne .nextside .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 40 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 60 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 3 ; width and height of box call octagon.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display a line to any of the compass points starting at (x y) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; offsets by dir: no, ne, etc compass.vector dw -320, -319, 1, 321, 320, 319, -1, -321 compass.doc: db 'Displays a line from (x y) length |l| to north, north east, east' db ' south-east, west, etc. 1=north, 2=north east, 3=north west ...' db ' stack parameters (TOS: dir, length, y, x)' dw $-compass.doc compass: dw 0 db 7, 'compass' compass.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop si ; compass direction (1-8) 1=n, 2=ne, 3=e, 4=se etc pop cx ; line length pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; y coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 320 ; video screensize(x) = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov bx, si ; get compass direction into dx dec bx cmp bx, 8 ; only 8 directions (1-8) jg .exit ; not quite working add bx, bx ; bx := bx*2, since offset is word pointer .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to video memory add di, [compass.vector + bx] loop .nextpixel .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode mov cx, 8 ; try all eight directions .nextdir: push cx push 100 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 100 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; line length push cx ; next direction call compass.x pop cx loop .nextdir jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * display an arrow to any of the compass points starting at (x y) --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; offsets by dir: no, ne, etc arrow.offset dw -320, -319, 1, 321, 320, 319, -1, -321 arrow.doc: db 'Displays an arrow from (x y) length |l| to north, north east, east' db ' south-east, west, etc. 1=north, 2=north east, 3=north west ...' db ' stack parameters (TOS: dir, length, y, x)' dw $-arrow.doc arrow: dw 0 ; link to previous db 5, 'arrow' arrow.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop si ; compass direction (1-8) 1=n, 2=ne, 3=e, 4=se etc pop cx ; line length pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; y coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 320 ; video screensize(x) = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov bx, si ; get compass direction into dx dec bx cmp bx, 7 ; only 8 directions (1-8) jg .exit add bx, bx ; bx := bx*2, since offset is word pointer mov bx, [arrow.offset + bx] .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, bx loop .nextpixel ; try to add the arrow head sub di, 322 mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory sub di, 321 mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode mov cx, 8 ; try all eight directions .nextdir: push cx push 100 ; x coordinate of top left corner push 100 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; line length push cx ; next direction call arrow.x pop cx loop .nextdir jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * make lines of colour in video mode 13h --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ray: dw 0 db 3, 'ray' ray.x: ; DisplayMode 13h ; screen size.x = 0x0140, (320x200 pixels) ; screen size.y = 0x00C8 (200 pixels high) ; number of colors = 0x0100 ; address of pixel 0 = A000 mov cx, 0xFFFF ; draw lots of pixels mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory mov es, ax .pixel: mov ax, cx ; next pixel mov di, ax ; di = offset of pixel mov dl, cl ; dl = color of pixel, 256 colours mov [es:di], dl ; write pixel to memory loop .pixel ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode call ray.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, FILLED SHAPES .... We can draw shapes started at a point and continueing along a line, but for filled shapes another technique is required. ANIMATION The basic technique for animation is. Display something, wait, erase it, display something else, and so on cx=0 and dx=a2c2 gives about 24 frames per second. Good. * wait for about 1 second (cx:dx == 1000000 seconds) --------- mov cx, 0fh ; cx:dx microseconds to wait mov dx, 4240h mov ah, 86h int 15h ,,, cx=0x000F approx 1 second cx=0x0008 approx 1/2 second cx=0x0004 approx 1/4 seconds cx=0x0002 approx 1/8 seconds cx=0x0001 approx 1/16 seconds * a delay for about 24 frames per second --------- xor cx, cx mov dx, 0xa2c2 mov ah, 86h int 15h ,,, * display an animated octagon --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; the offset vectors for drawing the sides of the hexagon octagon.vector dw 1, 321, 320, 319, -1, -321, -320, -319 octagon.doc: db 'Display an octagon in video mode 13' dw $-octagon.doc octagon: dw 0 ; link to previous fn db 7, 'octagon' octagon.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop si ; colour pop cx ; octagon side length pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; y coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov ax, si ; colour in which to display ;mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov dx, cx ; save octagon side length xor bx, bx ; bx := 0, bx is a loop counter and table offset .nextside: mov cx, dx ; restore side length counter .nextpixel: mov [es:di], al ; write colour pixel to memory add di, [octagon.vector+bx] ; down one row loop .nextpixel add bx, 2 ; point to next pixel vector cmp bx, 16 jne .nextside .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode mov cx, 200 .nextframe: mov ax, 10 add ax, cx mov bp, ax ; save x pos in bp push cx push ax ; x coordinate of top left corner push 60 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; width and height of box push 0x000B ; hexagon colour ;push cx ; changing colour hexagon (256 colours) call octagon.x xor cx, cx ; cx := 0 mov dx, 0xa2c2 ; which seems good for animation ie DX=0xA2C2 mov ah, 86h ; wait for timer function int 15h ; bios interrupt mov ax, bp push ax ; x coordinate of top left corner push 60 ; y coordinate of top left corner push 10 ; width and height of box push 0x00 ; hexagon colour (black to erase) call octagon.x pop cx loop .nextframe jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, We can use the colour black to erase the sprite in very simple animations. * display a static sprite --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; data in format: width, height, pixel colour data row by row sprite.data db 3, 3, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 11, 0, 11 sprite.doc: db 'Displays a sprite on the screen at given coordinates' db ' takes on stack: TOS: colour pointer-to-sprite y x' dw $-sprite.doc sprite: dw 0 ; link to previous fn db 6, 'sprite' sprite.x: mov ax, 0xA000 ; address of 1st pixel in display memory (mode 13H) mov es, ax ; extended segment set to video memory pop dx ; juggle return address pop bp ; colour pop si ; pointer to sprite data pop ax ; y coordinate of starting point pop bx ; x coordinate push dx ; restore function return pointer mov dx, 0x0140 ; screenSize.x = 320 pixels mul dx ; ax *= dx, y offset of pixel add ax, bx ; add x offset of pixel mov di, ax ; di := offset of pixel in video memory mov ax, bp ; colour in which to display ;mov al, 0x0A ; al = color of pixel, 256 colours mov bp, si ; save data pointer add si, 2 ; si now points to data ;mov cx, [bp+1] mov cx, 9 .nextrow ;push cx .nextpixel: ;mov [es:di], byte [ds:si] ; write colour pixel to memory movsb ; write pixel at ds:si to es:di (video memory loop .nextpixel ;loop .nextrow .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ax, 0x0013 ; mode 13h = 320x200 at 8 bits/pixel. int 0x10 ; bios int 10h, ah=0, al=video mode push 60 ; x coord push 10 ; y coord push sprite.data ; pointer to pixel data push 0x000B ; sprite colour, not used call sprite.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, MEMORY MAPPED GRAPHICS .... much faster than the bios interrupt approach. Writes values directly to video memory, provided that these are in standard places. https://thiscouldbebetter.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/vga-mode-13h-in-assembly-with-direct-memory-writes/ A good complete example of writing graphics into memory The code below could be greatly simplified by removing the generality of the code and making it specific to mode 13h. Also the code demonstrates another way of writing a bootloader but doesnt seem to set up the stack properly. * display all colours in video mode 13 using memory accessed graphics ------------------------- use16 ; 16-bit mode org 0x7C00 ; address of the boot sector BootStageOne: ; mov ah,0x00 ; reset disk mov dl,0 ; drive number int 0x13 ; call BIOS interrupt routine ; ; load sectors from disk using BIOS interrupt 0x13 mov ah,0x02 ; function number: read sectors into memory mov al,0x10 ; number of sectors to read (more than we need) mov dl,0 ; drive number mov ch,0 ; cylinder number mov dh,0 ; head number mov cl,2 ; starting sector number mov bx,Main ; memory location to load to int 0x13 ; call BIOS interrupt routine ; jmp Main ; now that it's been loaded ; PadOutSectorOneWithZeroes: ; pad out all but the last two bytes of the sector with zeroes times ((0x200 - 2) - ($ - $$)) db 0x00 BootSectorSignature: dw 0xAA55 ; these must be the last two bytes in the boot sector ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Main: ; set mode to VGA 13h and draw the default palette ; push DisplayModeInstance13h call DisplayModeSet ; mov ax,0 ; pixel x mov bx,0 ; pixel y mov cx,[NumberOfColors] DrawEveryColorInPalette: ; push ax ; pixel x push bx ; pixel y mov dx,[NumberOfColors] sub dx,cx push dx ; pixel color index call DisplayPixelDrawXY ; inc ax cmp ax,[ColorsPerRow] jb NewRow mov ax,0 inc bx NewRow: loop DrawEveryColorInPalette ; ret ; NumberOfColors: dw 0x0100 ColorsPerRow: dw 0x0010 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DisplayMode: ; +0 = number ; +2 = screen size in pixels ; +4 = number of colors ; +6 = address of pixel 0 DisplayModeCurrent: dw 0x0000 DisplayModeInstance13h: dw 0x0013, DisplayModeInstance13hSize, 0x0100, 0xA000 DisplayModeInstance13hSize: dw 0x0140, 0x00C8 ; 320x200 DisplayModeSet: ; (displayModeToSet) ; push bp mov bp,sp push ax push si ; mov si,[bp+4] ; displayModeToSet ; mov ax,[si+0] ; displayModeToSet.number int 0x10 ; mov [DisplayModeCurrent],si ; pop si pop ax pop bp ret 2 DisplayPixelDrawXY: ; (posX, posY, color) ; push bp mov bp,sp ; push ax push cx push dx push si push di push es ; mov si,[DisplayModeCurrent] ; mov es,[si+6] ; address of display memory ; mov di,[si+2] ; bx = displayModeCurrent.screenSize mov cx,[di+0] ; cx = screenSize.x mov ax,[bp+6] ; ax = posY mul cx ; ax *= cx add ax,[bp+8] ; ax += posX mov di,ax ; di = offset of pixel ; mov dx,[bp+4] ; dl = color of pixel ; mov [es:di],dl ; write pixel to memory ; pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop ax ; pop bp ret 6 PadOutSectorsAllWithZeroes: times (0x2000 - ($ - $$)) db 0x00 ,,,, CURSOR SHAPE * set text-mode cursor shape. >> int 10h, ah=01h input: CH = cursor start line (bits 0-4) and options (bits 5-7). CL = bottom cursor line (bits 0-4). when bit 5 of CH is set to 0, the cursor is visible. when bit 5 is 1, the cursor is not visible. * hide blinking text cursor: ---------------------------- mov ch, 32 mov ah, 1 int 10h ,,, * show standard blinking text cursor: ------------------------------------- mov ch, 6 mov cl, 7 mov ah, 1 int 10h ,,, * show box-shaped blinking text cursor: --------------------------------------- mov ch, 0 mov cl, 7 mov ah, 1 int 10h jmp $ ; keep looping! times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * show a box cursor while reading keys --------------------------------------------------------- start: mov ch, 0 ; set up the cursor mov cl, 7 mov ah, 1 int 10h ; display the box cursor .repeat: mov ah, 0 int 16h ; read a key mov ah, 0eH int 10H ; display the last key pressed jmp .repeat times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, note: some bioses required CL to be >=7, otherwise wrong cursor shapes are displayed. COLOURS 