language and parsing
This directory contains a series of booklets, or documents describing various computer and software related tasks. Practically all the material in these books relates to "open source software" A great deal of this software will also run on the Microsoft Windows operating system. The books are designed to be practical manuals for carrying out specific tasks, or what is referred to as a "cook-book".
These booklets are really just notes or recipes that I maintain for myself when I need to learn how to do a specific unixy task. Nevertheless over time they have become substantial and useful at least to me.
So book folders also contain significant code applications.
for example the osdev/
contains the os.asm
contains a bootable x86 forth-like system. Also the folder
gh/ contains a virtual parsing machine and language which is
at a useful stage of development.
# document notes:
# a small icon which may represent this folder in lists of folders
# icon: