&& The LaTeX Book Transformation Script ---------------------------------: This is a test file for the "booktex" script which is "supposed" to render a text file into latex. ##(comments can appear on a line by themselves) Comments: ##(can be preceded as well) @@ bumble.sf.net A site about language @@ http://www.vim.org The Vim text editor @@ www.google.com The search engine ==>> escape codes .. \ - The command character, and others .. $ - Math typesetting, delimiter, .. %, The comment - character, .. ^, Math superscript character, .. ^, Actual carrot, .. &, Tabular column separator, .. _, Math superscript character, .. ~, Non-breaking space; to put the tilde over a letter, .. #, Macro parameter symbol, .. {, Argument start delimiter .. }, Argument end delimiter .., THE GOTCHAS * be careful about white space in bash statements >> d=2 NOT d = 2 >> if [ $a -le 5 ] NOT if [ $a -le 5] * scripts with MS Windows newlines \r\n will not run >> #!/bin/bash\r\n ##(doesnt work, use 'dos2unix' tool) OTHER PROBLEMS .... * be careful about special characters ------------------------------------- This forms part of a multiline block which should be displayed 'literally' &, ^ % \begin \end special characters should not be "escaped" within "verbatim" blocks ,,, COLOURS Colours on the screen can be obtained using Ansi escape sequences and the 'echo' command * show redish text >> echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;31m Light Red on a grey background" >> echo -e "\033[1;31m Light Red " == a list of colour escape codes .. .. Black, 0;30 .. Dark Gray, 1;30 .. Red, 0;31 .. Bold Red, 1;31 ..; .. A CGI SCRIPT * make a cgi script to display the query string ----------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh echo "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" echo "
the query string is $QUERY_STRING" 2>&1 ,,, SEARCHING TEXT * search for comment lines in a file >> grep '^#'