16 colour mode uses a 4 bit encoding * * * * : I R G B where I=Intensity (eg dark or light green) and RGB means red, green, blue. The Intensity bit is also the 'blinking' bit in some modes (to make text blink) So we can change the intensity of a colour (from light to dark or vice-versa) by toggling the 1st bit of the nibble. This is not working when included in a bootloaded program, A very strange problem... when in a big program the colour print did not work. It seems to have to do with how far away code is from mov bx, colourcode.x, call bx Once I repositioned the word in the dictionary the colourprints started to work again. But normal ah=0x0E printing worked anyway. Very odd... ???... * print colour values in hex and binary ------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table glyph equ 'a' colourcode: dw 0 db 10, 'colourcode' colourcode.x: mov cx, 0x000F ; loop through all asci chars .nextchar: mov ah, 0x0E ; x86 int 0x10 type char function mov al, cl ; high nibble of ascii code to print mov bx, hextable ; pointer to digit translation table ; or just shr, since that fills with zeros??? rol al, 4 ; print first digit and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] int 10h ; invoke bios mov al, cl ; lower nibble of ascii code and al, 0x0F ; print high byte first xlatb ; replace al with hex digit al := [bx+al] int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 0x0E ; separate with a space mov al, ' ' int 10h ; white on background colour mov ah, 09h ; x86 bios colour print function mov al, glyph ; the char to print mov bl, cl ; shl bl, 4 ; make it a back colour (high nibble) or bl, 0b00001111 ; foreground white push cx mov cx, 24 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 09h ; x86 bios colour print function mov al, glyph ; spades char mov bl, cl ; shl bl, 4 ; make it a back colour (high nibble) or bl, cl ; foreground and back and bl, 0b01111111 ; make background dull push cx mov cx, 20 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 09h ; x86 bios colour print function mov al, glyph ; spades char mov bl, cl ; shl bl, 4 ; make it a back colour (high nibble) or bl, cl ; foreground and back and bl, 0b11110111 ; make foreground dull push cx mov cx, 16 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 09h ; x86 bios colour print function mov al, glyph ; spades char mov bl, cl ; shl bl, 4 ; make it a back colour (high nibble) or bl, cl ; foreground and back push cx mov cx, 12 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter ; color IRGBIRGB ; bl color bits: intensity,red,green,blue,intensity,red,green,blue ; 16 foreground colours are printed first, and then 8 background ; on top of them, covering the 1st 8, but not the second 8 mov ah, 09h ; colour print function mov al, glyph ; the character to print mov bl, cl ; cl is forground colour 0-15 push cx mov cx, 8 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 09h ; x86 bios colour print function mov al, glyph ; spades char mov bl, cl ; shl bl, 4 ; make it a back colour (high nibble) push cx mov cx, 4 ; print chars, cursor stays at beginning int 10h ; pop cx ; restore counter mov ah, 0x0E ; print a new line after each colour mov al, 13 int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h .end: cmp cx, 0 je .exit dec cx jmp .nextchar ; loop .nextchar ; loop is out of range, short jump .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; stosw uses es segment reg call colourcode.x jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; MBR boot signature ,,,, * turn on the blink/intensity bit for a coloured character ------------ mov ah, 9 mov al, 'a' mov bh, 0 mov bl, colour or bl, 10000000b mov cx, 1 int 10h ,,, COLOUR AND TEXT .... If we are in a graphics mode eg 13h then we can use bl to determine the colour of the text and we can write text to the screen!!! For some reason I assumed that it was not possible to write text to the screen in graphic video modes!!!! The bios in text mode is able to display text in 16 different colours. Write character and attribute at cursor position int 10h, ah=09h, al=character, bh=page number, bl=color, cx=number of times to print character The character colour attribute is 8 bit value in the BL register the low 4 bits set forground color, the high 4 bits set background color. * print intense red (fg) on intense blue (background) -------------- IRGBIRGB mov BL, 0b10101100 ,,, The cursor position is not changed after writing the characters * print "====" in green at the current cursor position ----------------------------------------------------- mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, '=' ; the character to print ; color IRGBIRGB ; bl color bits: intensity,red,green,blue,intensity,red,green,blue mov bl, 0b00000010 ; green on black at first page (bh=0) mov cx, 4 ; do it 4 times (cursor stays where it was) int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print 2 characters advancing cursor ----------------------------------------------------- mov cx, 1 ; number of characters to print mov ah, 09h ; bios function colour print mov al, '=' ; the character to print ; color IRGBIRGB mov bl, 0b00000010 ; green on black int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov ah, 03h ; bios function: get cursor position into dx int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment cursor column by 1 int 10h ; invoke bios mov cx, 1 ; number of characters to print mov ah, 09h ; bios function colour print mov bl, 0b01101111 int 10h ; colour print another = jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, The code below relies on the fact that the bios function AH=09h,BL=colour,CX=char-count does not update the cursor position after printing to the screen. So each iteration of the loop actually overwrites n-1 characters of the previous iteration * print digits 0-9 in 9 different colours ----------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0x0009 .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, cl ; the digit to print add al, '0' ; convert the digit to ascii mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 9 colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print digits 0-9 in 9 different colours in graphics mode ----------------------------------------- start: mov ah, 0 ; set graphics display mode function. mov al, 13h ; mode 13h int 10h ; set it! mov cx, 0x0009 .again mov ah, 0Eh ; the 'function' number mov al, cl ; the digit to print add al, '0' ; convert the digit to ascii mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 9 colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, The code below uses a trick: on the 1st iteration 16 stars are printed in a colour, on the 2nd iteration 15 stars in a different colour, but at the same location, thus overwriting all but the last of the 16 previous, and so on. * print 16 stars in 16 colours, or 15 ----------------------------------------- bigblock equ 219 ; ascii code for big block start: mov cx, 0x000F .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, '*' ; the character to print a star mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print a whole screen of colourfull blocks ----------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 bigblock equ 219 ; ascii code for big block blocks: dw 0 db 5, 'blocks' blocks.x: mov cx, 0x0FEF .again: mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, bigblock ; just a colour block mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours ;mov bx, cx ;mov bl, [bx] ; get random data from memory for random colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax call blocks.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, The word 'type' in forth is so named because it automatically advances the text cursor like a teletyper. The code uses a trick of writing the last letter first etc. The alternative to this is to update the cursor position after every character which is more work. In the code below if the string lenght is > 16 then background colours start to get printed. But this typer doesnt advance cursor * type some text in rainbow colours, forthstyle ----------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 14, 'rainbowrainbow' ; (stack: text buffer addr - ) typer: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 5, 'typer' ; fn counted name typer.h: pop ax ; balance return ip pop si push ax xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 bh := 0 so no background colours xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov cl, [si] ; the character count, used by loop and colours add si, cx ; set pointer to last char in string std ; make lodsb go in reverse .again: mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours lodsb ; get next char to al int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax push buffer call typer.h jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * type some text in rainbow colours, forthstyle ----------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 buffer db 14, 'rainbowrainbow' ; (stack: text buffer addr - ) typer: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 5, 'typer' ; fn counted name typer.h: xor bx, bx ; bx := 0 xor cx, cx ; set cx:=0 mov cl, [buffer] ; the character count, used by loop and colours .again: mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours mov al, [buffer+bx] ; print last char first n times, then overwrite int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax push buffer call typer.h jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, == Basic Bios Colours .. HEX BIN COLOUR .. 0, 0000 black .. 1 0001 blue .. 2 0010 green .. 3 0011 cyan .. 4 0100 red .. 5 0101 magenta .. 6 0110 brown .. 7 0111 light gray .. 8 1000 dark gray .. 9 1001 light blue .. A 1010 light green .. B 1011 light cyan .. C 1100 light red .. D 1101 light magenta .. E 1110 yellow .. F 1111 white ,,, * print "##" light blue on white at the current cursor position ----------------------------------------------------- mov ah, 0x09 ; bios function colour print mov al, '#' ; character to print mov bl, 0b11110001 ; blue on white background mov cx, 2 ; how many times to print character int 10h ; invoke bios function jmp $ ; infinite loop times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print a triangle of stars in 16 different colours ----------------------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0xF ; 16 colours .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number for colour print mov al, '*' ; the character to print mov bx, cx ; colour in cx counter at first page (bh=0) int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov ah, 0eH ; teletype function mov al, 10 ; a form-feed int 10h ; do it loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print a triangle of characters in 16 different colours ----------------------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; stack: - tri.doc db 'a triangle of colourful characters' dw $-tri.doc tri: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 3, 'tri' ; counted name of function tri.x: mov cx, 0xF ; 16 colours .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number for colour print mov al, cl ; the character to print add al, 'A'-1 ; convert al to ascii A-O letters mov bx, cx ; bl:1234 = bg colour, bl:5678 = fg colour ; colours bits: Intensity, Red, Green, Blue ; bh: page number (?) int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov ah, 0eH ; teletype function mov al, 10 ; a form-feed goes to beginning of next line int 10h ; x86 real-mode bios interrupt loop .again ; loop while cx > 0 ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax call tri.