% latex generated by the script '/home/project-web/bumble/cgi-bin/text2latex.cgi' % with help from the sed script 'text2latex.sed' % query string: 'books/linux-print/linux-print-book' % sFileName= 'linux-print-book' % sDirName = 'books/linux-print' % sName = '' --> % latex by http://bumble.sourceforge.net/scripts/text2latex.sed % this script is a work in progress \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[hmargin=2cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \\&\\& The Linux Print booklet --------------------------: This booklet is about creating printed copies of documents using the linux operating system. It will have a big focus on ways of creating pdf documents. * Count the number of pages of all PDFs in current directory and >> find . -name \\$\\backslash\\$*.pdf -exec pdfinfo \{\} \\$\\backslash\\$; | grep Pages | sed -e "s/Pages:\\$\\backslash\\$s*//g" | awk '\{ sum += \\$1;\} END \{ print sum; \}' * find string into one pdf file >> find / -iname '*.pdf' -print -exec pdftotext '\{\}' - \\$\\backslash\\$; | grep --color -i "unix" * printing barcodes >> ls /home | head -64 | barcode -t 4x16 | lpr \end{document} %end generated latex