&& the Linux Writer Booklet ---------------------------: This booklet is about writing using the Linux operating system. The booklet focusses more on the process of writing and translating text. It may also include some information about publishing and printing finished works. The booklet will focuss on tasks which a writer will frequently needs, such as version control, translation, looking up dictionaries, copying and pasting etc. OTHER RELEVANT BOOKLETS @@ http://bumble.sf.net/books/vim/vim-book.txt A booklet about the 'vim' text editor, an annoying but powerful way to write documents COMPARING DOCUMENTS @@ diff compare text files @@ vimdiff another way * use vim to get colorful diff output >> svn diff | view - * diff will usually only take one file from STDIN. This is a method >> diff <(cd /path-1; find . -type f -print | egrep -i '\.m4a$|\.mp3$') <(cd /path-2; find . f -print | egrep -i '\.m4a$|\.mp3$') DICTIONARIES Linux can access web-based and local dictionaries easily DICT .... Dict is both software and a protocol for simply accessing dictionaries in english and other languages. * look up the word 'tree' with the dict software >> dict tree * look up the word 'tree' and display verbose output >> dict -v tree RUNING A LOCAL DICTIONARY SERVER .... * dowload dictionaries data files >> wget ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/pre/ * install the dictd server >> sudo apt-get install dictd * start the server with something like ?? >> /sbin/service dictd start * put 'server localhost' in '/etc/dict.conf' * put something like -------------------- database dbname1 { data "/path/to/dict/files/dbname1.dict.dz" index "/path/to/dict/files/dbname1.index" } in '/etc/dictd.conf' ,,, VERSIONING DOCUMENTS COLLABORATING WITH OTHER AUTHORS TRANSLATION youtranslate A small and possibly useless app using google or babel fish DICTIONARIES SPELL CHECKING PUBLISHING WORK # work carried out on this document @@ 11 may 2010 This document was begun, probably because I do a lot of writing myself and therefore am interested in tools and techniques to make it easier. * Word-based diff on reformatted text files >> diff -uw <(fmt -1 {file1, file2}) * Converts to PDF all the OpenOffice.org files in the directory >> for i in $(ls *.od{tp]); do unoconv -f pdf $i; done