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print a triangle of characters in 16 different colours ----------------------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0xF ; 16 colours .again push cx mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number for colour print mov al, 'Z' sub al, cl ; the character to print mov bx, cx ; colour in cx counter at first page (bh=0) mov cx, 1 int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov dx, 0 ;mov bh, 00h ; assume page 0 mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx int 10h mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position specified in dx inc dl int 10h ;mov ah, 0eH ; teletype function ;mov al, 10 ; a form-feed ;int 10h ; do it pop cx loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * change whole screen colours to white on blue ----------------------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; stack: - blue.doc db 'change video colours to white on blue' dw $-blue.doc blue: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 4, 'blue' ; fn counted name blue.x: mov ah, 0Bh ; mov bh, 0 mov bl, 11110001b ; bl: white:blue (Intensity Red Green Blue) int 10h mov ah, 0eH ; print some character mov al, '#' int 10H ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax call blue.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print blue then green, no !!! not working ----------------------------------------------------- mov ah, 0Bh mov bh, 0 mov bl, 00010000b ; blue on black int 10h mov ah, 0eH ; print the character mov al, '#' int 10h mov ah, 0Bh mov bh, 0 mov bl, 00100000b ; green on black int 10h mov ah, 0eH ; print the character mov al, '#' int 10h jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, BACKGROUND COLOURS .... * print ribbons of background colours ----------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; stack: - patch.doc db 'displays a columns of colour' dw $-patch.doc patch: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 5, 'patch' ; fn counted name patch.x: mov cx, 0x05FF .again: mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, ' ' ; the character to print a space mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours shl bl, 4 ; the 4 top bits are background colour int 10h ; x86 bios interrupt loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax call patch.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print 16 background colours ----------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0x00FF .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, ' ' ; the character to print a space mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, ARTFUL COLOURS .... * print 16 colours, with 16 backgrounds ----------------------------------------- start: mov cx, 0x00FF .again mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number mov al, '*' ; the character to print a star mov bl, cl ; use the CX counter to cycle thru 16 colours int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print some ascii digit in colour by advancing cursor ----------------------------------------------------- jmp start start: mov cx, 9 .again: push cx mov ah, 09h ; bios function colour print mov al, cl ; the digit to print add al, '0' ; convert digit to ascii mov bl, cl ; colour in counter CX mov cx, 1 ; number of characters to print int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 03h ; bios function: get cursor position into dx int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment cursor column by 1 int 10h ; invoke bios pop cx loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, * print all ascii chars in colour by advancing cursor ----------------------------------------------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; stack: - asci.doc db 'colourful ascii in 16 columns' dw $-asci.doc asci: dw 0 ; link to next dict word or null db 4, 'asci' ; fn counted name asci.x: mov cx, 0x00FF .again: push cx mov ah, 09h ; bios function colour print mov al, 0xFF ; print ascending order sub al, cl ; the ascii char to print mov bl, cl ; colour in counter CX and bl, 0x0F ; only print foreground colours mov cx, 1 ; number of characters to print int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 03h ; bios function: get cursor position into dx int 10h ; invoke bios mov ah, 02h ; bios function: set cursor position specified in dx inc dl ; increment cursor column by 1 int 10h ; invoke bios pop cx test cl, 0b00001111 ; 32 characters to a line jne .here mov ah, 0eH ; bios 'teletype' function mov al, 10 ; form feed char int 10H ; invoke bios mov al, 13 ; return char int 10H ; invoke bios .here: loop .again ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax call asci.x jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, CHESS The start of a chess engine written in a forth style * print one chess square algebraically --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start chess.board: db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 printsquare.doc: db 'Prints in algebraic notation one chess square, given an offset' db 'takes offset on stack as parameter. Squares are 0-63, with ' db 'a1==0, b1==1, a2==8 ...h8=63 ' dw $-printsquare.doc printsquare: dw 0 ; link to previous db 11, 'printsquare' printsquare.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn ip pop ax ; get offset into ax push dx ; restore return mov bl, 8 ; could be done faster with AND 0b00000111 etc ; but printing squares isnt time critical div bl ; al:=quotient, ah:=remainder eg 1r2 push ax ; save quotient/remainder mov al, ah ; remainder -> al for printing add al, 'a' ; convert column to chess column (a-h) mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al pop ax ; restore quotient/remainder mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function add al, '1' ; convert row to ascii digit int 10h ; print char in al ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 63 ; eg h8 call printsquare.x push 0 ; eg a1 call printsquare.x push 11 ; eg d2 call printsquare.x jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * a sketch of how to write a chess engine in a forth style --------------- BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:load ; Goto segment 07C0 drive db 0 ; a variable to hold boot drive number load: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax mov [drive], dl ; save the boot drive number mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax ; with a 4K gap between stack and code mov sp, 4096 ; save the DL register or else dont modify it ; it contains the number of the boot medium (hard disk, ; usb memory stick etc) ; The 'floppy' Drive is NOT necesarily 0!!! reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, [drive] ; the boot drive number (eg for usb 128) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 8 ; Load 5 sectors ie 512 bytes * 5 == 2.5K ; try mov cx, 0x0002 ; cylinder 0, sector 2 mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 (sector 1 is the boot sector) mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, [drive] ; int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the loaded code times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; pad out the boot sector (512 bytes) dw 0AA55h ; end with standard boot signature ; this below is the magic line to make the new memory offsets ; work. Or compile the 2 files separately ; https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2160.0 section stage2 vstart=0 jmp start ; the code to be loaded and executed ; cs is ok because of far jump ; is ds and es ok ? no, but stack seems ok ; a list of chars which can be used to print the pieces for moves piece.char db '0PNBRQK |' ; first is empty, 10 is off the side ; characters for text board ;piece.render db '.PNBRQK |' ; first is empty, 10 is off the side piece.render db '.', 0x1E, 0xA4, 0x06, 0xCB, 'Q', 0x0B db ' |' pawnglyph equ 0x1E kingglyph equ 0x0C rookglyph equ 0x01 ; symbolic constants for pieces. same or as vectors ; we can get the offset from "pieces:" to get its appropriate "vector" pieces: empty equ 0 pawnw equ 1 knightw equ 2 bishopw equ 3 rookw equ 4 queenw equ 5 kingw equ 6 side equ 10 ; pawnb - 8 will give pawnw, if this is useful pawnb equ 9 knightb equ 10 bishopb equ 11 rookb equ 12 queenb equ 13 kingb equ 14 ; The vectors are what we can add to SI from-square ; to get DI to-square ; we need the vector table to look up the right vector ; the first element of the vectors is a count vectortable dw 6 ; a count, makes piece symbolic value match table dw pawn.vector, knight.vector, bishop.vector dw rook.vector, queen.vector, king.vector ; vectors are zero terminated for convenience offsets start at "north" and ; go clockwise. These offset are for a 12x8 board. The board being 12 bytes ; wide makes the "off side of board" check very efficient. pawn.vector dw 12, 0 ; and '20' but only on rank 2 knight.vector dw 25, 14, -10, -23, -25, -14, 10, 23, 0 bishop.vector dw 13, -11, -13, 11, 0 rook.vector dw 12, 1, -12, -1, 0 queen.vector dw 12, 13, 1, -11, -12, -13, -1, -11, 0 ; 1st is count king.vector dw 12, 13, 1, -11, -12, -13, -1, -11, 0 ; 1st is count board.doc: db 'puts a pointer to the board data structure onto the stack ' db ' board contains, turn, history, score and squares' dw $-board.doc board: dw 0 ; link to previous db 5, 'board' board.x: pop dx ; juggle fn return pointer push board.data push dx ret board.data: turn: dw 0 ; who to play, white 0 or black 1 history: ; this is the depth search dw 0 ; count of moves dw 0,0,0,0,0 ; array of from-square, to-square score: dw 0 ; current board score squares: db side, side, 0, 0, rookw, 0, 0, 0, pawnw, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, knightw, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, 0, 0, knightw, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, side, side db side, side, 0, 0, pawnw, 0, kingw, 0, 0, 0, side, side ;1E triangle pawn ;0C female simbol king printpiece.doc: db 'just prints asci version of piece value for debug' dw $-printpiece.doc printpiece: dw board ; link to previous db 10, 'printpiece' printpiece.x: pop dx pop si ; piece symbolc value (1-7 etc) push dx ; restore fn add si, piece.char ; 0=empty, 1=pawn ..., 10=side lodsb mov ah, 0x0e int 10h ret printvector.doc: db 'just print the piece vectors for debugging' db ' takes symbolic piece value on the stack ' db ' - modify to loop until zero termination ' dw $-printvector.doc printvector: dw printpiece ; link to previous db 11, 'printvector' printvector.x: ; just print each vector pop dx pop bx ; piece symbolic value push dx shl bx, 1 ; bl := bl*2 , since vectortable pointer is word not byte mov si, [vectortable+bx] ; ;xor cx, cx ; set cx = 0, so that count in cl works ;lodsb ; get count into al. al := [di]++ ;mov cl, al ; vector count into cl mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '>' ; some start char int 10h ; print char in al .next: lodsw ; get next vector into al cmp ax, 0 ; zero terminated vectors je .exit ; exit if at end of piece vector test ax, ax ; see if ax is negative jns .print ; if not negative just skip push ax ; save move offset mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '-' ; print a negative indicator int 10h ; print char in al pop ax ; restore move offset neg ax ; make positive for printing .print: ; piece jumps are at most 2 decimal digits so we ; will assume here that the quotient after div 10 ; is the 1st digit mov bl, 10 ; divide by 10 ;xor ah, ah ; this is necessary !! not sure why div bl ; do ax/10, ah=remainder, al=quotient mov bl, ah ; just save ah mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function cmp al, 0 ; if 1st digit is zero, dont print it je .second add al, '0' ; convert 1st digit to ascii int 10h ; print char in al (quotient) .second: mov al, bl ; print second digit add al, '0' ; convert 2nd digit to ascii int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; separator for vectors int 10h ; print char in al jmp .next .exit: ret printsquare.doc: db 'Prints in algebraic notation one chess square, given an offset' db 'takes offset on stack as parameter. valid Squares are 0-95 with' db ' valid squares 2-8, 14-20, 26-32 etc, ' db ' all other offsets being off the side of the board. ' db 'also prints piece on the square ' dw $-printsquare.doc printsquare: dw printvector ; link to previous db 11, 'printsquare' printsquare.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn ip pop ax ; get offset into ax push dx ; restore return push ax ; save square offset ; this is hacked together but demostrates an important ; technique. ie. getting the piece by value on a square on ; the board xor bx, bx ; set bx = 0. mov bx, ax ; get square offset into bx mov bl, [squares+bx] ; get the piece value on square into bx mov al, [piece.char+bx] mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al pop ax ; restore square offset ; valid squares 2-8, 14-20, 26-32 etc, ; technique is subtract 12 repeatedly from offset, counting ; loops. the count is the rank and 2-9 offset is the file xor cx, cx ; set loop counter = 0 .again: inc cx cmp ax, 10 jb .print sub ax, 12 jmp .again .print: add al, 'a'-2 ; convert column to chess column (a-h) mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al mov al, cl ; board rank (1-8) add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h ; print char in al ret printmove.doc: db 'Prints in algebraic notation one chess move, given square offsets' db 'on the stack as parameters. [tos: to, from] Squares are 0-95, with ' db 'a1==2, b1==3, h1==8 ...h8=63 ' db ' need to add capture X to move printout' dw $-printmove.doc printmove: dw 0 ; link to previous db 9, 'printmove' printmove.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn ip pop bx ; get to-square offset (0-63) into ax pop ax ; get from-square offset (0-63) into bx push dx ; restore return push bx ; save bx (to-square) push ax xor bx, bx ; set bx = 0. mov bx, ax ; get square offset into bx mov bl, [squares+bx] ; get the piece value on square into bx mov al, [piece.char+bx] mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al pop ax pop bx ; restore to-square xor cx, cx ; set loop counter = 0 .again: inc cx cmp ax, 10 ; 9 is last square on 1st rank jb .print sub ax, 12 jmp .again .print: add al, 'a'-2 ; convert column to chess column (a-h) mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al mov al, cl ; board rank (1-8) add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h ; print char in al mov ax, bx ; get to-square into ax push ax ; save ax (to-square offset) xor bx, bx ; set bx = 0. mov bx, ax ; get square offset into bx mov bl, [squares+bx] ; get the piece value on square into bx mov al, '-' ; default move separator (no capture) cmp bl, side ; check for move off the side of the board jne .empty mov al, '?' ; illegal move indicator jmp .separator .empty: cmp bl, 0 ; is to-square empty? je .separator mov al, 'x' ; capture indicator .separator: mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h bios 'print char' function int 10h ; print square separator al pop ax ; restore to-square offset xor cx, cx ; set loop counter = 0 .againx: inc cx cmp ax, 10 ; 9 is last square on 1st rank jb .printx sub ax, 12 jmp .againx .printx: add al, 'a'-2 ; convert column to chess column (a-h) mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function int 10h ; print char in al mov al, cl ; board rank (1-8) add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; print - as separator int 10h ; print char in al .exit: ret textboard.doc: db 'Prints an asci chess board with a1 in the lower left hand' db 'corner. So print a8 -> h8, then a7 -> h7 etc ' db 'maybe make custom glyphs and write them into bios asci ' db 'memory to make a nicer text board' db ' also an asci box around this would be nice' dw $-textboard.doc textboard: dw printmove ; link to previous db 9, 'textboard' textboard.x: mov dx, 86 .nextrow: mov cx, 8 ; 8 squares per row mov bx, piece.render ; translation table mov si, squares ; square a8 on 12x8 board add si, dx ; start of next row, eg 86, 74, 62, ... 14, 2 mov ah, 0x0e ; print char .nextsquare: lodsb ; get 1st square into al xlatb ; replace al with char in piece.chars table int 10h loop .nextsquare mov al, 13 ; print new line int 10h mov al, 10 int 10h sub dx, 12 cmp dx, 0 jg .nextrow .exit: mov cx, 8 ; print algebraic file labels a-h .letters: mov al, 'i' ; 'h'+1, last file sub al, cl mov ah, 0x0e ; print char int 10h loop .letters ret twodigit.doc: db 'just prints a signed 2 digit number in decimal' dw $-twodigit.doc twodigit: dw textboard ; link to previous db 6, '2digit' twodigit.x: pop dx ; balance return pointer pop ax ; get signed 2 digit number into ax push dx ; restore .next: cmp ax, 99 ; if its > 99 we cant show it here jg .toobig cmp ax, -99 ; if its < -99 we cant show it here jl .toosmall test ax, ax ; see if al is negative jns .print ; if not negative just skip push ax ; save ah and al mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '-' ; print a negative indicator int 10h ; print char in al pop ax ; restore ah and al (the digit) neg ax ; make positive for printing .print: ; we will assume here that the quotient after div 10 ; is the 1st digit mov bl, 10 ; divide by 10 ;xor ah, ah ; this is necessary !! not sure why div bl ; do ax/10, ah=remainder, al=quotient mov bl, ah ; just save ah mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function cmp al, 0 ; if 1st digit is zero, dont print it je .second add al, '0' ; convert 1st digit to ascii int 10h ; print char in al (quotient) .second: mov al, bl ; print second digit add al, '0' ; convert 2nd digit to ascii int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; separator for vectors int 10h ; print char in al .exit: ret .toobig: mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '!' ; show a message indicating number to big int 10h ; print char in al mov al, '>' ; int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; int 10h ; print char in al ret .toosmall: mov ah, 0x0e ; int 10h 'print char' function mov al, '!' ; a message that number is too small (< -99) int 10h ; print char in al mov al, '<' ; int 10h ; print char in al mov al, ' ' ; int 10h ; print char in al ret onepiece.doc: db 'finds all legal moves for one piece on a chess board' db 'Use bx as vector pointer. si as start square, di as end square.' db ' still need to deal with black/white logic ' dw $-onepiece.doc onepiece: dw twodigit ; link to last fn db 6, '1piece' onepiece.x: ; now for next piece logic here, but put it in a ; different function eg "allmoves". scan squares to find next ; piece of white or black. could use bp as a square pointer? pop dx pop si ; the piece square (0-95) push dx ; restore fn return pointer xor bx, bx mov bl, [squares+si] ; get the piece value on square into bx cmp bl, 0 ; empty square so find a piece je .exit ;push bx ;call printvector.x ;ret shl bl, 1 ; bl := bl*2 , since vectortable pointer is word not byte mov bx, [vectortable+bx] ; get piece vector sub bx, 2 ; otherwise will skip the first vector .turn: ; next direction for piece moves add bx, 2 ; bx is word pointer in move offset vector push si pop di ; set si := di (from-square == to-square) mov dx, [bx] ; get move offset from piece vector cmp dx, 0 ; vectors are zero terminated je .exit ; no more turns, so exit or nextpiece .nextmove: add di, dx ; eg 2 + 8 (rook move) ; find out what di is ;pusha ;push di ;call twodigit.x ;popa ; check legality etc cmp di, 95 ; is move off top of board? jg .turn ; move off board so try next move offset cmp di, 0 ; is move off bottom of board? jl .turn ; move off board so try next move offset mov al, [squares+di] ; get piece on to-square cmp al, 0 ; if yes move legal no turn je .showmove cmp al, side ; off the side of the board so illegal je .turn ; cmp al, 8 jl .turn ; own piece so illegal move ; else opposition piece so legal move, but must turn ; again .showmove: inc cx ; increment a move counter pusha ; conserve all general purpose regs, since printmove mods them push si ; from-square push di ; to-square call printmove.x popa mov al, [squares+di] ; get piece on from-square cmp al, 8 ; if destination square is opposition then must turn jg .turn ; logic to turn when it is a knight or king etc ; that is a piece that can only move one square mov al, [squares+si] ; get the piece value on square into al cmp al, knightw ; knights must turn je .turn cmp al, kingw ; kings must turn je .turn cmp al, pawnw ; pawns must turn ? je .turn jmp .nextmove .exit: ;push si ;call printsquare.x ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ;mov [bos.n], sp ; set up stack call textboard.x ;push 4 ; c1 - from-square ;push 28 ; g2 - to-square. eg h1-g2 ;call printmove.x push 16 ; c1 (with a rook on it ) ;call printsquare.x push 17 ; d1 (with a rook on it ) ;call printsquare.x push 4 ; c1 - from-square ;call onepiece.x jmp $ ; halt here ,,, USEFULL PROCEDURES This section contains a set of hopefully useful proceedures * print a zero terminated string with address in the SI register ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message db 'A function to print',13,10,0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, message ; Put string position into SI call prints ; Call our string-printing routine hang: jmp hang ; Jump here - infinite loop! ;# prints ; output zero terminated string in SI to screen prints: mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .again: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .again .done: ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * a proceedure to print a character in colour and advance cursor ----------------------------------------------------- start: mov al, 'G' mov cx, 0xF .again: mov bl, cl ; some colour call putcc loop .again jmp $ ; loop forever ; proc: print a coloured character (in AL) and colours (in BL) putcc: push ax push bx push cx push dx mov bh, 0 ; assume we are working in the first page mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number for colour print mov cx, 1 ; print the character once int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx int 10h mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position function inc dl ; increment the column position int 10h pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, The code below needs to perform a modulus on BL to make the colours cycle through the 16 allowable text mode colours * a procedure to 'rainbow' print some text (each letter a new colour) ----------------------------------------------------- jmp start message db '8086 in realmode rainbow!@#$%^&*', 0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, message ; Put string position into SI call printcolour jmp $ ; loop forever ; proc: print a string in rainbow colour ; string address in SI printcolour: push bx .resetcolour: mov bl, 1 ; colours start from 1 because 0 is black .repeat: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 ; is the character byte 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string call putcc ; Otherwise, print it in colour cmp bl, 15 ; if bl is at the last colour reset it je .resetcolour inc bl jmp .repeat .done: pop bx ret ; print a coloured character (in AL) and colours (in BL) putcc: push ax ; save registers to the stack push bx push cx push dx mov bh, 0 ; assume we are working in the first page mov ah, 09h ; the 'function' number for colour print mov cx, 1 ; print the character once int 10h ; do it with a bios interrupt mov ah, 03h ; get cursor position into dx int 10h mov ah, 02h ; set cursor position function inc dl ; increment the column position int 10h pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,,, READING FROM DISKS The AH=02h, int 13h function allows reading from a 'floppy' (or usb emulating a floppy) or a hard drive. This is probably the most important function of a 'bootloader', that is, it must load something (code) from the disk in order to overcome the 1 sector (512byte) limit of the bootsector. Some pundits say that resetting and reading should be tried 3 times. In the case of a real floppy the first read may not work because the device takes some time to 'spin up' etc. These factors should not apply to a usb memory stick. * read and print some text which is in the 2nd sector ----------------- BITS 16 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 (=A) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0, 'floppy' (or usb key) int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again mov al, [es:bx] ; print 2 characters loaded mov ah, 0eh int 10h mov al, [es:bx+1] int 10h hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h data db 'some sample data',0 ,,, * read 1 sector into a variable in the data sector ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 (=A) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, ds ; ES:BX = this data segment, message variable mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, message ; load into the 'message' variable buffer mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 1 ; Load 1 sector, 512 bytes mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0, 'floppy' (or usb key) int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again mov ah, 0eh mov al, [message] ; print 2 characters loaded int 10h mov al, [message+1] int 10h hang: jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h data db 'loaded data',0 message times 512 db 0 ,,, * read 1 sector and print out the string data ----------------- BITS 16 jmp start message.reset db 'resetting the floppy',13,10,0 message.read db 'reading 1 sector',13,10,0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov si, message.reset call prints mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 (=A) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov si, message.read call prints mov ax, ds ; ES:BX = this data segment, message variable mov es, ax ; es:bx determines where data loaded to mov bx, message ; load into the 'message' variable buffer mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 1 ; Load 1 sector, 512 bytes mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0, 'floppy' (or usb key) int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again mov si, message call prints hang: jmp hang %include 'prints.asm' times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h data db 'loaded data',0 message times 512 db 0 ,,, WRITING TO DISKS The bios contains functions (under INT 13h) for writing to the 'floppy' disk (nowdays a usb memory stick which is emulating a floppy) or to a hard disk. We must be VERY thoughtful when writing to a hard disk, or we will end up with the computer completely unusable!!!!!. The same applies to the floppy but perhaps the consequences are less catastrophic. * write to hard disk, dont do it!!! you wont have a working comp ---------- xor ax, ax mov es, ax ; ES <- 0 mov cx, 1 ; cylinder 0, sector 1 mov dx, 0080h ; DH = 0 (head), drive = 80h (0th hard disk) mov bx, 5000h ; segment offset of the buffer mov ax, 0301h ; AH = 03 (disk write), AL = 01 (number of sectors to write) ;int 13h ,,, The code below should check that we are not writing to a hard disk (eg DL=80h) because doing so will probably render the computer unusable at all! * write to the boot medium (a usb stick hopefully) ---------- ; see the read disk section for some better code ; to do this xor ax, ax mov es, ax ; ES := 0 mov cx, 1 ; cylinder 0, sector 1 mov dh, 0 ; head 0 mov dl, 0 ; 1st floppy but not usb memory stick mov bx, 5000h ; segment offset of the buffer mov ah, 03 ; disk write mov al, 01 ; write only 1 sector (512 bytes) int 13h ,,, WRITE TO FLOPPY OR USB .... The happy answer is that a simple technique allows the same boot sector code to access a floppy disk image on a USB flash drive whether it was booted with floppy disk emulation or hard drive emulation. If dl=80h (hard drive emulation) * get drive parameters ------------- int 13h, ah=8 Return: ch=maximum sector number (same as number of sectors per track) dh=maximum head number (just add 1 to get number of heads) ,,, This returned information describes the geometry of the emulated device (if dl=0 then it's standard floppy disk geometry - 18 sectors per track and 2 heads). This can be used to calculate the required Cylinder Head Sector information required for: READ SECTOR(S) int 13h, ah=2 WRITE SECTOR(S) int 13h, ah=3 CMOS http://wiki.osdev.org/CMOS good cmos and realtime clock information http://vitaly_filatov.tripod.com/ng/asm/asm_029.3.html more timer info. REAL TIME CLOCK RTC .... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3215878/what-are-in-out-instructions-in-x86-used-for excellent low level device examples in assembler https://github.com/cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples/blob/9a24f92f36a45abb3f8c37aafc0c3ee9b15563ab/in_rtc.S complete assembler example The real time clock keeps track of the time even when the computer is turned off. It is located on the cmos chip of x86 computers. Reading the rtc information from the cmos is simple. just send a register select to port address 0x70 and read the answer from 0x71. But we should check that an update is not in progress. So we can block while the highest bit of 0x0A register is set * eg ------- while out_byte(0x70, 0x0A); in_byte(0x71) & 0x80 / eg in 0x71; test is true, block ,,, Another trick is to check the values twice in succession and wait for equal results to be returned to make sure garbage is not being read. * check if the cmos rtc uses binary code decimal results ---------- out_byte(0x70, 0x0B); in_byte(0x71) & 0x40 is true, then not BCD, otherwise must convert ,,, * converting BCD binary coded decimal to binary ------------------ second = (second & 0x0F) + ((second / 16) * 10); all the same, except hour hour = ( (hour & 0x0F) + (((hour & 0x70) / 16) * 10) ) | (hour & 0x80); ,,, * get rtc info from the cmos -------------- out_byte(0x70, 0x00); second in_byte(0x71); out_byte(0x70, 0x02); minute in_byte(0x71); out_byte(0x70, 0x04); hour in_byte(0x71); etc day = get_RTC_register(0x07); month = get_RTC_register(0x08); year = get_RTC_register(0x09); ,,,, Or just get the number of seconds from rtc for testing The seconds and hour appear to be binary coded decimal Check if the real time clock is set to UTC or local time. Gotcha! dothexbyte is modifying the cx register We can use dothexbyte to print the time because the cmos clock is often in BCD format. * a very terse way to print the time, but harder to read ------------------- mov cx, 3 ; 3 components of the time (hour:minute:seconds) .next: mov al, cl ; al loops 321: 0x04 hour, 0x02 minute, 0x00 seconds sub al, 1 ; al loops 210 shl al, 1 ; al loops 420, which is correct for cmos select reg out 0x70, al ; address rtc minute register in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg push cx ; gotcha! .hexbyte modifies cx counter push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print bcd hour:minute:seconds pop cx ; restore cx counter mov al, ':' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 loop .next ,,, * print the current time from the cmos real time clock ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table ; ** dw 0 dothexbyte: dw 0 ; link db 8, '.hexbyte' dothexbyte.x: pop bx ; fn return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dl, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again ret ; * ; ** time.doc: db 'Displays the time from the cmos real time clock', 13, 10 db 'eg: time /displays current time', 13, 10 db 'See also: clock', 13, 10 dw $-time.doc time: dw dothexbyte ; link db 4, 'time' time.x: mov al, 0x0A ; check if an update in progress ? necessary? out 0x70, al ; address reg in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg test al, 0x80 ; is high bit set? mov al, 0x04 ; select Hour out 0x70, al ; address rtc minute register in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print bcd hour mov al, ':' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x02 ; select minutes out 0x70, al ; address rtc minute register in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print minutes mov al, ':' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x00 ; select seconds out 0x70, al ; address reg in al, 0x71 ; get data from data reg xor ah, ah ; set ah := 0 push ax ; put seconds on stack call dothexbyte.x ; print number of seconds ret ; * start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 0x140F ; show clock at row 20, column 15 call time.x jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, * get real time clock info from the cmos chip, working code ------------------ BITS 16 [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start selectRegister equ 0x70 ; cmos rtc select register dataRegister equ 0x71 ; cmos rtc data register hextable db "0123456789ABCDEF" ; digit translation table dothexbyte.doc: db 'displays a 1 byte number in hex format', 13, 10 db 'eg: 255 .hexbyte /displays FF', 13, 10 db 'Stack: (n --> )', 13, 10 db 'See also .hex .s . .byte ...', 13, 10 dw $-dothexbyte.doc dothexbyte: dw 0 db 8, '.hexbyte' dothexbyte.x: pop bx ; fn return address pop dx ; the number to print (parameter on stack) push bx ; restore return address mov ah, 0x0E ; bios teletype function mov bx, hextable ; translation table mov cx, 2 ; number of digits to print .again: rol dl, 4 ; rotate left 4 bits (print highest first) mov al, dl ; bits to convert to hex digit and al, 0x0F ; only lower 4 bits relevant xlatb ; replace al with hex digit in translation table int 10H ; invoke bios print function loop .again ret sec db 0 ; saved seconds position dw 0 ; row, column where clock will show ; ie high byte= row, low byte = column clock.doc: db 'Displays updating time and date from the cmos real time clock', 13, 10 db 'at x,y row column position ', 13, 10 db 'eg: 0902 clock /displays clock at row 9, col 2', 13, 10 dw $-clock.doc clock: dw 0 db 5, 'clock' clock.x: pop dx ; juggle return fn pop word [position] ; parameter where clock will be shown push dx .updating: mov al, 0x0A ; check if an update in progress out 0x70, al ; address reg in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg test al, 0x80 ; is high bit set? ; push ax ; call dothex.x ; jne .updating ; makes an infinite loop in qemu mov ah, 02h ; x86 bios: set cursor position specified in dx mov dx, [position] int 10h ; bios interrupt mov al, 0x00 ; select seconds out 0x70, al ; address reg in al, 0x71 ; get data from data reg cmp al, [sec] ; only print if seconds have changed je .updating mov [sec], al ; save current seconds mov al, 0x04 ; select Hour out 0x70, al ; address rtc minute register in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg ; print hour in al in hex format push ax call dothexbyte.x mov al, ':' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x02 ; select minutes out 0x70, al ; address rtc minute register in al, 0x71 ; get data from cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print minutes mov al, ':' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, [sec] ; get saved seconds xor ah, ah ; set ah := 0 push ax ; put seconds on stack call dothexbyte.x ; print number of seconds mov al, ' ' ; print a space between time and date mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x07 ; Day of month out 0x70, al ; cmos select reg in al, 0x71 ; cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print day of month mov al, '/' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x08 ; Month out 0x70, al ; cmos select reg in al, 0x71 ; cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print month mov al, '/' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov al, 0x09 ; Year out 0x70, al ; cmos select reg in al, 0x71 ; cmos data reg push ax call dothexbyte.x ; print year in hex mov al, ' ' mov ah, 0x0E int 0x10 mov ah, 0x01 ; x86 bios check if keypress available int 0x16 jz .updating ; loop if no keypress .