% ------------------------------------------- % latex generated by: booktolatex.cgi % from source file : ../htdocs/books/linux-web/linux-web-book.txt % on: 19 April 2024, 7:14pm % querystring: books/linux-web/linux-web-book.txt % document-root: /var/www/html % script-name: /cgi-bin/booktolatex.cgi % Server-name: bumble.sourceforge.net % Sed-script: booktolatex.sed % ------------------------------------------- \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=0.4cm,noheadfoot]{geometry} \usepackage{color} %% to use colours, use "xcolor" for more \usepackage{multicol} %% for multiple columns \usepackage{keystroke} %% for keyboard key images \usepackage[toc]{multitoc} %% for multi column table of contents \usepackage{tocloft} %% to customize the table of contents \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %% only display 2 levels in the contents \setlength{\cftbeforesecskip}{0cm} %% make the toc more compact \usepackage{listings} %% for nice code listings %\lstset{language={}, \lstset{language=various, %% define special comment delimiters '##(' and ')' moredelim=[s][\color{grey}\itshape\footnotesize\ttfamily]{~(}{)}, basicstyle=\ttfamily, %% fixed pitch font xleftmargin=1cm, %% margin on the left outside the frames breaklines=true, %% break long code lines breakatwhitespace=false, %% break long code lines anywhere breakindent=10pt, %% reduce the indent from 20pt to 10 postbreak=\mbox{{\color{blue}\small$\Rightarrow$\space}}, %% mark with arrow showstringspaces=false, %% dont show spaces within strings framerule=5pt, %% thickness of the frames rulecolor=\color{lightgrey}, frame=l} %% source code settings \usepackage{graphicx} %% to include images \usepackage{fancybox} %% boxes with rounded corners \usepackage{wrapfig} %% flow text around tables, images \usepackage{tabularx} %% change width of tables \usepackage[table]{xcolor} %% alternate row colour tables \usepackage{booktabs} %% for heavier rules in tables \usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec} %% sections more compact, less space \usepackage{enumitem} %% more compact and better lists \setlist{noitemsep} %% reduce list item spacing \usepackage{hyperref} %% make urls into hyperlinks \hypersetup{ %% add "pdftex," if only pdf output is required colorlinks=true, %% set up the colours for the hyperlinks linkcolor=black, %% internal document links black urlcolor=black, %% url links black filecolor=red, citecolor=red, bookmarks=true, pdfpagemode=UseOutlines} % define some colours to use \definecolor{lightgrey}{gray}{0.70} \definecolor{grey}{gray}{0.30} \titleformat{\section}[frame] %% titlesec: create framed section headings {\normalfont} {\filleft \footnotesize \enspace Section \thesection\enspace\enspace} {3pt} {\bfseries\itshape\filright} \title{Web Development using Linux} \author{} \date{27 October 2011, 6:33pm} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \setlength{\parskip}{1ex} % label lists with stars \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\star$} \begin{document} \centerline{\Large \bf Web Development using Linux} \medskip \begin{center} {\huge ``}\textit{}{\huge ''} \textsc{} \end{center} % ----------------------------------- % the toc should be 2 columns because of the \multitoc package \tableofcontents \begin{lstlisting} This book seeks to provide recipes for developing web sites using the Linux operating system, with an emphasis on command line tools. This book is not about html and css since that is covered in the html-css-book.txt VISUAL PAGE CREATION WYSIWYG @@ kompozer a graphical tool for creating pages. successor of nvu @@ bluefish an html editor IMAGES @@ linux-image-book.txt more comprehensive information about managing images with tools available for the Linux operating system. IMAGE COMPRESSION .... == tools for image compression .. webpack - .. pngout - .. == image tools .. IMAGE RESIZING .... * convert a all '.html' files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 file \begin{lstlisting} for x in $(find . -name '*.html') do iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $x > "$x.utf8"; rm $x; mv "$x.utf8" $x; done \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Managing Images} Feh is a flexible and fast tool for managing images which will be included in a web-site. See the linux-image-book for more details. \emph{ Use feh } \begin{lstlisting} feh \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Ascii Images} Converting images to 'ascii' (normal text characters) may in some circumstances be aethetically interesting. They could then be displayed within $<$pre$>$ tags with an extremely small font. \emph{ Convert an image to ascii } \begin{lstlisting} jp2a --size=40x20 imagefile.jpg \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Svg Scalable Vector Graphics} \section{Video} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{ffmpeg}] recode video files into different formats \end{description} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ video formats }} \\ \hline \texttt{ DivX } \\ \texttt{ Digital video } & Used by camcorders \\ \texttt{ avi } \\ \texttt{ mpeg } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ video tools for web-development }} \\ \hline \texttt{ stills2dv } & Creates videos from still images \\ \texttt{ kino } & Edit digital video data \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \emph{ Install kino on linux } \begin{lstlisting} sudo apt-get install kino \end{lstlisting} \section{Using Unicode Characters} Unicode characters can be used in web-pages but this technique requires that the viewer of the webpage has an adequate font installed in order to be able to view the character. \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ some special chars }} \\ \hline \texttt{ U+260E } & \&\#x260E; \&\#9742; ☎ BLACK TELEPHONE \\ \texttt{ U+260F } & \&\#x260F; \&\#9743; ☏ WHITE TELEPHONE \\ \texttt{ U+265B } & \&\#x265B; \&\#9819; ♛ BLACK CHESS QUEEN \\ \texttt{ U+265C } & \&\#x265C; \&\#9820; ♜ BLACK CHESS ROOK \\ \texttt{ U+265D } & \&\#x265D; \&\#9821; ♝ BLACK CHESS BISHOP \\ \texttt{ U+265E } & \&\#x265E; \&\#9822; ♞ BLACK CHESS KNIGHT \\ \texttt{ U+265F } & \&\#x265F; \&\#9823; ♟ BLACK CHESS PAWN \\ \texttt{ U+2660 } & \&\#x2660; \&\#9824; ♠ BLACK SPADE SUIT \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \emph{ The unicode page 'miscelaneous characters' runs from } \begin{lstlisting} 9728-9865 (decimal) or x2600-x2689 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Print out 9 random entities from the miscelaneous unicode page } \begin{lstlisting} echo "&#"{9728..9865}";" | xargs shuf -e | head -9 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Create a little tabble of random miscelaneous entities } \begin{lstlisting} echo "&#"{9728..9865}";" | xargs shuf -e | head -15 | (echo ""; cat -; echo "
") \end{lstlisting} \section{Animations} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{synfig}] studio a tool to create animations without 'tweening' (that is, drawing every image) \end{description} \section{File Transfer} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ tools for file transfer over the net }} \\ \hline \texttt{ ftp } & The old file transfer tool \\ \texttt{ rsync } & Transfer only changed or new files \\ \texttt{ sftp } & An interactive secure version of sftp \\ \texttt{ scp } & A non-interactive secure ftp \\ \texttt{ sitecopy } & Synchronize a remote site with what is local \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Web Site Mirroring} \emph{ Download all images from a site } \begin{lstlisting} wget -r -l1 --no-parent -nH -nd -P/tmp -A".gif,.jpg" http://example.com/images \end{lstlisting} \section{Transfering Files} An important part of creating a website is the process of moving file to and from the server. One wants to do this in a simple and efficient manner, while guarding against the possibility of accidentally overwriting files with older or bad versions. Unix and Linux have a wide smorgasboard of tools for the purpose of achieving these transfers. \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ command line file transfer tools }} \\ \hline \texttt{ rsync } & Powerful and complicated, synchronise files \\ \texttt{ scp } & Fast and simple, securely copy \\ \texttt{ sftp } & An interactive way to copy files across the web \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ older tools }} \\ \hline \texttt{ ftp } & An insecure copy method, use sftp instead \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ graphical tools }} \\ \hline \texttt{ the firefox copy ?? } \\ \subsection{Ssh File System} Linux has a special file system available called the 'sshfs' which allows the user to mount a remote folder tree as if it was a local file system (although the accesses will seem a little slower). This may be more enjoyable than using an ssh shell since the remote file system 'seems' to be local. The only requirement is that the remote computer be running an 'ssh' secure shell server and that you have a login name and password for that system. \emph{ Install the sshfs remote file system. } \begin{lstlisting} sudo apt-get install sshfs \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Mount an ssh (remote) file system } \begin{lstlisting} sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Unmount an ssh file system } \begin{lstlisting} fusermount -u ~/sshfs_mounted_directory \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Scp} Scp stands for 'secure copy program'. It is a non-interactive tool well suited for including in scripts. \emph{ Bash function to upload a file via scp to the 'rpike' a/c on the server } \begin{lstlisting} upfile() { scp $1 rpike@server.net:$1 } \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Upload and overwrite all '.txt' files to the 'doc/' folder on far.net } \begin{lstlisting} scp *.txt eva@far.net:doc/ \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Download 2 files from the server using the account 'user' } \begin{lstlisting} scp user@server.net:"chap1.txt chap2.txt" ~/books \end{lstlisting} \section{Posting Data} \emph{ Submit data to a HTML form with POST method and save the response } \begin{lstlisting} curl -sd 'rid=value&submit=SUBMIT' > out.html \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Post with a proxy and authentication } \begin{lstlisting} curl -F name='../htdocs/notes/'$1 -F contents='<'$1 -u user:upass -x prox.net:8080 -U bob:proxpass http://serv.net/save.cgi \end{lstlisting} \section{Html Stuff} \subsection{Html Links} \emph{ Extract the hyperlinks ($<$a$>$ tags) from a webpage } \begin{lstlisting} lynx -dump -listonly www.server.net/page.html \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Find most of the urls within an html file } \begin{lstlisting} egrep 'https?://([[:alpha:]]([-[:alnum:]]+[[:alnum:]])*\.)+[[:alpha:]]{2,3}(: \d+)?(/([-\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?' \end{lstlisting} \section{Entities} \emph{ Encode HTML entities } \begin{lstlisting} perl -MHTML::Entities -ne 'print encode_entities($_)' /tmp/subor.txt \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Or use xmlstarlet to encode entities. } \section{Bash And Web Development} Using the bash shell to develop web-sites maybe quite efficient, if unconventional. \emph{ Possibly the simplest way to create a web-page from text } \begin{lstlisting} cat file.txt | (echo '
'; cat -; echo '
') \end{lstlisting} \emph{ A simpler way } \begin{lstlisting} echo '
'; cat file.txt; echo '
') \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Templating With Bash} \emph{ A simple template technique with bash } \begin{lstlisting} export a=b; echo -e 'one\ntwo\nand ' | (echo 'cat << EE';sed 's//$a/g'; echo 'EE') | bash \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Use the technique above to substitute the date into the template } \begin{lstlisting} cat template | (echo 'cat << EE';sed 's//$(date)/g'; echo 'EE') | bash \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Folder Listings} \emph{ List only folders } \begin{lstlisting} ls -d */ | (echo '
    '; cat -; echo '
') \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Make an html directory listing out of the current folder } \begin{lstlisting} echo "echo -e \"{$(echo * | tr ' ' ',')}"\" | bash \end{lstlisting} \emph{ List all files and folders, no links } \begin{lstlisting} a=$(echo *); echo 'echo -e "\n
  • "{'${a//" "/,}'}"
  • "' | bash \end{lstlisting} \emph{ List only folders, no links } \begin{lstlisting} a=$(echo */); echo 'echo -e "\n
  • "{'${a//" "/,}'}"
  • "' | bash \end{lstlisting} \emph{ A for loop method to list only sub-folders as an html list } \begin{lstlisting} echo "
      " for d in $(ls -d */); do echo "
    • $d
    • " done echo "
    " \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Another for loop method to list only sub-folders as an html list } \begin{lstlisting} echo "
      " for d in */; do echo "
    • $d
    • " done echo "
    " \end{lstlisting} \emph{ List subfolders as html links } \begin{lstlisting} echo "
      " for d in */; do echo "
    • $d
    • " done echo "
    " \end{lstlisting} \emph{ List subfolders as html links using a brace loop } \begin{lstlisting} echo "
      " for d in */ { echo "
    • $d
    • "; } echo "
    " \end{lstlisting} \section{Bash Cgi Programming} While it is most common for Cgi web-scripts to be written in the Perl language, it is also possible to write them using the normal Bash shell scripting language. Whether this is a good idea is completely another question... \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type\#List_of_common_media_types}] A list of common ``media types'' (such as ``text/html'') which are used in the ``Content-Type:'' field of the Cgi script. \end{description} \begin{itemize} \item use the ``2$>$\&1'' idiom at the end of script lines to redirect an error message to the ``standard output'' (which in the case of a Cgi script is the web-browser of the script visitor). This allows you, the developer to see what is going wrong with your bash cgi script. \item using ``here'' documents with a bash cgi script is a simple way to produce content. \item \end{itemize} \subsection{The Bash Cgi Gotchas} \begin{itemize} \item the content-type line has to be before /anything/ or else nothing is printed. \end{itemize} \emph{ There must be an empty line after the ``content-type'' line. } \begin{lstlisting} echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "...the query string is $QUERY_STRING" 2>&1 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ A bash cgi script indicating that the character set is ``utf8'' } \begin{lstlisting} #!/bin/bash echo "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" echo echo "A Bash UTF8 Cgi Script!" 2>&1 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Show error messages in the browser generated by a cgi script line } \begin{lstlisting} ech "this is a mistake" 2>&1 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Show error messages in the browser with output redirection } \begin{lstlisting} ech "this is a mistake" 2>&1 >save.txt \end{lstlisting} (note that the 2$>$\&1 should come before the file redirection) \emph{ A cgi script which displays several environment variables } \begin{lstlisting} #!/bin/bash cat << ENDxxx Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 A bash cgi script
    ENDxxx \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Getting And Decoding Form Data} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://oinkzwurgl.org/bash_cgi}] bash functions for decoding cgi form data \item[\url{http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/ProcCGIsh.html}] a bash script and c program for decoding cgi form data. The c program needs to be compiled. \end{description} Data sent from an html form to a web server can be sent in 2 different ways; in the querystring itself (the 'GET' method) and in the HTTP headers (the 'POST' method). If the data is 'posted' then the cgi script will receive the data on the standard input Data sent from an html form has to be url decoded. \emph{ Data ``posted'' from an html form can be read from the standard input } \begin{lstlisting} read postdata ~(the content length should first be checked) \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting} postdata=$(" | tidy -e - 2>&1 | less \end{lstlisting} \section{Curl Stuff} \emph{ Getting a page via an authenticating proxy server } \begin{lstlisting} curl -x proxy.utas.edu.au:8080 -U bobj http://www.server.net \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Get a page via authenticating proxy server as user 'bob' password 'sec' } \begin{lstlisting} curl -x proxy.net:8080 -U bob:sec http://www.server.net \end{lstlisting} Supplying the password in this manner is possibly not a good idea from a security point of view \emph{ Download a text file through a proxy and edit it with vim } \begin{lstlisting} function edn { curl -x proxy.org.au:8080 -U bob:pass www.serv.net/a.txt -o ~/notes.txt vim ~/notes.txt } \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Upload a file to webserver w cgi script with http authententication, } \begin{lstlisting} function up { [ -z "$1" ] && echo 'no parameter' && return 1; curl -F name='../htdocs/notes/'$1 -F contents='<'$1 -u user:upass -x prox.net:8080 -U bob:proxpass http://serv.net/save.cgi } \end{lstlisting} \section{Perl Tricks} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ useful modules }} \\ \hline \texttt{ www::mechanize } \\ \texttt{ lwp } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \emph{ A perl mechanize example } \begin{lstlisting} # navigate to the main page $mech->get('http://www.somesite.com/'); # follow a link that contains the text 'download this' $mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/download this/i ); # submit a POST form, to log into the site $mech->submit_form( with_fields => { username => 'mungo', password => 'lost-and-alone', } ); # save the results as a file $mech->save_content('somefile.zip'); \end{lstlisting} \section{Php} \emph{ Testing php configuration } \begin{lstlisting} php -r "phpinfo\(\);" \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Get the urls from a webpage } \begin{lstlisting} $browser->getUrls() \end{lstlisting} \section{Crawling} .. ScriptableBrowser (simpletest) \section{Load Testing} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ tools }} \\ \hline \texttt{ funkload } & Web testing \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Stuff Used In Google Chrome} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ tools used in google chrome }} \\ \hline \texttt{ bsdiff } & \\ \texttt{ bspatch } & \\ \texttt{ bzip2 } & \\ \texttt{ dtoa } & \\ \texttt{ hunspell } & \\ \texttt{ ICU } & \\ \texttt{ JSCRE } & Libjpeg, libpng, libxml, libxslt, LZMA SDK, modp\_b64, \\ \texttt{ Mozilla interface to Java Plugin APIs } & \\ \texttt{ npapi } & Nspr, nss, Pthreads for win32, sqlite, \\ \texttt{ tlslite } & V8 assembler, WebKit, WTL, zlib \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Forum Sites} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{ask.metafilter.com}] visited by knowledgable people @@ \end{description} \section{Serving Pages} \emph{ Share the current directory tree (via http) at http://\$HOSTNAME:8000/ } \begin{lstlisting} python -m SimpleHTTPServer \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Create a webserver to share all files in /tmp/mydocs on port 8081 } \begin{lstlisting} wbox servermode webroot /tmp/mydocs \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Create a webserver to share all files in /tmp/mydocs on port 8080 } \begin{lstlisting} wbox servermode serverport 8080 webroot /tmp/mydocs \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Sharing file through http 80 port } \begin{lstlisting} nc -w 5 -v -l -p 80 < file.ext \end{lstlisting} \section{Cgi Servers} \emph{ A simple cgi server } \begin{lstlisting} python -m CGIHTTPServer 8080 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Some kind of perl cgi server } \begin{lstlisting} HTTP::Simple::PSGI \end{lstlisting} \section{Small Webservers} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://ask.metafilter.com/65481/Help-me-find-a-cool-little-unix-http-utility-I-cant-remember}] some good things about mini web servers \item[\url{http://hping.org/wbox/}] site for wbox \end{description} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ small quick and easy webservers }} \\ \hline \texttt{ wbox } & Http server \\ \texttt{ thttpd } & Small web server \\ \texttt{ mini\_httpd } & Same author as thttpd but smaller \\ \texttt{ webfs } & Serves a file system from the web \\ \texttt{ busybox httpd command } & Small webservery thing \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Wbox} \emph{ Show how long each part of a webpage takes to generate } \begin{lstlisting} wbox nowhere.net/page.html timesplit 1 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Show the http header information for a page } \begin{lstlisting} wbox www.google.it/notexistingpage.html 1 showhdr \end{lstlisting} \section{Mac Osx} Installed by default are php, curl, \section{Templating} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2001/08/21/templating.html}] an article about using templating systems with perl \end{description} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ tools }} \\ \hline \texttt{ Template Toolkit } & Almost active development, perl, and python \\ \texttt{ HTML::Mason } & ? callback style, active as of 2010 \\ \texttt{ Embperl } & Embedd perl into webpages, stopped 2006 \\ \texttt{ HTML::Template } & Perl template module \\ \texttt{ Text::Template } & A general purpose templater \\ \texttt{ Apache::ASP } & Use asp with apache, stopped 2004 \\ \texttt{ CGI::FastTemplate } & Another one \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://template-toolkit.org/}] the site for the template toolkit \end{description} \section{Template Toolkit} \emph{ Example statement using dot notation. } \begin{lstlisting} How are things in [% customer.address.city %]? \end{lstlisting} \emph{ A for loop } \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{\% FOREACH list \%} $<$a href=``[\% url \%]''$>$$<$b$>$[\% name \%]$<$/a$>$$<$/a$>$ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{\% END \%} ,,, \section{Html Template} \emph{ Example loop with html::template } ----- $<$TMPL\_LOOP list$>$ $<$a href=``$<$TMPL\_VAR url$>$''$>$$<$b$>$$<$TMPL\_VAR name$>$$<$/b$>$$<$/A$>$ $<$/TMPL\_LOOP$>$ ,,, \subsection{Mason} Seems to be in active development. It can be run without a webserver \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://www.masonhq.com/}] the official site \end{description} \emph{ Install mason using apt-get } \begin{lstlisting} apt-get install libmason-perl ~(??? unchecked) \end{lstlisting} \section{Perl Stuff} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ some interesting perl web modules }} \\ \hline \texttt{ Dancer } & Perl web apps with good examples \\ \texttt{ Web::Simple } & Simple web apps \\ \texttt{ CGI::Application } \\ \texttt{ Catalyst } & Big web apps \\ \texttt{ Mason } \\ \texttt{ Mojolicious } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \subsection{Web Simple} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://search.cpan.org/~mstrout/Web-Simple-0.002/lib/Web/Simple.pm}] the documentation for web simple \end{description} Developed in 2009. Can create a webapplication without a webserver \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{hobbs}] at stackoverflow.com knowledgable perl web person \end{description} \section{Cpan Tool Crash Course} \emph{ Start a cpan shell to install mason } \begin{lstlisting} perl -MCPAN -e 'shell' \end{lstlisting} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ simple cpan shell }} \\ \hline \texttt{ h } & Show help \\ \texttt{ get } & Get the source for a module \\ \texttt{ make } & Compile ? the module \\ \texttt{ test } & Test a module \\ \texttt{ install } & Do all of get, make, test \\ \texttt{ clean } & Get rid of a badly installed module \\ \texttt{ look } & See whats happening \\ \texttt{ readme } & See whats going on \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://www.livejournal.com/doc/server/lj.install.perl_setup.modules.html}] a list of potentially useful modules used with livejournal \end{description} \emph{ Upgrade cpan but could cause problems ??? } \begin{lstlisting} perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install Bundle::CPAN cpan> reload cpan \end{lstlisting} \section{Getting Web Pages From The Command Line} \emph{ Http get of a web page via proxy server with login credentials } \begin{lstlisting} curl -U username[:password] -x proxy:proxyport webpage \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Use netcat to get a webpage } \begin{lstlisting} echo "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\r" | nc -v www.somewebsite.com 80 \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Get a webpage with the console php tool } \begin{lstlisting} php -r "file('http://metafilter.com/');" \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Get a webpage with perl } \begin{lstlisting} perl -MHTTP::Client -e 'print HTTP::Client->new()->get("http://localhost/path")' \end{lstlisting} \emph{ A simpler way to do the same } \begin{lstlisting} perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'get("http://www.metafilter.com/")' \end{lstlisting} \section{Load Testing} \emph{ Perform 4 queries per second (with 4 processes) on the local webserver } \begin{lstlisting} wbox http://localhost clients 4 \end{lstlisting} \section{Blog Engines} \texttt{ serendipity } & A blog engine with database backend \\ \texttt{ bilboblog } & A simple engine \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Cms Systems} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ a small summary }} \\ \hline \texttt{ redmine } & Popular small software orientated (ruby \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Notes} google uses python \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{http://unixmages.com/}] an unrelated but interesting site \end{description} \section{Google Cli} Google provides a command line interface to its services such as the 'picasa' photo album service. This may be useful for scripting etc. \emph{ Post to a blogger blog } \begin{lstlisting} google blogger post --tags "GoogleCL, awesome" --title "Test Post" "I'm posting from the command line" \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Post to a blogger blog using the file 'post.txt' as the text } \begin{lstlisting} google blogger post post.txt \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting} google blogger list title,url-site # List posts \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting} google blogger delete --title "Test Post" \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting} google delete --title "Silly post number [0-9]*" # Delete posts matching regex \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting} google tag --title "Dev post" --tags "Python, software" # label an existing post \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Examples of putting photos in picasa from the command line } \begin{lstlisting} google picasa create --title "Vermont Test" --tags Vermont vermont.jpg google picasa get --title "Vermont Test" /path/to/download/folder google picasa list title,url-direct --query "A tag" google picasa post --title "Vermont Test" ~/old_photos/*.jpg # Add to an album google picasa tag --title "Vermont Test" --tags "places" google picasa delete --title "Vermont Test" # delete entire album \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Examples of posting to youtube from command line } \begin{lstlisting} google youtube post --category Education --devtags GoogleCL killer_robots.avi google youtube delete --title "killer_robots.avi" google youtube list # list my videos google youtube tag -n ".*robot.*" --tags robot \end{lstlisting} \section{Miscelaneous} \emph{ Query wikipedia via dns by requesting a 'txt' record } \begin{lstlisting} dig +short txt .wp.dg.cx \end{lstlisting} \emph{ Query wikipedia via dns for the term 'bash' } \begin{lstlisting} dig +short txt bash.wp.dg.cx \end{lstlisting} \section{Jargon} \arrayrulecolor{gray} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |rl| } \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ web jargon }} \\ \hline \begin{description}[labelindent=1cm, leftmargin=2cm, style=nextline] \item[\url{the}] net and the web The net is the internet and all its protocols such as ftp, ssh, http etc where as the web consists of just the http and https protocol and therefor webpages. \item[\url{download}] transfer files from a net server to your local computer \item[\url{markup}] a way of embedding extra information in a document with the use of 'tags' or 'codes'. Html is an example of markup. \item[\url{minimalist}] mark-up minimalist mark-up is a markup language which attempts to use the minimum number of tags possible to embedd in the document. The purpose of this system is not to interfere psychologically with the human readers and writers of the document who may be distracted and confused by bulky and numerous tags. An example of minimalist markup is 'markdown' or most 'wiki' markup languages \item[\url{wiki}] Is a web site or document which many or most web-visitors are able to edit. \item[\url{web}] 2.0 The term encapsulates the idea of the web as a collaborative medium for the compilation and consumption of information, rather that a 'uni-directional' information source. The television is an example of a uni-directional information source since the viewer is unable to effect its transmissions, apart from changing channel or switching off. The web 2.0 is multi-directional because the user can create and modify the content (through the use of wikis, and collaborative sites). \item[\url{tags}] mark-up languages often use 'tags' in order to embedd information in text documents. Usually there is a start tag and an end tag which surrounds the information to which it pertains. For example in the text ``$<$em$>$tree$<$/em$>$'' the word 'tree' is surrounded by the start and end html tag ``$<$em$>$''. This system is used by various mark-up languages such as html, xml and sgml. \item[\url{semantic}] markup the use of mark-up codes or tags to indicate 'semantic' information rather than 'visual display or layout' information. The phrase 'semantic information' may be a tautology. An example of 'visual display' markup are the html $<$big$>$ and $<$small$>$ tags which indicate to the document rendering software the text should be displayed bigger or small than the normal sized text. Semantic markup is considered to be 'good' in the w3c world and among ideologists, since information is not lost in a forest of meaningless layout tags. \item[\url{plain}] text plain text is the basis of the internet and web. Plain text is any data which represents a stream of characters in a human writing system which is encoded electronically according to a standard 'text encoding'. An example of these encoding are utf8, ascii, or latin1. Modern unicode text encodings (such as utf8) can represent any character in any human language which has an established writing system \item[\url{separation}] of content and presentation a much bandied about phrase. \item[\url{style}] sheets documents which indicate how other documents should be displayed. A number of style sheet languages exist but the most common is 'css' cascading style sheets. \item[\url{cms}] - content management system A content management system is supposedly a way to quickly build websites focussing on the content of that site rather than web-development issues and design issues. There are a dizzying array of free and open-source cms systems available \item[\url{version}] control system is a way of managing changes to files made by potentially many people, simultaneously \item[\url{database}] a way of storing data which is supposedly secure and convenient. many database systems exist with the simplest being a text file database, and the most command being a 'relational' database which stores information in a series of linked tables. Databases are often used to store the content of web-sites \item[\url{content}] This is a much used web-term which relates to the information which a web-site contains as opposed to the visual or technical design of the site \item[\url{documentroot}] \end{description} \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document}