plain text
bumble ...
Here is a collection of code that I have been working on over a
number of years. Much of the code relates to language and parsing
and to attempts to reimagine how software is created. This means
that simplicity and minimalism are considered virtues.
Thanks to sourceforge for this great longterm hosting.
Main current projects (2019)
- The pattern parser virtual machine and script language
- A number of years ago, while walking in the Spanish countryside
an interesting idea suddenly occured to me. It had to do with
how language is "parsed" and how it would be possible to create
a virtual machine to control that parsing process. The result of
this idea is in the folder /books/pars/ and the main source code
file in Example scripts are in
the /books/pars/eg/ folder. The code is now at a useful stage
(june 2020).
- A Forth like stack-machine and language
- It seemed to me interesting to ask the question: what is the
simplest useful software system, that could be understood by
an ordinary person and added to in a constructive organised way.
The answer is "Forth", an old system that has completely fallen
out of favour, for very good reasons. But I have tried to
resurrect this amazing stack-machine system and include some
modern ideas. The code is at (for an x86 system)
It is a bootable (real mode) x86 bytecode system. I think that
it may be possible to include the first ideas (the parsing
virtual machine) to create a tiny flexible layer ontop of the
portable forth-machine, in order to allow simple expressive
languages and syntaxes to be used with forth (rather than
extending the forth language itself). If this is combined with
techniques to allow collaboration between programmers
(universal namespaces and a tcp stack), I think this could result
in a tiny portable powerful modern minimalistic system.
- Arduino port of the forth system
- An arduino atmega 328p seems to be a good base system for
testing the practicality of the code systems I have outlined
above. For this reason I have started to code the forth system
on the avr atmega328p using the same bytecode system as for
the x86. The code is incomplete but is at
Other things that may have taken way too much time over the years
but seemed interesting at the time.
- Booklets
A collection of booklets about various free software subjects.
As I use certain programs, I like to keep notes about how I
did something: "recipes". This has resulted in some useful
"booklets" of recipes for common tasks. The mosts comprehensive
are the vim booklet and the bash booklet.
- Kanji
A set of printable html flash cards for learning japanese kanji.
- Notes
about the scripts used to generate the pages on this site
- Various scripts and bits of code (see the directories listed)
edit a file *.ee or *.eebb