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax push 0x140F ; show clock at row 20, column 15 call clock.x jmp $ ; loop forever or hlt ? times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, SHUTDOWN COMPUTER APM http://wiki.osdev.org/Shutdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21463908/x86-instructions-to-power-off-computer-in-real-mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/678458/shutdown-the-computer-using-assembly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3145569/how-to-power-down-the-computer-from-a-freestanding-environment https://github.com/cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples/blob/master/apm_shutdown.S good gas example of shutting down TIME AND TIMERS AND PIT https://github.com/cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples/blob/9a24f92f36a45abb3f8c37aafc0c3ee9b15563ab/in_pit.S complete example of pit usage in assembler Pit is the programmable interrupt timer INT 08H is a timer interrupt generated I think every 42milliseconds but see below for a easier way to time code INT 1Ah / AH = 00h - get system time. return: CX:DX = number of clock ticks since midnight. You can use interrupt 1Ah / function 00h (GET SYSTEM TIME) to get the number of clock ticks (1/18.2 s) since midnight in CX:DX. If you don’t actually need to use the timer tick interrupt directly, there is a much easier alternative. You could code the program to poll the count of the timer ticks since midnight that the BIOS maintains in the DWORD at offset address 6Ch in the BIOS data area, located at segment address 40h. The polling loop could compare the count to the value saved on the previous loop, and if the count had changed, indicating that a timer tick had occurred, save the count (for use in the next loop), call Interrupt 1Ah, etc, and continue looping. CLOCK TICKS .... INT 1Ah / AH = 00h - get system time. return: CX:DX = number of clock ticks since midnight. AL = midnight counter, advanced each time midnight passes. notes: there are approximately 18.20648 clock ticks per second, and 1800B0h per 24 hours. AL is not set by the emulator. Back to Top There is some problem with the code below... But it would be handy for getting random numbers * wait for 1 second --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start ticks.doc: db 'Clock ticks since midnight (18.2 ticks per seconds)' dw $-ticks.doc ticks: dw 0 ; link to previous db 5, 'ticks' ticks.x: mov ah, 00h int 1Ah ; result in cx:dx ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax ;mov cx, 10 .next: ;push cx ; save counter ;call ticks.x mov ah, 00h int 1Ah ; this interrupt is causing some prob, no stack??? mov ax, dx mov bl, 10 div bl ; al:=quotient, ah:=remainder mov al, ah ; get ready to print last digit of ticks add al, '0' ; convert to digit ;mov al, 'Z' ; convert to digit mov ah, 0eH ; bios print char in al int 10H ; print it ;pop cx ; restore counter ;loop .next jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, TIMING CODE .... * time some code ------------- [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; start label in segment 07C0 tick.doc: db ' Pushes number of clock ticks on stack' dw $-tick.doc tick: dw 0 ; link to previous dict word or null db 4, 'tick' ; forth counted name tick.x: mov ah, 00h ; interrupts to get system time int 1Ah ; cx:dx now holds number of clock ticks since midnight pop bx ; balance return pointer push dx ; push result clock ticks on stack push bx ; restore return pointer .exit: ret start: mov ax, cs ; the code segment is already correct (?!) mov ds, ax ; set up data and extended segments mov es, ax ; print with stosw call tick.x mov cx, -1 ; loop lots of times and time it .again: push cx pop cx loop .again call tick.x pop ax ; last timer pop bx ; first timer sub ax, bx ; last - first is time taken to do code mov ah, 0x0e ; print char func add al, '0' ; convert to asci digit int 10h jmp $ ; loop forever times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xAA55 ,,, WAITING AND DOING NOTHING FOR SOME TIME .... * wait one second (1000000 microseconds) ---------- mov cx, 0fh mov dx, 4240h mov ah, 86h int 15h ,,,, * wait for 1 second --------------- [org 0] jmp 07C0h:start sleep.doc: db 'Just waits for some time' dw $-sleep.doc sleep: dw 0 ; link to previous db 4, 'wait' sleep.x: mov cx, 0fh ; cx:dx microseconds to wait mov dx, 4240h mov ah, 86h int 15h ret start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov cx, 10 .next: mov al, 'Z' ; print something mov ah, 0eH ; teletype AL bios function int 10H call sleep.x loop .next jmp $ ; halt here times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature ,,, BIOS In real mode, the bios provides all sorts of useful functions for reading and writing and displaying * get information about the current bios ---------------------- mov ah, C0h int 15h ;this returns a table of information ,,,, GOTCHAS * watch out, dividend is only 1 byte! so AH? is undefined! ------------ mov AX, [dividend] jmp $ dividend db 54 ,,, FASM Fasm is the 'free assembler' and appears to be less actively maintained than 'nasm' ASSEMBLY AND NASM Nasm is the 'netwide assembler' and appears actively maintained. Assembly language programming has the reputation as a egregious wrongheaded persuit, the domain of casino card counters and their ilk. But its really not that bad. LABELS .... labels may be local (starting with a dot) or non local. local ones for some reason need a non local one before them. * error, nasm doesnt like this ----- .again jmp .again ,,,, * ok nasm is happy ----- start: .again jmp .again ,,,, ASSEMBLING AND ORGANISING WITH NASM .... The program below seems to work even without initializing the stack, which is odd, since a procedure needs to use it. * a program which includes a proceedure in a separate file -------- jmp start start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov al, 0xEE mov bl, 2 call printi8 hang: jmp hang %include 'printi8.asm' times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the file with 0's dw 0AA55h ; End the file with AA55 ,,, VARIABLES .... Variables in assembly language a just buffers of initialised or reserved but uninitialised data. No more no less. The rest is up to you * move the value in the DL register into memory ------------ jmp start drive db 0 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; first set data-segment=code-segment mov ds, ax ; so that [drive] points to where it should mov [drive], dl mov ah, 0eh mov al, [drive] ; prints the value as an ascii character int 10h ; not useful but better than nothing hang: jmp hang ,,, * print the first two characters of a string ------------ jmp start message db 'hello!' start: mov ah, 0eh mov al, [message] int 10h mov al, [message+1] int 10h hang: jmp hang ,,, VIM AND ASM Vim can be used to compile and run bootable assembly code with qemu. Use control alt F to exit full screen in qemu Use left control alt to get the mouse back from qemu * a command to write the next assembly proceedure to its own file >> command! -nargs=1 Asp /^ *[a-z0-9]\+:/,/^ *ret *$/w <args>.asm * map the key sequence ';as' to compile the whole file with nasm >> map ;as :!nasm -f bin % -o %:r.bin<cr> In the examples below, the complete assembly program is supposed to be within 2 'markers' within a document. The markers are '---' on a line by itself and ',,,' on a line by itself. These 2 markers mark the beginning and end of the assembly program within the document. * just compile an assembly program within a document >> map ;cc :?^ *---?+1,/,,,/-1w ! ( cat - ) > test.asm; nasm -fbin -o test.bin test.asm; * compile and run a fragment of boot assembly with nasm and qemu, fullscreen >> map ;aa :?^ *---?+1,/,,,/-1w ! ( cat - ) > test.asm; nasm -fbin -o test.bin test.asm; mkdosfs -C test.flp 1440; dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=test.bin of=test.flp; qemu-system-i386 -full-screen -noframe -fda test.flp * compile and run a fragment inserting bootload code >> map ,B :?^ *---?+1,/,,,/-1w ! ( cat - ) \| sed '/\[bootload\]/r bootload.asm' > test.asm; nasm -fbin -o test.bin test.asm; mkdosfs -C test.flp 1440; dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=test.bin of=test.flp; qemu-system-i386 -noframe -fda test.flp ; eg: sed '/[bootload]/r bootload.txt' * compile and run whole file with qemu >> map ,f :!nasm -fbin -o %:r.bin %; sudo mkdosfs -C test.flp 1440; dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=%:r.bin of=test.flp; qemu-system-i386 -no-frame -fda test.flp * build fragments and compile >> map ,B :!./build.pl > all.asm; nasm -fbin -o all.bin all.asm; sudo mkdosfs -C test.flp 1440; dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=all.bin of=test.flp; qemu-system-i386 -no-frame -fda test.flp * no qemu window decorations, stop with control-c >> qemu-system-i386 -no-frame test.flp * qemu fullscreen, stop with control-c >> qemu-system-i386 -full-screen test.flp The command line above may have a problem if the test.flp file already exists and is no good since mkdosfs will not overwrite it. The following is useful for determining how much space is left within a boot file (which is limited to 512 bytes) * see how big a compiled file is without 512 byte padding >> map ;bb :?^ *---?+1,/,,,/-1w ! ( sed -n '/times/\!p' ) > test.asm; nasm -fbin -o test.bin test.asm; ls -la DOCUMENT NOTES This section contains some meta information about the document. DANIELS NASM BOOT TIPS xxx http://home.swipnet.se/smaffy/asm/info/nasmBoot.txt author: Daniel Marjamäki (daniel.marjamaki@home.se) The basics ---------- These are the rules that you must follow: - The BIOS will load your bootloader at address 07C00h. Sadly, the segment and offset varies. - Bootstraps must be compiled as plain binary files. - The filesize for the plain binary file must be 512 bytes. - The file must end with AA55h. A minimal bootstrap ------------------- This bootstrap just hangs: ; HANG.ASM ; A minimal bootstrap hang: ; Hang! jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the file with 0's dw 0AA55h ; End the file with AA55 note: $ means the current memory offset in the assembled machine code. $$ the beginning memory offset The last instruction puts AA55 at the end of the file. To compile the bootstrap, use this command: nasm hang.asm -o hang.bin If you want to test the bootstrap, you must first put it on the first sector on a floppy disk. You can for example use 'dd' or 'rawrite'. When the bootstrap is on the floppy, test it by restarting your computer with the floppy inserted. The computer should hang then. The memory problem ------------------ There is a memory problem. As I've written bootstraps are always loaded to address 07C00. We don't know what segment and offset the BIOS has put us in. The segment can be anything between 0000 and 07C0. This is a problem when we want to use variables. The solution is simple. Begin your bootstrap by jumping to your bootstrap, but jump to a known segment. Here is an example: ; JUMP.ASM ; Make a jump and then hang ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax hang: ; Hang! jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h If you compile and test this bootstrap, there will be no visible difference to the minimal bootstrap presented earlier. The computer will just hang. Solutions to the exercises -------------------------- 1. ; 1.ASM ; Print "====" on the screen and hang ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ah, 9 ; Print "====" mov al, '=' ; mov bx, 7 ; mov cx, 4 ; int 10h ; hang: ; Hang! jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h 2. ; 2.ASM ; Print "Hello Cyberspace!" on the screen and hang ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 ; Declare the string that will be printed msg db 'Hello Cyberspace!' start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov si, msg ; Print msg print: lodsb ; AL=memory contents at DS:SI cmp al, 0 ; If AL=0 then hang je hang mov ah, 0Eh ; Print AL mov bx, 7 int 10h jmp print ; Print next character hang: ; Hang! jmp hang times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h 3. ; 3.ASM ; Load a program off the disk and jump to it ; Tell the compiler that this is offset 0. ; It isn't offset 0, but it will be after the jump. [ORG 0] jmp 07C0h:start ; Goto segment 07C0 start: ; Update the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax reset: ; Reset the floppy drive mov ax, 0 ; mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 (=A) int 13h ; jc reset ; ERROR => reset again read: mov ax, 1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000 mov es, ax ; mov bx, 0 ; mov ah, 2 ; Load disk data to ES:BX mov al, 5 ; Load 5 sectors mov ch, 0 ; Cylinder=0 mov cl, 2 ; Sector=2 mov dh, 0 ; Head=0 mov dl, 0 ; Drive=0 int 13h ; Read! jc read ; ERROR => Try again jmp 1000h:0000 ; Jump to the program times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h This is a small loadable program. ; PROG.ASM mov ah, 9 mov al, '=' mov bx, 7 mov cx, 10 int 10h hang: jmp hang This program creates a disk image file that contains both the bootstrap and the small loadable program. ; IMAGE.ASM ; Disk image %include '3.asm' %include 'prog.asm' MIKEOS SIMPLE OS GUIDE How to write a simple operating system This document shows you how to write and build your first operating system in x86 assembly language. It explains what you need, the fundamentals of the PC boot process and assembly language, and how to take it further. The resulting OS will be very small (fitting into a bootloader) and have very few features, but it's a starting point for you to explore further. After you have read the guide, see [6]the MikeOS project for a bigger x86 assembly language OS that you can explore to expand your skills. Requirements Prior programming experience is essential. If you've done some coding in a high-level language like PHP or Java, that's good, but ideally you'll have some knowledge of a lower-level language like C, especially on the subject of memory and pointers. For this guide we're using Linux. OS development is certainly possible on Windows, but it's so much easier on Linux as you can get a complete development toolchain in a few mouse-clicks/commands. Linux is also really good for making floppy disk and CD-ROM images - you don't need to install loads of fiddly programs. Installing Linux is very easy thesedays; grab Ubuntu and install it in VMware or VirtualBox if you don't want to dual-boot. When you're in Ubuntu, get all the tools you need to follow this guide by entering this in a terminal window: sudo apt-get install build-essential qemu nasm This gets you the development toolchain (compiler etc.), QEMU PC emulator and the NASM assembler, which converts assembly language into raw machine code executable files. PC PRIMER .... If you're writing an OS for x86 PCs (the best choice, due to the huge amount of documentation available), you'll need to understand the basics of how a PC starts up. Fortunately, you don't need to dwell on complicated subjects such as graphics drivers and network protocols, as you'll be focusing on the essential parts first. When a PC is powered-up, it starts executing the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), which is essentially a mini-OS built into the system. It performs a few hardware tests (eg memory checks) and typically spurts out a graphic (eg Dell logo) or diagnostic text to the screen. Then, when it's done, it starts to load your operating system from any media it can find. Many PCs jump to the hard drive and start executing code they find in the Master Boot Record (MBR), a 512-byte section at the start of the hard drive; some try to find executable code on a floppy disk (boot sector) or CD-ROM. This all depends on the boot order - you can normally specify it in the BIOS options screen. The BIOS loads 512 bytes from the chosen media into its memory, and begins executing it. This is the bootloader, the small program that then loads the main OS kernel or a larger boot program (eg GRUB/LILO for Linux systems). This 512 byte bootloader has two special numbers at the end to tell the OS that it's a boot sector - we'll cover that later. Note that PCs have an interesting feature for booting. Historically, most PCs had a floppy drive, so the BIOS was configured to boot from that device. Today, however, many PCs don't have a floppy drive - only a CD-ROM - so a hack was developed to cater for this. When you're booting from a CD-ROM, it can emulate a floppy disk; the BIOS reads the CD-ROM drive, loads in a chunk of data, and executes it as if it was a floppy disk. This is incredibly useful for us OS developers, as we can make floppy disk versions of our OS, but still boot it on CD-only machines. (Floppy disks are really easy to work with, whereas CD-ROM filesystems are much more complicated.) So, to recap, the boot process is: 1. Power on: the PC starts up and begins executing the BIOS code. 2. The BIOS looks for various media such as a floppy disk or hard drive. 3. The BIOS loads a 512 byte boot sector from the specified media and begins executing it. 4. Those 512 bytes then go on to load the OS itself, or a more complex bootloader. For MikeOS, we have the 512-byte bootloader, which we write to a floppy disk image file (a virtual floppy). We can then inject that floppy image into a CD, for PCs that only have CD-ROM drives. Either way, the BIOS loads it as if it was on a floppy, and starts executing it. We have control of the system! Assembly language primer Most modern operating systems are written in C/C++. That's very useful when portability and code-maintainability are crucial, but it adds an extra layer of complexity to the proceedings. For your very first OS, you're better off sticking with assembly language, as used in MikeOS. It's more verbose and non-portable, but you don't have to worry about compilers and linkers. Besides, you need a bit of assembly to kick-start any OS. Assembly language (or colloquially "asm") is a textual way of representing the instructions that a CPU executes. For instance, an instruction to move some memory in the CPU may be 11001001 01101110 - but that's hardly memorable! So assembly provides mnemonics to substitute for these instructions, such as mov ax, 30. They correlate directly with machine-code CPU instructions, but without the meaningless binary numbers. Like most programming languages, assembly is a list of instructions followed in order. You can jump around between various places and set up subroutines/functions, but it's much more minimal than C# and friends. You can't just print "Hello world" to the screen - the CPU has no concept of what a screen is! Instead, you work with memory, manipulating chunks of RAM, performing arithmetic on them and putting the results in the right place. Sounds scary? It's a bit alien at first, but it's not hard to grasp. At the assembly language level, there is no such thing as variables in the high-level language sense. What you do have, however, is a set of registers, which are on-CPU memory stores. You can put numbers into these registers and perform calculations on them. In 16-bit mode, these registers can hold numbers between 0 and 65535. Here's a list of the fundamental registers on a typical x86 CPU: AX, BX, CX, DX General-purpose registers for storing numbers that you're using. For instance, you may use AX to store the character that has been pressed on the keyboard, while using CX to act as a counter in a loop. (Note: these 16-bit registers can be split into 8-bit registers such as AH/AL, BH/BL etc.) SI, DI Source and destination data index registers. These point to places in memory for retrieving and storing data. SP The Stack Pointer (explained in a moment). IP (sometimes CP) The Instruction/Code Pointer. This contains the location in memory of the instruction being executed. When an instruction has finished, it is incremented and moves on to the next instruction. You can change the contents of this register to move around in your code. So you can use these registers to store numbers as you work - a bit like variables, but they're much more fixed in size and purpose. There are a few others, notably segment registers. Due to limitations in old PCs, memory was handled in 64K chunks called segments. This is a really messy subject, but thankfully you don't have to worry about it - for the time being, your OS will be less than a kilobyte anyway! In MikeOS, we limit ourselves to a single 64K segment so that we don't have to mess around with segment registers. The stack is an area of your main RAM used for storing temporary information. It's called a stack because numbers are stacked one-on-top of another. Imagine a Pringles tube: if you put in a playing card, an iPod Shuffle and a beermat, you'll pull them out in the reverse order (beermat, then iPod, and finally playing card). It's the same with numbers: if you push the numbers 5, 7 and 15 onto the stack, you will pop them out as 15 first, then 7, and lastly 5. In assembly, you can push registers onto the stack and pop them out later - it's useful when you want to store temporarily the value of a register while you use that register for something else. PC memory can be viewed as a linear line of pigeon-holes ranging from byte 0 to whatever you have installed (millions of bytes on modern machines). At byte number 53,634,246 in your RAM, for instance, you may have your web browser code to view this document. But whereas we humans count in powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000 etc. - decimal), computers are better off with powers of two (because they're based on binary). So we use hexadecimal, which is base 16, as a way of representing numbers. See this chart to understand: Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 13 14 As you can see, whereas our normal decimal system uses 0 - 9, hexadecimal uses 0 - F in counting. It's a bit weird at first, but you'll get the hang of it. In assembly programming, we identify hexadecimal (hex) numbers by tagging a 'h' onto the end - so 0Ah is hex for the number 10. (You can also denote hexadecimal in assembly by prefixing the number with 0x - for instance, 0x0A.) Let's finish off with a few common assembly instructions. These move memory around, compare them and perform calculations. They're the building blocks of your OS - there are hundreds of instructions, but you don't have to memorise them all, because the most important handful are used 90% of the time. mov Copies memory from one location or register to another. For instance, mov ax, 30 places the number 30 into the AX register. Using square brackets, you can get the number at the memory location pointed to by the register. For instance, if BX contains 80, then mov ax, [bx] means "get the number in memory location 80, and put it into AX". You can move numbers between registers too: mov bx, cx. add / sub Adds a number to a register. add ax, FFh adds FF in hexadecimal (255 in our normal decimal) to the AX register. You can use sub in the same way: sub dx, 50. cmp Compares a register with a number. cmp cx, 12 compares the CX register with the number 12. It then updates a special register on the CPU called FLAGS - a special register that contains information about the last operation. In this case, if the number 12 is bigger than the value in CX, it generates a negative result, and notes that negative in the FLAGS register. We can use this in the following instructions... jmp / jg / jl... Jump to a different part of the code. jmp label jumps (GOTOs) to the part of our source code where we have label: written. But there's more - you can jump conditionally, based on the CPU flags set in the previous command. For instance, if a cmp instruction determined that a register held a smaller value than the one with which it was compared, you can act on that with jl label (jump if less-than to label). Similarly, jge label jumps to 'label' in the code if the value in the cmp was greater-than or equal to its compared number. int Interrupt the program and jump to a specified place in memory. Operating systems set up interrupts which are analogous to subroutines in high-level languages. For instance, in MS-DOS, the 21h interrupt provides DOS services (eg as opening a file). Typically, you put a value in the AX register, then call an interrupt and wait for a result (passed back in a register too). When you're writing an OS from scratch, you can call the BIOS with int 10h, int 13h, int 14h or int 16h to perform tasks like printing strings, reading sectors from a floppy disk etc. Let's look at some of these instructions in a little more detail. Consider the following code snippet: mov bx, 1000h mov ax, [bx] cmp ax, 50 jge label ... label: mov ax, 10 In the first instruction, we move the number 1000h into the BX register. Then, in the second instruction, we store in AX whatever is in the memory location pointed to by BX. This is what the [bx] means: if we just did mov ax, bx it'd simply copy the number 1000h into the AX register. But by using square brackets, we're saying: don't just copy the contents of BX into AX, but copy the contents of the memory address to which BX points. Given that BX contains 1000h, this instruction says: find whatever is at memory location 1000h, and put it into AX. So, if the byte of memory at location 1000h contains 37, then that number 37 will be put into the AX register via our second instruction. Next up, we use cmp to compare the number in AX with the number 50 (the decimal number 50 - we didn't suffix it with 'h'). The following jge instruction acts on the cmp comparison, which has set the FLAGS register as described earlier. The jge label says: if the result from the previous comparison is greater than or equal, jump to the part of the code denoted by label:. So if the number in AX is greater than or equal to 50, execution jumps to label:. If not, execution continues at the '...' stage. One last thing: you can insert data into a program with the db (define byte) directive. For instance, this defines a series of bytes with the number zero at the end, representing a string: mylabel: db 'Message here', 0 In our assembly code, we know that a string of characters, terminated by a zero, can be found at the mylabel: position. We could also set up single byte to use somewhat like a variable: foo: db 0 Now foo: points at a single byte in the code, which in the case of MikeOS will be writable as the OS is copied completely to RAM. So you could have this instruction: mov byte al, [foo] This moves the byte pointed to by foo into the AL register. That's the essentials of x86 PC assembly language, and enough to get you started. When writing an OS, though, you'll need to learn much more as you progress, so see the [7]Resources section for links to more in-depth assembly tutorials. __________________________________________________________________ Your first OS Now you're ready to write your first operating system kernel! Of course, this is going to be extremely bare-bones, just a 512-byte boot sector as described earlier, but it's a starting point for you to expand further. Paste the following code into a file called myfirst.asm and save it into your home directory - this is the source code to your first OS. BITS 16 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, text_string ; Put string position into SI call print_string ; Call our string-printing routine jmp $ ; Jump here - infinite loop! text_string db 'This is my cool new OS!', 0 print_string: ; Routine: output string in SI to screen mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function .repeat: lodsb ; Get character from string cmp al, 0 je .done ; If char is zero, end of string int 10h ; Otherwise, print it jmp .repeat .done: ret times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature Let's step through this. The BITS 16 line isn't an x86 CPU instruction; it just tells the NASM assembler that we're working in 16-bit mode. NASM can then translate the following instructions into raw x86 binary. Then we have the start: label, which isn't strictly needed as execution begins right at the start of the file anyway, but it's a good marker. From here onwards, note that the semicolon (;) character is used to denote non-executable text comments - we can put anything there. The following six lines of code aren't really of interest to us - they simply set up the segment registers so that the stack pointer (SP) knows where our handy stack of temporary data is, and where the data segment (DS) is located. As mentioned, segments are a hideously messy way of handling memory from the old 16-bit days, but we just set up the segment registers and forget about them. (The references to 07C0h are the equivalent segment location at which the BIOS loads our code, so we start from there.) The next part is where the fun happens. The mov si, text_string line says: copy the location of the text string below into the SI register. Simple enough! Then we use call, which is like a GOSUB in BASIC or a function call in C. It means: jump to the specified section of code, but prepare to come back here when we're done. How does the code know how to do that? Well, when we use a call instruction, the CPU increments the position of the IP (Instruction Pointer) register and pushes it onto the stack. You may recall from the previous explanation of the stack that it's a last-in first-out memory storage mechanism. All that business with the stack pointer (SP) and stack segment (SS) at the start cleared a space for the stack, so that we can drop temporary numbers there without overwriting our code. So, the call print_string says: jump to the print_string routine, but push the location of the next instruction onto the stack, so we can pop it off later and resume execution here. Execution has jumped over to print_string: - this routine uses the BIOS to output text to the screen. First we put 0Eh into the AH register (the upper byte of AX). Then we have a lodsb (load string byte) instruction, which retrieves a byte of data from the location pointed to by SI, and stores it in AL (the lower byte of AX). Next we use cmp to check if that byte is zero - if so, it's the end of the string and we quit printing (jump to the .done label). If it's not zero, we call int 10h (interrupt our code and go to the BIOS), which reads the value in the AH register (0Eh) we set up before. Ah, says the BIOS - 0Eh in the AH register means "print the character in the AL register to the screen!". So the BIOS prints the first character in our string, and returns from the int call. We then jump to the .repeat label, which starts the process again - lodsb to load the next byte from SI (it increments SI each time), see if it's zero and decide what to do. The ret at the end of our string-printing routine means: "we've finished here - return back to the place where we were called by popping the code location from the stack back into the IP register". So there we have a demonstration of a loop, in a standalone routine. You can see that the text_string label is alongside a stream of characters, which we insert into our OS using db. The text is in apostrophes so that NASM knows it's not code, and at the end we have a zero to tell our print_string routine that we're at the end. Let's recap: we start off by setting up the segment registers so that our OS knows where the stack pointer and executable code resides. Then we point the SI register at a string in our OS binary, and call our string-printing routine. This routine scans through the characters pointed to by SI and displays them until it finds a zero, at which point it returns back into the code that called it. Then the jmp $ line says: keep jumping to the same line. (The '$' in NASM denotes the current point of code.) This sets up an infinite loop, so that the message is displayed and our OS doesn't try to execute the following string! The final two lines are interesting. For a PC to recognise a valid floppy disk boot sector, it has to be exactly 512 bytes in size and end with the numbers AAh and 55h (the boot signature). So the first of these lines says: pad out our resulting binary file to be 510 bytes in size. Then the second line uses dw (define a word - two bytes) containing the aforementioned boot signature. Voila: a 512 byte boot file with the correct numbers at the end for the BIOS to recognise. Let's build our new OS. In a terminal window, in your home directory, enter: nasm -f bin -o myfirst.bin myfirst.asm Here we assemble the code from our text file into a raw binary file of machine-code instructions. With the -f bin flag, we tell NASM that we want a plain binary file (not a complicated Linux executable - we want it as plain as possible!). The -o myfirst.bin part tells NASM to generate the resulting binary in a file called myfirst.bin. Now we need a virtual floppy disk image to which we can write our bootloader-sized kernel. Copy mikeos.flp from the disk_images/ directory of the MikeOS bundle into your home directory, and rename it myfirst.flp. Then enter: dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=myfirst.bin of=myfirst.flp This uses the 'dd' utility to directly copy our kernel to the first sector of the floppy disk image. When it's done, we can boot our new OS using the QEMU PC emulator as follows: qemu -fda myfirst.flp And there you are! Your OS will boot up in a virtual PC. If you want to use it on a real PC, you can write the floppy disk image to a real floppy and boot from it, or generate a CD-ROM ISO image. For the latter, make a new directory called cdiso and move the myfirst.flp file into it. Then, in your home directory, enter: mkisofs -o myfirst.iso -b myfirst.flp cdiso/ This generates a CD-ROM ISO image called myfirst.iso with bootable floppy disk emulation, using the virtual floppy disk image from before. Now you can burn that ISO to a CD-R and boot your PC from it! (Note that you need to burn it as a direct ISO image and not just copy it onto a disc.) Next you'll want to improve your OS - explore the MikeOS source code to get some inspiration. Remember that bootloaders are limited to 512 bytes, so if you want to do a lot more, you'll need to make your bootloader load a separate file from the disk and begin executing it, in the same fashion as MikeOS. Going further So, you've now got a very simple bootloader-based operating system running. What next? Here are some ideas: * Add more routines -- You already have print_string in your kernel. You could add routines to get strings, move the cursor etc. Search the internet for BIOS calls which you can use to achieve these. * Load files -- The bootloader is limited to 512 bytes, so you don't have much room. You could make the bootloader load subsequent sectors on the disk into RAM, and jump to that point to continue execution. Or you could read up on FAT12, the filesystem used on floppy drives, and implement that. (See source/bootload/bootload.asm in the MikeOS .zip for an implementation.) DOCUMENT-NOTES: # this section contains information about the document and # will not normally be printed. # A small (16x16) icon image to identify the book document-icon: # A larger image to identify or illustrate the title page document-image: # what sort of document is this document-type: book # in what kind of state (good or bad) is this document document-quality: just begun document-history: @@ 10 nov 2011 started this booklet after seeing the 'mikeos' site and realising that writing a bootable program in realmode x86 code should not be that difficult. Also found a good page describing how to load a program from a floppy image and execute it (to overcome the 512 byte boot sector limit) @@ 17 march 2015 a little bit more work, trying to amplify the forth section @@ july 2016 The mikeos site seems to be unmaintained now, but I have made progress. I started writing simple forth words and have progressed to 'find' which is the most complicated so far. My interest is in total minimalism. In 400bytes we can have something useful- eg a hex converter. * 28 july 2016 Finally got a working extensible forth-like system bootloading correctly, with an absolute minimum of words like find, accept, exec, type, count. Just enough to enter and execute commands. No compiling words yet. * august 2016 On going work. Building up forth style functions. Thinking about token-threaded (opcode) virtual machine, for portability Universal naming for functions, eg code.debug.dump with the prefix put in a table header. * oct 2016 a few animations etc. * november 2016 created a separate bootloader file so as not to clutter up examples with bootloading code. * 24 november 2016 extensive forth coding this month. created a simple byte code system. worked on the "core" forth system (a non-compiling) system. discovered a tricky bug where an extra zero was being put on the stack by the interp: word. hence plus and dump were not working. realised that mixing the data stack with the machine stack is tricky... on the stack the first and last items are return function pointers put there by x86 "call" instructions. Found another even trickier bug involving the bstack word (removed) causing list: to fail ... # who wrote this authors: mjbishop # a short description of the contents, possible used for doc lists short-description: # A computer language which is contained in the document, if any code-language: forth, asm, nasm, x86 # the script which will be used to produce html (a webpage) make-html: ./book-html.sh # the script which will produce 'LaTeX' output (for printing, pdf etc) make-latex: ./booktolatex.cgi